ETV release 1.0.4

runge 18 years ago
parent b65eaf1d1f
commit 52ed38f647

@ -64,6 +64,8 @@ The enhanced TightVNC viewer features are:
- xgrabserver support for fullscreen mode, for old window
managers (-grab option, Unix only).
- Create or Import SSL Certificates and Private Keys.
- Automatic Service tunnelling via SSH for CUPS and SMB Printing,
ESD/ARTSD Audio, and SMB (Windows/Samba) filesystem mounting.
@ -72,9 +74,14 @@ The enhanced TightVNC viewer features are:
a hook is also provided to run any port knocking client before a
- You can also use your own VNC Viewer, e.g. UltraVNC or RealVNC,
with the front-end if you like.
- Sets up any additional SSH port redirections that you want.
Your package should have included binaries for many OS's: Linux, Solaris,
FreeBSD, etc. See the subdirectories of
FreeBSD, etc. Unpack your archive and see the subdirectories of
@ -100,7 +107,8 @@ README is in) and like this:
The programs:
The wrapper scripts:
Unpack your archive, and you will see "bin", "Windows", "src" directories
and other files. The wrapper scripts:
@ -133,7 +141,7 @@ assuming $HOME/bin is in your $PATH:
"install" this package on Unix.
On Windows run:
On Windows unpack your archive and run:
@ -141,6 +149,9 @@ On Windows run:
The following assume you are in the toplevel directory of the
archive you unpacked.
Use enhanced TightVNC unix viewer to connect to x11vnc via SSL:
./bin/ssl_tightvncviewer far-away.east:0
@ -213,12 +224,16 @@ See also:
Unpack the zip archive somewhere.
A wrapper to create a STUNNEL tunnel and then launch the
Windows TightVNC viewer is provided in:
Just launch it and fill in the remote VNC display.
Just launch it (Start ... Run) and fill in the remote VNC
display then click "Connect". You can make a shortcut if
you prefer.
Click the Help buttons for more info. There is also a
Windows/README.txt file.
@ -226,3 +241,4 @@ Windows:
On Windows you may need to terminate the STUNNEL process
from the System Tray if the tool cannot terminate it
by itself. Just right-click on the STUNNEL icon.

@ -841,9 +841,32 @@ proc contag {} {
set str "-$str-$concount"
proc make_plink {} {
catch {destroy .plink}
toplevel .plink
#wm geometry .plink +700+500
wm geometry .plink -40-40
wm title .plink "plink SSH status?"
set wd 37
label .plink.l1 -anchor w -text "Login via plink/ssh to the remote server" -width $wd
label .plink.l2 -anchor w -text "(supply username and password as needed)." -width $wd
label .plink.l3 -anchor w -text "" -width $wd
label .plink.l4 -anchor w -text "After ssh is set up, AND if the connection" -width $wd
label .plink.l5 -anchor w -text "success is not autodetected, please click" -width $wd
label .plink.l6 -anchor w -text "one of these buttons:" -width $wd
global plink_status
button -text "Failed" -command {destroy .plink; set plink_status no}
button .plink.ok -text "Success" -command {destroy .plink; set plink_status yes}
pack .plink.l1 .plink.l2 .plink.l3 .plink.l4 .plink.l5 .plink.l6 .plink.ok -side top -fill x
#wm deiconify .plink
proc launch_windows_ssh {hp file n} {
global is_win9x
global use_sshssl use_ssh putty_pw
global port_knocking_list
set hpnew [get_ssh_hp $hp]
set proxy [get_ssh_proxy $hp]
@ -865,7 +888,10 @@ proc launch_windows_ssh {hp file n} {
if {$vnc_disp < 200} {
set vnc_port 5900
if {![regexp {^[0-9][0-9]*$} $vnc_disp]} {
} elseif {$vnc_disp < 200} {
set vnc_port [expr $vnc_disp + 5900]
} else {
set vnc_port $vnc_disp
@ -901,6 +927,9 @@ proc launch_windows_ssh {hp file n} {
set pwd [pwd]
regsub -all {/} $pwd "\\" pwd
if {! [regexp {^[0-9][0-9]*$} $n]} {
set n 0
set use [expr $n + 5900]
@ -1042,6 +1071,9 @@ proc launch_windows_ssh {hp file n} {
set plink_str "putty.exe -ssh -C -P $ssh_port $extra_redirs -t $pw $ssh_host"
} else {
set plink_str "start \"putty $ssh_host\" putty.exe -ssh -C -P $ssh_port $extra_redirs -t $pw $ssh_host"
if [regexp {FINISH} $port_knocking_list] {
