You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

926 lines
38 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2004 by Christoph Thielecke *
* *
* contains some code from which is *
* written by Alon Bar-Lev <> *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *
#include "openvpnmanagementhandler.h"
#include <tqregexp.h>
#include <tqtextstream.h>
#include <kpassdlg.h>
#include <tdelocale.h>
#include <tqlabel.h>
#include <tqcheckbox.h>
#include <tdemessagebox.h>
#include <kinputdialog.h>
#include "kvpncconfig.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "enterxauthinteractivepasscodedialog.h"
OpenvpnManagementHandler::OpenvpnManagementHandler( TQObject *, KVpncConfig *GlobalConfig )
this->GlobalConfig = GlobalConfig;
fInHold = false;
if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 2 )
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: start", GlobalConfig->debug );
void OpenvpnManagementHandler::closeConnection()
if (socket)
//disconnect( socket, TQT_SIGNAL( connected() ), this, TQT_SLOT( socketConnected() ) );
disconnect( socket, TQT_SIGNAL( connectionClosed() ), this, TQT_SLOT( socketConnectionClosed() ) );
disconnect( socket, TQT_SIGNAL( readyRead() ), this, TQT_SLOT( socketReadyRead() ) );
disconnect( socket, TQT_SIGNAL( error( int ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( socketError( int ) ) );
disconnect( socket, TQT_SIGNAL( hostFound() ), this, TQT_SLOT( hostFound() ) );
if ( socket->state() == TQSocket::Closing )
// We have a delayed close.
connect( socket, TQT_SIGNAL( delayedCloseFinished() ), this, TQT_SLOT( socketClosed() ) );
// The socket is closed.
void OpenvpnManagementHandler::socketConnectionClosed()
if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 1 )
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: " + i18n( "Disconnected to the OpenVPN manage port (%1)." ).arg( TQString().setNum( GlobalConfig->OpenvpnManagementPort ) ), GlobalConfig->debug );
void OpenvpnManagementHandler::socketClosed()
socketReallyClosed = false;
disconnect( socket, TQT_SIGNAL( delayedCloseFinished() ), this, TQT_SLOT( socketClosed() ) );
delete socket;
disconnect ( &greetingtimer, TQT_SIGNAL ( timeout() ), this, TQT_SLOT ( greetingTimedOut() ) );
if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 1 )
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: " + i18n( "Socket to the OpenVPN manage port (%1) closed." ).arg( TQString().setNum( GlobalConfig->OpenvpnManagementPort ) ), GlobalConfig->debug );
socketReallyClosed = true;
// emit terminate_openvpn();
void OpenvpnManagementHandler::socketConnected()
connect( socket, TQT_SIGNAL( connectionClosed() ), this, TQT_SLOT( socketConnectionClosed() ) );
connect( socket, TQT_SIGNAL( readyRead() ), this, TQT_SLOT( socketReadyRead() ) );
// KMessageBox::error ( 0, TQString("bar"), TQString("foo") );
if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 1 )
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: " + i18n( "Connected to the OpenVPN manage port (%1)." ).arg( TQString().setNum( GlobalConfig->OpenvpnManagementPort ) ), GlobalConfig->debug );
void OpenvpnManagementHandler::socketError( int e )
// infoText->append( tr("Error number %1 occurred\n").arg(e) );
if ( e != 0 )
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: " + TQString().setNum( e ) , GlobalConfig->error );
void OpenvpnManagementHandler::greetingTimedOut()
disconnect ( &greetingtimer, TQT_SIGNAL ( timeout() ), this, TQT_SLOT ( greetingTimedOut() ) );
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: " + i18n("Got no greeting within %1 seconds from management interface, retrying.").arg("3"), GlobalConfig->error );
while( ! socketReallyClosed )
if (GlobalConfig->appPointer->hasPendingEvents())
void OpenvpnManagementHandler::sendToServer( TQString cmd )
// write to the server
TQTextStream os( socket );
os << cmd << "\n";
void OpenvpnManagementHandler::socketReadyRead()
bool abort=false;
if (socket)
if (socket->state() != TQSocket::Closing && socket->state() != TQSocket::Idle)
while ( !abort && socket->canReadLine() )
TQString line = socket->readLine();
// {
// TQCString s;
// s.resize( socket->bytesAvailable() + 1 );
// socket->readBlock(, socket->bytesAvailable() );
// TQString line( s );
// {
