You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

2123 lines
50 KiB

/* -- screen.c -- */
#include "x11vnc.h"
#include "xevents.h"
#include "xwrappers.h"
#include "xinerama.h"
#include "xdamage.h"
#include "win_utils.h"
#include "cleanup.h"
#include "userinput.h"
#include "scan.h"
#include "user.h"
#include "rates.h"
#include "pointer.h"
#include "keyboard.h"
#include "cursor.h"
#include "connections.h"
#include "remote.h"
#include "unixpw.h"
#include "sslcmds.h"
#include "sslhelper.h"
void set_colormap(int reset);
void set_nofb_params(int restore);
void set_raw_fb_params(int restore);
void do_new_fb(int reset_mem);
void free_old_fb(char *old_main, char *old_rfb, char *old_8to24);
void check_padded_fb(void);
void install_padded_fb(char *geom);
XImage *initialize_xdisplay_fb(void);
void parse_scale_string(char *str, double *factor, int *scaling, int *blend,
int *nomult4, int *pad, int *interpolate, int *numer, int *denom);
int scale_round(int len, double fac);
void initialize_screen(int *argc, char **argv, XImage *fb);
void set_vnc_desktop_name(void);
static void debug_colormap(XImage *fb);
static void set_visual(char *str);
static void nofb_hook(rfbClientPtr cl);
static void remove_fake_fb(void);
static void install_fake_fb(int w, int h, int bpp);
static void initialize_snap_fb(void);
static XImage *initialize_raw_fb(void);
static void initialize_clipshift(void);
static int wait_until_mapped(Window win);
static void announce(int lport, int ssl, char *iface);
static void setup_scaling(int *width_in, int *height_in);
* X11 and rfb display/screen related routines
* Some handling of 8bpp PseudoColor colormaps. Called for initializing
* the clients and dynamically if -flashcmap is specified.
#define NCOLOR 256
void set_colormap(int reset) {
static int first = 1;
static XColor color[NCOLOR], prev[NCOLOR];
Colormap cmap;
Visual *vis;
int i, ncells, diffs = 0;
if (reset) {
first = 1;
if (screen-> {
screen-> = NULL;
if (first) {
screen->colourMap.count = NCOLOR;
screen->serverFormat.trueColour = FALSE;
screen->colourMap.is16 = TRUE;
screen-> = (unsigned short *)
malloc(3*sizeof(unsigned short) * NCOLOR);
for (i=0; i < NCOLOR; i++) {
prev[i].red = color[i].red;
prev[i].green = color[i].green;
prev[i].blue = color[i].blue;
cmap = DefaultColormap(dpy, scr);
ncells = CellsOfScreen(ScreenOfDisplay(dpy, scr));
vis = default_visual;
if (subwin) {
XWindowAttributes attr;
if (XGetWindowAttributes(dpy, window, &attr)) {
cmap = attr.colormap;
vis = attr.visual;
ncells = vis->map_entries;
if (ncells != NCOLOR) {
if (first && ! quiet) {
rfbLog("set_colormap: number of cells is %d "
"instead of %d.\n", ncells, NCOLOR);
if (! shift_cmap) {
screen->colourMap.count = ncells;
if (flash_cmap && ! first) {
XWindowAttributes attr;
Window c;
int tries = 0;
c = window;
while (c && tries++ < 16) {
c = query_pointer(c);
if (valid_window(c, &attr, 0)) {
if (attr.colormap && attr.map_installed) {
cmap = attr.colormap;
vis = attr.visual;
ncells = vis->map_entries;
} else {
if (ncells > NCOLOR && ! quiet) {
rfbLog("set_colormap: big problem: ncells=%d > %d\n",
ncells, NCOLOR);
if (vis->class == TrueColor || vis->class == DirectColor) {
* Kludge to make 8bpp TrueColor & DirectColor be like
* the StaticColor map. The ncells = 8 is "8 per subfield"
* mentioned in xdpyinfo. Looks OK... perhaps fortuitously.
if (ncells == 8 && ! shift_cmap) {
ncells = NCOLOR;
for (i=0; i < ncells; i++) {
color[i].pixel = i;
color[i].pad = 0;
XQueryColors(dpy, cmap, color, ncells);
for(i = ncells - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
int k = i + shift_cmap;
screen->[i*3+0] = color[i].red;
screen->[i*3+1] = color[i].green;
screen->[i*3+2] = color[i].blue;
if (prev[i].red != color[i].red ||
prev[i].green != color[i].green ||
prev[i].blue != color[i].blue ) {
if (shift_cmap && k >= 0 && k < NCOLOR) {
/* kludge to copy the colors to higher pixel values */
screen->[k*3+0] = color[i].red;
screen->[k*3+1] = color[i].green;
screen->[k*3+2] = color[i].blue;
if (diffs && ! first) {
if (! all_clients_initialized()) {
rfbLog("set_colormap: warning: sending cmap "
"with uninitialized clients.\n");
if (shift_cmap) {
rfbSetClientColourMaps(screen, 0, NCOLOR);
} else {
rfbSetClientColourMaps(screen, 0, ncells);
first = 0;
static void debug_colormap(XImage *fb) {
static int debug_cmap = -1;
int i, k, histo[NCOLOR];
if (debug_cmap < 0) {
if (getenv("DEBUG_CMAP") != NULL) {
debug_cmap = 1;
} else {
debug_cmap = 0;
if (! debug_cmap) {
if (! fb) {
if (fb->bits_per_pixel > 8) {
for (i=0; i < NCOLOR; i++) {
histo[i] = 0;
for (k = 0; k < fb->width * fb->height; k++) {
unsigned char n;
char c = *(fb->data + k);
n = (unsigned char) c;
fprintf(stderr, "\nColormap histogram for current screen contents:\n");
for (i=0; i < NCOLOR; i++) {
unsigned short r = screen->[i*3+0];
unsigned short g = screen->[i*3+1];
unsigned short b = screen->[i*3+2];
fprintf(stderr, " %03d: %7d %04x/%04x/%04x", i, histo[i],
r, g, b);
if ((i+1) % 2 == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
* Experimental mode to force the visual of the window instead of querying
* it. Used for testing, overriding some rare cases (win2vnc), and for
* -overlay . Input string can be a decimal or 0x hex or something like
* TrueColor or TrueColor:24 to force a depth as well.
