You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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4.8 KiB

* article.h
* Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, 2003 Frerich Raabe <>
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For licensing and distribution details, check the
* accompanying file 'COPYING'.
#include <qmap.h>
#include "global.h"
class QDateTime;
class QDomNode;
template <class> class QValueList;
class QString;
class QWidget;
class KURL;
class KURLLabel;
namespace RSS
* Represents an article as stored in a RSS file. You don't have to
* instantiate one of these yourself, the common way to access instances
* is via Document::articles().
* @see Document::articles()
class Article
* A list of articles.
typedef QValueList<Article> List;
* Default constructor.
* Copy constructor.
* @param other The Article object to copy.
Article(const Article &other);
* Constructs an Article from a piece of RSS markup.
* @param node A QDomNode which references the DOM leaf to be used
* for constructing the Article.
Article(const QDomNode &node, Format format);
* Assignment operator.
* @param other The Article object to clone.
* @return A reference to the cloned Article object.
Article &operator=(const Article &other);
* Compares two articles. Two articles are treated to be identical
* if all their properties (title, link, description etc.) are
* equal.
* @param other The article this article should be compared with.
* @return Whether the two articles are equal.
bool operator==(const Article &other) const;
* Convenience method. Simply calls !operator==().
* @param other The article this article should be compared with.
* @return Whether the two articles are unequal.
bool operator!=(const Article &other) const { return !operator==(other); }
* Destructor.
virtual ~Article();
* RSS 0.90 and upwards
* @return The headline of this article, or QString::null if
* no headline was available.
QString title() const;
* RSS 0.90 and upwards
* @return A URL referencing the complete text for this article,
* or an empty KURL if no link was available.
* Note that the RSS 0.91 Specification dictates that URLs not
* starting with "http://" or "ftp://" are considered invalid.
const KURL &link() const;
* RSS 0.91 and upwards
* @return A story synopsis, or QString::null if no description
* was available.
QString description() const;
* RSS 2.0 and upwards
* @return An article GUID (globally unique identifier).
QString guid() const;
* RSS 2.0 and upwards
* @return If this article GUID is permalink. Has no meaning when guid() is QString::null.
bool guidIsPermaLink() const;
* RSS 2.0 and upwards
* @return The date when the article was published.
const QDateTime &pubDate() const;
const KURL &commentsLink() const;
int comments() const;
QString meta(const QString &key) const;
* @param parent The parent widget for the KURLLabel.
* @param name A name for the widget which will be used internally.
* @return a widget (a KURLLabel in this case) for the Article.
* This makes building a user-interface which contains the
* information in this Article object more convenient.
* The returned KURLLabel's caption will be the title(), clicking
* on it will emit the URL link(), and it has a QToolTip attached
* to it which displays the description() (in case it has one,
* if there is no description, the URL which the label links to
* will be used).
* Note that you have to delete the KURLLabel object returned by
* this method yourself.
KURLLabel *widget(QWidget *parent = 0, const char *name = 0) const;
typedef QMap<QString, QString> MetaInfoMap;
struct Private;
Private *d;
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