/* This file is part of ksquirrel-libs (http://ksquirrel.sf.net) Copyright (c) 2005 Dmitry Baryshev This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include "ksquirrel-libs/fmt_types.h" #include "ksquirrel-libs/fileio.h" #include "ksquirrel-libs/fmt_utils.h" #include #include "fmt_codec_mng_defs.h" #include "fmt_codec_mng.h" #include "ksquirrel-libs/error.h" #include "../xpm/codec_mng.xpm" /* structure for keeping track of our mng stream inside the callbacks */ struct mngstuff { FILE *file; /* pointer to the file we're decoding */ std::string filename; /* pointer to the file's path/name */ fmt_codec *codec; }; /* * * MNG (Multiple-image Network Graphics) is the animation extension of the popular PNG image-format. * PNG (Portable Network Graphics) is an extensible file format for the lossless, portable, * well-compressed storage of raster images. * * MNG has advanced animation features which make it very useful as a full replacement * for GIF animations. These features allow animations that are impossible with GIF or * result in much smaller files as GIF. * * As MNG builds on the same structure as PNG, it is robust, extensible and free of * patents. It retains the same clever file integrity checks as in PNG. * * MNG also embraces the lossy JPEG image-format in a sub-format named JNG, which * allows for alpha-transparency and color-correction on highly compressed (photographic) images. * */ /* ******************************************************************** */ /* callbacks from mngplay.c (C) Ralph Giles */ /* ******************************************************************** */ /* memory allocation; data must be zeroed */ mng_ptr mymngalloc(mng_size_t size) { // libmng requires calloc... return (mng_ptr)calloc(1, size); } /* memory deallocation */ void mymngfree(mng_ptr p, mng_size_t /*size*/) { free(p); } mng_bool mymngopenstream(mng_handle mng) { mngstuff *mymng; /* look up our stream struct */ mymng = (mngstuff*)mng_get_userdata(mng); /* open the file */ mymng->file = fopen(mymng->filename.c_str(), "rb"); if(mymng->file == NULL) return MNG_FALSE; return MNG_TRUE; } mng_bool mymngprocesstext(mng_handle mng, mng_uint8 /*iType*/, mng_pchar zKeyword, mng_pchar zText, mng_pchar /*zLanguage*/, mng_pchar /*zTranslation*/) { mngstuff *mymng; /* look up our stream struct */ mymng = (mngstuff *)mng_get_userdata(mng); if(zKeyword && zText) { fmt_metaentry mt; mt.group = zKeyword; mt.data = zText; mymng->codec->addmeta(mt); } return MNG_TRUE; } mng_bool mymngclosestream(mng_handle mng) { mngstuff *mymng; /* look up our stream struct */ mymng = (mngstuff *)mng_get_userdata(mng); /* close the file */ fclose(mymng->file); mymng->file = NULL;/* for safety */ mymng->filename.clear(); return MNG_TRUE; } /* feed data to the decoder */ mng_bool mymngreadstream(mng_handle mng, mng_ptr buffer, mng_uint32 size, mng_uint32 *bytesread) { mngstuff *mymng; /* look up our stream struct */ mymng = (mngstuff *)mng_get_userdata(mng); /* read the requested amount of data from the file */ *bytesread = fread(buffer, 1, size, mymng->file); return MNG_TRUE; } /* the header's been read. set up the display stuff */ mng_bool mymngprocessheader(mng_handle mng, mng_uint32 width, mng_uint32 height) { mngstuff *mymng; mymng = (mngstuff *)mng_get_userdata(mng); mymng->codec->priv.w = width; mymng->codec->priv.frame = new RGBA [width * height]; return (!mymng->codec->priv.frame) ? MNG_FALSE : MNG_TRUE; } /* return a row pointer for the decoder to fill */ mng_ptr mymnggetcanvasline(mng_handle mng, mng_uint32 line) { mngstuff *mymng; mng_ptr row; mymng = (mngstuff *)mng_get_userdata(mng); row = mymng->codec->priv.frame + line * mymng->codec->priv.w; return row; } /* timer */ mng_uint32 mymnggetticks(mng_handle /*mng*/) { return 0; } mng_bool mymngrefresh(mng_handle /*mng*/, mng_uint32 /*x*/, mng_uint32 /*y*/, mng_uint32 /*w*/, mng_uint32 /*h*/) { return MNG_TRUE; } /* interframe delay callback */ mng_bool mymngsettimer(mng_handle mng, mng_uint32 msecs) { mngstuff *mymng; mymng = (mngstuff *)mng_get_userdata(mng); mymng->codec->priv.ms = (msecs == 1) ? 