x11vnc: set to next release (0.9.1)

runge 18 years ago
parent 65f77eb0a2
commit 2d0b184f8b

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
cd "$(dirname "$0")"

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
x11vnc README file Date: Wed Apr 18 18:46:50 EDT 2007
x11vnc README file Date: Wed Apr 18 22:27:25 EDT 2007
The following information is taken from these URLs:
@ -403,7 +403,7 @@ vncviewer -via $host localhost:0 # must be TightVNC vncviewer.
The x11vnc package is the subset of the libvncserver package needed to
build the x11vnc program. Also, you can get a copy of my latest,
bleeding edge [72]x11vnc-0.9.tar.gz tarball to build the most up to
bleeding edge [72]x11vnc-0.9.1.tar.gz tarball to build the most up to
date one.
Precompiled Binaries/Packages: See the [73]FAQ below for information
@ -435,13 +435,13 @@ vncviewer -via $host localhost:0 # must be TightVNC vncviewer.
Building x11vnc:
If your OS has libjpeg.so and libz.so in standard locations you can
build as follows (example given for the 0.8.4 release of x11vnc:
replace with the version you downloaded):
build as follows (example given for the 0.9 release of x11vnc: replace
with the version you downloaded):
(un-tar the x11vnc+libvncserver tarball)
# gzip -dc x11vnc-0.8.4.tar.gz | tar -xvf -
# gzip -dc x11vnc-0.9.tar.gz | tar -xvf -
(cd to the source directory)
# cd x11vnc-0.8.4
# cd x11vnc-0.9
(run configure and then run make)
# ./configure
@ -657,13 +657,14 @@ make
I don't have any formal beta-testers for the releases of x11vnc, so
I'd appreciate any additional testing very much.
Thanks to those who suggested features and helped beta test x11vnc
0.8.4 released in Feb 2007!
Thanks to those who suggested features and helped beta test x11vnc 0.9
released in Apr 2007!
Please help test and debug the 0.9 version for release sometime in
Spring 2007.
Please help test and debug the 0.9.1 version for release sometime in
Summer 2007.
The version 0.9 beta tarball is kept here: [91]x11vnc-0.9.tar.gz
The version 0.9.1 beta tarball is kept here:
There are also some Linux, Solaris, Mac OS X, and other OS test
binaries [92]here. Please kick the tires and report bugs, performance
@ -678,7 +679,7 @@ make
[97]Enhanced TightVNC Viewer (SSVNC) page.
Here are some features that will appear in the 0.9 release:
Here are some features that will appear in the 0.9.1 release:
* [98]Viewer-side pixmap caching. This one will benefit from much
testing. A large area of pixels (at least 2-3 times as big as the
framebuffer itself; the bigger the better... default is 12X) is
@ -690,6 +691,9 @@ make
"-ncache 12". The unix Enhanced TightVNC Viewer [99]ssvnc has a
nice [100]-ycrop option to help hide the pixel cache area from
Here are some features that appeared in the 0.9 release:
* [101]VNC Service advertising via mDNS / ZeroConf / BonJour with
the [102]Avahi client library. Enable via "[103]-avahi".
