KXESearchDialogBase Dialog for input information from user about searching in XML document Lumir Vanek KXESearchDialogBase 0 0 354 244 330 240 0 0 Search unnamed 11 6 Layout5 unnamed 0 6 m_pTextLabelSearchedString MShape MShadow &Search string: m_pEditSearchedString <b>Search string</b></br> Here you can enter the string you want to search for in your XML document. Spacer3 Horizontal Expanding 262 0 m_pEditSearchedString <b>Search string</b></br> Here you can enter the string you want to search for in your XML document. layout13 unnamed Spacer2 Horizontal Expanding 154 16 m_pPushButtonFind &Find m_pPushButtonCancel &Cancel Spacer9 Vertical Expanding 16 131 m_pGroupBoxSearchIn Find &in <b>Find in</b> <br/> Here you can choose the parts of your XML document that should be inspected during the search. <br/> These are <br/> <br/> <b><i>Element names</i></b><br/> <b><i>Attribute names</i></b><br/> <b><i>Attribute values</i></b><br/> <b><i>Content</i></b> unnamed 11 6 m_pCheckBoxElementNames Element names m_pCheckBoxAttributeNames Attribute names m_pCheckBoxAttributeValues Attribute values m_pCheckBoxContents Content layout23 unnamed spacer19 Horizontal Expanding 18 20 m_pCheckBoxMatchCase &Match case Alt+M <b>Match case</b><br/> Check this for case sensitive search. spacer20 Horizontal Expanding 19 20 m_pEditSearchedString textChanged(const QString&) KXESearchDialogBase slotTextChanged(const QString&) m_pPushButtonCancel clicked() KXESearchDialogBase reject() m_pPushButtonFind clicked() KXESearchDialogBase accept() m_pCheckBoxElementNames stateChanged(int) KXESearchDialogBase slotFindInChanged() m_pCheckBoxAttributeNames stateChanged(int) KXESearchDialogBase slotFindInChanged() m_pCheckBoxAttributeValues stateChanged(int) KXESearchDialogBase slotFindInChanged() m_pCheckBoxContents stateChanged(int) KXESearchDialogBase slotFindInChanged() m_pEditSearchedString m_pCheckBoxElementNames m_pCheckBoxAttributeNames m_pCheckBoxAttributeValues m_pCheckBoxContents m_pCheckBoxMatchCase m_pPushButtonFind m_pPushButtonCancel slotFindInChanged() slotTextChanged(const QString &)