regsub {start} $plink_str "start /wait" plink_str
} else {
set plink_str "plink.exe -ssh -C -P $ssh_port $extra_redirs -t $pw $ssh_host"
@ -1066,7 +1098,7 @@ proc launch_windows_ssh {hp file n} {
catch {destroy .o}
catch {destroy .oa}
if { ![do_port_knock $ssh_host]} {
if { ![do_port_knock $ssh_host start]} {
catch {file delete $file}
if {$file_cmd != ""} {
catch {file delete $file_cmd}
@ -1092,7 +1124,6 @@ proc launch_windows_ssh {hp file n} {
if {$file_pre != ""} {
exec $com /c $file_pre &
set sl 0
if {$use_smbmnt} {
global smb_su_mode
@ -1111,17 +1142,30 @@ proc launch_windows_ssh {hp file n} {
set sl [expr $sl + 5]
set st [clock seconds]
set dt 0
global entered_gui_top
global entered_gui_top button_gui_top
set entered_gui_top 0
set button_gui_top 0
catch {wm geometry . "-40-40"}
catch {wm withdraw .; update; wm deiconify .; raise .; update}
mesg "Click on *This* Label when done with 1st SSH 0/$sl"
after 600
exec $com /c $file_pre &
catch {lower .; update; raise .; update}
while {$dt < $sl} {
after 100
set dt [clock seconds]
set dt [expr $dt - $st]
mesg "Click or Enter when done with 1st SSH $dt/$sl"
mesg "Click on *This* Label when done with 1st SSH $dt/$sl"
update idletasks
if {$entered_gui_top != 0 && $dt >= 3} {
if {$dt <= 1} {
set button_gui_top 0
if {$button_gui_top != 0 && $dt >= 3} {
mesg "Running 2nd SSH now ..."
after 1000
@ -1130,34 +1174,31 @@ proc launch_windows_ssh {hp file n} {
mesg "Running 2nd SSH ..."
if {! $do_shell} {
wm withdraw .
exec $com /c $file &
if {$do_shell && [regexp {FINISH} $port_knocking_list]} {
catch {exec $com /c $file}
} else {
exec $com /c $file &
after 1000
if {$do_shell} {
wm deiconify .
if {[regexp {FINISH} $port_knocking_list]} {
do_port_knock $ssh_host finish
return 1
catch {destroy .plink}
toplevel .plink
wm title .plink "plink SSH status?"
set wd 37
label .plink.l1 -anchor w -text "Login via plink/ssh to the remote server" -width $wd
label .plink.l2 -anchor w -text "(supply username and password as needed)." -width $wd
label .plink.l3 -anchor w -text "" -width $wd
label .plink.l4 -anchor w -text "After ssh is set up, AND if the connection" -width $wd
label .plink.l5 -anchor w -text "success is not autodetected, please click" -width $wd
label .plink.l6 -anchor w -text "one of these buttons:" -width $wd
if {$is_win9x} {
global plink_status
button -text "Failed" -command {destroy .plink; set plink_status no}
button .plink.ok -text "Success" -command {destroy .plink; set plink_status yes}
pack .plink.l1 .plink.l2 .plink.l3 .plink.l4 .plink.l5 .plink.l6 .plink.ok -side top -fill x
wm geometry .plink +700+500
wm deiconify .plink
set plink_status ""
set waited 0
set cnt 0
@ -1176,14 +1217,13 @@ proc launch_windows_ssh {hp file n} {
if {$waited == 0} {
wm deiconify .plink
#wm deiconify .plink
set waited [expr "$waited + 500"]
incr cnt
if {$cnt >= 12} {
set cnt 0
#catch {wm deiconify .plink}
if {$plink_status == ""} {
@ -1213,6 +1253,10 @@ proc launch_windows_ssh {hp file n} {
wm deiconify .
mesg "Disconnected from $hp"
if [regexp {FINISH} $port_knocking_list] {
do_port_knock $ssh_host finish
if {$file != ""} {
catch {file delete $file}
@ -1360,7 +1404,7 @@ proc do_unix_pre {tag proxy hp pk_hp} {
set c "$c -sshargs '$smb_redir_0'"
if {! [do_port_knock $pk_hp]} {
if {! [do_port_knock $pk_hp start]} {
set did_port_knock 1
@ -1410,6 +1454,7 @@ proc launch_unix {hp} {
global smb_redir_0 smb_mounts
global sound_daemon_remote_cmd sound_daemon_remote_port sound_daemon_kill sound_daemon_restart
global sound_daemon_local_cmd sound_daemon_local_port sound_daemon_local_kill sound_daemon_local_start
global port_knocking_list
set cmd ""
@ -1505,14 +1550,24 @@ proc launch_unix {hp} {
set pk_hp $hp
if {! $did_port_knock} {
if {! [do_port_knock $pk_hp]} {
if {! [do_port_knock $pk_hp start]} {
set did_port_knock 1
exec xterm -geometry $geometry -title "SHELL to $hp" \
-e sh -c "$cmd" &
if {[regexp {FINISH} $port_knocking_list]} {
wm withdraw .
