ProfileCmdExecAfterConnectOptionsBase ProfileCmdExecAfterConnectOptionsBase 0 0 383 425 3 3 0 0 Command Execution After Connect unnamed tqlayout2 unnamed ExcuteCmdAfterConnectCheckBox E&xecute command after connect Alt+X Execute specified command after connect Check this to execute specified command after every successful connect. CmdAfterConnectTextEdit false 0 300 0 Command to execute after sucessful connect. <br>Normal shell commands are accepted. Command to execute after sucessful connect. <br>Normal shell commands are accepted. tqlayout1 unnamed CommandAfterConnectDelayTimeNumInputLabel Delay time: spacer1 Horizontal Expanding 111 20 CommandAfterConnectDelayTimeNumInput 3 0 20 ExcuteCmdAfterConnectCheckBox toggled(bool) ProfileCmdExecAfterConnectOptionsBase execCmdAfterConnectToggled(bool) ExcuteCmdAfterConnectCheckBox CmdAfterConnectTextEdit execCmdAfterConnectToggled(bool) ktextedit.h knuminput.h knuminput.h