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* Copyright (C) 2005 by Joris Guisson *
* *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *
#include <tqobject.h>
#include <util/constants.h>
#include <interfaces/trackerslist.h>
#include <kurl.h>
namespace bt
class BitSet;
class DataCheckerListener;
class SHA1Hash;
class WaitJob;
class PeerID;
namespace kt
using bt::Uint32;
using bt::Uint64;
class MonitorInterface;
class TorrentFileInterface;
class PeerSource;
enum TorrentStatus
enum TorrentStartResponse
TQM_LIMITS_REACHED // Max seeds or downloads reached
enum AutoStopReason
struct TorrentStats
/// The number of bytes imported (igore these for average speed)
Uint64 imported_bytes;
/// Total number of bytes downloaded.
Uint64 bytes_downloaded;
/// Total number of bytes uploaded.
Uint64 bytes_uploaded;
/// The number of bytes left (gets sent to the tracker)
Uint64 bytes_left;
/// The number of bytes left to download (bytes_left - excluded bytes)
Uint64 bytes_left_to_download;
/// total number of bytes in torrent
Uint64 total_bytes;
/// The total number of bytes which need to be downloaded
Uint64 total_bytes_to_download;
/// The download rate in bytes per sec
Uint32 download_rate;
/// The upload rate in bytes per sec
Uint32 upload_rate;
/// The number of peers we are connected to
Uint32 num_peers;
/// The number of chunks we are currently downloading
Uint32 num_chunks_downloading;
/// The total number of chunks
Uint32 total_chunks;
/// The number of chunks which have been downloaded
Uint32 num_chunks_downloaded;
/// Get the number of chunks which have been excluded
Uint32 num_chunks_excluded;
/// Get the number of chunks left
Uint32 num_chunks_left;
/// Size of each chunk
Uint32 chunk_size;
/// Total seeders in swarm
Uint32 seeders_total;
/// Num seeders connected to
Uint32 seeders_connected_to;
/// Total leechers in swarm
Uint32 leechers_total;
/// Num leechers connected to
Uint32 leechers_connected_to;
/// Status of the download
TorrentStatus status;
/// The status of the tracker
TQString trackerstatus;
/// The number of bytes downloaded in this session
Uint64 session_bytes_downloaded;
/// The number of bytes uploaded in this session
Uint64 session_bytes_uploaded;
/// The number of bytes downloaded since the last started event, this gets sent to the tracker
Uint64 trk_bytes_downloaded;
/// The number of bytes upload since the last started event, this gets sent to the tracker
Uint64 trk_bytes_uploaded;
/// Name of the torrent
TQString torrent_name;
/// Path of the dir or file where the data will get saved
TQString output_path;
/// See if we are running
bool running;
/// See if the torrent has been started
bool started;
/// See if we are allowed to startup this torrent automatically.
bool autostart;
/// See if we have a multi file torrent
bool multi_file_torrent;
/// See if the torrent is stopped by error
bool stopped_by_error;
/// See if the download is completed
bool completed;
/// See if this torrent is controlled by user
bool user_controlled;
/// Maximum share ratio
float max_share_ratio;
/// Maximum seed time
float max_seed_time;
/// Private torrent (i.e. no use of DHT)
bool priv_torrent;
/// Number of corrupted chunks found since the last check
Uint32 num_corrupted_chunks;
struct DHTNode
TQString ip;
bt::Uint16 port;
enum TorrentFeature
UT_PEX_FEATURE // µTorrent peer exchange
* @author Joris Guisson
* @brief Interface for an object which controls one torrent
* This class is the interface for an object which controls the
* up- and download of one torrent.
class TorrentInterface : public TQObject
virtual ~TorrentInterface();
* Update the object, should be called periodically.
virtual void update() = 0;
* Start the download of the torrent.
virtual void start() = 0;
* Stop the download, closes all connections.
* @param user wether or not the user did this explicitly
* @param wjob WaitJob, used when KT is shutting down,
* so that we can wait for all stopped events to reach the tracker
virtual void stop(bool user,bt::WaitJob* wjob = 0) = 0;
* Update the tracker, this should normally handled internally.