* visual_id and possibly visual_depth are set.
static void set_visual(char *str) {
int vis, vdepth, defdepth = DefaultDepth(dpy, scr);
XVisualInfo vinfo;
char *p, *vstring = strdup(str);
visual_id = (VisualID) 0;
visual_depth = 0;
if (!strcmp(vstring, "ignore") || !strcmp(vstring, "default")
|| !strcmp(vstring, "")) {
/* set visual depth */
if ((p = strchr(vstring, ':')) != NULL) {
visual_depth = atoi(p+1);
*p = '\0';
vdepth = visual_depth;
} else {
vdepth = defdepth;
if (! quiet) {
fprintf(stderr, "\nVisual Info:\n");
fprintf(stderr, " set_visual(\"%s\")\n", str);
fprintf(stderr, " visual_depth: %d\n", vdepth);
/* set visual id number */
if (strcmp(vstring, "StaticGray") == 0) {
vis = StaticGray;
} else if (strcmp(vstring, "GrayScale") == 0) {
vis = GrayScale;
} else if (strcmp(vstring, "StaticColor") == 0) {
vis = StaticColor;
} else if (strcmp(vstring, "PseudoColor") == 0) {
vis = PseudoColor;
} else if (strcmp(vstring, "TrueColor") == 0) {
vis = TrueColor;
} else if (strcmp(vstring, "DirectColor") == 0) {
vis = DirectColor;
} else {
unsigned int v_in;
if (sscanf(vstring, "0x%x", &v_in) != 1) {
if (sscanf(vstring, "%u", &v_in) == 1) {
visual_id = (VisualID) v_in;
rfbLog("invalid -visual arg: %s\n", vstring);
visual_id = (VisualID) v_in;
if (! quiet) fprintf(stderr, " visual: %d\n", vis);
if (XMatchVisualInfo(dpy, scr, visual_depth, vis, &vinfo)) {
} else if (XMatchVisualInfo(dpy, scr, defdepth, vis, &vinfo)) {
} else {
rfbLog("could not find visual: %s\n", vstring);
/* set numerical visual id. */
visual_id = vinfo.visualid;
void set_nofb_params(int restore) {
static int first = 1;
static int save[100];
int i = 0;
if (first) {
first = 0;
save[i++] = use_xfixes;
save[i++] = use_xdamage;
save[i++] = use_xrecord;
save[i++] = wireframe;
save[i++] = use_solid_bg;
save[i++] = overlay;
save[i++] = overlay_cursor;
save[i++] = using_shm;
save[i++] = single_copytile;
save[i++] = take_naps;
save[i++] = measure_speeds;
save[i++] = grab_buster;
save[i++] = show_cursor;
save[i++] = cursor_shape_updates;
save[i++] = cursor_pos_updates;
if (restore) {
i = 0;
use_xfixes = save[i++];
use_xdamage = save[i++];
use_xrecord = save[i++];
wireframe = save[i++];
use_solid_bg = save[i++];
overlay = save[i++];
overlay_cursor = save[i++];
using_shm = save[i++];
single_copytile = save[i++];
take_naps = save[i++];
measure_speeds = save[i++];
grab_buster = save[i++];
show_cursor = save[i++];
cursor_shape_updates = save[i++];
cursor_pos_updates = save[i++];
if (cursor_shape_updates) {
use_xfixes = 0;
use_xdamage = 0;
use_xrecord = 0;
wireframe = 0;
use_solid_bg = 0;
overlay = 0;
overlay_cursor = 0;
using_shm = 0;
single_copytile = 1;
take_naps = 0;
measure_speeds = 0;
/* got_grab_buster? */
grab_buster = 0;
show_cursor = 0;
show_multiple_cursors = 0;
cursor_shape_updates = 0;
if (! got_cursorpos) {
cursor_pos_updates = 0;
if (! quiet) {
rfbLog("disabling: xfixes, xdamage, solid, overlay, shm,\n");
rfbLog(" wireframe, scrollcopyrect,\n");
rfbLog(" noonetile, nap, cursor, %scursorshape\n",
got_cursorpos ? "" : "cursorpos, " );
rfbLog(" in -nofb mode.\n");
static char *raw_fb_orig_dpy = NULL;
void set_raw_fb_params(int restore) {
static int first = 1;
static int vo0, us0, sm0, ws0, wp0, wc0, wb0, na0, tn0;
static int xr0, sb0;
static char *mc0;
* set turn off a bunch of parameters not compatible with
* -rawfb mode: 1) ignoring the X server 2) ignoring user input.
if (first) {
/* at least save the initial settings... */
vo0 = view_only;
ws0 = watch_selection;
wp0 = watch_primary;
wc0 = watch_clipboard;
wb0 = watch_bell;
na0 = no_autorepeat;
sb0 = use_solid_bg;
us0 = use_snapfb;
sm0 = using_shm;
tn0 = take_naps;
xr0 = xrandr;
mc0 = multiple_cursors_mode;
first = 0;
if (restore) {
view_only = vo0;
watch_selection = ws0;
watch_primary = wp0;
watch_clipboard = wc0;
watch_bell = wb0;
no_autorepeat = na0;
use_solid_bg = sb0;
use_snapfb = us0;
using_shm = sm0;
take_naps = tn0;
xrandr = xr0;
multiple_cursors_mode = mc0;
if (! dpy && raw_fb_orig_dpy) {
dpy = XOpenDisplay(raw_fb_orig_dpy);
if (dpy) {
if (! quiet) rfbLog("reopened DISPLAY: %s\n",
} else {
if (! quiet) rfbLog("WARNING: failed to reopen "
"DISPLAY: %s\n", raw_fb_orig_dpy);
if (! quiet) {
rfbLog("set_raw_fb_params: modifying settings for "
"-rawfb mode.\n");
if (got_noviewonly) {
* The user input parameters are not unset under
* -noviewonly... this usage should be very rare
* (i.e. rawfb but also send user input to the X
* display, most likely using /dev/fb0 for some reason...)
if (! quiet) {
rfbLog("rawfb: -noviewonly mode: still sending mouse and\n");
rfbLog("rawfb: keyboard input to the X DISPLAY!!\n");
} else {
/* Normal case: */
if (! view_only) {
if (! quiet) rfbLog("rawfb: setting view_only\n");
view_only = 1;
if (watch_selection) {
if (! quiet) rfbLog("rawfb: turning off "
watch_selection = 0;
if (watch_primary) {
if (! quiet) rfbLog("rawfb: turning off "
watch_primary = 0;
if (watch_clipboard) {
if (! quiet) rfbLog("rawfb: turning off "
watch_clipboard = 0;
if (watch_bell) {
if (! quiet) rfbLog("rawfb: turning off watch_bell\n");
watch_bell = 0;
if (no_autorepeat) {
if (! quiet) rfbLog("rawfb: turning off "
no_autorepeat = 0;
if (use_solid_bg) {
if (! quiet) rfbLog("rawfb: turning off "
use_solid_bg = 0;
multiple_cursors_mode = strdup("arrow");
if (use_snapfb) {
if (! quiet) rfbLog("rawfb: turning off use_snapfb\n");
use_snapfb = 0;
if (using_shm) {
if (! quiet) rfbLog("rawfb: turning off using_shm\n");
using_shm = 0;
if (take_naps) {
if (! quiet) rfbLog("rawfb: turning off take_naps\n");
take_naps = 0;
if (xrandr) {
if (! quiet) rfbLog("rawfb: turning off xrandr\n");
xrandr = 0;
* Presumably under -nofb the clients will never request the framebuffer.
