/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2005 by * * Joris Guisson * * Ivan Vasic * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "pluginmanager.h" #include #include "ktorrentcore.h" #include "settings.h" #include "functions.h" #include "fileselectdlg.h" #include "scandialog.h" #include using namespace bt; using namespace kt; const Uint32 CORE_UPDATE_INTERVAL = 250; KTorrentCore::KTorrentCore(kt::GUIInterface* gui) : max_downloads(0),keep_seeding(true),pman(0) { UpdateCurrentTime(); qman = new QueueManager(); connect(qman, TQT_SIGNAL(lowDiskSpace(kt::TorrentInterface*,bool)), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(onLowDiskSpace(kt::TorrentInterface*,bool))); data_dir = Settings::tempDir(); bool dd_not_exist = !bt::Exists(data_dir); if (data_dir == TQString() || dd_not_exist) { data_dir = KGlobal::dirs()->saveLocation("data","ktorrent"); if (dd_not_exist) { Settings::setTempDir(data_dir); Settings::writeConfig(); } } removed_bytes_up = removed_bytes_down = 0; if (!data_dir.endsWith(bt::DirSeparator())) data_dir += bt::DirSeparator(); // downloads.setAutoDelete(true); connect(&update_timer,TQT_SIGNAL(timeout()),this,TQT_SLOT(update())); update_timer.start(CORE_UPDATE_INTERVAL); Uint16 port = Settings::port(); if (port == 0) { port = 6881; Settings::setPort(6881); } Uint16 i = 0; do { Globals::instance().initServer(port + i); i++; } while (!Globals::instance().getServer().isOK() && i < 10); if (Globals::instance().getServer().isOK()) { if (port != port + i - 1) KMessageBox::information(0, i18n("Specified port (%1) is unavailable or in" " use by another application. KTorrent is now using port %2.") .arg(port).arg(port + i - 1)); Out(SYS_GEN|LOG_NOTICE) << "Bound to port " << (port + i - 1) << endl; } else { KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("KTorrent is unable to accept connections because the ports %1 to %2 are " "already in use by another program.").arg(port).arg(port + i - 1)); Out(SYS_GEN|LOG_IMPORTANT) << "Cannot find free port" << endl; } pman = new kt::PluginManager(this,gui); } KTorrentCore::~KTorrentCore() { delete qman; delete pman; } void KTorrentCore::loadPlugins() { pman->loadConfigFile(KGlobal::dirs()->saveLocation("data","ktorrent") + "plugins"); pman->loadPluginList(); } bool KTorrentCore::init(TorrentControl* tc,bool silently) { connectSignals(tc); qman->append(tc); bool user = false; bool start_torrent = false; if (!silently) { FileSelectDlg dlg(gman, &user, &start_torrent); if (dlg.execute(tc) != TQDialog::Accepted) { remove(tc,false); return false; } } try { tc->createFiles(); } catch (bt::Error & err) { // if we can't create files, just remove the torrent KMessageBox::error(0,err.toString()); remove(tc,false); return false; } if (tc->hasExistingFiles()) { ScanDialog* scan_dlg = new ScanDialog(this,true); scan_dlg->show(); scan_dlg->execute(tc,true); } tc->setPreallocateDiskSpace(true); if(Settings::maxRatio()>0) tc->setMaxShareRatio(Settings::maxRatio()); if (Settings::maxSeedTime() > 0) tc->setMaxSeedTime(Settings::maxSeedTime()); torrentAdded(tc); qman->torrentAdded(tc, user, start_torrent); //now copy torrent file to user specified dir if needed if(Settings::useTorrentCopyDir()) { TQString torFile = tc->getTorDir(); if(!torFile.endsWith("/")) torFile += "/"; torFile += "torrent"; TQString destination = Settings::torrentCopyDir(); if(!destination.endsWith("/")) destination += "/"; destination += tc->getStats().torrent_name + ".torrent"; try { bt::CopyFile(torFile, destination, TRUE); } catch(bt::Error& err) { Out(SYS_GEN|LOG_IMPORTANT) << "Could not copy torrent file to " << destination << endl; } } return true; } bool KTorrentCore::load(const TQByteArray & data,const TQString & dir,bool silently, const KURL& url) { TQString tdir = findNewTorrentDir(); TorrentControl* tc = 0; try { Out(SYS_GEN|LOG_NOTICE) << "Loading torrent from data " << endl; tc = new TorrentControl(); tc->init(qman, data, tdir, dir, Settings::useSaveDir() ? Settings::saveDir() : TQString()); if(!init(tc,silently)) loadingFinished(url, false, true); else loadingFinished(url, true, false); return true; } catch (bt::Error & err) { KMessageBox::error(0,err.toString()); delete tc; tc = 0; // delete tdir if necesarry if (bt::Exists(tdir)) bt::Delete(tdir,true); loadingFinished(url, false, false); return false; } } bool KTorrentCore::load(const TQString & target,const TQString & dir,bool silently) { TQString tdir = findNewTorrentDir(); TorrentControl* tc = 0; try { Out(SYS_GEN|LOG_NOTICE) << "Loading file " << target << endl; tc = new TorrentControl(); tc->init(qman, target, tdir, dir, Settings::useSaveDir() ? Settings::saveDir() : TQString()); init(tc,silently); return true; } catch (bt::Error & err) { KMessageBox::error(0,err.toString()); delete tc; tc = 0; // delete tdir if necesarry if (bt::Exists(tdir)) bt::Delete(tdir,true); return false; } } void KTorrentCore::downloadFinished(KIO::Job *job) { KIO::StoredTransferJob* j = (KIO::StoredTransferJob*)job; int err = j->error(); if (err == KIO::ERR_USER_CANCELED) { loadingFinished(j->url(),false,true); return; } if (err) { loadingFinished(j->url(),false,false); j->showErrorDialog(0); } else { // load in the file (target is always local) TQString dir = Settings::saveDir(); if (!Settings::useSaveDir() || dir.isNull()) dir = TQDir::homeDirPath(); if (dir != TQString() && load(j->data(),dir,false, j->url())) loadingFinished(j->url(),true,false); else loadingFinished(j->url(),false,true); } } void KTorrentCore::load(const KURL& url) { if (url.isLocalFile()) { TQString path = url.path(); TQString dir = Settings::saveDir(); if (!Settings::useSaveDir() || dir.isNull()) dir = TQDir::homeDirPath(); if (dir != TQString() && load(path,dir,false)) loadingFinished(url,true,false); else loadingFinished(url,false,true); } else { KIO::Job* j = KIO::storedGet(url,false,true); connect(j,TQT_SIGNAL(result(KIO::Job*)),this,TQT_SLOT(downloadFinished( KIO::Job* ))); } } void KTorrentCore::downloadFinishedSilently(KIO::Job *job) { KIO::StoredTransferJob* j = (KIO::StoredTransferJob*)job; int err = j->error(); if (err == KIO::ERR_USER_CANCELED) { loadingFinished(j->url(),false,true); } else if (err) { loadingFinished(j->url(),false,false); } else { TQString dir; if (custom_save_locations.contains(j)) { // we have a custom save location so save to that dir = custom_save_locations[j].path(); custom_save_locations.erase(j); } else if (!Settings::useSaveDir()) { // incase save dir is not set, use home director Out(SYS_GEN|LOG_NOTICE) << "Cannot load " << j->url() << " silently, default save location not set !" << endl; Out(SYS_GEN|LOG_NOTICE) << "Using home directory instead !" << endl; dir = TQDir::homeDirPath(); } else { dir = Settings::saveDir(); } if (dir != TQString() && load(j->data(),dir,true,j->url())) loadingFinished(j->url(),true,false); else loadingFinished(j->url(),false,false); } } void KTorrentCore::loadSilently(const KURL& url) { if (url.isLocalFile()) { TQString path = url.path(); TQString dir = Settings::saveDir(); if (!Settings::useSaveDir() || dir.isNull()) { Out(SYS_GEN|LOG_NOTICE) << "Cannot load " << path << " silently, default save location not set !" << endl; Out(SYS_GEN|LOG_NOTICE) << "Using home directory instead !" << endl; dir = TQDir::homeDirPath(); } if (dir != TQString() && load(path,dir,true)) loadingFinished(url,true,false); else loadingFinished(url,false,true); } else { // download to a random file in tmp KIO::Job* j = KIO::storedGet(url,false,true); connect(j,TQT_SIGNAL(result(KIO::Job*)),this,TQT_SLOT(downloadFinishedSilently( KIO::Job* ))); } } void KTorrentCore::loadSilentlyDir(const KURL& url, const KURL& savedir) { if (url.isLocalFile()) { TQString path = url.path(); TQString dir = savedir.path(); TQFileInfo fi(dir); if (!fi.exists() || !fi.isWritable() || !fi.isDir()) { Out(SYS_GEN|LOG_NOTICE) << "Cannot load " << path << " silently, destination directory is not OK ! Using default save directory." << endl; dir = Settings::saveDir(); if (!Settings::useSaveDir()) { Out(SYS_GEN|LOG_NOTICE) << "Default save directory not set, using home directory !" << endl; dir = TQDir::homeDirPath(); } } if (dir != TQString() && load(path,dir,true)) loadingFinished(url,true,false); else loadingFinished(url,false,true); } else { // download to a random file in tmp KIO::Job* j = KIO::storedGet(url,false,true); custom_save_locations.insert(j,savedir); // keep track of save location connect(j,TQT_SIGNAL(result(KIO::Job*)),this,TQT_SLOT(downloadFinishedSilently( KIO::Job* ))); } } void KTorrentCore::start(kt::TorrentInterface* tc) { kt::TorrentStartResponse reason = qman->start(tc); switch (reason) { // we can return, the question to ignore the limits will have informed the user case MAX_SHARE_RATIO_REACHED: case START_OK: // start OK is normal case BUSY_WITH_DATA_CHECK: // checking data, so let the torrent be case USER_CANCELED: return; case NOT_ENOUGH_DISKSPACE: case TQM_LIMITS_REACHED: canNotStart(tc,reason); break; } } void KTorrentCore::stop(TorrentInterface* tc, bool user) { qman->stop(tc, user); } int KTorrentCore::getNumRunning(bool onlyDownloads, bool onlySeeds) const { return qman->getNumRunning(onlyDownloads, onlySeeds); } TQString KTorrentCore::findNewTorrentDir() const { int i = 0; while (true) { TQDir d; TQString dir = data_dir + TQString("tor%1/").arg(i); if (!d.exists(dir)) { return dir; } i++; } return TQString(); } void KTorrentCore::loadExistingTorrent(const TQString & tor_dir) { TorrentControl* tc = 0; TQString idir = tor_dir; if (!idir.endsWith(bt::DirSeparator())) idir += bt::DirSeparator(); if (!bt::Exists(idir + "torrent")) return; try { tc = new TorrentControl(); tc->init(qman,idir + "torrent",idir,TQString(), Settings::useSaveDir() ? Settings::saveDir() : TQString()); qman->append(tc); connectSignals(tc); if (tc->getStats().autostart && tc->getStats().user_controlled) start(tc); torrentAdded(tc); } catch (bt::Error & err) { KMessageBox::error(0,err.toString()); delete tc; } } void KTorrentCore::loadTorrents() { TQDir