* We leave it public so that the user can do a manual announce.
virtual void updateTracker() = 0;
/// Get the torrent's statistics
const TorrentStats & getStats() const {return stats;}
* Checks if torrent is multimedial and chunks needed for preview are downloaded
* @param start_chunk The index of starting chunk to check
* @param end_chunk The index of the last chunk to check
* In case of single torrent file defaults can be used (0,1)
virtual bool readyForPreview(int start_chunk = 0, int end_chunk = 1) = 0;
* Get the torX directory of this torrent. Temporary stuff like the index
* file get stored there.
virtual TQString getTorDir() const = 0;
/// Get the data directory of this torrent
virtual TQString getDataDir() const = 0;
/// Get a short error message
virtual TQString getShortErrorMessage() const = 0;
* Get the download running time of this torrent in seconds
* @return Uint32 - time in seconds
virtual Uint32 getRunningTimeDL() const = 0;
* Get the upload running time of this torrent in seconds
* @return Uint32 - time in seconds
virtual Uint32 getRunningTimeUL() const = 0;
* Change to a new data dir. If this fails
* we will fall back on the old directory.
* @param new_dir The new directory
* @return true upon succes
virtual bool changeDataDir(const TQString & new_dir) = 0;
* Change torrents output directory. If this fails we will fall back on the old directory.
* @param new_dir The new directory
* @param moveFiles Wheather to actually move the files or just change the directory without moving them.
* @return true upon success.
virtual bool changeOutputDir(const TQString& new_dir, bool moveFiles = true) = 0;
* Roll back the previous changeDataDir call.
* Does nothing if there was no previous changeDataDir call.
virtual void rollback() = 0;
* Get a BitSet of the status of all Chunks
virtual const bt::BitSet & downloadedChunksBitSet() const = 0;
* Get a BitSet of the availability of all Chunks
virtual const bt::BitSet & availableChunksBitSet() const = 0;
* Get a BitSet of the excluded Chunks
virtual const bt::BitSet & excludedChunksBitSet() const = 0;
* Get a bitset of only seed chunks
virtual const bt::BitSet & onlySeedChunksBitSet() const = 0;
/// Set the monitor
virtual void setMonitor(MonitorInterface* tmo) = 0;
/// Get the time to the next tracker update in seconds.
virtual Uint32 getTimeToNextTrackerUpdate() const = 0;
/// Get the number of files in a multifile torrent (0 if we do not have a multifile torrent)
virtual Uint32 getNumFiles() const = 0;
* Get the index'th file of a multifile torrent
* @param index The index
* @return The TorrentFileInterface (isNull() will be true in case of error)
virtual TorrentFileInterface & getTorrentFile(Uint32 index) = 0;
///Get a pointer to TrackersList object
virtual TrackersList* getTrackersList() = 0;
///Get a pointer to TrackersList object
virtual const TrackersList* getTrackersList() const = 0;
///Get the torrent queue number. Zero if not in queue
virtual int getPriority() const = 0;
///Set the torrent queue number.
virtual void setPriority(int p) = 0;
/// Set the max share ratio
virtual void setMaxShareRatio(float ratio) = 0;
/// Get the max share ratio
virtual float getMaxShareRatio() const = 0;
/// Set the max seed time in hours (0 is no limit)
virtual void setMaxSeedTime(float hours) = 0;
/// Get the max seed time
virtual float getMaxSeedTime() const = 0;
/// Make a string of the current status
virtual TQString statusToString() const = 0;
///Is manual announce allowed?
virtual bool announceAllowed() = 0;
* Returns estimated time left for finishing download. Returned value is in seconds.
* Uses TimeEstimator class to calculate this value.
virtual Uint32 getETA() = 0;
* Verify the correctness of all data.