* However, we have gotten such a request... so let's just give them
* the current view on the display. n.b. x2vnc and perhaps win2vnc
* requests a 1x1 pixel for some workaround so sadly this evidently
* nearly always happens.
static void nofb_hook(rfbClientPtr cl) {
XImage *fb;
rfbLog("framebuffer requested in -nofb mode by client %s\n", cl->host);
/* ignore xrandr */
fb = XGetImage_wr(dpy, window, 0, 0, dpy_x, dpy_y, AllPlanes, ZPixmap);
main_fb = fb->data;
rfb_fb = main_fb;
screen->frameBuffer = rfb_fb;
screen->displayHook = NULL;
void free_old_fb(char *old_main, char *old_rfb, char *old_8to24) {
if (old_main) {
if (old_rfb && old_rfb != old_main) {
if (old_8to24 && old_8to24 != old_main && old_8to24 != old_rfb) {
void do_new_fb(int reset_mem) {
XImage *fb;
char *old_main = main_fb;
char *old_rfb = rfb_fb;
char *old_8to24 = cmap8to24_fb;
/* for threaded we really should lock libvncserver out. */
if (use_threads) {
rfbLog("warning: changing framebuffers while threaded may\n");
rfbLog(" not work, do not use -threads if problems arise.\n");
if (reset_mem == 1) {
/* reset_mem == 2 is a hack for changing users... */
fb = initialize_xdisplay_fb();
initialize_screen(NULL, NULL, fb);
if (reset_mem) {
free_old_fb(old_main, old_rfb, old_8to24);
fb0 = fb;
static void remove_fake_fb(void) {
if (! screen) {
rfbLog("removing fake fb: 0x%x\n", fake_fb);
* fake_fb is freed in do_new_fb(), but we set to NULL here to
* indicate it is gone.
fake_fb = NULL;
static void install_fake_fb(int w, int h, int bpp) {
int bpc;
if (! screen) {
if (fake_fb) {
fake_fb = (char *) calloc(w*h*bpp/8, 1);
if (! fake_fb) {
rfbLog("could not create fake fb: %dx%d %d\n", w, h, bpp);
bpc = guess_bits_per_color(bpp);
rfbLog("installing fake fb: %dx%d %d\n", w, h, bpp);
rfbLog("rfbNewFramebuffer(0x%x, 0x%x, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d)\n",
screen, fake_fb, w, h, bpc, 1, bpp/8);
rfbNewFramebuffer(screen, fake_fb, w, h, bpc, 1, bpp/8);
void check_padded_fb(void) {
if (! fake_fb) {
if (unixpw_in_progress) return;
if (time(0) > pad_geometry_time+1 && all_clients_initialized()) {
void install_padded_fb(char *geom) {
int w, h;
int ok = 1;
if (! geom || *geom == '\0') {
ok = 0;
} else if (sscanf(geom, "%dx%d", &w, &h) != 2) {
ok = 0;
w = nabs(w);
h = nabs(h);
if (w < 5) w = 5;
if (h < 5) h = 5;
if (!ok) {
rfbLog("skipping invalid pad geometry: '%s'\n", NONUL(geom));
install_fake_fb(w, h, bpp);
pad_geometry_time = time(0);
static void initialize_snap_fb(void) {
if (snap_fb) {
snap = XGetImage_wr(dpy, window, 0, 0, dpy_x, dpy_y, AllPlanes,
snap_fb = snap->data;
static XImage *initialize_raw_fb(void) {
char *str, *q;
int w, h, b, shmid = 0;
unsigned long rm = 0, gm = 0, bm = 0;
static XImage ximage_struct; /* n.b.: not (XImage *) */
int closedpy = 1, i, m;
if (raw_fb_addr || raw_fb_seek) {
if (raw_fb_shm) {
} else if (raw_fb_mmap) {
munmap(raw_fb_addr, raw_fb_mmap);
if (raw_fb_fd >= 0) {
} else if (raw_fb_seek) {
if (raw_fb_fd >= 0) {
raw_fb_addr = NULL;
if (! raw_fb_str) {
return NULL;
if (!strcasecmp(raw_fb_str, "NULL") || !strcasecmp(raw_fb_str, "ZERO")) {
raw_fb_str = strdup("map:/dev/zero@640x480x32");
if ( (q = strstr(raw_fb_str, "setup:")) == raw_fb_str) {
FILE *pipe;
char line[1024], *t;
q += strlen("setup:");
if (no_external_cmds) {
rfbLog("cannot run external commands in -nocmds "
rfbLog(" \"%s\"\n", q);
rfbLog(" exiting.\n");
rfbLog("running command to setup rawfb: %s\n", q);
pipe = popen(q, "r");
if (! pipe) {
rfbLog("popen of setup command failed.\n");
line[0] = '\0';
if (fgets(line, 1024, pipe) == NULL) {
rfbLog("read of setup command failed.\n");
str = strdup(line);
t = str;
while (*t != '\0') {
if (*t == '\n') {
*t = '\0';
rfbLog("setup command returned: %s\n", str);
} else {
str = strdup(raw_fb_str);
* uppercase means do not close the display (e.g. for remote control)
if (strstr(str, "SHM:") == str) {
closedpy = 0;
str[0] = 's'; str[1] = 'h'; str[2] = 'm';
} else if (strstr(str, "MAP:") == str) {
closedpy = 0;
str[0] = 'm'; str[1] = 'a'; str[2] = 'p';
} else if (strstr(str, "MMAP:") == str) {
closedpy = 0;
str[0] = 'm'; str[1] = 'm'; str[2] = 'a'; str[3] = 'p';
} else if (strstr(str, "FILE:") == str) {
str[0] = 'f'; str[1] = 'i'; str[2] = 'l'; str[3] = 'e';
closedpy = 0;
if (closedpy && !view_only && got_noviewonly) {
rfbLog("not closing X DISPLAY under -noviewonly option.\n");
closedpy = 0;
if (! window) {
window = rootwin;
if (! raw_fb_orig_dpy && dpy) {
raw_fb_orig_dpy = strdup(DisplayString(dpy));
if (closedpy) {
if (dpy) {
rfbLog("closing X DISPLAY: %s in rawfb mode.\n",
XCloseDisplay(dpy); /* yow! */
dpy = NULL;
* -rawfb shm:163938442@640x480x32:ff/ff00/ff0000+3000
* -rawfb map:/path/to/file@640x480x32:ff/ff00/ff0000
* -rawfb file:/path/to/file@640x480x32:ff/ff00/ff0000
raw_fb_offset = 0;
/* +O offset */
if ((q = strrchr(str, '+')) != NULL) {
if (sscanf(q, "+%d", &raw_fb_offset) == 1) {
*q = '\0';
} else {
raw_fb_offset = 0;
/* :R/G/B masks */
if ((q = strrchr(str, ':')) != NULL) {
if (sscanf(q, ":%lx/%lx/%lx", &rm, &gm, &bm) == 3) {
*q = '\0';
} else if (sscanf(q, ":0x%lx/0x%lx/0x%lx", &rm, &gm, &bm)== 3) {
