You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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* Copyright (C) 2003-2004 by David Saxton *
* *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
#include <qguardedptr.h>
#include <qobject.h>
#include <qvaluelist.h>
#include <qvaluevector.h>
class ICNDocument;
class Connector;
class ConRouter;
class Node;
class NodeGroup;
class QTimer;
typedef QValueList<int> IntList;
typedef QValueList<NodeGroup*> NodeGroupList;
typedef QValueList<QGuardedPtr<Node> > NodeList;
Controls a group of nodes who are not attached to any CNItems (poor things!)
along with their associated connectors.
@author David Saxton
class NodeGroup : public QObject
NodeGroup( ICNDocument *icnDocument, const char *name = 0);
* Adds a node to the group (this checks to make sure that the node is not
* a child node). If checkSurrouding is true, then surrounding nodes will be
* checked to see if they are valid for inclusion - and if so, include them.
void addNode( Node *node, bool checkSurrouding );
* Returns the list of internal nodes
NodeList internalNodeList() const { return m_nodeList; }
* Returns the list of external nodes
NodeList externalNodeList() const { return m_extNodeList; }
* Returns the list of connectors
ConnectorList connectorList() const { return m_conList; }
* Translates the routes by the given amount
void translate( int dx, int dy );
void init();
* @returns true if node is an internal node to this group
bool contains( Node *node ) const { return m_nodeList.contains(node); }
* Reroute the NodeGroup. This function should only ever be called by
* ICNDocument::rerouteInvalidatedConnectors(), as it is important that
* there is only ever one entity controlling the routing of connectors.
void updateRoutes();
* Sets the visibility of all nodes in the group.
void setVisible( bool visible );
public slots:
* Called when an internal or external node is deleted
void nodeRemoved( Node *node );
* Called when a connector is removed
void connectorRemoved( Connector *connector );
void clearConList();
* Finds the common connector between two nodes
Connector* findCommonConnector( Node *n1, Node *n2 );
* Find the best pair of nodes in the given list to route between. These
* will be nodes that give a ncie path (e.g. if they're aligned horizontally
* or vertically), or otherwise the closest such pair. The two nodes will be
* returned in n1 and n2.
void findBestPair( NodeList *list, Node **n1, Node **n2 );
* Finds the nodes along the route with the given start and end nodes (which
* will be unique). The end nodes are not included in the returned list.
NodeList findRoute( Node *startNode, Node *endNode );
ConnectorList m_conList;
NodeList m_nodeList;
NodeList m_extNodeList;
ICNDocument *p_icnDocument;
QValueVector<bool> b_routedMap; // Routes between different nodes
bool b_visible;
IntList findRoute( IntList used, int currentNode, int endNode, bool *success = 0l );
void resetRoutedMap();
* Looks at b_routedMap as well as the connectors coming out of nodes, and
* removes the nodes from the given list that have all of their connectors
* routed.
void removeRoutedNodes( NodeList *nodes, Node *n1, Node *n2 );
void addExtNode( Node *node );
* Looks at b_mappedRoute to see if there is a completely unrouted set of
* connectors between the two given nodes;
bool canRoute( Node *n1, Node *n2 );
void getReachable( IntList *reachable, int node );
* Either: position of node in m_nodeList,
* or: (position of node in m_extNodeList) + m_nodeList.size()
* or: -1
int getNodePos( Node *n );
* Essentially the inverse of getNodePos
Node* getNodePtr( int n );