* Implementations of UltraVNC's TextChat, SingleWindow, and
@ -7320,7 +7324,7 @@ References
69. http://sourceforge.net/projects/libvncserver/
70. http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=32584&package_id=119006&release_id=483129
71. http://sourceforge.net/project/shownotes.php?release_id=483129&group_id=32584
72. http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/x11vnc-0.9.tar.gz
72. http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/x11vnc-0.9.1.tar.gz
73. http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/index.html#faq-binaries
74. http://www.tightvnc.com/download.html
75. http://www.realvnc.com/download-free.html
@ -7339,7 +7343,7 @@ References
88. http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/index.html#faq-solaris251build
89. http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/index.html#faq-macosx
90. http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/index.html#faq-ssl-tunnel-int
91. http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/x11vnc-0.9.tar.gz
91. http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/x11vnc-0.9.1.tar.gz
92. http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/bins
93. mailto:xvml-beta@karlrunge.com
94. http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/index.html#faq-ssl-tunnel-int
@ -10519,7 +10523,7 @@ x11vnc: a VNC server for real X displays
Here are all of x11vnc command line options:
% x11vnc -opts (see below for -help long descriptions)
x11vnc: allow VNC connections to real X11 displays. 0.9 lastmod: 2007-04-18
x11vnc: allow VNC connections to real X11 displays. 0.9.1 lastmod: 2007-04-18
x11vnc options:
-display disp -auth file -N
@ -10568,35 +10572,38 @@ x11vnc options:
-alphacut n -alphafrac fraction -alpharemove
-noalphablend -nocursorshape -cursorpos
-nocursorpos -xwarppointer -noxwarppointer
-buttonmap string -nodragging -wireframe [str]
-nowireframe -nowireframelocal -wirecopyrect mode
-nowirecopyrect -debug_wireframe -scrollcopyrect mode
-noscrollcopyrect -scr_area n -scr_skip list
-scr_inc list -scr_keys list -scr_term list
-scr_keyrepeat lo-hi -scr_parms string -fixscreen string
-debug_scroll -noxrecord -grab_buster
-nograb_buster -debug_grabs -debug_sel
-pointer_mode n -input_skip n -allinput
-speeds rd,bw,lat -wmdt string -debug_pointer
-debug_keyboard -defer time -wait time
-wait_ui factor -nowait_bog -slow_fb time
-readtimeout n -nap -nonap
-sb time -nofbpm -fbpm
-nodpms -dpms -forcedpms
-clientdpms -noserverdpms -noultraext
-noxdamage -xd_area A -xd_mem f
-sigpipe string -threads -nothreads
-fs f -gaps n -grow n
-fuzz n -debug_tiles -snapfb
-rawfb string -freqtab file -pipeinput cmd
-macnodim -macnosleep -macnosaver
-macnowait -macwheel n -macnoswap
-macnoresize -maciconanim n -macmenu
-gui [gui-opts] -remote command -query variable
-QD variable -sync -noremote
-yesremote -unsafe -safer
-privremote -nocmds -allowedcmds list
-buttonmap string -nodragging -ncache n
-ncache_cr -ncache_no_moveraise -ncache_no_dtchange
-ncache_no_rootpixmap -ncache_keep_anims -ncache_old_wm
-ncache_pad n -wireframe [str] -nowireframe
-nowireframelocal -wirecopyrect mode -nowirecopyrect
-debug_wireframe -scrollcopyrect mode -noscrollcopyrect
-scr_area n -scr_skip list -scr_inc list
-scr_keys list -scr_term list -scr_keyrepeat lo-hi
-scr_parms string -fixscreen string -debug_scroll
-noxrecord -grab_buster -nograb_buster
-debug_grabs -debug_sel -pointer_mode n
-input_skip n -allinput -speeds rd,bw,lat
-wmdt string -debug_pointer -debug_keyboard
-defer time -wait time -wait_ui factor
-nowait_bog -slow_fb time -readtimeout n
-nap -nonap -sb time
-nofbpm -fbpm -nodpms
-dpms -forcedpms -clientdpms
-noserverdpms -noultraext -noxdamage
-xd_area A -xd_mem f -sigpipe string
-threads -nothreads -fs f
-gaps n -grow n -fuzz n
-debug_tiles -snapfb -rawfb string
-freqtab file -pipeinput cmd -macnodim
-macnosleep -macnosaver -macnowait
-macwheel n -macnoswap -macnoresize
-maciconanim n -macmenu -gui [gui-opts]
-remote command -query variable -QD variable
-sync -noremote -yesremote
-unsafe -safer -privremote
-nocmds -allowedcmds list -deny_all
libvncserver options:
-rfbport port TCP port for RFB protocol
@ -10630,7 +10637,7 @@ libvncserver-tight-extension options:
% x11vnc -help
x11vnc: allow VNC connections to real X11 displays. 0.9 lastmod: 2007-04-18
x11vnc: allow VNC connections to real X11 displays. 0.9.1 lastmod: 2007-04-18
(type "x11vnc -opts" to just list the options.)
@ -12754,6 +12761,99 @@ Options:
text selection, and some menu traversals. It overrides
any -pointer_mode setting.