*q = '\0';
} else if (sscanf(q, ":%lu/%lu/%lu", &rm, &gm, &bm) == 3) {
*q = '\0';
} else {
rm = 0;
gm = 0;
bm = 0;
if ((q = strrchr(str, '@')) == NULL) {
rfbLog("invalid rawfb str: %s\n", str);
/* @WxHxB */
if (sscanf(q, "@%dx%dx%d", &w, &h, &b) != 3) {
rfbLog("invalid rawfb str: %s\n", str);
*q = '\0';
if (strstr(str, "shm:") != str && strstr(str, "mmap:") != str &&
strstr(str, "map:") != str && strstr(str, "file:") != str) {
/* hmmm, not following directions, see if map: applies */
struct stat sbuf;
if (stat(str, &sbuf) == 0) {
char *new;
int len = strlen("map:") + strlen(str) + 1;
rfbLog("no type prefix: %s\n", raw_fb_str);
rfbLog(" but file exists, so assuming: map:%s\n",
new = (char *) malloc(len);
strcpy(new, "map:");
strcat(new, str);
str = new;
dpy_x = wdpy_x = w;
dpy_y = wdpy_y = h;
off_x = 0;
off_y = 0;
raw_fb_shm = 0;
raw_fb_mmap = 0;
raw_fb_seek = 0;
raw_fb_fd = -1;
raw_fb_addr = NULL;
if (sscanf(str, "shm:%d", &shmid) == 1) {
/* shm:N */
raw_fb_addr = (char *) shmat(shmid, 0, SHM_RDONLY);
if (! raw_fb_addr) {
rfbLog("failed to attach to shm: %d, %s\n", shmid, str);
raw_fb_shm = 1;
rfbLog("rawfb: shm: %d W: %d H: %d B: %d addr: %p\n",
shmid, w, h, b, raw_fb_addr);
rfbLog("x11vnc was compiled without shm support.\n");
} else if (strstr(str, "map:") == str || strstr(str, "mmap:") == str
|| strstr(str, "file:") == str) {
/* map:/path/... or file:/path */
int fd, do_mmap = 1, size;
struct stat sbuf;
if (*str == 'f') {
do_mmap = 0;
q = strchr(str, ':');
fd = open(q, O_RDONLY);
if (fd < 0) {
rfbLog("failed to open file: %s, %s\n", q, str);
raw_fb_fd = fd;
size = w*h*b/8 + raw_fb_offset;
if (fstat(fd, &sbuf) == 0) {
if (S_ISREG(sbuf.st_mode)) {
if (0) size = sbuf.st_size;
} else {
rfbLog("raw fb is non-regular file: %s\n", q);
if (do_mmap) {
raw_fb_addr = mmap(0, size, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED,
fd, 0);
if (raw_fb_addr == MAP_FAILED || raw_fb_addr == NULL) {
rfbLog("failed to mmap file: %s, %s\n", q, str);
rfbLog(" raw_fb_addr: %p\n", raw_fb_addr);
raw_fb_mmap = size;
rfbLog("rawfb: mmap file: %s\n", q);
rfbLog(" w: %d h: %d b: %d addr: %p sz: %d\n", w, h,
b, raw_fb_addr, size);
rfbLog("mmap(2) not supported on system, using"
" slower lseek(2)\n");
raw_fb_seek = size;
} else {
raw_fb_seek = size;
rfbLog("rawfb: seek file: %s\n", q);
rfbLog(" W: %d H: %d B: %d sz: %d\n", w, h, b, size);
} else {
rfbLog("invalid rawfb str: %s\n", str);
if (! raw_fb_image) {
raw_fb_image = &ximage_struct;
raw_fb = (char *) malloc(dpy_x * dpy_y * b/8);
raw_fb_image->data = raw_fb;
raw_fb_image->format = ZPixmap;
raw_fb_image->width = dpy_x;
raw_fb_image->height = dpy_y;
raw_fb_image->bits_per_pixel = b;
raw_fb_image->bytes_per_line = dpy_x*b/8;
if (rm == 0 && gm == 0 && bm == 0) {
/* guess masks... */
if (b == 24 || b == 32) {
rm = 0xff0000;
gm = 0x00ff00;
bm = 0x0000ff;
} else if (b == 16) {
rm = 0xf800;
gm = 0x07e0;
bm = 0x001f;
} else if (b == 8) {
rm = 0x07;
gm = 0x38;
bm = 0xc0;
raw_fb_image->red_mask = rm;
raw_fb_image->green_mask = gm;
raw_fb_image->blue_mask = bm;
raw_fb_image->depth = 0;
m = 1;
for (i=0; i<32; i++) {
if (rm & m) {
if (gm & m) {
if (bm & m) {
m = m << 1;
if (! raw_fb_image->depth) {
raw_fb_image->depth = (b == 32) ? 24 : b;
depth = raw_fb_image->depth;
if (clipshift) {
memset(raw_fb, 0xff, dpy_x * dpy_y * b/8);
} else if (raw_fb_addr) {
memcpy(raw_fb, raw_fb_addr + raw_fb_offset, dpy_x*dpy_y*b/8);
} else {
memset(raw_fb, 0xff, dpy_x * dpy_y * b/8);
rfbLog("rawfb: raw_fb %p\n", raw_fb);
return raw_fb_image;
static void initialize_clipshift(void) {
clipshift = 0;
cdpy_x = cdpy_y = coff_x = coff_y = 0;
if (clip_str) {
int w, h, x, y, bad = 0;
if (parse_geom(clip_str, &w, &h, &x, &y, wdpy_x, wdpy_y)) {
if (x < 0) {
x = 0;
if (y < 0) {
y = 0;
if (x + w > wdpy_x) {
w = wdpy_x - x;
if (y + h > wdpy_y) {
h = wdpy_y - y;
if (w <= 0 || h <= 0) {
bad = 1;
} else {
bad = 1;
if (bad) {
rfbLog("skipping invalid -clip WxH+X+Y: %s\n",
} else {
/* OK, change geom behind everyone's back... */
cdpy_x = w;
cdpy_y = h;
coff_x = x;
coff_y = y;
clipshift = 1;
dpy_x = cdpy_x;
dpy_y = cdpy_y;
static int wait_until_mapped(Window win) {
int ms = 50, waittime = 30;
time_t start = time(0);
XWindowAttributes attr;
while (1) {
if (! valid_window(win, NULL, 0)) {
if (time(0) > start + waittime) {
usleep(ms * 1000);
if (! XGetWindowAttributes(dpy, win, &attr)) {
return 0;
if (attr.map_state == IsViewable) {
return 1;
usleep(ms * 1000);
return 0;
* initialize a fb for the X display
XImage *initialize_xdisplay_fb(void) {
XImage *fb;
char *vis_str = visual_str;
int try = 0, subwin_tries = 3;
XErrorHandler old_handler = NULL;
int subwin_bs;
if (raw_fb_str) {
return initialize_raw_fb();
if (subwin) {
if (subwin_wait_mapped) {
if (!valid_window((Window) subwin, NULL, 0)) {
rfbLog("invalid sub-window: 0x%lx\n", subwin);
if (overlay) {
* ideally we'd like to not have to cook up the
* visual variables but rather let it all come out
* of XReadScreen(), however there is no way to get
* a default visual out of it, so we pretend -visual
* TrueColor:NN was supplied with NN usually 24.
