You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

170 lines
5.0 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2005 by David Saxton *
* *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
#include <kurl.h>
#include <qguardedptr.h>
class CircuitDocument;
class DocManager;
class DocManagerIface;
class Document;
class FlowCodeDocument;
class KTechlab;
class MechanicsDocument;
class TextDocument;
class View;
class ViewArea;
class KAction;
typedef QValueList<Document*> DocumentList;
typedef QMap< KURL, Document* > URLDocumentMap;
typedef QValueList<KAction*> KActionList;
@author David Saxton
class DocManager : public QObject
static DocManager * self( KTechlab * ktechlab = 0l );
* Attempts to close all open documents, returning true if successful
bool closeAll();
* Goes to the given line in the given text file (if the file exists)
void gotoTextLine( const KURL &url, int line );
* Attempts to open the document at the given url.
* @param ViewArea if non-null, will open the new view into the ViewArea
Document* openURL( const KURL &url, ViewArea *viewArea = 0l );
* Returns the focused View
View *getFocusedView() const { return p_focusedView; }
* Returns the focused Document (the document of the focused view)
Document *getFocusedDocument() const;
* Get a unique name, e.g. Untitled (circuit) - n" depending on the types
* of Document and whether it is the first one or not
* @param type Document::DocumentType - type of Document
QString untitledName( int type );
* Checks to see if a document with the given URL is already open, and
* returns a pointer to that Document if so - otherwises returns null
* @see associateDocument
Document *findDocument( const KURL &url ) const;
* Associates a url with a pointer to a document. When findFile is called
* with the given url, it will return a pointer to this document if it still
* exists.
* @see findDocument
void associateDocument( const KURL &url, Document *document );
* Gives the given document focus. If it has no open views, one will be
* created for it if viewAreaForNew is non-null
void giveDocumentFocus( Document * toFocus, ViewArea * viewAreaForNew = 0l );
void removeDocumentAssociations( Document *document );
void disableContextActions();
public slots:
* Creates an empty text document (with an open view)
TextDocument *createTextDocument();
* Creates an empty circuit document (with an open view), and shows the
* component selector.
CircuitDocument *createCircuitDocument();
* Creates an empty flowcode document (with an open view), and shows the
* flowpart selector.
FlowCodeDocument *createFlowCodeDocument();
* Creates an empty mechanics document (with an open view), and shows the
* mechanics selector.
MechanicsDocument *createMechanicsDocument();
* Emitted when a file is successfully opened
void fileOpened( const KURL &url );
protected slots:
* Does the appropriate enabling / disabling of actions, connections, etc
void slotViewFocused( View *view );
* Does the appropriate enabling / disabling of actions, connections, etc
void slotViewUnfocused();
void documentDestroyed( QObject *obj );
* This function should be called after creating a new document to add it
* to the appropriate lists and connect it up as appropriate
void handleNewDocument( Document *document, ViewArea *viewArea = 0l );
* Takes the document, creates a new view and shoves it in a new
* ViewContainer
View *createNewView( Document *document, ViewArea *viewArea = 0l );
CircuitDocument *openCircuitFile( const KURL &url, ViewArea *viewArea = 0l );
FlowCodeDocument *openFlowCodeFile( const KURL &url, ViewArea *viewArea = 0l );
MechanicsDocument *openMechanicsFile( const KURL &url, ViewArea *viewArea = 0l );
TextDocument *openTextFile( const KURL &url, ViewArea *viewArea = 0l );
DocumentList m_documentList;
URLDocumentMap m_associatedDocuments;
// Keeps track of how many
// new files have been made
// for the purpose of making
// titles of the form Untitled (n)
int m_countCircuit;
int m_countFlowCode;
int m_countMechanics;
int m_countOther;
KTechlab * const p_ktechlab;
QGuardedPtr<View> p_focusedView;
QGuardedPtr<Document> p_connectedDocument;
DocManagerIface *m_pIface;
unsigned m_nextDocumentID;
DocManager( KTechlab *ktechlab );
static DocManager * m_pSelf;