exec xterm -geometry $geometry \
-title "SHELL to $hp" -e sh -c "$cmd"
wm deiconify .
do_port_knock $pk_hp finish
} else {
exec xterm -geometry $geometry \
-title "SHELL to $hp" -e sh -c "$cmd" &
@ -1598,7 +1653,6 @@ proc launch_unix {hp} {
catch {destroy .o}
catch {destroy .oa}
wm withdraw .
if {$sound_daemon_local_start && $sound_daemon_local_cmd != ""} {
@ -1612,12 +1666,15 @@ proc launch_unix {hp} {
set pk_hp $hp
if {! $did_port_knock} {
if {! [do_port_knock $pk_hp]} {
if {! [do_port_knock $pk_hp start]} {
wm deiconify .
set did_port_knock 1
wm withdraw .
set geometry [xterm_center_geometry]
set xrm1 "*.srinterCommand:true"
@ -1647,6 +1704,9 @@ proc launch_unix {hp} {
wm deiconify .
mesg "Disconnected from $hp"
if {[regexp {FINISH} $port_knocking_list]} {
do_port_knock $pk_hp finish
proc kill_stunnel {pids} {
@ -1886,12 +1946,22 @@ proc launch {{hp ""}} {
set list [split $hp ":"]
set host [lindex $list 0]
set disp [lindex $list 1]
set disp [string trim $disp]
regsub { .*$} $disp "" disp
if {$disp == ""} {
set disp 0
set port [expr "$disp + 5900"]
set list [split $hp ":"]
set host [lindex $list 0]
set disp [lindex $list 1]
set disp [string trim $disp]
regsub { .*$} $disp "" disp
if {$disp == "" || ! [regexp {^[0-9][0-9]*$} $disp]} {
set disp 0
set port [expr "$disp + 5900"]
if {$debug} {
@ -1936,6 +2006,12 @@ proc launch {{hp ""}} {
puts $fh "verify = 2"
if {$n == ""} {
set n 10
if {$n2 == ""} {
set n2 11
puts $fh "\[vnc$n\]"
set port2 [expr "$n + 5900"]
puts $fh "accept = localhost:$port2"
@ -1952,7 +2028,7 @@ proc launch {{hp ""}} {
close $fh
if {! $did_port_knock} {
if {! [do_port_knock $host]} {
if {! [do_port_knock $host start]} {
set fail 1
set did_port_knock 1
@ -1997,6 +2073,11 @@ proc launch {{hp ""}} {
mesg "Disconnected from $hp."
global port_knocking_list
if [regexp {FINISH} $port_knocking_list] {
do_port_knock $host finish
if {[llength $pids_new] > 0} {
set plist [join $pids_new ", "]
global terminate_pids
@ -2018,7 +2099,8 @@ proc launch {{hp ""}} {
proc get_idir {str} {
proc get_idir_certs {str} {
global is_windows env
set idir ""
if {$str != ""} {
if [file isdirectory $str] {
@ -2028,16 +2110,23 @@ proc get_idir {str} {
if {$idir == ""} {
global env
if [info exists env(HOME)] {
set t "$env(HOME)/.vnc/certs"
if {$is_windows} {
set t [file dirname [pwd]]
set t "$t/certs"
if [file isdirectory $t] {
set idir $t
if {$idir == ""} {
if [info exists env(HOME)] {
set t "$env(HOME)/.vnc/certs"
if [file isdirectory $t] {
set idir $t
if {$idir == ""} {
global is_windows
if {$is_windows} {
set idir [get_profiles_dir]
@ -2050,7 +2139,7 @@ proc get_idir {str} {
proc set_mycert {} {
global mycert
set idir [get_idir $mycert]
set idir [get_idir_certs $mycert]
set t ""
if {$idir != ""} {
set t [tk_getOpenFile -initialdir $idir]
@ -2105,7 +2194,7 @@ proc show_svcert {} {
proc set_svcert {} {
global svcert crtdir
set idir [get_idir $svcert]
set idir [get_idir_certs $svcert]
set t ""
if {$idir != ""} {
set t [tk_getOpenFile -initialdir $idir]
@ -2122,7 +2211,7 @@ proc set_svcert {} {
proc set_crtdir {} {
global svcert crtdir
set idir [get_idir $crtdir]
set idir [get_idir_certs $crtdir]
set t ""
if {$idir != ""} {
set t [tk_chooseDirectory -initialdir $idir]