-ncache n Client-side caching scheme. Framebuffer memory "n"
(an integer) times that of the full display is allocated
below the actual framebuffer to cache screen contents
for rapid retrieval. So a W x H frambuffer is expanded
to a W x (n+1)*H one. Use 0 to disable. Default: XXX.
For this and the other -ncache* options below you can
abbreviate "-ncache" with "-nc". Also, "-nonc"
is the same as "-ncache 0"
This is an experimental option, currently implemented
in an awkward way in that in the VNC Viewer you can
see the cache contents if you scroll down, etc. So you
will have to set things up so you can't see that region.
If this method is successful, the changes required for
clients to do this less awkwardly will be investigated.
Note that this mode consumes a huge amount of memory,
both on the x11vnc server side and on the VNC Viewer
side. If n=2 then the amount of RAM used is roughly
tripled for both x11vnc and the VNC Viewer. As a rule
of thumb, note that 1280x1024 at depth 24 is about 5MB
of pixel data.
For reasonable response when cycling through 4 to 6
large (e.g. web browser) windows a value n of 6 to 12
is recommended. (that's right: ~10X more memory...)
Because of the way window backingstore and saveunders
are implemented, n must be even. It will be incremented
by 1 if it is not.
This mode also works for native MacOS X, but may not
be as effective as the X version. This is due to a
number of things, one is the drop-shadow compositing
that leaves extra areas that need to be repaired (see
-ncache_pad). Another is the window iconification
animations need to be avoided (see -macicontime).
It appears the that the 'Scale' animation mode gives
better results than the 'Genie' one. Also, window event
detection not as accurate as the X version.
-ncache_cr In -ncache mode, try to do copyrect opaque window
moves/drags instead of wireframes (this can induce
painting errors). The wireframe will still be used when
moving a window whose save-unders has not yet been set
or has been invalidated.
Some VNC Viewers provide better response than others
with this option. On Unix, realvnc viewer gives
smoother drags than tightvnc viewer. Response may also
be choppy if the server side machine is too slow.
Sometimes on very slow modem connections, this actually
gives an improvement because no pixel data at all
(not even the box animation) is sent during the drag.
-ncache_no_moveraise In -ncache mode, do not assume that moving a window
will cause the window manager to raise it to the top
of the stack. The default is to assume it does, and
so at the beginning of any wireframe, etc, window moves
the window will be pushed to top in the VNC viewer.
-ncache_no_dtchange In -ncache mode, do not try to guess when the desktop
(viewport) changes to another one (i.e. another
workarea). The default is to try to guess and when
detected try to make the transistion more smoothly.
-ncache_no_rootpixmap In -ncache mode, do not try to snapshot the desktop
background to use in guessing or reconstructing window
-ncache_keep_anims In -ncache mode, do not try to disable window
manager animations and other effects (that usually
degrade ncache performance or cause painting errors).
The default is to try to disable them on KDE (but not
GNOME) when VNC clients are connected.
For other window managers or desktops that provide
animations, effects, compositing, translucency,
etc. that interfere with the -ncache method you will
have to disable them manually.
-ncache_old_wm In -ncache mode, enable some heuristics for old style
window managers such as fvwm and twm.
-ncache_pad n In -ncache mode, pad each window with n pixels for the
caching rectangles. This can be used to try to improve
the situation with dropshadows or other compositing
(e.g. MacOS X window manager), although it could make
things worse. The default is 0 on Unix and 24 on
MacOS X.
-wireframe [str] Try to detect window moves or resizes when a mouse
-nowireframe button is held down and show a wireframe instead of
the full opaque window. This is based completely on

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
.TH X11VNC "1" "April 2007" "x11vnc " "User Commands"
x11vnc - allow VNC connections to real X11 displays
version: 0.9, lastmod: 2007-04-18
version: 0.9.1, lastmod: 2007-04-18
.B x11vnc
@ -2544,6 +2544,115 @@ slow setups, but you lose all visual feedback for drags,
text selection, and some menu traversals. It overrides
any \fB-pointer_mode\fR setting.