if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 2 )
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler raw: " + line, GlobalConfig->debug );
// if ( line.find( "NOOP", 0, FALSE ) > -1 )
// {
// // NOOP
// }
// else if ( line.find( ">HOLD:", 0, FALSE ) > -1 ) {
// if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 2 )
// GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: " + i18n( "got %1 message." ).arg("'hold'"), GlobalConfig->debug );
// fInHold = true;
// int ret = 0;
// do {
// ret = KMessageBox::questionYesNo ( 0, i18n( "Release hold?" ), i18n( "OpenVPN" ) );
// } while ( ret != 0 );
// sendToServer( "hold release\n" );
// if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 2 )
// GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: " + i18n( "hold release sent." ), GlobalConfig->debug );
// socket->close();
// fInHold = false;
// }
if ( line.find( "INFO:OpenVPN Management Interface", 0, FALSE ) > -1 )
disconnect ( &greetingtimer, TQT_SIGNAL ( timeout() ), this, TQT_SLOT ( greetingTimedOut() ) );
greetingtimer.stop ();
if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 2 )
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: " + i18n("Got greeting from management interface."), GlobalConfig->debug );
else if ( line.find( "> NEED - OK:", 0, FALSE ) > -1 )
if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 2 )
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: " + i18n( "got %1 message" ).arg("'need ok'"), GlobalConfig->debug );
TQString req = line.section( TQRegExp( ".*'(.*)'. * MSG:( .* )" ), 0, 0 ); // $1;
TQString msg = line.section( TQRegExp( ".*'(.*)'. * MSG:( .* )" ), 1, 1 ); // $2;
if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 2 )
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( TQString("OpenvpnManagementHandler: req: ")+req+TQString(", msg: ")+msg , GlobalConfig->debug );
//TODO: look for possible messages, msg2 is the translatable msg
TQString msg2 = msg;
int ret = KMessageBox::questionYesNo ( 0, msg2, i18n( "OpenVPN" ) );
if ( ret == 0 )
if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 2 )
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( TQString("OpenvpnManagementHandler: ") + TQString("'needok': ok") , GlobalConfig->debug );
sendToServer( "needok \"" + req + "\" ok\n" );
if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 2 )
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( TQString("OpenvpnManagementHandler: ") +TQString( "'needok': cancel") , GlobalConfig->debug );
sendToServer( "needok \"" + req + "\" cancel\n" );
if (socket)
// if ( line.find( " >PASSWORD:", 0, FALSE ) > -1 ) {
// if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 2 )
// GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: " + i18n( "got %1 message" ).arg("'password'"), GlobalConfig->debug );
// TQString req = line.section( TQRegExp( ".*'(.*)'.*" ), 0, 0 ); // $1;
// TQString password;
// TQString pass = "";
// int result = KPasswordDialog::getPassword( password, TQString( req + i18n( " password:" ) ) );
// TQTextStream os( socket );
// // os.setEncoding( TQTextStream::UnicodeUTF8 );
// if ( result == KPasswordDialog::Accepted ) {
// if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 2 )
// GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: " + i18n( "password got from user" ), GlobalConfig->debug );
// pass = password;
// pass = pass.remove( '\r' );
// pass = pass.remove( '\n' );
// } else {
// pass = "";
// }
// sendToServer( "password \"" + req + "\" \"" + pass + "\"\n" );
else if ( line.find( "PASSWORD:Need 'Auth' username/password", 0, FALSE ) > -1 )
if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 2 )
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: " + i18n( "got %1 message" ).arg("'need username/password'"), GlobalConfig->debug );
if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 2 )
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: " + i18n( "Send username..." ), GlobalConfig->debug );
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( i18n( "Send username..." ), GlobalConfig->info );
if ( !GlobalConfig->currentProfile->getUserName().isEmpty() /* && !GlobalConfig->currentProfile->getDontSaveUsername() */ )
if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 2 )
