/* Option processing for xcftools -*- C -*- * * Copyright (C) 2006 Henning Makholm * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ OPTIONGROUP(1i,General options); OPTION('h',--help,show this message, (Print an option summery to standard output and exit with a return code of 0. )); exit(0); OPTION('V',--version,show version, (Print the version numer of .B xcftools to standard output and exit with a return code of 0. )); printf(OPTI_TARGET " - " PACKAGE_STRING "\n"); exit(0); OPTION('v',--verbose,show progress messages, (Print progress messages about the conversion to standard error. )); verboseFlag = 1 ; break ; OPTION('j',--bzip,input is bzip2 compressed, (Equivalent to .BR "\-Z bzcat" . Default if the filename ends with .BR bz2 . )); unzipper = "bzcat" ; break ; OPTION('z',--gzip,input is gzip compressed, (Equivalent to .BR "\-Z zcat" . Default if the filename ends with .BR gz . )); unzipper = "zcat" ; break ; OPTION('Z',--unpack,(command) use 'command' to decompress input, (Specify a command that the input file is filtered through before being interpreted as an XCF file. The command is invoked as .I command filename and must produce output to its standard output. Note that it is not possible to specify arguments as part of .IR command . An uncompressor is selected automatically if the filename ends with .B gz or .BR bz2 ; to suppress this, use .B \-Z cat (which is implemented without actually starting a .BR cat (1) process). )); unzipper = optarg ; break ; #ifdef XCF2FOO OPTION('o',--output,(filename) name output file, (Write the converted picture to .I filename instead of to standard output. )); flatspec.output_filename = optarg ; break ; #ifdef XCF2PNM OPTION('a',--alpha,(filename) write transparency map, (Output a transparency mask for the flattened image to .I filename as a .BR pgm (5) file, in addition to the ordinary output. If the flattened image is completely opaque, this will produce an error message and exit status 101; use .B \-A to suppress this. )); flatspec.transmap_filename = optarg ; break ; #endif OPTION('b',--background,(color) select background color, (Use this color for transparent pixels in the image. The color can be given as .B #rrggbb or .B #rgb hexadecimal values, or as an X11 color name (which will only work if a color name database can be found in one of a number of standard locations). )); { unsigned r,g,b ; unsigned long hex ; int met = 0 ; if( *optarg == '#' ) sscanf(optarg+1,"%lx%n",&hex,&met); if( met == 3 && strlen(optarg) == 4 ) { r = ((hex >> 8) & 0xF) * 0x11 ; g = ((hex >> 4) & 0xF) * 0x11 ; b = ((hex >> 0) & 0xF) * 0x11 ; } else if( met == 6 && strlen(optarg) == 7 ) { r = ((hex >> 16) & 0xFF) ; g = ((hex >> 8) & 0xFF) ; b = ((hex >> 0) & 0xFF) ; } else if( strcasecmp(optarg,"black") == 0 ) r = g = b = 0 ; else if( strcasecmp(optarg,"white") == 0 ) r = g = b = 255 ; else { const char *filenames[] = { "/etc/X11/rgb.txt", "/usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt", "/usr/share/X11/rgb.txt", NULL }; const char **fnp ; r = (unsigned)-1 ; int any = 0 ; for( fnp = filenames; r == (unsigned)-1 && fnp && *fnp; fnp++ ) { FILE *colortable = fopen(*fnp,"rt"); if( colortable ) { any = 1 ; int clen ; char colorbuf[80] ; do { if( !fgets(colorbuf,sizeof colorbuf,colortable) ) { r = (unsigned)-1 ; break ; } clen = strlen(colorbuf); while( clen && isspace(colorbuf[clen-1]) ) clen-- ; colorbuf[clen] = '\0' ; clen = 0 ; sscanf(colorbuf," %u %u %u %n",&r,&g,&b,&clen); } while( clen == 0 || strcasecmp(colorbuf+clen,optarg) != 0 ); fclose(colortable) ; } } if( !any ) { fprintf(stderr,_("Could not find X11 color database\n")); } } if( r == (unsigned)-1 ) FatalGeneric(20,_("Unknown background color '%s'"),optarg); flatspec.default_pixel = ((rgba)255 << ALPHA_SHIFT) + ((rgba)r << RED_SHIFT) + ((rgba)g << GREEN_SHIFT) + ((rgba)b << BLUE_SHIFT); break ; } OPTION('A',--force-alpha,force alpha channel in output, (Invent a trivial alpha channel even if the flattened image is completely opaque. )); flatspec.default_pixel = FORCE_ALPHA_CHANNEL ; break ; OPTION('c',--color --colour,select color output, (Force the output to use RGB color space even if it there are more compact alternatives. #ifdef XCF2PNM This will be selected automatically if the output file''s name ends with .BR .ppm . #endif )); flatspec.out_color_mode = COLOR_RGB ; break ; OPTION('g',--gray --grey,select grayscale output, (Force the output to be a grayscale image even if it may be monochrome. If any colored pixels are encountered, exit with status 103. This will be selected automatically if the output file''s name ends with .BR .pgm . )); flatspec.out_color_mode = COLOR_GRAY ; break ; #ifdef XCF2PNM OPTION('m',--mono,select monochrome output, (Force the output to be a monochrome image. If any colors except black and white are encountered, exit with status 103. This will be selected automatically if the output file''s name ends with .BR .pbm . )); flatspec.out_color_mode = COLOR_MONO ; break ; #endif #ifdef XCF2PNM OPTION('n',--pnm,select -c/-g/-m by image contents, (Suppress