You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

243 lines
6.3 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2005 by David Saxton *
* *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
#include "item.h"
#include "microsettings.h"
#include <tqdom.h>
class Connector;
class ECSubcircuit;
class KURL;
class Node;
class PinMapping;
typedef TQValueList<TQGuardedPtr<Connector> > ConnectorList;
typedef TQValueList<TQGuardedPtr<Item> > ItemList;
typedef TQValueList<TQGuardedPtr<Node> > NodeList;
typedef TQMap< TQString, PinMapping > PinMappingMap;
typedef TQValueList<TQPoint> TQPointList;
typedef TQMap<TQString, bool> BoolMap;
typedef TQMap<TQString, double> DoubleMap;
typedef TQMap<TQString, int> IntMap;
typedef TQMap<TQString, TQColor> TQColorMap;
typedef TQMap<TQString, TQString> TQStringMap;
typedef TQMap<TQString, TQBitArray> TQBitArrayMap;
class ItemData
TQString type;
double x;
double y;
int z;
TQRect size;
bool setSize;
int orientation; // used for flowparts, should be set to -1 if not used.
double angleDegrees;
bool flipped;
BoolMap buttonMap;
IntMap sliderMap;
TQString parentId;
BoolMap dataBool;
DoubleMap dataNumber;
TQColorMap dataColor;
TQStringMap dataString;
TQBitArrayMap dataRaw;
typedef TQMap< TQString, ItemData > ItemDataMap;
class ConnectorData
TQPointList route;
bool manualRoute;
bool startNodeIsChild;
bool endNodeIsChild;
TQString startNodeCId;
TQString endNodeCId;
TQString startNodeParent;
TQString endNodeParent;
TQString startNodeId;
TQString endNodeId;
typedef TQMap< TQString, ConnectorData > ConnectorDataMap;
class NodeData
double x;
double y;
typedef TQMap< TQString, NodeData > NodeDataMap;
class PinData
PinSettings::pin_type type;
PinSettings::pin_state state;
typedef TQMap< TQString, PinData > PinDataMap;
class MicroData
void reset();
TQString id;
PinDataMap pinMap;
TQStringMap variableMap;
PinMappingMap pinMappings;
This class encapsulates all or part of an ItemDocument. It is used for writing
the document to file / reading from file, as well as for the clipboard and
undo/redo system.
@author David Saxton
class ItemDocumentData
ItemDocumentData( uint documentType );
* Erases / resets all data to defaults
void reset();
* Read in data from a saved file. Any existing data in this class will
* be deleted first.
* @returns true iff successful
bool loadData( const KURL &url );
* Write the data to the given file.
* @returns true iff successful
bool saveData( const KURL &url );
* Returns the xml used for describing the data
TQString toXML();
* Restore the document from the given xml
* @return true if successful
bool fromXML( const TQString &xml );
* Saves the document to the data
void saveDocumentState( ItemDocument *itemDocument );
* Restores a document to the state stored in this class
void restoreDocument( ItemDocument *itemDocument );
* Merges the stuff stored here with the given document. If this is
* being used for e.g. pasting, you should call generateUniqueIDs()
* @param selectNew if true then the newly created items & connectors will be selected
void mergeWithDocument( ItemDocument *itemDocument, bool selectNew );
* Replaces the IDs of everything with unique ones for the document.
* Used in pasting.
void generateUniqueIDs( ItemDocument *itemDocument );
* Move all the items, connectors, nodes, etc by the given amount
void translateContents( int dx, int dy );
* Returns the document type.
* @see Document::DocumentType
uint documentType() const { return m_documentType; }
//BEGIN functions for adding data
void setMicroData( const MicroData &data );
void addItems( const ItemList &itemList );
void addConnectors( const ConnectorList &connectorList );
void addNodes( const NodeList &nodeList );
* Add the given ItemData to the stored data
void addItemData( ItemData itemData, TQString id );
* Add the given ConnectorData to the stored data
void addConnectorData( ConnectorData connectorData, TQString id );
* Add the given NodeData to the stored data
void addNodeData( NodeData nodeData, TQString id );
//END functions for adding data
//BEGIN functions for returning strings for saving to xml
TQString documentTypeString() const;
TQString revisionString() const;
//END functions for returning strings for saving to xml
//BEGIN functions for generating TQDomElements
TQDomElement microDataToElement( TQDomDocument &doc );
TQDomElement itemDataToElement( TQDomDocument &doc, const ItemData &itemData );
TQDomElement nodeDataToElement( TQDomDocument &doc, const NodeData &nodeData );
TQDomElement connectorDataToElement( TQDomDocument &doc, const ConnectorData &connectorData );
//END functions for generating TQDomElements
//BEGIN functions for reading TQDomElements to stored data
void elementToMicroData( TQDomElement element );
void elementToItemData( TQDomElement element );
void elementToNodeData( TQDomElement element );
void elementToConnectorData( TQDomElement element );
//END functions for reading TQDomElements to stored data
ItemDataMap m_itemDataMap;
ConnectorDataMap m_connectorDataMap;
NodeDataMap m_nodeDataMap;
MicroData m_microData;
uint m_documentType; // See Document::DocumentType
class SubcircuitData : public ItemDocumentData
void initECSubcircuit( ECSubcircuit * ecSubcircuit );