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#ifndef _KVI_KVS_OBJECT_H_
#define _KVI_KVS_OBJECT_H_
// File : kvi_kvs_object.h
// Created on Wed 08 Oct 2003 02:31:57 by Szymon Stefanek
// This file is part of the KVIrc IRC client distribution
// Copyright (C) 2003 Szymon Stefanek <pragma at kvirc dot net>
// This program is FREE software. You can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your opinion) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the HOPE that it will be USEFUL,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
// Inc. ,51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "kvi_settings.h"
#include "kvi_qstring.h"
#include "kvi_pointerlist.h"
#include "kvi_kvs_runtimecall.h"
#include "kvi_kvs_parameterprocessor.h"
#include "kvi_kvs_object_functionhandler.h"
#include "kvi_kvs_types.h"
#include <tqobject.h>
class KviKvsObjectFunctionCall;
typedef struct _KviKvsObjectConnection
KviKvsObject * pSourceObject; // source object (owner of the struct)
KviKvsObject * pTargetObject; // target object
TQString szSignal; // source signal name
TQString szSlot; // target slot function
} KviKvsObjectConnection;
typedef KviPointerList<KviKvsObjectConnection> KviKvsObjectConnectionList;
typedef KviPointerListIterator<KviKvsObjectConnection> KviKvsObjectConnectionListIterator;
class KVIRC_API KviKvsObject : public TQObject
friend class KviKvsObjectController;
friend class KviKvsObjectClass;
KviKvsObject(KviKvsObjectClass * pClass,KviKvsObject * pParent,const TQString &szName);
virtual ~KviKvsObject();
// main data
TQString m_szName; // object name
kvs_hobject_t m_hObject; // global object handle
KviKvsObjectClass * m_pClass; // the class definition
KviKvsHash * m_pDataContainer; // member variables
KviPointerList<KviKvsObject> * m_pChildList;
KviPointerHashTable<TQString,KviKvsObjectFunctionHandler> * m_pFunctionHandlers; // our function handlers
KviPointerHashTable<TQString,KviKvsObjectConnectionList> * m_pSignalDict; // our signals connected to other object functions
KviKvsObjectConnectionList * m_pConnectionList; // signals connected to this object functions
// this is valid when processing one of our slots
kvs_hobject_t m_hSignalSender;
TQString m_szSignalName;
// if this object wraps a qt one, it is here
TQObject * m_pObject;
bool m_bObjectOwner; // do we have to destroy it ?
// internal stuff for die()
bool m_bInDelayedDeath;
kvs_hobject_t handle(){ return m_hObject; };
// the wrapped TQt object (may be 0!)
TQObject * object() const { return m_pObject; };
void setObject(TQObject * o,bool bIsOwned = true);
const TQString & getName(){ return m_szName; };
KviKvsObject * parentObject(){ return (KviKvsObject *)parent(); };
TQWidget * parentScriptWidget();
bool connectSignal(const TQString &sigName,KviKvsObject * target,const TQString &slotName);
bool disconnectSignal(const TQString &sigName,KviKvsObjectConnection * con);
bool disconnectSignal(const TQString &sigName,KviKvsObject * target,const TQString & slotName);
// Emits a signal by calling all the attacched slots in an unspecified order.
// Returns the number of slots called (may be 0, if no slot is connected)
// The parameters are preserved.
// this is intended to be called from other function calls (the parameters are copied from pOuterCall)
// since we should NEVER emit totally spontaneous signals: all of them
// should be generated inside object functions (either from scripting or by core calls)
int emitSignal(const TQString &sigName,KviKvsObjectFunctionCall * pOuterCall,KviKvsVariantList * pParams = 0);
void setSignalSender(kvs_hobject_t hObject){ m_hSignalSender = hObject; };
kvs_hobject_t signalSender(){ return m_hSignalSender; };
void setSignalName(const TQString &szSigName){ m_szSignalName = szSigName; };
KviPointerHashTable<TQString,KviKvsObjectFunctionHandler> * functionHandlers(){ return m_pFunctionHandlers; };
KviKvsHash * dataContainer(){ return m_pDataContainer; };
bool die();
bool dieNow();
KviKvsObjectClass * getExactClass(){ return m_pClass; };
KviKvsObjectClass * getClass(const TQString & classOverride = TQString());
bool inheritsClass(KviKvsObjectClass * pClass);
KviKvsObjectFunctionHandler * lookupFunctionHandler(const TQString & funcName,const TQString & classOverride = TQString());
// Registers a private implementation of a function
// The function may or may not be already registered in the class
// If szCode is empty the the private implementation is removed instead
void registerPrivateImplementation(const TQString &szFunctionName,const TQString &szCode);
// ONLY pCaller can be zero here!
// please use one of the wrappers, if possible
bool callFunction(
KviKvsObject * pCaller, // calling object, can be zero (used for the "internal" access list verification)
const TQString & fncName, // name of the function to call
const TQString & classOverride, // eventual class override for the functon call, may be TQString()
KviKvsRunTimeContext * pContext, // calling runtime context (you'll have problems with instantiating this... :P )
KviKvsVariant * pRetVal, // the return value
KviKvsVariantList * pParams); // the parameters for the call
// a nice and simple wrapper: it accepts a parameter list only (eventually 0)
bool callFunction(KviKvsObject * pCaller,const TQString &fncName,KviKvsVariantList * pParams = 0);
// this one gets a non null ret val too
bool callFunction(KviKvsObject * pCaller,const TQString &fncName,KviKvsVariant * pRetVal,KviKvsVariantList * pParams = 0);
KviKvsObject * findChild(const TQString &szClass,const TQString &szName);
void killAllChildrenWithClass(KviKvsObjectClass *cl);
void registerConnection(KviKvsObjectConnection * con);
bool unregisterConnection(KviKvsObjectConnection * con);
virtual bool init(KviKvsRunTimeContext * pContext,KviKvsVariantList *pParams);
void registerChild(KviKvsObject * c);
void unregisterChild(KviKvsObject *c);
virtual bool eventFilter(TQObject *o,TQEvent *e); //necessary ?
virtual void timerEvent(TQTimerEvent *e);
bool function_name(KviKvsObjectFunctionCall *c);
bool function_startTimer(KviKvsObjectFunctionCall *c);
bool function_killTimer(KviKvsObjectFunctionCall *c);
bool function_killTimers(KviKvsObjectFunctionCall *c);
bool function_className(KviKvsObjectFunctionCall *c);
bool function_findChild(KviKvsObjectFunctionCall *c);
bool function_childCount(KviKvsObjectFunctionCall *c);
bool function_emit(KviKvsObjectFunctionCall *c);
bool function_children(KviKvsObjectFunctionCall *c);
bool function_signalSender(KviKvsObjectFunctionCall *c);
bool function_signalName(KviKvsObjectFunctionCall *c);
bool function_destructor(KviKvsObjectFunctionCall *c);
bool function_parent(KviKvsObjectFunctionCall *c);
bool function_property(KviKvsObjectFunctionCall *c);
bool function_setProperty(KviKvsObjectFunctionCall *c);
bool function_listProperties(KviKvsObjectFunctionCall *c);
protected slots:
void delayedDie();
void objectDestroyed();
#define KVSO_PARAMETER(a,b,c,d) KVS_PARAMETER(a,b,c,d)
#define KVSO_PARAMETERS_END(pCall) \
if(!KviKvsParameterProcessor::process(pCall->params(),pCall->context(),parameter_format_list))return false;
#endif //!_KVI_KVS_OBJECT_H_