char str[32];
Window twin = subwin ? subwin : rootwin;
XImage *xi;
xi = xreadscreen(dpy, twin, 0, 0, 8, 8, False);
sprintf(str, "TrueColor:%d", xi->depth);
if (xi->depth != 24 && ! quiet) {
rfbLog("warning: overlay image has depth %d "
"instead of 24.\n", xi->depth);
if (visual_str != NULL && ! quiet) {
rfbLog("warning: replacing '-visual %s' by '%s' "
"for use with -overlay\n", visual_str, str);
vis_str = strdup(str);
if (vis_str != NULL) {
if (vis_str != visual_str) {
/* set up parameters for subwin or non-subwin cases: */
if (! subwin) {
/* full screen */
window = rootwin;
dpy_x = wdpy_x = DisplayWidth(dpy, scr);
dpy_y = wdpy_y = DisplayHeight(dpy, scr);
off_x = 0;
off_y = 0;
/* this may be overridden via visual_id below */
default_visual = DefaultVisual(dpy, scr);
} else {
/* single window */
XWindowAttributes attr;
window = (Window) subwin;
if (! XGetWindowAttributes(dpy, window, &attr)) {
rfbLog("invalid window: 0x%lx\n", window);
dpy_x = wdpy_x = attr.width;
dpy_y = wdpy_y = attr.height;
subwin_bs = attr.backing_store;
/* this may be overridden via visual_id below */
default_visual = attr.visual;
/* initialize depth to reasonable value, visual_id may override */
depth = DefaultDepth(dpy, scr);
if (visual_id) {
int n;
XVisualInfo vinfo_tmpl, *vinfo;
* we are in here from -visual or -overlay options
* visual_id and visual_depth were set in set_visual().
vinfo_tmpl.visualid = visual_id;
vinfo = XGetVisualInfo(dpy, VisualIDMask, &vinfo_tmpl, &n);
if (vinfo == NULL || n == 0) {
rfbLog("could not match visual_id: 0x%x\n",
(int) visual_id);
default_visual = vinfo->visual;
depth = vinfo->depth;
if (visual_depth) {
/* force it from -visual MooColor:NN */
depth = visual_depth;
if (! quiet) {
fprintf(stderr, " initialize_xdisplay_fb()\n");
fprintf(stderr, " Visual*: %p\n",
(void *) vinfo->visual);
fprintf(stderr, " visualid: 0x%x\n",
(int) vinfo->visualid);
fprintf(stderr, " screen: %d\n", vinfo->screen);
fprintf(stderr, " depth: %d\n", vinfo->depth);
fprintf(stderr, " class: %d\n", vinfo->class);
fprintf(stderr, " red_mask: 0x%08lx %s\n",
vinfo->red_mask, bitprint(vinfo->red_mask, 32));
fprintf(stderr, " green_mask: 0x%08lx %s\n",
vinfo->green_mask, bitprint(vinfo->green_mask, 32));
fprintf(stderr, " blue_mask: 0x%08lx %s\n",
vinfo->blue_mask, bitprint(vinfo->blue_mask, 32));
fprintf(stderr, " cmap_size: %d\n",
fprintf(stderr, " bits b/rgb: %d\n",
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
if (! quiet) {
rfbLog("Default visual ID: 0x%x\n",
(int) XVisualIDFromVisual(default_visual));
if (subwin) {
int shift = 0;
int subwin_x, subwin_y;
int disp_x = DisplayWidth(dpy, scr);
int disp_y = DisplayHeight(dpy, scr);
Window twin;
/* subwins can be a dicey if they are changing size... */
trapped_xerror = 0;
old_handler = XSetErrorHandler(trap_xerror);
XTranslateCoordinates(dpy, window, rootwin, 0, 0, &subwin_x,
&subwin_y, &twin);
if (subwin_x + wdpy_x > disp_x) {
shift = 1;
subwin_x = disp_x - wdpy_x - 3;
if (subwin_y + wdpy_y > disp_y) {
shift = 1;
subwin_y = disp_y - wdpy_y - 3;
if (subwin_x < 0) {
shift = 1;
subwin_x = 1;
if (subwin_y < 0) {
shift = 1;
subwin_y = 1;
if (shift) {
XMoveWindow(dpy, window, subwin_x, subwin_y);
XMapRaised(dpy, window);
XRaiseWindow(dpy, window);
if (nofb) {
* For -nofb we do not allocate the framebuffer, so we
* can save a few MB of memory.
fb = XCreateImage_wr(dpy, default_visual, depth, ZPixmap,
0, NULL, dpy_x, dpy_y, BitmapPad(dpy), 0);
} else if (visual_id) {
* we need to call XCreateImage to supply the visual
fb = XCreateImage_wr(dpy, default_visual, depth, ZPixmap,
0, NULL, dpy_x, dpy_y, BitmapPad(dpy), 0);
fb->data = (char *) malloc(fb->bytes_per_line * fb->height);
} else {
fb = XGetImage_wr(dpy, window, 0, 0, dpy_x, dpy_y, AllPlanes,
if (! quiet) {
rfbLog("Read initial data from X display into"
" framebuffer.\n");
if (subwin) {
if (trapped_xerror) {
rfbLog("trapped GetImage at SUBWIN creation.\n");
if (try < subwin_tries) {
usleep(250 * 1000);
if (!get_window_size(window, &wdpy_x, &wdpy_y)) {
rfbLog("could not get size of subwin "
"0x%lx\n", subwin);
goto again;
trapped_xerror = 0;
} else if (! fb && try == 1) {
/* try once more */
usleep(250 * 1000);
goto again;
if (use_snapfb) {
if (fb->bits_per_pixel == 24 && ! quiet) {
rfbLog("warning: 24 bpp may have poor performance.\n");
return fb;
void parse_scale_string(char *str, double *factor, int *scaling, int *blend,
int *nomult4, int *pad, int *interpolate, int *numer, int *denom) {
int m, n;
char *p, *tstr;
double f;
*factor = 1.0;
*scaling = 0;
*blend = 1;
*nomult4 = 0;