dir(data_dir); TQStringList sl = dir.entryList("tor*",TQDir::Dirs); for (Uint32 i = 0;i < sl.count();i++) { TQString idir = data_dir + *sl.at(i); if (!idir.endsWith(DirSeparator())) idir.append(DirSeparator()); Out(SYS_GEN|LOG_NOTICE) << "Loading " << idir << endl; loadExistingTorrent(idir); } qman->orderQueue(); } void KTorrentCore::remove(TorrentInterface* tc,bool data_to) { try { const TorrentStats & s = tc->getStats(); removed_bytes_up += s.session_bytes_uploaded; removed_bytes_down += s.session_bytes_downloaded; stop(tc); TQString dir = tc->getTorDir(); try { if (data_to) tc->deleteDataFiles(); } catch (Error & e) { KMessageBox::error(0,e.toString()); } torrentRemoved(tc); qman->torrentRemoved(tc); bt::Delete(dir,false); } catch (Error & e) { KMessageBox::error(0,e.toString()); } } void KTorrentCore::setMaxDownloads(int max) { qman->setMaxDownloads(max); } void KTorrentCore::setMaxSeeds(int max) { qman->setMaxSeeds(max); } void KTorrentCore::torrentFinished(kt::TorrentInterface* tc) { if (!keep_seeding) tc->stop(false); finished(tc); qman->torrentFinished(tc); } void KTorrentCore::setKeepSeeding(bool ks) { keep_seeding = ks; qman->setKeepSeeding(ks); } void KTorrentCore::onExit() { // stop timer to prevent updates during wait update_timer.stop(); // stop all authentications going on AuthenticationMonitor::instance().clear(); // shutdown the server Globals::instance().shutdownServer(); WaitJob* job = new WaitJob(5000); qman->onExit(job); // wait for completion of stopped events if (job->needToWait()) WaitJob::execute(job); else delete job; pman->unloadAll(false); qman->clear(); } bool KTorrentCore::changeDataDir(const TQString & new_dir) { try { update_timer.stop(); // do nothing if new and old dir are the same if (KURL(data_dir) == KURL(new_dir) || data_dir == (new_dir + bt::DirSeparator())) { update_timer.start(CORE_UPDATE_INTERVAL); return true; } // safety check if (!bt::Exists(new_dir)) bt::MakeDir(new_dir); // make sure new_dir ends with a / TQString nd = new_dir; if (!nd.endsWith(DirSeparator())) nd += DirSeparator(); Out() << "Switching to datadir " << nd << endl; qman->setPausedState(true); TQPtrList succes; TQPtrList::iterator i = qman->begin(); while (i != qman->end()) { kt::TorrentInterface* tc = *i; if (!tc->changeDataDir(nd)) { // failure time to roll back all the succesfull tc's rollback(succes); // set back the old data_dir in Settings Settings::setTempDir(data_dir); Settings::self()->writeConfig(); qman->setPausedState(false); update_timer.start(CORE_UPDATE_INTERVAL); return false; } else { succes.append(tc); } i++; } data_dir = nd; qman->setPausedState(false); update_timer.start(CORE_UPDATE_INTERVAL); return true; } catch (bt::Error & e) { Out(SYS_GEN|LOG_IMPORTANT) << "Error : " << e.toString() << endl; update_timer.start(CORE_UPDATE_INTERVAL); return false; } } void KTorrentCore::rollback(const TQPtrList & succes) { Out() << "Error, rolling back" << endl; update_timer.stop(); TQPtrList ::const_iterator i = succes.begin(); while (i != succes.end()) { (*i)->rollback(); i++; } update_timer.start(CORE_UPDATE_INTERVAL); } void KTorrentCore::startAll(int type) { qman->startall(type); } void KTorrentCore::stopAll(int type) { qman->stopall(type); } void KTorrentCore::update() { bt::UpdateCurrentTime(); AuthenticationMonitor::instance().update(); TQPtrList::iterator i = qman->begin(); //Uint32 down_speed = 0; while (i != qman->end()) { bool finished = false; kt::TorrentInterface* tc = *i; if (tc->isCheckingData(finished)) { if (finished) tc->afterDataCheck(); } else if (tc->getStats().running) { // see if we need to do a auto data check if (Settings::autoRecheck() && tc->getStats().num_corrupted_chunks >= Settings::maxCorruptedBeforeRecheck()) { Out(SYS_GEN|LOG_IMPORTANT) << "Doing an automatic data check on " << tc->getStats().torrent_name << endl; ScanDialog* scan_dlg = new ScanDialog(this,false); scan_dlg->show(); scan_dlg->execute(tc,true); } else { tc->update(); } } i++; } } void KTorrentCore::makeTorrent(const TQString & file,const TQStringList & trackers, int chunk_size,const TQString & name, const TQString & comments,bool seed, const TQString & output_file,bool priv_tor,KProgress* prog, bool decentralized) { TQString tdir; try { if (chunk_size < 0) chunk_size = 256; bt::TorrentCreator mktor(file,trackers,chunk_size,name,comments,priv_tor, decentralized); prog->setTotalSteps(mktor.getNumChunks()); Uint32 ns = 0; while (!mktor.calculateHash()) { prog->setProgress(ns); ns++; if (ns % 10 == 0) KApplication::kApplication()->processEvents(); } mktor.saveTorrent(output_file); tdir = findNewTorrentDir(); kt::TorrentInterface* tc = mktor.makeTC(tdir); if (tc) { connectSignals(tc); qman->append(tc); if (seed) start(tc); torrentAdded(tc); } } catch (bt::Error & e) { // cleanup if necessary if (bt::Exists(tdir)) bt::Delete(tdir,true); // Show error message KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("Cannot create torrent: %1").arg(e.toString()), i18n("Error")); } } CurrentStats KTorrentCore::getStats() { CurrentStats stats; Uint64 bytes_dl = 0, bytes_ul = 0; Uint32 speed_dl = 0, speed_ul = 0; for ( TQPtrList::iterator i = qman->begin(); i != qman->end(); ++i ) { kt::TorrentInterface* tc = *i; const TorrentStats & s = tc->getStats(); speed_dl += s.download_rate; speed_ul += s.upload_rate; bytes_dl += s.session_bytes_downloaded; bytes_ul += s.session_bytes_uploaded; } stats.download_speed = speed_dl; stats.upload_speed = speed_ul; stats.bytes_downloaded = bytes_dl + removed_bytes_down; stats.bytes_uploaded = bytes_ul + removed_bytes_up; return stats; } bool KTorrentCore::changePort(Uint16 port) { if (getNumTorrentsRunning() == 0) { Globals::instance().getServer().changePort(port); return true; } else { return false; } } void KTorrentCore::slotStoppedByError(kt::TorrentInterface* tc, TQString msg) { emit torrentStoppedByError(tc, msg); } Uint32 KTorrentCore::getNumTorrentsRunning() const { return qman->getNumRunning(); } Uint32 KTorrentCore::getNumTorrentsNotRunning() const { return qman->count() - qman->getNumRunning(); } int KTorrentCore::countSeeds() const { return qman->countSeeds(); } int KTorrentCore::countDownloads() const { return qman->countDownloads(); } void KTorrentCore::addBlockedIP(TQString& ip) { IPBlocklist& filter = IPBlocklist::instance(); filter.addRange(ip); } void KTorrentCore::removeBlockedIP(TQString& ip) { IPBlocklist& filter = IPBlocklist::instance(); filter.removeRange(ip); } bt::QueueManager* KTorrentCore::getQueueManager() { return this->qman; } void KTorrentCore::torrentSeedAutoStopped( kt::TorrentInterface * tc,kt::AutoStopReason reason ) { qman->startNext(); if (reason == kt::MAX_RATIO_REACHED) maxShareRatioReached(tc); else