@ -2140,7 +2229,7 @@ proc set_crtdir {} {
proc set_createcert_file {} {
global ccert
if {[info exists ccert(FILE)]} {
set idir [get_idir $ccert(FILE)]
set idir [get_idir_certs $ccert(FILE)]
if {$idir != ""} {
set t [tk_getSaveFile -defaultextension ".pem" -initialdir $idir]
@ -2591,14 +2680,8 @@ proc create_cert {} {
set tcert(DAYS) "Days until expiration:"
if {$ccert(FILE) == ""} {
global is_windows
if {$is_windows} {
set pdir [get_profiles_dir]
set ccert(FILE) "$pdir/vnccert.pem"
} else {
set idir [get_idir ""]
set ccert(FILE) "$idir/vnccert.pem"
set idir [get_idir_certs ""]
set ccert(FILE) "$idir/vnccert.pem"
button .ccrt.cancel -text "Cancel" -command {destroy .ccrt; catch {raise .c}}
@ -2671,7 +2754,7 @@ proc import_browse {} {
set idir ""
if {$import_file != ""} {
set idir [get_idir $import_file]
set idir [get_idir_certs $import_file]
if {$idir != ""} {
set t [tk_getOpenFile -initialdir $idir]
@ -2690,15 +2773,10 @@ proc import_save_browse {} {
set idir ""
if {$import_save_file != ""} {
set idir [get_idir $import_save_file]
set idir [get_idir_certs $import_save_file]
if {$idir == ""} {
global is_windows
if {$is_windows} {
set idir [get_profiles_dir]
} else {
set idir [get_idir ""]
set idir [get_idir_certs ""]
if {$idir != ""} {
set t [tk_getSaveFile -defaultextension ".crt" -initialdir $idir]
@ -3132,6 +3210,7 @@ proc save_profile {} {
set host $h
regsub {[ ].*$} $p "" p
regsub {^.*:} $p "" p
regsub { .*$} $p "" p
if {$p == ""} {
set p 0
@ -3737,6 +3816,9 @@ set cmd(6) {
echo "--vnc-helper-exiting--"
rm -f $0
@ -3781,9 +3863,8 @@ set cmd(6) {
global use_smbmnt smb_su_mode
global use_smbmnt smb_su_mode smb_mounts
if {$use_smbmnt} {
global smb_mounts
if {$smb_mounts != ""} {
set smbm $smb_mounts
regsub -all {%USER} $smbm "__USER__" smbm
@ -3827,6 +3908,24 @@ set cmd(6) {
if {$mode == "pre"} {
set dopre 0
if {$use_smbmnt && $smb_mounts != ""} {
set dopre 1
if {$use_sound && $sound_daemon_kill} {
set dopre 1
if {$dopre} {
global is_windows
if {$is_windows} {
regsub {#FINMSG} $cmdall {echo "Now Go Click on the Label to Start the 2nd SSH"} cmdall
} else {
regsub {#FINMSG} $cmdall {echo "Finished with the 1st SSH tasks, the 2nd SSH should start shortly..."} cmdall
if {"$orig" == "$cmdall"} {
return ""
} else {
@ -5147,7 +5246,7 @@ proc read_from_pad {file} {
return $match
proc do_port_knock {hp} {
proc do_port_knock {hp mode} {
global use_port_knocking port_knocking_list
global is_windows
@ -5157,6 +5256,19 @@ proc do_port_knock {hp} {
if {$port_knocking_list == ""} {
return 1
set list $port_knocking_list
if {$mode == "finish"} {
if {! [regexp {FINISH} $list]} {
return 1
} else {
regsub {^.*FINISH} $list "" list
} elseif {$mode == "start"} {
if {[regexp {FINISH} $list]} {
regsub {FINISH.*$} $list "" list
set default_delay 0
@ -5167,10 +5279,13 @@ proc do_port_knock {hp} {
if {$host0 == ""} {
mesg "No host: $hp"
mesg "PortKnock: No host: $hp"
return 0
if [regexp {PAD=([^\n]+)} $port_knocking_list mv padfile] {
set m ""
if [regexp {PAD=([^\n]+)} $list mv padfile] {
set tlist [read_from_pad $padfile]
set tlist [string trim $tlist]
if {$tlist == "" || $tlist == "FAIL"} {
@ -5179,9 +5294,7 @@ proc do_port_knock {hp} {
-title "Error: Padfile $padfile"
return 0