*pad = 0;
*interpolate = 0;
*numer = 0, *denom = 0;
if (str == NULL || str[0] == '\0') {
tstr = strdup(str);
if ( (p = strchr(tstr, ':')) != NULL) {
/* options */
if (strstr(p+1, "nb") != NULL) {
*blend = 0;
if (strstr(p+1, "fb") != NULL) {
*blend = 2;
if (strstr(p+1, "n4") != NULL) {
*nomult4 = 1;
if (strstr(p+1, "in") != NULL) {
*interpolate = 1;
if (strstr(p+1, "pad") != NULL) {
*pad = 1;
if (strstr(p+1, "nocr") != NULL) {
/* global */
scaling_copyrect = 0;
} else if (strstr(p+1, "cr") != NULL) {
/* global */
scaling_copyrect = 1;
*p = '\0';
if (strchr(tstr, '.') != NULL) {
double test, diff, eps = 1.0e-7;
if (sscanf(tstr, "%lf", &f) != 1) {
rfbLog("invalid -scale arg: %s\n", tstr);
*factor = (double) f;
/* look for common fractions from small ints: */
for (n=2; n<=10; n++) {
for (m=1; m<n; m++) {
test = ((double) m)/ n;
diff = *factor - test;
if (-eps < diff && diff < eps) {
*numer = m;
*denom = n;
if (*denom) {
if (*factor < 0.01) {
rfbLog("-scale factor too small: %f\n", scale_fac);
} else {
if (sscanf(tstr, "%d/%d", &m, &n) != 2) {
if (sscanf(tstr, "%d", &m) != 1) {
rfbLog("invalid -scale arg: %s\n", tstr);
} else {
/* e.g. -scale 1 or -scale 2 */
n = 1;
if (n <= 0 || m <=0) {
rfbLog("invalid -scale arg: %s\n", tstr);
*factor = ((double) m)/ n;
if (*factor < 0.01) {
rfbLog("-scale factor too small: %f\n", *factor);
*numer = m;
*denom = n;
if (*factor == 1.0) {
if (! quiet) {
rfbLog("scaling disabled for factor %f\n", *factor);
} else {
*scaling = 1;
int scale_round(int len, double fac) {
double eps = 0.000001;
len = (int) (len * fac + eps);
if (len < 1) {
len = 1;
return len;
static void setup_scaling(int *width_in, int *height_in) {
int width = *width_in;
int height = *height_in;
parse_scale_string(scale_str, &scale_fac, &scaling, &scaling_blend,
&scaling_nomult4, &scaling_pad, &scaling_interpolate,
&scale_numer, &scale_denom);
if (scaling) {
width = scale_round(width, scale_fac);
height = scale_round(height, scale_fac);
if (scale_denom && scaling_pad) {
/* it is not clear this padding is useful anymore */
rfbLog("width %% denom: %d %% %d = %d\n", width,
scale_denom, width % scale_denom);
rfbLog("height %% denom: %d %% %d = %d\n", height,
scale_denom, height % scale_denom);
if (width % scale_denom != 0) {
int w = width;
w += scale_denom - (w % scale_denom);
if (!scaling_nomult4 && w % 4 != 0) {
/* need to make mult of 4 as well */
int c = 0;
while (w % 4 != 0 && c++ <= 5) {
w += scale_denom;
width = w;
rfbLog("padded width to: %d (mult of %d%s\n",
width, scale_denom, !scaling_nomult4 ?
" and 4)" : ")");
if (height % scale_denom != 0) {
height += scale_denom - (height % scale_denom);
rfbLog("padded height to: %d (mult of %d)\n",
height, scale_denom);
if (!scaling_nomult4 && width % 4 != 0 && width > 2) {
/* reset width to be multiple of 4 */
int width0 = width;
if ((width+1) % 4 == 0) {
width = width+1;
} else if ((width-1) % 4 == 0) {
width = width-1;
} else if ((width+2) % 4 == 0) {
width = width+2;
rfbLog("reset scaled width %d -> %d to be a multiple of"
" 4 (to\n", width0, width);
rfbLog("make vncviewers happy). use -scale m/n:n4 to "
scaled_x = width;
scaled_y = height;
*width_in = width;
*height_in = height;
* initialize the rfb framebuffer/screen
void initialize_screen(int *argc, char **argv, XImage *fb) {
int have_masks = 0;
int width = fb->width;
int height = fb->height;
int create_screen = screen ? 0 : 1;
int bits_per_color;
int fb_bpp, fb_Bpl, fb_depth;
bpp = fb->bits_per_pixel;
fb_bpp = (int) fb->bits_per_pixel;
fb_Bpl = (int) fb->bytes_per_line;
fb_depth = (int) fb->depth;
main_bytes_per_line = fb->bytes_per_line;
if (cmap8to24) {
if (raw_fb) {
if (!quiet) rfbLog("disabling -8to24 mode"
" in raw_fb mode.\n");
cmap8to24 = 0;
} else if (depth == 24) {
if (fb_bpp != 32) {
if (!quiet) rfbLog("disabling -8to24 mode:"
" bpp != 32 with depth == 24\n");
cmap8to24 = 0;
} else if (depth == 8) {
/* need to cook up the screen fb to be depth 24 */
fb_bpp = 32;
fb_depth = 24;
} else {
if (!quiet) rfbLog("disabling -8to24 mode:"
" default depth not 24 or 8\n");
cmap8to24 = 0;
setup_scaling(&width, &height);
if (scaling) {
rfbLog("scaling screen: %dx%d -> %dx%d scale_fac=%.5f\n",
fb->width, fb->height, scaled_x, scaled_y, scale_fac);
rfb_bytes_per_line = (main_bytes_per_line / fb->width) * width;
} else {
rfb_bytes_per_line = main_bytes_per_line;
if (cmap8to24 && depth == 8) {
rfb_bytes_per_line *= 4;
* These are just hints wrt pixel format just to let
* rfbGetScreen/rfbNewFramebuffer proceed with reasonable
* defaults. We manually set them in painful detail below.
