<strong>2004/06/07</strong> After silently adding libvncclient almost a year ago, the API was modified for real use, and three examples were added: ppmtest (a very simple demo), SDLvncviewer, and vnc2mpg (which lets you record your VNC session to a movie). Automated regression tests of the libraries are planned.
<strong>2004/06/02</strong> x11vnc-0.6.1 was released! This reflects the long way the original, small example has gone, improved in many possible ways and having a broad user base.
<strong>2004/05/29</strong> Some <ahref=qemu/>patches</a> were created for <ahref=http://fabrice.bellard.free.fr/qemu/>QEMU</a>, a FAST! emulator by Fabrice Bellard, to control those sessions with a vncviewer.
<strong>2003/11/07</strong> Version 0.6 is out! x11vnc performance boosts! You no longer need a c++ compiler in order to have ZRLE coding! LinuxVNC was added (This is to the text console what x11vnc is to X11)!
<strong>2003/02/21</strong> rdp2vnc is in rdesktop's CVS.
<strong>2003/02/09</strong> Version 0.5 is out! Features include autoconf based configure, rpm package (YMMV), cleanup of directory structure, NEW x11vnc! ZRLE encoding! HTTP tunnelling through LibVNCServer's HTTP support! Many bug fixes!
<strong>2002/07/28</strong> Version 0.4 is out! Biggest feature: NewFB encoding. Quite a few bugfixes also (Thanks to all!).
<strong>2001/12/14</strong> A new version of
<ahref=http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/libvncserver/rdesktop-1.1.0+vnc-0.2.tar.gz>rdesktop+vnc</a> is available!
(Includes support for other platforms keyboard mapping with plain rdesktop!)
<strong>2001/10/23</strong> Added a link to my homepage at the end.
<strong>2001/10/18</strong> I released the rdp2vnc extensions as well as
patches for general keyboard handling, working inside Xvnc and
process_text2 (the famous "font:" error) to rdesktop. Please find it on
the <ahref=http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=32584>