regsub -all {PAD=([^\n]+)} $port_knocking_list $tlist list
} else {
set list $port_knocking_list
regsub -all {PAD=([^\n]+)} $list $tlist list
set spl ",\n\r"
@ -5203,25 +5316,30 @@ proc do_port_knock {hp} {
if [regexp {^#} $line] {
if [regexp {^sleep[ \t][ \t]*([0-9][0-9]*)} $line mv sl] {
mesg "sleep: $sl"
set m "PortKnock: sleep $sl"
mesg $m
after $sl
if [regexp {^delay[ \t][ \t]*([0-9][0-9]*)} $line mv sl] {
mesg "delay: $sl"
set m "PortKnock: delay=$sl"
mesg $m
set default_delay $sl
if [regexp {^CMD=(.*)} $line mv cmd] {
mesg "CMD: $cmd"
set m "PortKnock: CMD: $cmd"
mesg $m
eval exec $cmd
if [regexp {^CMDX=(.*)} $line mv cmd] {
set cmd [pk_expand $cmd $host0]
mesg "CMDX: $cmd"
set m "PortKnock: CMDX: $cmd"
mesg $m
eval exec $cmd
@ -5271,22 +5389,26 @@ proc do_port_knock {hp} {
if {$port == ""} {
mesg "No port found: \"$line0\""
set m "PortKnock: No port found: \"$line0\""
mesg $m
return 0
if {! [regexp {^[0-9][0-9]*$} $port]} {
mesg "Invalid port: \"$port\""
set m "PortKnock: Invalid port: \"$port\""
mesg $m
return 0
if {[regexp {[ \t]} $host]} {
mesg "Invalid host: \"$host\""
set m "PortKnock: Invalid host: \"$host\""
mesg $m
return 0
if {! [regexp {^[-A-z0-9_.][-A-z0-9_.]*$} $host]} {
mesg "Invalid host: \"$host\""
set m "PortKnock: Invalid host: \"$host\""
mesg $m
return 0
@ -5295,7 +5417,8 @@ proc do_port_knock {hp} {
set nc [find_netcat]
if {$nc == ""} {
mesg "UDP: netcat(1) not found"
set m "PortKnock: UDP: netcat(1) not found"
mesg $m
after 1000
@ -5313,7 +5436,8 @@ proc do_port_knock {hp} {
puts -nonewline $fh "$snd"
close $fh
mesg "SEND: $host $port"
set m "PortKnock: SEND: $host $port"
mesg $m
if {$is_windows} {
if {$udp} {
catch {exec $nc -d -u -w 1 "$host" "$port" < $pfile &}
@ -5330,7 +5454,8 @@ proc do_port_knock {hp} {
catch {after 50; file delete $pfile}
} elseif {$udp} {
mesg "UDP: $host $port"
set m "PortKnock: UDP: $host $port"
mesg $m
if {! $is_windows} {
catch {exec echo a | $nc -u -w 1 "$host" "$port" &}
} else {
@ -5340,7 +5465,8 @@ proc do_port_knock {hp} {
catch {exec $nc -d -u -w 1 "$host" "$port" < "nc_in.txt" &}
} else {
mesg "TCP: $host $port"
set m "PortKnock: TCP: $host $port"
mesg $m
set s ""
set emess ""
set rc [catch {set s [socket -async $host $port]} emess]
@ -5383,6 +5509,10 @@ proc do_port_knock {hp} {
if {$is_windows} {
catch {file delete "nc_in.txt"}
if {$m != ""} {
set m "$m,"
mesg "PortKnock: done"
return 1
@ -5481,6 +5611,14 @@ proc port_knocking_dialog {} {
the VNC/SSH host. By default, the VNC/SSH host is the one the packet is
sent to.
If one of the items is the string "FINISH", then the part before it is
used prior to connecting and the part after is used once the connection
is finished. This can be used, say, to close the firewall port. Example:
5433, 12321, FINISH, 7659, 2314
(or one can split them up via lines as above.)
Advanced port knock actions:
@ -5940,10 +6078,11 @@ bind . <Control-q> "destroy .; exit"
bind . <Shift-Escape> "destroy .; exit"
bind . <Control-s> "launch_shell_only"
global entered_gui_top
global entered_gui_top button_gui_top
set entered_gui_top 0
set button_gui_top 0
bind . <Enter> {set entered_gui_top 1}
bind .l <ButtonPress> {set button_gui_top 1}
bind .f.l <ButtonPress> {set button_gui_top 1}