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: username: " + GlobalConfig->currentProfile->getUserName(), GlobalConfig->debug );
sendToServer( "username Auth " + GlobalConfig->currentProfile->getUserName() + "\n" );
if ( GlobalConfig->TmpUsername.isEmpty() )
bool ok = false;
TQString username = KInputDialog::getText ( i18n( "User name" ), i18n( "Enter username:" ), "", &ok );
TQTextStream os( socket );
os.setEncoding( TQTextStream::UnicodeUTF8 );
if ( ok == true && !username.isEmpty() )
if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 2 )
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: " + i18n( "username got from user" ), GlobalConfig->debug );
GlobalConfig->TmpUsername = username;
if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 5 )
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: username: " + GlobalConfig->TmpUsername, GlobalConfig->debug );
sendToServer( "username Auth " + GlobalConfig->TmpUsername + "\n" );
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: username dialog canceled and username empty, stop.", GlobalConfig->info );
abort = true;
if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 5 )
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: username: " + GlobalConfig->TmpUsername, GlobalConfig->debug );
sendToServer( "username Auth " + GlobalConfig->TmpUsername + "\n" );
else if ( line.find( "SUCCESS: 'Auth' username entered", 0, FALSE ) > -1 )
if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 2 )
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: " + i18n( "got %1 message" ).arg("SUCCESS: 'Auth' username entered"), GlobalConfig->debug );
if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 2 )
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: " + i18n( "Send password..." ), GlobalConfig->debug );
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( i18n( "Send password..." ), GlobalConfig->info );
if ( !GlobalConfig->currentProfile->getUserPassword().isEmpty() /* && GlobalConfig->currentProfile->getSaveUserPassword() */ )
// if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 5 )
// GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: password: " +GlobalConfig->currentProfile->getUserPassword(), GlobalConfig->debug );
sendToServer( "password Auth " + GlobalConfig->currentProfile->getUserPassword() + "\n" );
if ( GlobalConfig->TmpPassword.isEmpty() )
TQString password;
TQString pass = "";
int result = KPasswordDialog::getPassword( password, TQString( i18n( " password:" ) ) );
TQTextStream os( socket );
// os.setEncoding( TQTextStream::UnicodeUTF8 );
if ( result == KPasswordDialog::Accepted )
if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 2 )
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: " + i18n( "password got from user" ), GlobalConfig->debug );
GlobalConfig->TmpPassword = password;
// if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 5 )
// GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: password: "+GlobalConfig->TmpPassword, GlobalConfig->debug );
sendToServer( "password Auth " + GlobalConfig->TmpPassword + "\n" );
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: password dialog canceled and password empty, stop.", GlobalConfig->info );
abort = true;
// if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 5 )
// GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: password: "+GlobalConfig->TmpPassword, GlobalConfig->debug );
sendToServer( "password Auth " + GlobalConfig->TmpPassword + "\n" );
// else if ( line.find( "SUCCESS: 'Auth' username entered", 0, FALSE ) > -1 ) {
// if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 2 )
// GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: " + i18n( "got %1 message, 2. step" ).arg("'need username/password'"), GlobalConfig->debug );
// if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 2 )
// GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: " + i18n( "Send password..." ), GlobalConfig->debug );
// if ( GlobalConfig->currentProfile->getUserPassword().isEmpty() )
// sendToServer( "password Auth " + GlobalConfig->TmpPassword + "\"\n" );
// else
// sendToServer( "password Auth " + GlobalConfig->currentProfile->getUserPassword() + "\"\n" );
// }