* @param lst The listener
* @param auto_import Wether or not this is an initial import
virtual void startDataCheck(bt::DataCheckerListener* lst,bool auto_import) = 0;
* Data check has been finished, this should be called.
virtual void afterDataCheck() = 0;
* Are we doing a data check on this torrent.
* @param finished This will be set to true if the data check is finished
virtual bool isCheckingData(bool & finished) const = 0;
* Test all files and see if they are not missing.
* If so put them in a list
virtual bool hasMissingFiles(TQStringList & sl) = 0;
* Recreate missing files.
virtual void recreateMissingFiles() = 0;
* Mark missing files as do not download.
virtual void dndMissingFiles() = 0;
/// Get the number of initial DHT nodes
virtual Uint32 getNumDHTNodes() const = 0;
/// Get a DHT node
virtual const DHTNode & getDHTNode(Uint32 i) const = 0;
/** Delete the data files of the torrent,
* they will be lost permanently
virtual void deleteDataFiles() = 0;
///Checks if a seeding torrent has reached its maximum share ratio
virtual bool overMaxRatio() = 0;
/// Checks if a seeding torrent has reached it's max seed time
virtual bool overMaxSeedTime() = 0;
/// Handle an error
virtual void handleError(const TQString & err) = 0;
/// Get the info_hash.
virtual const bt::SHA1Hash & getInfoHash() const = 0;
* Add a new PeerSource
* @param ps
virtual void addPeerSource(PeerSource* ps) = 0;
* Remove a nPeerSource
* @param ps
virtual void removePeerSource(PeerSource* ps) = 0;
/// Is a feature enabled
virtual bool isFeatureEnabled(TorrentFeature tf) = 0;
/// Disable or enable a feature
virtual void setFeatureEnabled(TorrentFeature tf,bool on) = 0;
/// Get our PeerID
virtual const bt::PeerID & getOwnPeerID() const = 0;
/// Set the traffic limits for this torrent
virtual void setTrafficLimits(Uint32 up,Uint32 down) = 0;
/// Get the traffic limits
virtual void getTrafficLimits(Uint32 & up,Uint32 & down) = 0;
/// Check if there is enough diskspace available for this torrent
virtual bool checkDiskSpace(bool emit_sig = true) = 0;
/// Are we in the process of moving files
virtual bool isMovingFiles() const = 0;
* Emited when we have finished downloading.
* @param me The object who emitted the signal
void finished(kt::TorrentInterface* me);
* Emited when a Torrent download is stopped by error
* @param me The object who emitted the signal
* @param msg Error message
void stoppedByError(kt::TorrentInterface* me, TQString msg);
* Emited when maximum share ratio for this torrent is changed
* @param me The object which emitted the signal.
void maxRatioChanged(kt::TorrentInterface* me);
* Emited then torrent is stopped from seeding by KTorrent.
* Happens when torrent has reached maximum share ratio and maybe we'll add something more...
* @param me The object which emitted the signal.
void seedingAutoStopped(kt::TorrentInterface* me,kt::AutoStopReason reason);
* Emitted just before the torrent is started, this should be used to do some
* checks on the files in the cache.
* @param me The torrent which emitted the signal
* @param ret The return value
void aboutToBeStarted(kt::TorrentInterface* me,bool & ret);
* Emitted when missing files have been marked as dnd.
* The intention of this signal is to update the GUI.
* @param me The torrent which emitted the signal
void missingFilesMarkedDND(kt::TorrentInterface* me);
* A corrupted chunk has been found during upload.
* @param me The torrent which emitted the signal
void corruptedDataFound(kt::TorrentInterface* me);
* Disk is running out of space.
* @param me The torrent which emitted the signal
* @param toStop should this torrent be stopped or not
void diskSpaceLow(kt::TorrentInterface* me, bool toStop);
* Torrent has been stopped
* @param me The torrent which emitted the signal
void torrentStopped(kt::TorrentInterface* me);
TorrentStats stats;
* Calculates the share ratio of a torrent.
* @param stats The stats of the torrent
* @return The share ratio
float ShareRatio(const TorrentStats & stats);