You need to have enabled the following options in /etc/ssh/sshd_config (Server): PermitTunnel yes PermitRootLogin yes Minimum requirement is OpenSSH 4.3 and ksshaskpass/ssh-askpass-gnome. TUN and TAP modes are supported. Network configuration can be made automaticlly (default) or by execution an specified script on server. If script is used the following parameters will be given: Parameter 0: script name e.g. /root/ Parameter 1: device type e.g. tun Parameter 2: ip address e.g. (tun) Parameter 3: remote ip address (tun) On automatic configuration tun0/tap0 will be used. Example script on server: ###### /root/ ##### #!/bin/bash # $0 script name /root/ # $1 device type tun|tap # $2 ip address (tun) # $3 remote ip address (tun) device="tun0" ip="" remote_ip="" type="tun" echo "type: $1" if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then type="$1" if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then ip=$2 if [ $# -gt 2 ]; then remoteip=$3 fi fi fi if [ "$type "="tun" ]; then echo "tun!" /sbin/ifconfig $device $ip pointopoint $remoteip up fi if [ "$type"="tap" ]; then echo "tap!" netmask="" ip="" device="tap0" /sbin/ifconfig $device $ip netmask $netmask up fi ############ END ##########