else if ( line.find( "PASSWORD:Need 'HTTP Proxy' username/password", 0, FALSE ) > -1 )
if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 2 )
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: " + i18n( "got %1 message" ).arg("'HTTP Proxy password'"), GlobalConfig->debug );
if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 2 )
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: " + i18n( "Send HTTP Proxy username..." ), GlobalConfig->debug );
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( i18n( "Send HTTP Proxy username..." ), GlobalConfig->info );
if ( !GlobalConfig->currentProfile->getHttpProxyUser().isEmpty() )
if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 5 )
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: HTTP proxy user: " + GlobalConfig->currentProfile->getHttpProxyUser() , GlobalConfig->debug );
sendToServer( "username \"HTTP Proxy\"" + GlobalConfig->currentProfile->getHttpProxyUser() + "\n" );
else if ( line.find( "SUCCESS: 'HTTP Proxy' username entered", 0, FALSE ) > -1 )
if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 2 )
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: " + i18n( "got %1 message" ).arg("SUCCESS: 'HTTP Proxy' username entered"), GlobalConfig->debug );
if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 2 )
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: " + i18n( "Send HTTP Proxy password..." ), GlobalConfig->debug );
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( i18n( "Send HTTP Proxy password..." ), GlobalConfig->info );
if ( !GlobalConfig->currentProfile->getHttpProxyPass().isEmpty() )
if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 5 )
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: HTTP proxy auth password: " + GlobalConfig->currentProfile->getHttpProxyPass(), GlobalConfig->debug );
sendToServer( "password \"HTTP Proxy\"" + GlobalConfig->currentProfile->getHttpProxyPass() + "\n" );
if ( GlobalConfig->TmpHttpProxyPassword.isEmpty() )
TQCString password;
TQString pass = "";
TQTextStream os( socket );
os.setEncoding( TQTextStream::UnicodeUTF8 );
GlobalConfig->TmpHttpProxyPassword = "";
EnterXauthInteractivePasscodeDialog dlg( 0);
dlg.setCaption(i18n( "Enter HTTP proxy auth password" ) );
dlg.main->DescriptionLabel->setText( i18n( "Enter HTTP proxy auth password:" ) );
dlg.main->LabelPassword->setText( i18n( "HTTP proxy auth password:" ) );
dlg.main->SavePasswordCheckBox->setText( i18n( "Save HTTP proxy auth password" ) );
if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 0 )
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry ( "[openvpn] " + i18n( "HTTP proxy auth password requested...\n" ), GlobalConfig->debug );
if ( dlg.exec() )
pass = dlg.main->PasswordEdit->text();
if ( !pass.isEmpty() )
if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 2 )
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: " + i18n( "HTTP proxy auth password got from user" ), GlobalConfig->debug );
if ( dlg.main->SavePasswordCheckBox->isChecked() )
// GlobalConfig->currentProfile->setSavePrivateKeyPassword(true);
GlobalConfig->currentProfile->setHttpProxyPass ( TQString( pass ) );
GlobalConfig->TmpHttpProxyPassword = TQString( pass );
if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 5 )
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: HTTP proxy auth password: " + GlobalConfig->TmpHttpProxyPassword, GlobalConfig->debug );
if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 2 )
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: " + i18n( "Send HTTP proxy auth password..." ), GlobalConfig->debug );
sendToServer( "password \"HTTP Proxy\"" + GlobalConfig->TmpHttpProxyPassword + "\n" );
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: HTTP proxy auth password empty, stop.", GlobalConfig->error );
abort = true;
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: password dialog canceled and HTTP proxy auth password empty, stop.", GlobalConfig->info );
abort = true;
sendToServer( "password \"HTTP Proxy\"" + GlobalConfig->TmpHttpProxyPassword + "\n" );
if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 5 )
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: HTTP proxy auth password: " + GlobalConfig->TmpHttpProxyPassword, GlobalConfig->debug );