bits_per_color = guess_bits_per_color(fb_bpp);
/* n.b. samplesPerPixel (set = 1 here) seems to be unused. */
if (create_screen) {
if (use_openssl) {
} else if (use_stunnel) {
setup_stunnel(0, argc, argv);
screen = rfbGetScreen(argc, argv, width, height,
bits_per_color, 1, fb_bpp/8);
if (screen && http_dir) {
} else {
/* set set frameBuffer member below. */
rfbLog("rfbNewFramebuffer(0x%x, 0x%x, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d)\n",
screen, NULL, width, height, bits_per_color, 1, fb_bpp/8);
/* these are probably overwritten, but just to be safe: */
screen->bitsPerPixel = fb_bpp;
screen->depth = fb_depth;
rfbNewFramebuffer(screen, NULL, width, height,
bits_per_color, 1, (int) fb_bpp/8);
if (! screen) {
int i;
rfbLog("failed to create rfb screen.\n");
for (i=0; i< *argc; i++) {
rfbLog("\t[%d] %s\n", i, argv[i]);
if (create_screen && *argc != 1) {
int i;
rfbLog("*** unrecognized option(s) ***\n");
for (i=1; i< *argc; i++) {
rfbLog("\t[%d] %s\n", i, argv[i]);
rfbLog("For a list of options run: x11vnc -opts\n");
rfbLog("or for the full help: x11vnc -help\n");
rfbLog("Here is a list of removed or obsolete"
" options:\n");
rfbLog("removed: -hints, -nohints\n");
rfbLog("removed: -cursorposall\n");
rfbLog("renamed: -old_copytile, use -onetile\n");
rfbLog("renamed: -mouse, use -cursor\n");
rfbLog("renamed: -mouseX, use -cursor X\n");
rfbLog("renamed: -X, use -cursor X\n");
rfbLog("renamed: -nomouse, use -nocursor\n");
rfbLog("renamed: -old_pointer, use -pointer_mode 1\n");
/* set up format from scratch: */
screen->paddedWidthInBytes = rfb_bytes_per_line;
screen->serverFormat.bitsPerPixel = fb_bpp;
screen->serverFormat.depth = fb_depth;
screen->serverFormat.trueColour = TRUE;
screen->serverFormat.redShift = 0;
screen->serverFormat.greenShift = 0;
screen->serverFormat.blueShift = 0;
screen->serverFormat.redMax = 0;
screen->serverFormat.greenMax = 0;
screen->serverFormat.blueMax = 0;
/* these main_* formats are used generally. */
main_red_shift = 0;
main_green_shift = 0;
main_blue_shift = 0;
main_red_max = 0;
main_green_max = 0;
main_blue_max = 0;
main_red_mask = fb->red_mask;
main_green_mask = fb->green_mask;
main_blue_mask = fb->blue_mask;
have_masks = ((fb->red_mask|fb->green_mask|fb->blue_mask) != 0);
if (force_indexed_color) {
have_masks = 0;
if (cmap8to24 && depth == 8) {
XVisualInfo vinfo;
/* more cooking up... */
have_masks = 2;
/* need to fetch TrueColor visual */
if (XMatchVisualInfo(dpy, scr, 24, TrueColor, &vinfo)) {
main_red_mask = vinfo.red_mask;
main_green_mask = vinfo.green_mask;
main_blue_mask = vinfo.blue_mask;
} else if (fb->byte_order == LSBFirst) {
main_red_mask = 0x00ff0000;
main_green_mask = 0x0000ff00;
main_blue_mask = 0x000000ff;
} else {
main_red_mask = 0x000000ff;
main_green_mask = 0x0000ff00;
main_blue_mask = 0x00ff0000;
if (! have_masks && screen->serverFormat.bitsPerPixel == 8
&& dpy && CellsOfScreen(ScreenOfDisplay(dpy, scr))) {
/* indexed color */
if (!quiet) {
rfbLog("X display %s is 8bpp indexed color\n",
if (! flash_cmap && ! overlay) {
rfbLog("In 8bpp PseudoColor mode if you "
"experience color\n");
rfbLog("problems you may want to enable "
"following the\n");
rfbLog("changing colormap by using the "
"-flashcmap option.\n");
screen->serverFormat.trueColour = FALSE;
indexed_color = 1;
} else {
* general case, we call it truecolor, but could be direct
* color, static color, etc....
if (! quiet) {
if (raw_fb) {
rfbLog("Raw fb at addr %p is %dbpp depth=%d "
"true color\n", raw_fb_addr,
fb_bpp, fb_depth);
} else if (have_masks == 2) {
rfbLog("X display %s is %dbpp depth=%d indexed "
"color (-8to24 mode)\n", DisplayString(dpy),
fb->bits_per_pixel, fb->depth);
} else {
rfbLog("X display %s is %dbpp depth=%d true "
"color\n", DisplayString(dpy),
fb_bpp, fb_depth);
indexed_color = 0;
/* convert masks to bit shifts and max # colors */
if (main_red_mask) {
while (! (main_red_mask
& (1 << screen->serverFormat.redShift))) {
if (main_green_mask) {
while (! (main_green_mask
& (1 << screen->serverFormat.greenShift))) {
if (main_blue_mask) {
while (! (main_blue_mask
& (1 << screen->serverFormat.blueShift))) {
= main_red_mask >> screen->serverFormat.redShift;
= main_green_mask >> screen->serverFormat.greenShift;
= main_blue_mask >> screen->serverFormat.blueShift;
main_red_max = screen->serverFormat.redMax;
main_green_max = screen->serverFormat.greenMax;
main_blue_max = screen->serverFormat.blueMax;
main_red_shift = screen->serverFormat.redShift;
main_green_shift = screen->serverFormat.greenShift;
main_blue_shift = screen->serverFormat.blueShift;
if (!quiet) {
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
fprintf(stderr, "FrameBuffer Info:\n");
fprintf(stderr, " width: %d\n", fb->width);
fprintf(stderr, " height: %d\n", fb->height);
fprintf(stderr, " scaled_width: %d\n", width);
fprintf(stderr, " scaled_height: %d\n", height);
fprintf(stderr, " indexed_color: %d\n", indexed_color);
fprintf(stderr, " bits_per_pixel: %d\n", fb->bits_per_pixel);
fprintf(stderr, " depth: %d\n", fb->depth);
fprintf(stderr, " red_mask: 0x%08lx %s\n", fb->red_mask,
bitprint(fb->red_mask, 32));
fprintf(stderr, " green_mask: 0x%08lx %s\n", fb->green_mask,
bitprint(fb->green_mask, 32));
fprintf(stderr, " blue_mask: 0x%08lx %s\n", fb->blue_mask,
bitprint(fb->blue_mask, 32));
if (cmap8to24) {
fprintf(stderr, " 8to24 info:\n");
fprintf(stderr, " fb_bpp: %d\n", fb_bpp);
fprintf(stderr, " fb_depth: %d\n", fb_depth);
fprintf(stderr, " red_mask: 0x%08lx %s\n", main_red_mask,
bitprint(main_red_mask, 32));
fprintf(stderr, " green_mask: 0x%08lx %s\n", main_green_mask,
bitprint(main_green_mask, 32));
fprintf(stderr, " blue_mask: 0x%08lx %s\n", main_blue_mask,
bitprint(main_blue_mask, 32));
fprintf(stderr, " red: max: %3d shift: %2d\n",
main_red_max, main_red_shift);
fprintf(stderr, " green: max: %3d shift: %2d\n",
main_green_max, main_green_shift);
fprintf(stderr, " blue: max: %3d shift: %2d\n",
main_blue_max, main_blue_shift);
fprintf(stderr, " mainfb_bytes_per_line: %d\n",
fprintf(stderr, " rfb_fb_bytes_per_line: %d\n",
switch(fb->format) {