maxSeedTimeReached(tc); } int KTorrentCore::getMaxUploadSpeed() { return Settings::maxUploadRate(); } int KTorrentCore::getMaxDownloadSpeed() { return Settings::maxDownloadRate(); } void KTorrentCore::setMaxUploadSpeed(int v) { return Settings::setMaxUploadRate(v); } void KTorrentCore::setMaxDownloadSpeed(int v) { return Settings::setMaxDownloadRate(v); } void KTorrentCore::setPausedState(bool pause) { qman->setPausedState(pause); } void KTorrentCore::queue(kt::TorrentInterface* tc) { qman->queue(tc); } TorrentInterface* KTorrentCore::getTorFromNumber(int tornumber) { TQString tordir = data_dir + "tor" + TQString("%1").arg(tornumber) + "/"; Out() << "tordir " << tordir << endl; TQPtrList::iterator i = qman->begin(); while(i != qman->end()) { TorrentInterface* tc = *i; TQString td = tc->getTorDir(); if(td == tordir) return tc; i++; } TorrentInterface* nullinterface = 0; return nullinterface; } TQValueList KTorrentCore::getTorrentNumbers(int type = 3) { TQValueList tornums; TQPtrList::iterator i = qman->begin(); while(i != qman->end()) { TorrentInterface* tc = *i; if((type == 1 && tc->getStats().completed) || (type == 2 && !(tc->getStats().completed))) { Out() << "Skipping a torrent" << endl; i++; continue; } TQString td = tc->getTorDir(); Out() << td << endl; td = td.remove(0, td.length() - 6); td = td.remove(TQRegExp("[^0-9]*")); Out() << td << endl; tornums.append(td.toInt()); i++; } return tornums; } Uint32 KTorrentCore::getFileCount(int tornumber) { kt::TorrentInterface* tc = getTorFromNumber(tornumber); if(tc) return tc->getNumFiles(); else return 0; } QCStringList KTorrentCore::getFileNames(int tornumber) { QCStringList filenames; kt::TorrentInterface* tc = getTorFromNumber(tornumber); if(!tc || tc->getNumFiles() == 0) return filenames; for(Uint32 i = 0; i < tc->getNumFiles(); i++) { TQCString filename = tc->getTorrentFile(i).getPath().ascii(); filenames.append(filename); } return filenames; } TQValueList KTorrentCore::getFilePriorities(int tornumber) { TQValueList priorities; kt::TorrentInterface* tc = getTorFromNumber(tornumber); if(!tc || tc->getNumFiles() == 0) return priorities; for(Uint32 i = 0; i < tc->getNumFiles(); i++) { bt::Priority priority = tc->getTorrentFile(i).getPriority(); int newpriority; switch(priority) { case bt::FIRST_PRIORITY: newpriority = 3; break; case bt::LAST_PRIORITY: newpriority = 1; break; case bt::EXCLUDED: newpriority = 0; break; default: newpriority = 2; break; } priorities.append(newpriority); } return priorities; } void KTorrentCore::setFilePriority(kt::TorrentInterface* tc, Uint32 index, int priority) { bt::Priority newpriority; switch(priority) { case 3: newpriority = bt::FIRST_PRIORITY; break; case 1: newpriority = bt::LAST_PRIORITY; break; case 0: newpriority = bt::EXCLUDED; break; default: newpriority = bt::NORMAL_PRIORITY; break; } tc->getTorrentFile(index).setPriority(newpriority); } void KTorrentCore::announceByTorNum(int tornumber) { kt::TorrentInterface* tc = getTorFromNumber(tornumber); if(tc) tc->updateTracker(); } void KTorrentCore::aboutToBeStarted(kt::TorrentInterface* tc,bool & ret) { ret = true; TQStringList missing; if (!tc->hasMissingFiles(missing)) return; if (tc->getStats().multi_file_torrent) { TQString msg = i18n("Several data files of the torrent \"%1\" are missing, do you want to recreate them, or