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( TQString( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: HTTP proxy auth password string: " ) + TQString( "password \"HTTP Proxy\" " + GlobalConfig->TmpHttpProxyPassword + "\n" ), GlobalConfig->debug );
else if ( line.find( "PASSWORD:Need 'Private Key' password", 0, FALSE ) > -1 )
if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 2 )
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: " + i18n( "got %1 message" ).arg("'private key password'"), GlobalConfig->debug );
if ( !GlobalConfig->currentProfile->getPrivateKeyPass().isEmpty() )
// if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 5 )
// GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: password: " + GlobalConfig->TmpPrivateKeyPass, GlobalConfig->debug );
if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 2 )
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: " + i18n( "Send private key password..." ), GlobalConfig->debug );
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( i18n( "Send private key password..." ), GlobalConfig->info );
sendToServer( "password \"Private Key\" " + GlobalConfig->currentProfile->getPrivateKeyPass() + "\n" );
if ( ( Utils(GlobalConfig).getNeedsPassphrase(GlobalConfig->TmpPrivateKeyPass) && GlobalConfig->TmpPrivateKeyPass.isEmpty() ) || GlobalConfig->currentProfile->getPrivateKeyPass().isEmpty() )
GlobalConfig->TmpPassword = "";
TQCString password;
TQString pass = "";
TQTextStream os( socket );
// os.setEncoding( TQTextStream::UnicodeUTF8 );
GlobalConfig->TmpPrivateKeyPass = "";
EnterXauthInteractivePasscodeDialog dlg( 0);
dlg.setCaption( i18n( "Enter private key password" ) );
dlg.main->DescriptionLabel->setText( i18n( "Enter private key password to unlock private key:" ) );
dlg.main->LabelPassword->setText( i18n( "Private key password:" ) );
dlg.main->SavePasswordCheckBox->setText( i18n( "Save private key password" ) );
if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 0 )
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry ( "[openvpn] " + i18n( "Password for private key requested...\n" ), GlobalConfig->debug );
if ( dlg.exec() )
pass = dlg.main->PasswordEdit->text();
if ( !pass.isEmpty() )
if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 2 )
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: " + i18n( "private key password got from user" ), GlobalConfig->debug );
if ( dlg.main->SavePasswordCheckBox->isChecked() )
GlobalConfig->currentProfile->setSavePrivateKeyPassword( true );
GlobalConfig->currentProfile->setPrivateKeyPass( TQString( pass ) );
GlobalConfig->TmpPrivateKeyPass = TQString( pass );
// if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 5 )
// GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: private key password: " + GlobalConfig->TmpPrivateKeyPass, GlobalConfig->debug );
if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 2 )
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: " + i18n( "Send private key password..." ), GlobalConfig->debug );
sendToServer( "password \"Private Key\" " + GlobalConfig->TmpPrivateKeyPass + "\n" );
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: password empty, stop.", GlobalConfig->error );
abort = true;
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: password dialog canceled and password empty, stop.", GlobalConfig->info );
abort = true;
sendToServer( "password \"Private Key\" " + GlobalConfig->TmpPrivateKeyPass + "\n" );
// if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 5 )
// {
// GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: private key password: " + GlobalConfig->TmpPrivateKeyPass, GlobalConfig->debug );
// GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( TQString("OpenvpnManagementHandler: private key password string: ") + TQString("password \"Private Key\" " + GlobalConfig->TmpPrivateKeyPass + "\n"),GlobalConfig->debug);
// }
else if ( line.find( "PASSWORD:Verification Failed: 'Private Key'", 0, FALSE ) > -1 )
if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 2 )
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: " + i18n( "wrong private key password" ), GlobalConfig->debug );
GlobalConfig->TmpPassword = "";
TQCString password;
TQString pass = "";
TQTextStream os( socket );
