You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

247 lines
9.5 KiB

#ifndef _KVI_IRCVIEW_H_
#define _KVI_IRCVIEW_H_
// File : kvi_ircview.h
// Creation date : Fri Mar 19 1999 05:39:01 by Szymon Stefanek
// This file is part of the KVirc irc client distribution
// Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Szymon Stefanek (pragma at kvirc dot net)
// This program is FREE software. You can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your opinion) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the HOPE that it will be USEFUL,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
// Inc. ,51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "kvi_settings.h"
#include "kvi_string.h"
#include "kvi_pointerlist.h"
#include <tqwidget.h>
#include <tqpixmap.h> // needed
class TQScrollBar;
class TQLineEdit;
class TQFile;
class TQToolButton;
class TQFontMetrics;
class KviTalPopupMenu;
class KviWindow;
class KviFrame;
class KviConsole;
class KviIrcViewToolWidget;
class KviIrcViewToolTip;
typedef struct _KviIrcViewLineChunk KviIrcViewLineChunk;
typedef struct _KviIrcViewWrappedBlock KviIrcViewWrappedBlock;
typedef struct _KviIrcViewLine KviIrcViewLine;
typedef struct _KviIrcViewWrappedBlockSelectionInfoTag KviIrcViewWrappedBlockSelectionInfo;
class KVIRC_API KviIrcView : public TQWidget
TQ_PROPERTY(int TransparencyCapable READ dummyRead)
TQ_PROPERTY(bool usePaintOnScreen READ getPaintOnScreen WRITE setPaintOnScreen)
friend class KviIrcViewToolTip;
friend class KviIrcViewToolWidget;
KviIrcView(TQWidget *parent,KviFrame *pFrm,KviWindow *pWnd);
int dummyRead() const { return 0; };
bool getPaintOnScreen() const { return 0;};
void setPaintOnScreen(bool bFlag){} ;
// TQDate m_lastLogDay;
int m_iFlushTimer;
KviIrcViewLine * m_pFirstLine;
KviIrcViewLine * m_pCurLine; // Bottom line in the view
KviIrcViewLine * m_pLastLine;
KviIrcViewLine * m_pCursorLine;
unsigned int m_uLineMarkLineIndex;
// Highliting of links
KviIrcViewWrappedBlock * m_pLastLinkUnderMouse;
int m_iLastLinkRectTop;
int m_iLastLinkRectHeight;
int m_iNumLines;
int m_iMaxLines;
unsigned int m_uNextLineIndex;
TQPixmap * m_pPrivateBackgroundPixmap;
TQScrollBar * m_pScrollBar;
TQToolButton * m_pToolsButton;
KviTalPopupMenu * m_pToolsPopup;
KviIrcViewToolWidget * m_pToolWidget;
int m_iLastScrollBarValue;
// Font related stuff (needs precalculation!)
int m_iFontLineSpacing;
int m_iFontLineWidth;
int m_iFontDescent;
int m_iFontCharacterWidth[256]; //1024 bytes fixed
int m_iWrapMargin;
int m_iMinimumPaintWidth;
int m_iRelativePixmapY;
int m_iIconWidth;
int m_iIconSideSpacing;
TQPoint m_mousePressPos;
TQPoint m_mouseCurrentPos;
// Selection
int m_iSelectionBegin;
int m_iSelectionTop;
int m_iSelectionEnd;
int m_iSelectionBottom;
int m_iSelectionLeft;
int m_iSelectionRight;
bool m_bMouseIsDown;
bool m_bShiftPressed;
bool m_bSkipScrollBarRepaint;
int m_iSelectTimer;
int m_iMouseTimer;
//int m_iTipTimer;
TQString m_szLastSelection;
TQString m_szLastSelectionLine;
KviWindow * m_pKviWindow;
KviIrcViewWrappedBlockSelectionInfo * m_pWrappedBlockSelectionInfo;
TQFile * m_pLogFile;
KviFrame * m_pFrm;
bool m_bAcceptDrops;
int m_iUnprocessedPaintEventRequests;
bool m_bPostedPaintEventPending;
KviPointerList<KviIrcViewLine> * m_pMessagesStoppedWhileSelecting;
KviIrcView * m_pMasterView;
TQFontMetrics * m_pFm; // assume this valid only inside a paint event (may be 0 in other circumstances)
TQMouseEvent * m_pLastEvent;
KviIrcViewToolTip * m_pToolTip;
bool m_bHaveUnreadedHighlightedMessages;
bool m_bHaveUnreadedMessages;
void checkLogDate();
void clearUnreaded();
void applyOptions();
void enableDnd(bool bEnable);
bool haveUnreadedMessages() { return m_bHaveUnreadedMessages; };
bool haveUnreadedHighlightedMessages() { return m_bHaveUnreadedHighlightedMessages; };
enum AppendTextFlags { NoRepaint = 1, NoTimestamp = 2, SetLineMark = 4 };
void appendText(int msg_type,const kvi_wchar_t *data_ptr,int iFlags = 0);
void clearLineMark(bool bRepaint=false);
bool hasLineMark(){ return m_uLineMarkLineIndex != KVI_IRCVIEW_INVALID_LINE_MARK_INDEX; };
void removeHeadLine(bool bRepaint=false);
void emptyBuffer(bool bRepaint=true);
void getTextBuffer(TQString &buffer);
void setMaxBufferSize(int maxBufSize,bool bRepaint=true);
int maxBufferSize(){ return m_iMaxLines; }; //Never used ?