do you want to not download them?").arg(tc->getStats().torrent_name); int ret = KMessageBox::warningYesNoCancelList(0,msg,missing,TQString(), KGuiItem(i18n("Recreate")),KGuiItem(i18n("Do Not Download"))); if (ret == KMessageBox::Yes) { try { // recreate them tc->recreateMissingFiles(); } catch (bt::Error & e) { KMessageBox::error(0,i18n("Cannot recreate missing files: %1").arg(e.toString())); tc->handleError(i18n("Data files are missing")); ret = false; } } else if (ret == KMessageBox::No) { try { // mark them as do not download tc->dndMissingFiles(); } catch (bt::Error & e) { KMessageBox::error(0,i18n("Cannot deselect missing files: %1").arg(e.toString())); tc->handleError(i18n("Data files are missing")); ret = false; } } else { tc->handleError(i18n("Data files are missing")); ret = false; } } else { TQString msg = i18n("The file where the data is saved of the torrent \"%1\" is missing, do you want to recreate it?").arg(tc->getStats().torrent_name); int ret = KMessageBox::warningYesNo(0,msg, i18n("Recreate"),KGuiItem(i18n("Recreate")),KGuiItem(i18n("Do Not Recreate"))); if (ret == KMessageBox::Yes) { try { tc->recreateMissingFiles(); } catch (bt::Error & e) { KMessageBox::error(0,i18n("Cannot recreate data file: %1").arg(e.toString())); tc->handleError(i18n("Data file is missing")); ret = false; } } else { tc->handleError(i18n("Data file is missing")); ret = false; } } } void KTorrentCore::emitCorruptedData(kt::TorrentInterface* tc) { corruptedData(tc); } void KTorrentCore::connectSignals(kt::TorrentInterface* tc) { connect(tc,TQT_SIGNAL(finished(kt::TorrentInterface*)), this,TQT_SLOT(torrentFinished(kt::TorrentInterface* ))); connect(tc, TQT_SIGNAL(stoppedByError(kt::TorrentInterface*, TQString )), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotStoppedByError(kt::TorrentInterface*, TQString ))); connect(tc, TQT_SIGNAL(seedingAutoStopped(kt::TorrentInterface*, kt::AutoStopReason)), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(torrentSeedAutoStopped(kt::TorrentInterface*, kt::AutoStopReason))); connect(tc,TQT_SIGNAL(aboutToBeStarted( kt::TorrentInterface*,bool & )), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(aboutToBeStarted( kt::TorrentInterface*,bool & ))); connect(tc,TQT_SIGNAL(corruptedDataFound( kt::TorrentInterface* )), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(emitCorruptedData( kt::TorrentInterface* ))); connect(qman, TQT_SIGNAL(queuingNotPossible(kt::TorrentInterface*)), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(enqueueTorrentOverMaxRatio( kt::TorrentInterface* ))); connect(qman, TQT_SIGNAL(lowDiskSpace(kt::TorrentInterface*, bool)), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(onLowDiskSpace(kt::TorrentInterface*, bool))); } float KTorrentCore::getGlobalMaxShareRatio() const { return Settings::maxRatio(); } void KTorrentCore::enqueueTorrentOverMaxRatio(kt::TorrentInterface* tc) { emit queuingNotPossible(tc); } void KTorrentCore::doDataCheck(kt::TorrentInterface* tc) { bool dummy = false; if (tc->isCheckingData(dummy)) return; ScanDialog* scan_dlg = new ScanDialog(this,false); scan_dlg->setCaption(i18n("Checking Data Integrity")); scan_dlg->show(); scan_dlg->execute(tc,false); } void KTorrentCore::onLowDiskSpace(kt::TorrentInterface * tc, bool stopped) { emit lowDiskSpace(tc, stopped); } #include "ktorrentcore.moc"