// os.setEncoding( TQTextStream::UnicodeUTF8 );
GlobalConfig->TmpPrivateKeyPass = "";
EnterXauthInteractivePasscodeDialog dlg( 0);
dlg.setCaption(i18n( "Enter private key password" ) );
dlg.main->DescriptionLabel->setText( i18n( "Enter private key password to unlock private key:" ) );
dlg.main->LabelPassword->setText( i18n( "Private key password:" ) );
dlg.main->SavePasswordCheckBox->setText( i18n( "Save private key password" ) );
if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 0 )
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry ( "[openvpn] " + i18n( "Password for private key requested...\n" ), GlobalConfig->debug );
if ( dlg.exec() )
pass = dlg.main->PasswordEdit->text();
if ( !pass.isEmpty() )
if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 2 )
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: " + i18n( "private key password got from user" ), GlobalConfig->debug );
if ( dlg.main->SavePasswordCheckBox->isChecked() )
GlobalConfig->currentProfile->setSavePrivateKeyPassword( true );
GlobalConfig->currentProfile->setPrivateKeyPass( TQString( pass ) );
GlobalConfig->TmpPrivateKeyPass = TQString( pass );
// if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 5 )
// GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: private key password: " + GlobalConfig->TmpPrivateKeyPass, GlobalConfig->debug );
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: " + i18n( "Send private key password..." ), GlobalConfig->info );
sendToServer( "password \"Private Key\" " + GlobalConfig->TmpPrivateKeyPass + "\n" );
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: password empty, stop.", GlobalConfig->error );
abort = true;
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: password dialog canceled and password empty, stop.", GlobalConfig->info );
abort = true;
else if ( line.find( "FATAL:script failed: shell command exited with error status", 0, FALSE ) > -1 )
if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 2 )
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: script exited with wrong status" , GlobalConfig->error );
abort = true;
else if ( line.find( "PASSWORD:Verification Failed: 'Auth'", 0, FALSE ) > -1 )
if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 2 )
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: password verification failed!" , GlobalConfig->error );
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( i18n( "Authentication failed (%1)!" ).arg( i18n( "user password" ) ) , GlobalConfig->error );
abort = true;
else if ( line.find( "FATAL:Cannot load CA certificate file", 0, FALSE ) > -1 )
if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 2 )
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( i18n("OpenvpnManagementHandler: CA certifcate file could not be loaded! Please check your CA certificate file.") , GlobalConfig->error );
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( i18n( "Certificate load failed (%1)!" ).arg( i18n( "CA certificate" ) ) , GlobalConfig->error );
abort = true;
else if ( line.find( "FATAL:Message hash algorithm", 0, FALSE ) > -1 && line.find( "not found", 0, FALSE ) > -1 )
if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 2 )
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( i18n("OpenvpnManagementHandler: Hash algorithm %1 could not found! Please check your OpenVPN settings.").arg(line.section(' ',3,3).remove('\'')) , GlobalConfig->error );
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( i18n( "Hash algorithm not found (%1)!" ).arg(line.section(' ',3,3).remove('\'') ) , GlobalConfig->error );
abort = true;
else if ( line.find( "PASSWORD:Need 'eToken token' password", 0, FALSE ) > -1)
GlobalConfig->TmpPassword = "";
TQCString password;
TQString pass = "";
TQTextStream os( socket );
// os.setEncoding( TQTextStream::UnicodeUTF8 );
GlobalConfig->TmpPrivateKeyPass = "";
EnterXauthInteractivePasscodeDialog dlg( 0);
dlg.setCaption( i18n( "Enter token pin" ) );
dlg.main->DescriptionLabel->setText( i18n( "Enter eToken pin for unlocking token \"%1\":" ).arg(GlobalConfig->currentProfile->getPkcs11Id()) );
dlg.main->LabelPassword->setText( i18n( "eToken pin:" ) );
if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 1 )