bool saveBuffer(const char *filename);
void findNext(const TQString& szText,bool bCaseS = false,bool bRegExp = false,bool bExtended = false);
void findPrev(const TQString& szText,bool bCaseS = false,bool bRegExp = false,bool bExtended = false);
KviWindow * parentKviWindow(){ return m_pKviWindow; };
KviConsole * console();
// A null pixmap passed here unsets the private backgrdound.
void setPrivateBackgroundPixmap(const TQPixmap &pixmap,bool bRepaint=true);
bool hasPrivateBackgroundPixmap(){ return (m_pPrivateBackgroundPixmap != 0); };
// Logging
// Stops previous logging session too...
bool startLogging(const TQString& fname = TQString(),bool bPrependCurBuffer = false);
void stopLogging();
bool isLogging(){ return (m_pLogFile != 0); };
void getLogFileName(KviStr &buffer);
void getLogFileName(TQString &buffer);
//void add2Log(const char *buffer,int buf_len=-1);
void add2Log(const TQString &szBuffer,int iMsgType=0);
// Channel view splitting
void setMasterView(KviIrcView * v);
void splitMessagesTo(KviIrcView * v);
void joinMessagesFrom(KviIrcView * v);
void appendMessagesFrom(KviIrcView * v);
void prevLine();
void nextLine();
void nextPage();
void prevPage();
virtual TQSize sizeHint() const;
const TQString & lastLineOfText();
const TQString & lastMessageText();
virtual void setFont(const TQFont &f);
public slots:
void flushLog();
void showToolsPopup();
void clearBuffer();
void toggleToolWidget();
void increaseFontSize();
void decreaseFontSize();
void chooseFont();
void chooseBackground();
void resetBackground();
void rightClicked();
void dndEntered();
void fileDropped(const char *);
void setCursorLine(KviIrcViewLine * l);
KviIrcViewLine * getVisibleLineAt(int xPos,int yPos);
void getLinkEscapeCommand(TQString &buffer,const TQString &escape_cmd,const TQString &escape_label);
void appendLine(KviIrcViewLine *ptr,bool bRepaint);
void postUpdateEvent();
void fastScroll(int lines = 1);
const kvi_wchar_t * getTextLine(int msg_type,const kvi_wchar_t * data_ptr,KviIrcViewLine *line_ptr,bool bEnableTimeStamp = true);
void calculateLineWraps(KviIrcViewLine *ptr,int maxWidth);
void recalcFontVariables(const TQFontMetrics &fm,const TQFontInfo &fi);
bool checkSelectionBlock(KviIrcViewLine * line,int left,int bottom,int bufIndex);
void calculateSelectionBounds();
KviIrcViewWrappedBlock * getLinkUnderMouse(int xPos,int yPos,TQRect * pRect = 0,TQString * linkCmd = 0,TQString * linkText = 0);
void doLinkToolTip(const TQRect &rct,TQString &linkCmd,TQString &linkText);
virtual void paintEvent(TQPaintEvent *);
virtual void resizeEvent(TQResizeEvent *);
virtual void mousePressEvent(TQMouseEvent *e);
virtual void mouseRealPressEvent(TQMouseEvent *e);
virtual void mouseReleaseEvent(TQMouseEvent *);
virtual void mouseDoubleClickEvent(TQMouseEvent *e);
virtual void mouseMoveEvent(TQMouseEvent *e);
virtual void timerEvent(TQTimerEvent *e);
virtual void dragEnterEvent(TQDragEnterEvent *e);
virtual void dropEvent(TQDropEvent *e);
virtual bool event(TQEvent *e);
virtual void wheelEvent(TQWheelEvent *e);
virtual void keyPressEvent(TQKeyEvent *e);
void maybeTip(const TQPoint &pnt);
virtual void leaveEvent ( TQEvent * );
protected slots:
virtual void scrollBarPositionChanged(int newValue);
void masterDead();
#endif //_KVI_IRCVIEW_H_