the automatic choice of .BR \-c , .BR \-g , or .BR \-m based on output filename, and instead select the output format based on image contents. This is the default if the filename is not recognized, and when writing to stdout. )); flatspec.out_color_mode = COLOR_BY_CONTENTS ; break ; #endif OPTION('T',--truecolor,treat indexed images as RGB for flattening, (Use standard RGB compositing for flattening indexed layers. Without this option, .B \*p will mimic the Gimp''s current strategy of rounding each alpha value to either full transparency or full opacity, and interpret all layer modes as .BR Normal . )); flatspec.gimpish_indexed = 0 ; break ; OPTION('G',--for-gif,disallow partial transparency, (Assert that the flattened image will have no partial transparency (allowing a more compact representation of the alpha output). Exit with status 102 if the flattened image has any partial transparency. If .B \-b is also given, this tests whether there there is partial transparency before applying the background color. )); flatspec.partial_transparency_mode = FORBID_PARTIAL_TRANSPARENCY ; break ; OPTION('D',--dissolve,dissolve partial transparency, (Do a "dissolve" step to eliminate partial transparency after flattening. If .B \-b is also given, this happens before the background color is applied. )); flatspec.partial_transparency_mode = DISSOLVE_PARTIAL_TRANSPARENCY ; break ; OPTION('f',--full-image,flatten to memory; then analyse, (First flatten the entire image to a memory buffer before writing output. Then analyse the image to decide on the details of the output format (e.g., whether a grayscale output is sufficient). Without this option, the program flattens only a singe row of "tiles" (height 64) at a time. )); flatspec.process_in_memory = 1 ; break ; OPTION('S',--size,(w"x"h) crop image while converting, (Crop the converted image to width \fIw\fP and height \fIh\fP. )); { unsigned w,h ; int n = 0 ; sscanf(optarg,"%ux%u%n",&w,&h,&n) ; if( n && n == strlen(optarg) ) { if( flatspec.window_mode == AUTOCROP ) flatspec.window_mode = USE_CANVAS ; flatspec.window_mode |= MANUAL_CROP ; flatspec.dim.width = w ; flatspec.dim.height = h ; } else FatalGeneric(20,_("-S option must have an argument of the form wxh")); break ; } OPTION('O',--offset,(x","y) translate converted part of image, (Offset the converted part of the image from the top-left corner of the XCF canvas. Usually used with .BR \-S . )); { int x,y ; int n = 0 ; sscanf(optarg,"%d,%d%n",&x,&y,&n) ; if( n && n == strlen(optarg) ) { if( flatspec.window_mode == AUTOCROP ) flatspec.window_mode = USE_CANVAS ; flatspec.window_mode |= MANUAL_OFFSET ; flatspec.dim.c.l = x ; flatspec.dim.c.t = y ; } else FatalGeneric(20,_("-O option must have an argument of the form x,y")); break ; } OPTION('C',--autocrop,autocrop to visible layer boundaries, (Crop and offset the converted part of the image to just include the boundaries of the visible (or selected) layers. (Note that the .I contents of the layers is not taken into account when autocropping). .IP In the absence of options that specify otherwise, the converted image will cover the entire XCF canvas. )); flatspec.window_mode = AUTOCROP ; break ; #ifndef XCFVIEW OPTIONGROUP(1il,Layer-selection options); #endif OPTION(300,--mode,(mode) set layer mode, (Set the layer mode (e.g., .B Normal or .BR Multiply ). )); { GimpLayerModeEffects m ; #ifdef ENABLE_NLS for( m = 0; m < GimpLayerModeEffects_LAST; m++ ) if( strcmp(optarg,_(showGimpLayerModeEffects(m))) == 0 ) goto found_localized ; #endif for( m = 0; strcmp(optarg,showGimpLayerModeEffects(m)) != 0 ; m++ ) { if( m > GimpLayerModeEffects_LAST ) FatalGeneric(20,_("Layer mode '%s' is unknown"),optarg); } found_localized: lastlayerspec(&flatspec,"--mode")->mode = m ; break ; } OPTION(301,--percent,(n) set opacity in percent, (Set the opacity on a scale from 0 to 100 (as in the Gimp user interface). )); { unsigned pct ; int n ; sscanf(optarg,"%u%n",&pct,&n) ; if( n != strlen(optarg) || pct > 100 ) FatalGeneric(20,_("The argument to --percent is not a percentage")); lastlayerspec(&flatspec,"--percent")->opacity = pct * 255 / 100 ; break ; } OPTION(302,--opacity,(n) set opacity in 1/255 units, (Set the opacity on a scale from 0 to 255 (as used internally) )); { unsigned alpha ; int n ; sscanf(optarg,"%u%n",&alpha,&n) ; if( n != strlen(optarg) || alpha > 255 ) FatalGeneric(20,_("The argument to --opacity is not a number " "between 0 and 255")); lastlayerspec(&flatspec,"--percent")->opacity = alpha ; break ; } OPTION(303,--mask,enable layer mask, (Enable the layer mask. )); lastlayerspec(&flatspec,"--mask")->hasMask = 1 ; break ; OPTION(304,--nomask,disable layer mask, (Disable the layer mask. )); lastlayerspec(&flatspec,"--nomask")->hasMask = 0 ; break ; #endif /* XCF2FOO */ OPTIONGROUP(1i,) #if HAVE_ICONV OPTION('u',--utf8,use UTF-8 for layer names, (Use the raw UTF-8 representation from the XCF file to compare and display layer names. Ordinarily, layer names will be converted to the character set of the current locale. )); use_utf8 = 1 ; break ; #endif