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry ( "[openvpn] " + i18n( "eToken pin for unlocking token requested...\n" ), GlobalConfig->debug );
if ( dlg.exec() )
pass = dlg.main->PasswordEdit->text();
if ( !pass.isEmpty() )
if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 1 )
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: " + i18n( "token password got from user" ), GlobalConfig->debug );
GlobalConfig->TmpPrivateKeyPass = TQString( pass );
// if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 5 )
// GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: token password: " + GlobalConfig->TmpPrivateKeyPass, GlobalConfig->debug );
if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 2 )
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: " + i18n( "Send token password..." ), GlobalConfig->debug );
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( i18n( "Send token password..." ), GlobalConfig->info );
sendToServer( "password \"eToken token\" " + GlobalConfig->TmpPrivateKeyPass + "\n" );
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: token password empty, stop.", GlobalConfig->error );
abort = true;
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: password dialog canceled and password empty, stop.", GlobalConfig->info );
abort = true;
else if ( line.find( "SUCCESS: 'eToken token' password entered, but not yet verified", 0, FALSE ) > -1 )
if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 1 )
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: " + i18n( "got %1 message" ).arg("SUCCESS for 'eToken token' password"), GlobalConfig->debug );
else if ( line.find( ">PASSWORD:Need '", 0, FALSE) > -1 && line.find( "token' password", 0, FALSE ) > -1)
GlobalConfig->TmpPassword = "";
TQCString password;
TQString pass = "";
TQString TokenName = line.section('\'',1,1);
if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 4 )
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry ( "[openvpn] " + i18n( "token name detected: %1\n" ).arg(TokenName), GlobalConfig->debug );
TQTextStream os( socket );
// os.setEncoding( TQTextStream::UnicodeUTF8 );
GlobalConfig->TmpPrivateKeyPass = "";
EnterXauthInteractivePasscodeDialog dlg( 0);
dlg.setCaption( i18n( "Enter token pin" ) );
dlg.main->DescriptionLabel->setText( i18n( "Enter pin for unlocking token \"%1\":" ).arg(GlobalConfig->currentProfile->getPkcs11Id()) );
dlg.main->LabelPassword->setText( i18n( "PIN:" ) );
if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 1 )
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry ( "[openvpn] " + i18n( "PIN for unlocking token requested...\n" ), GlobalConfig->debug );
if ( dlg.exec() )
pass = dlg.main->PasswordEdit->text();
if ( !pass.isEmpty() )
if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 1 )
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: " + i18n( "token password got from user" ), GlobalConfig->debug );
GlobalConfig->TmpPrivateKeyPass = TQString( pass );
// if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 5 )
// GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: token password: " + GlobalConfig->TmpPrivateKeyPass, GlobalConfig->debug );
if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 2 )
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: " + i18n( "Send token password..." ), GlobalConfig->debug );
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( i18n( "Send token password..." ), GlobalConfig->info );
sendToServer( "password \""+TokenName+"\" " + GlobalConfig->TmpPrivateKeyPass + "\n" );
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: token password empty, stop.", GlobalConfig->error );
abort = true;
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: password dialog canceled and password empty, stop.", GlobalConfig->info );
abort = true;
else if ( line.find( "SUCCESS: '", 0, FALSE ) > -1 && line.find( "token' password entered, but not yet verified", 0, FALSE ) > -1 )
TQString TokenName = line.section('\'',1,1);
if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 4 )
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry ( "[openvpn] " + i18n( "token name detected: %1\n" ).arg(TokenName), GlobalConfig->debug );
if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 1 )