100 : msecs; return MNG_TRUE; } /* ******************************************************************** */ fmt_codec::fmt_codec() : fmt_codec_base() {} fmt_codec::~fmt_codec() {} void fmt_codec::options(codec_options *o) { o->version = "0.3.4"; o->name = "Multiple Network Graphics"; #ifdef MNG_INCLUDE_JNG o->filter = "*.mng *.jng "; o->mimetype = "video/x-mng;image/x-jng"; #else o->filter = "*.mng "; o->mimetype = "video/x-mng"; #endif o->config = ""; o->mime = ""; o->pixmap = codec_mng; o->readable = true; o->canbemultiple = true; o->writestatic = false; o->writeanimated = false; o->needtempfile = false; } s32 fmt_codec::read_init(const std::string &file) { frs.open(file.c_str(), ios::binary | ios::in); if(!frs.good()) return SQE_R_NOFILE; frs.close(); currentImage = -1; read_error = false; finfo.animated = false; // allocate our stream data structure mymng = new mngstuff; if(!mymng) return SQE_R_NOMEMORY; mymng->filename = file; mymng->codec = this; priv.frame = 0; priv.ms = 10; /* set up the mng decoder for our stream */ mng = mng_initialize(mymng, mymngalloc, mymngfree, MNG_NULL); if (mng == MNG_NULL) return SQE_R_NOMEMORY; /* set the callbacks */ mng_setcb_openstream(mng, ::mymngopenstream); mng_setcb_closestream(mng, ::mymngclosestream); mng_setcb_readdata(mng, ::mymngreadstream); mng_setcb_gettickcount(mng, ::mymnggetticks); mng_setcb_settimer(mng, ::mymngsettimer); mng_setcb_processheader(mng, ::mymngprocessheader); mng_setcb_getcanvasline(mng, ::mymnggetcanvasline); mng_setcb_refresh(mng, ::mymngrefresh); mng_setcb_processtext(mng, ::mymngprocesstext); mng_set_suspensionmode(mng, MNG_TRUE); mng_set_canvasstyle(mng, MNG_CANVAS_RGBA8); total = 0; return SQE_OK; } s32 fmt_codec::read_next() { currentImage++; if((total && currentImage == total) || (!total && currentImage)) return SQE_NOTOK; int myretcode; if(!currentImage) { myretcode = mng_read(mng); if(myretcode != MNG_NOERROR) return SQE_R_BADFILE; total = mng_get_totallayers(mng); if(total > 1) total--; myretcode = mng_display(mng); if(myretcode != MNG_NOERROR && myretcode != MNG_NEEDTIMERWAIT) return SQE_R_BADFILE; } else { myretcode = mng_display_resume(mng); if(myretcode != MNG_NOERROR && myretcode != MNG_NEEDTIMERWAIT) return SQE_R_BADFILE; finfo.animated = true; } fmt_image image; image.w = mng_get_imagewidth(mng); image.h = mng_get_imageheight(mng); image.bpp = 32; image.compression = (mng_get_imagetype(mng) == MNG_IMAGETYPE_PNG) ? "Deflate method 8, 32K window" : "JPEG"; image.hasalpha = true; int cc = mng_get_colortype(mng); switch(cc) { case MNG_COLORTYPE_GRAY: image.colorspace = "Grayscale"; break; case MNG_COLORTYPE_RGB: image.colorspace = "RGB"; break; case MNG_COLORTYPE_INDEXED: image.colorspace = "Indexed"; break; case MNG_COLORTYPE_GRAYA: image.colorspace = "Grayscale with alpha"; break; case MNG_COLORTYPE_RGBA: image.colorspace = "RGBA"; break; default: image.colorspace = "Unknown"; } image.delay = priv.ms; finfo.image.push_back(image); line = -1; return SQE_OK; } s32 fmt_codec::read_next_pass() { return SQE_OK; } s32 fmt_codec::read_scanline(RGBA *scan) { line++; fmt_image *im = image(currentImage); fmt_utils::fillAlpha(scan, im->w); memcpy(scan, priv.frame+im->w*line, im->w*sizeof(RGBA)); return SQE_OK; } void fmt_codec::read_close() { finfo.meta.clear(); finfo.image.clear(); mng_cleanup(&mng); delete [] priv.frame; priv.frame = 0; } #include "fmt_codec_cd_func.h"