case XYBitmap:
fprintf(stderr, " format: XYBitmap\n"); break;
case XYPixmap:
fprintf(stderr, " format: XYPixmap\n"); break;
case ZPixmap:
fprintf(stderr, " format: ZPixmap\n"); break;
fprintf(stderr, " format: %d\n", fb->format); break;
switch(fb->byte_order) {
case LSBFirst:
fprintf(stderr, " byte_order: LSBFirst\n"); break;
case MSBFirst:
fprintf(stderr, " byte_order: MSBFirst\n"); break;
fprintf(stderr, " byte_order: %d\n", fb->byte_order);
fprintf(stderr, " bitmap_pad: %d\n", fb->bitmap_pad);
fprintf(stderr, " bitmap_unit: %d\n", fb->bitmap_unit);
switch(fb->bitmap_bit_order) {
case LSBFirst:
fprintf(stderr, " bitmap_bit_order: LSBFirst\n"); break;
case MSBFirst:
fprintf(stderr, " bitmap_bit_order: MSBFirst\n"); break;
fprintf(stderr, " bitmap_bit_order: %d\n",
fb->bitmap_bit_order); break;
if (overlay && ! quiet) {
rfbLog("Overlay mode enabled: If you experience color\n");
rfbLog("problems when popup menus are on the screen, try\n");
rfbLog("disabling SaveUnders in your X server, one way is\n");
rfbLog("to start the X server with the '-su' option, e.g.:\n");
rfbLog("Xsun -su ... see Xserver(1), xinit(1) for more info.\n");
/* nofb is for pointer/keyboard only handling. */
if (nofb) {
main_fb = NULL;
rfb_fb = main_fb;
cmap8to24_fb = NULL;
screen->displayHook = nofb_hook;
} else {
main_fb = fb->data;
rfb_fb = NULL;
cmap8to24_fb = NULL;
if (cmap8to24) {
int n = main_bytes_per_line * fb->height;
if (depth == 8) {
n *= 4;
cmap8to24_fb = (char *) malloc(n);
memset(cmap8to24_fb, 0, n);
if (scaling) {
rfb_fb = (char *) malloc(rfb_bytes_per_line * height);
memset(rfb_fb, 0, rfb_bytes_per_line * height);
} else if (cmap8to24) {
rfb_fb = cmap8to24_fb;
} else {
rfb_fb = main_fb;
screen->frameBuffer = rfb_fb;
if (!quiet) {
fprintf(stderr, " main_fb: %p\n", main_fb);
fprintf(stderr, " rfb_fb: %p\n", rfb_fb);
fprintf(stderr, " 8to24_fb: %p\n", cmap8to24_fb);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
/* may need, bpp, main_red_max, etc. */
if (scaling || cmap8to24) {
mark_rect_as_modified(0, 0, dpy_x, dpy_y, 0);
if (! create_screen) {
rfbClientIteratorPtr iter;
rfbClientPtr cl;
* since bits_per_color above may have been approximate,
* try to reset the individual translation tables...
* we do not seem to need this with rfbGetScreen()...
if (!quiet) rfbLog("calling setTranslateFunction()...\n");
iter = rfbGetClientIterator(screen);
while ((cl = rfbClientIteratorNext(iter)) != NULL) {
if (!quiet) rfbLog(" done.\n");
do_copy_screen = 1;
/* done for framebuffer change case */
* the rest is screen server initialization, etc, only needed
* at screen creation time.
/* event callbacks: */
screen->newClientHook = new_client;
screen->kbdAddEvent = keyboard;
screen->ptrAddEvent = pointer;
screen->setXCutText = xcut_receive;
/* called from inetd, we need to treat stdio as our socket */
if (inetd && use_openssl) {
/* accept_openssl() called later */
screen->port = 0;
} else if (inetd) {
int fd = dup(0);
if (fd < 0) {
rfbErr("dup(0) = %d failed.\n", fd);
/* we keep stderr for logging */
screen->inetdSock = fd;
screen->port = 0;
} else if (! got_rfbport) {
screen->autoPort = TRUE;
if (! got_nevershared && ! got_alwaysshared) {
if (shared) {
screen->alwaysShared = TRUE;
} else {
screen->neverShared = TRUE;
screen->dontDisconnect = TRUE;
if (! got_deferupdate) {
screen->deferUpdateTime = defer_update;
rfbSetServerVersionIdentity(screen, "x11vnc: %s", lastmod);
if (use_openssl) {
if (https_port_num >= 0) {
static void announce(int lport, int ssl, char *iface) {
char *host = this_host();
char *tvdt;
if (! ssl) {
tvdt = "The VNC desktop is: ";
} else {
tvdt = "The SSL VNC desktop is: ";
if (iface != NULL && *iface != '\0' && strcmp(iface, "any")) {
host = iface;
if (host != NULL) {
/* note that vncviewer special cases 5900-5999 */
int sz = 256;
if (inetd) {
; /* should not occur (port) */
} else if (quiet) {
if (lport >= 5900) {
snprintf(vnc_desktop_name, sz, "%s:%d",
host, lport - 5900);
fprintf(stderr, "%s %s\n", tvdt,
} else {
snprintf(vnc_desktop_name, sz, "%s:%d",
host, lport);
fprintf(stderr, "%s %s\n", tvdt,
} else if (lport >= 5900) {
snprintf(vnc_desktop_name, sz, "%s:%d",
host, lport - 5900);
fprintf(stderr, "%s %s\n", tvdt, vnc_desktop_name);
if (lport >= 6000) {
rfbLog("possible aliases: %s:%d, "
"%s::%d\n", host, lport,
host, lport);
} else {
snprintf(vnc_desktop_name, sz, "%s:%d",
host, lport);
fprintf(stderr, "%s %s\n", tvdt, vnc_desktop_name);
rfbLog("possible alias: %s::%d\n",
host, lport);
static void announce_http(int lport, int ssl, char *iface) {
char *host = this_host();
char *jvu;
if (ssl == 1) {
jvu = "Java SSL viewer URL: https";
} else if (ssl == 2) {
jvu = "Java SSL viewer URL: http";
} else {
jvu = "Java viewer URL: http";
if (iface != NULL && *iface != '\0' && strcmp(iface, "any")) {
host = iface;
if (host != NULL) {
if (! inetd) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s://%s:%d/\n", jvu, host, lport);
void set_vnc_desktop_name(void) {
sprintf(vnc_desktop_name, "unknown");
if (inetd) {
sprintf(vnc_desktop_name, "%s/inetd-no-further-clients",
if (screen->port) {
if (! quiet) {
if (use_openssl) {
announce(screen->port, 1, listen_str);
} else {
announce(screen->port, 0, listen_str);
if (stunnel_port) {
announce(stunnel_port, 1, NULL);
if (screen->httpListenSock > -1 && screen->httpPort) {
if (use_openssl) {
announce_http(screen->port, 1, listen_str);
if (https_port_num >= 0) {
announce_http(https_port_num, 1,
announce_http(screen->httpPort, 2, listen_str);
} else if (use_stunnel) {
announce_http(screen->httpPort, 2, listen_str);
} else {
announce_http(screen->httpPort, 0, listen_str);
if (inetd) {
; /* should not occur (port != 0) */
} else {
fprintf(stdout, "PORT=%d\n", screen->port);
if (stunnel_port) {
fprintf(stdout, "SSLPORT=%d\n", stunnel_port);
} else if (use_openssl) {
fprintf(stdout, "SSLPORT=%d\n", screen->port);
if (flagfile) {
FILE *flag = fopen(flagfile, "w");
if (flag) {
fprintf(flag, "PORT=%d\n",screen->port);
if (stunnel_port) {
fprintf(flag, "SSL_PORT=%d\n",
} else {
rfbLog("could not open flag file: %s\n",