TorrentCreatorDlgBase TorrentCreatorDlgBase 0 0 503 669 Create Torrent true unnamed tqlayout2 unnamed textLabel1 The file or folder of which you want to create a torrent: m_file_or_dir m_label1 You must add at least one tracker or node. groupBox1 File Options unnamed tqlayout7 unnamed textLabel2 Size of each chunk: 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096 8192 m_chunk_size textLabel3 KB spacer2 Horizontal Expanding 21 20 m_start_seeding Start seedin&g the torrent true m_decentralized Decentrali&zed (DHT only) m_private Private torrent (DHT not allowed) tqlayout9 unnamed textLabel2_2 Comments: m_comments Layout1 unnamed 0 6 Horizontal Spacing2 Horizontal Expanding 20 20 m_create_btn &Create true true m_cancel_btn Ca&ncel true m_trackers Trackers m_nodes DHT nodes unnamed btnRemoveNode false Remove 28 btnAddNode false Add 27 tqlayout9 unnamed textLabel1_2 Node: m_node textLabel1_2_2 Port: m_port 6882 0 65535 spacer6 Horizontal Maximum 40 20 IP or hostname true true Port true true m_nodeList true AllColumns spacer5 Vertical Expanding 20 40 textLabel1_3 NOTE: Some known good DHT nodes are already inserted. You should probably insert your own IP address and port too if you plan to seed this torrent. WordBreak|AlignVCenter m_private toggled(bool) m_decentralized setDisabled(bool) m_decentralized toggled(bool) m_private setDisabled(bool) m_decentralized toggled(bool) m_trackers setHidden(bool) m_decentralized toggled(bool) m_nodes setShown(bool) btnRemoveNode clicked() TorrentCreatorDlgBase btnRemoveNode_clicked() btnAddNode clicked() TorrentCreatorDlgBase btnAddNode_clicked() m_node textChanged(const QString&) TorrentCreatorDlgBase m_node_textChanged(const QString&) m_nodeList selectionChanged(TQListViewItem*) TorrentCreatorDlgBase m_nodeList_selectionChanged(TQListViewItem*) m_file_or_dir m_chunk_size m_start_seeding m_private m_decentralized m_node m_port btnAddNode btnRemoveNode m_comments m_create_btn m_cancel_btn btnRemoveNode_clicked() btnAddNode_clicked() m_node_textChanged(const QString&) m_nodeList_selectionChanged(TQListViewItem*) kurlrequester.h klineedit.h kpushbutton.h kcombobox.h klineedit.h keditlistbox.h klineedit.h kpushbutton.h kpushbutton.h klineedit.h knuminput.h knuminput.h klistview.h