\fB-ncache\fR \fIn\fR
Client-side caching scheme. Framebuffer memory \fIn\fR
(an integer) times that of the full display is allocated
below the actual framebuffer to cache screen contents
for rapid retrieval. So a W x H frambuffer is expanded
to a W x (n+1)*H one. Use 0 to disable. Default: XXX.
For this and the other \fB-ncache*\fR options below you can
abbreviate "\fB-ncache\fR" with "\fB-nc\fR". Also, "\fB-nonc\fR"
is the same as "\fB-ncache\fR \fI0\fR"
This is an experimental option, currently implemented
in an awkward way in that in the VNC Viewer you can
see the cache contents if you scroll down, etc. So you
will have to set things up so you can't see that region.
If this method is successful, the changes required for
clients to do this less awkwardly will be investigated.
Note that this mode consumes a huge amount of memory,
both on the x11vnc server side and on the VNC Viewer
side. If n=2 then the amount of RAM used is roughly
tripled for both x11vnc and the VNC Viewer. As a rule
of thumb, note that 1280x1024 at depth 24 is about 5MB
of pixel data.
For reasonable response when cycling through 4 to 6
large (e.g. web browser) windows a value n of 6 to 12
is recommended. (that's right: ~10X more memory...)
Because of the way window backingstore and saveunders
are implemented, n must be even. It will be incremented
by 1 if it is not.
This mode also works for native MacOS X, but may not
be as effective as the X version. This is due to a
number of things, one is the drop-shadow compositing
that leaves extra areas that need to be repaired (see
\fB-ncache_pad).\fR Another is the window iconification
animations need to be avoided (see \fB-macicontime).\fR
It appears the that the 'Scale' animation mode gives
better results than the 'Genie' one. Also, window event
detection not as accurate as the X version.
In \fB-ncache\fR mode, try to do copyrect opaque window
moves/drags instead of wireframes (this can induce
painting errors). The wireframe will still be used when
moving a window whose save-unders has not yet been set
or has been invalidated.
Some VNC Viewers provide better response than others
with this option. On Unix, realvnc viewer gives
smoother drags than tightvnc viewer. Response may also
be choppy if the server side machine is too slow.
Sometimes on very slow modem connections, this actually
gives an improvement because no pixel data at all
(not even the box animation) is sent during the drag.
In \fB-ncache\fR mode, do not assume that moving a window
will cause the window manager to raise it to the top
of the stack. The default is to assume it does, and
so at the beginning of any wireframe, etc, window moves
the window will be pushed to top in the VNC viewer.
In \fB-ncache\fR mode, do not try to guess when the desktop
(viewport) changes to another one (i.e. another
workarea). The default is to try to guess and when
detected try to make the transistion more smoothly.
In \fB-ncache\fR mode, do not try to snapshot the desktop
background to use in guessing or reconstructing window
In \fB-ncache\fR mode, do not try to disable window
manager animations and other effects (that usually
degrade ncache performance or cause painting errors).
The default is to try to disable them on KDE (but not
GNOME) when VNC clients are connected.
For other window managers or desktops that provide
animations, effects, compositing, translucency,
etc. that interfere with the \fB-ncache\fR method you will
have to disable them manually.
In \fB-ncache\fR mode, enable some heuristics for old style
window managers such as fvwm and twm.
\fB-ncache_pad\fR \fIn\fR
In \fB-ncache\fR mode, pad each window with n pixels for the
caching rectangles. This can be used to try to improve
the situation with dropshadows or other compositing
(e.g. MacOS X window manager), although it could make
things worse. The default is 0 on Unix and 24 on
MacOS X.
\fB-wireframe\fR \fI[str],\fR \fB-nowireframe\fR
Try to detect window moves or resizes when a mouse

@ -136,7 +136,7 @@
/* these are for delaying features: */
#define xxNO_SSL_OR_UNIXPW
#define NO_NCACHE
#define xxNO_NCACHE
* Beginning of support for small binary footprint build for embedded

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ int xtrap_base_event_type = 0;
int xdamage_base_event_type = 0;
/* date +'lastmod: %Y-%m-%d' */
char lastmod[] = "0.9 lastmod: 2007-04-18";
char lastmod[] = "0.9.1 lastmod: 2007-04-18";
/* X display info */