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: " + i18n( "got %1 message" ).arg("SUCCESS for '%1' password").arg(TokenName), GlobalConfig->debug );
else if ( line.find( "SUCCESS: 'Auth' password entered, but not yet verified", 0, FALSE ) > -1 )
if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 1 )
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: " + i18n( "got %1 message" ).arg("SUCCESS for user password"), GlobalConfig->debug );
else if ( line.find( "Need 'token-insertion-request'", 0, FALSE ) > -1 )
// if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 1 )
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: " + i18n( "got %1 message" ).arg("token-insertion-request"), GlobalConfig->debug );
KMessageBox::error ( 0, i18n("Token \"%1\" is not inserted!").arg(GlobalConfig->currentProfile->getPkcs11Id()), i18n("Token missing") );
abort = true;
else if ( line.find( "SUCCESS: 'Private Key' password entered, but not yet verified", 0, FALSE ) > -1 )
if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 1 )
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: " + i18n( "got %1 message" ).arg("SUCCESS for 'Private Key' password"), GlobalConfig->debug );
else if ( line.find( "external program fork failed", 0, FALSE ) > -1 )
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: " + i18n( "External program fork failed, need security parameter." ), GlobalConfig->debug );
abort = true;
if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 1 )
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: " + i18n( "got other management message: %1" ).arg(line), GlobalConfig->debug );
if (abort)
if (socket)
disconnect( socket, TQT_SIGNAL( connected() ), this, TQT_SLOT( socketConnected() ) );
disconnect( socket, TQT_SIGNAL( connectionClosed() ), this, TQT_SLOT( socketConnectionClosed() ) );
disconnect( socket, TQT_SIGNAL( readyRead() ), this, TQT_SLOT( socketReadyRead() ) );
disconnect( socket, TQT_SIGNAL( error( int ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( socketError( int ) ) );
disconnect( socket, TQT_SIGNAL( hostFound() ), this, TQT_SLOT( hostFound() ) );
if ( socket->state() == TQSocket::Closing )
// We have a delayed close.
connect( socket, TQT_SIGNAL(delayedCloseFinished()), this, TQT_SLOT(socketClosed()) );
// The socket is closed.
emit terminate_openvpn();
if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 4 )
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: " + i18n( "Socket state is strange: %1" ).arg( TQString().setNum( socket->state() ) ), GlobalConfig->debug );
bool OpenvpnManagementHandler::isConnectedToManagementPort()
return connectedToManagementPort;
bool OpenvpnManagementHandler::doConnect()
socket = 0L;
socket = new TQSocket( this );
if (socket)
connect( socket, TQT_SIGNAL( connected() ), this, TQT_SLOT( socketConnected() ) );
connect( socket, TQT_SIGNAL( hostFound() ), this, TQT_SLOT( hostFound() ) );
connect( socket, TQT_SIGNAL( error( int ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( socketError( int ) ) );
if ( socket->state() == TQSocket::Idle )
if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 1 )
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: " + i18n( "Connecting to the OpenVPN manage port (%1)..." ).arg( TQString().setNum( GlobalConfig->OpenvpnManagementPort ) ), GlobalConfig->debug );
socket->connectToHost( "", GlobalConfig->OpenvpnManagementPort );
connect ( &greetingtimer, TQT_SIGNAL ( timeout() ), this, TQT_SLOT ( greetingTimedOut() ) );
greetingtimer.start ( 3 * 1000, TRUE );
if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 2 )
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler " + i18n("Management greeting timer started."), GlobalConfig->debug );
return true;
if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 2 )
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler " + i18n("connection already in progress, skipping connect"), GlobalConfig->debug );
return false;
return false;
void OpenvpnManagementHandler::hostFound()
// KMessageBox::error ( 0, TQString("bar"), TQString("foo") );
if ( GlobalConfig->KvpncDebugLevel > 1 )
GlobalConfig->appendLogEntry( "OpenvpnManagementHandler: " + i18n( "Connecting to the OpenVPN manage port (%1)... host found" ).arg( TQString().setNum( GlobalConfig->OpenvpnManagementPort ) ), GlobalConfig->debug );