You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

438 lines
13 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2003-2005 by David Saxton *
* *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
#include "microinfo.h"
#include "microsettings.h"
#include "microsettingsdlg.h"
#include "microsettingswidget.h"
#include "micropackage.h"
#include "newpinmappingwidget.h"
#include "pinmapping.h"
#include <kcombobox.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kinputdialog.h>
#include <klineedit.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <kpushbutton.h>
#include <tqgroupbox.h>
#include <tqlabel.h>
#include <tqlayout.h>
#include <tqregexp.h>
#include <tqtable.h>
#include <tqwhatsthis.h>
MicroSettingsDlg::MicroSettingsDlg( MicroSettings * microSettings, TQWidget *tqparent, const char *name )
: KDialogBase( tqparent, name, true, i18n("PIC Settings"), KDialogBase::Ok|KDialogBase::Apply|KDialogBase::Cancel, KDialogBase::Ok, true )
m_pMicroSettings = microSettings;
m_pNewPinMappingWidget = 0l;
m_pNewPinMappingDlg = 0l;
m_pWidget = new MicroSettingsWidget(this);
TQWhatsThis::add( this, i18n("This dialog allows editing of the initial properties of the PIC") );
TQWhatsThis::add( m_pWidget->portsGroupBox, i18n("Edit the initial value of the ports here. For each binary number, the order from right-to-left is pins 0 through 7.<br><br>The \"Type (TRIS)\" edit shows the initial input/output state of the ports; 1 represents an input, and 0 an output.<br><br>The \"State (PORT)\" edit shows the initial high/low state of the ports; 1 represents a high, and 0 a low.") );
TQWhatsThis::add( m_pWidget->variables, i18n("Edit the initial value of the variables here.<br><br>Note that the value of the variable can only be in the range 0->255. These variables will be initialized before any other code is executed.") );
//BEGIN Initialize initial port settings
m_portNames = microSettings->microInfo()->package()->portNames();
m_portTypeEdit.resize( m_portNames.size(), 0 );
m_portStateEdit.resize( m_portNames.size(), 0 );
uint row = 0;
TQStringList::iterator end = m_portNames.end();
for ( TQStringList::iterator it = m_portNames.begin(); it != end; ++it, ++row )
//BEGIN Get current Type / State text
TQString portType = TQString::number( microSettings->portType(*it), 2 );
TQString portState = TQString::number( microSettings->portState(*it), 2 );
TQString fill;
fill.fill( '0', 8-portType.length() );
fill.fill( '0', 8-portState.length() );
//END Get current Type / State text
TQGroupBox * groupBox = new TQGroupBox( *it, m_pWidget->portsGroupBox );
groupBox->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical );
groupBox->tqlayout()->setSpacing( 6 );
groupBox->tqlayout()->setMargin( 11 );
TQGridLayout * groupBoxLayout = new TQGridLayout( groupBox->tqlayout() );
groupBoxLayout->tqsetAlignment( TQt::AlignTop );
// TODO: replace this with i18n( "the type", "Type (TRIS register):" );
groupBoxLayout->addWidget( new TQLabel( i18n("Type (TRIS register):"), groupBox ), 0, 0 );
groupBoxLayout->addWidget( new TQLabel( i18n("State (PORT register):"), groupBox ), 1, 0 );
m_portTypeEdit[row] = new KLineEdit( portType, groupBox );
groupBoxLayout->addWidget( m_portTypeEdit[row], 0, 1 );
m_portStateEdit[row] = new KLineEdit( portState, groupBox );
groupBoxLayout->addWidget( m_portStateEdit[row], 1, 1 );
// (dynamic_cast<TQVBoxLayout*>(m_pWidget->portsGroupBox->tqlayout()))->insertWidget( row, groupBox );
(dynamic_cast<TQVBoxLayout*>(m_pWidget->portsGroupBox->tqlayout()))->addWidget( groupBox );
//END Initialize initial port settings
//BEGIN Initialize initial variable settings
// Hide row headers
// Make columns as thin as possible
m_pWidget->variables->setColumnStretchable( 0, true );
m_pWidget->variables->setColumnStretchable( 1, true );
TQStringList variables = microSettings->variableNames();
row = 0;
end = variables.end();
for ( TQStringList::iterator it = variables.begin(); it != end; ++it )
VariableInfo *info = microSettings->variableInfo(*it);
if (info)
m_pWidget->variables->insertRows( row, 1 );
m_pWidget->variables->setText( row, 0, *it );
m_pWidget->variables->setText( row, 1, info->valueAsString() );
m_pWidget->variables->insertRows( row, 1 );
connect( m_pWidget->variables, TQT_SIGNAL(valueChanged(int,int)), this, TQT_SLOT(checkAddVariableRow()) );
//END Initialize initial variable settings
//BEGIN Initialize pin maps
connect( m_pWidget->pinMapAdd, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotCreatePinMap()) );
connect( m_pWidget->pinMapModify, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotModifyPinMap()) );
connect( m_pWidget->pinMapRename, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotRenamePinMap()) );
connect( m_pWidget->pinMapRemove, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotRemovePinMap()) );
m_pinMappings = microSettings->pinMappings();
m_pWidget->pinMapCombo->insertStringList( m_pinMappings.keys() );
//END Initialize pin maps
enableButtonSeparator( false );
connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL(applyClicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotSaveStuff()) );
void MicroSettingsDlg::accept()
void MicroSettingsDlg::slotSaveStuff()
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < m_portNames.size(); i++ )
for ( int i=0; i< m_pWidget->variables->numRows(); i++ )
m_pMicroSettings->setPinMappings( m_pinMappings );
void MicroSettingsDlg::reject()
TQValidator::State MicroSettingsDlg::validatePinMapName( TQString & name ) const
name.tqreplace( ' ', '_' );
if ( name.isEmpty() )
return TQValidator::Intermediate;
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < name.length(); ++i )
if ( !name[i].isLetterOrNumber() && name[i] != '_' )
return TQValidator::Invalid;
if ( name[0].isNumber() )
return TQValidator::Intermediate;
if ( m_pWidget->pinMapCombo->contains( name ) )
return TQValidator::Intermediate;
return TQValidator::Acceptable;
class PinMappingNameValidator : public TQValidator
* Create a validator. If oldName is not empty, then the input is
* allowed to be oldName.
PinMappingNameValidator( MicroSettingsDlg * dlg, const TQString & oldName = 0 )
: TQValidator(0)
m_pDlg = dlg;
m_oldName = oldName;
virtual State validate( TQString & input, int & ) const
if ( (!m_oldName.isEmpty()) && (input == m_oldName) )
return TQValidator::Acceptable;
return m_pDlg->validatePinMapName( input );
MicroSettingsDlg * m_pDlg;
TQString m_oldName;
void MicroSettingsDlg::slotCheckNewPinMappingName( const TQString & name )
// Validate name might change the name so that it is valid
TQString newName = name;
if ( m_pNewPinMappingWidget )
m_pNewPinMappingDlg->enableButtonOK( validatePinMapName( newName ) == TQValidator::Acceptable );
if ( newName != name )
m_pNewPinMappingWidget->nameEdit->setText( newName );
void MicroSettingsDlg::slotCreatePinMap()
m_pNewPinMappingDlg = new KDialogBase( this, "New Pin Mapping Dlg", true, i18n("New Pin Mapping"), Ok | Cancel );
m_pNewPinMappingDlg->setButtonText( Ok, i18n("Create") );
m_pNewPinMappingWidget = new NewPinMappingWidget( m_pNewPinMappingDlg );
m_pNewPinMappingDlg->setMainWidget( m_pNewPinMappingWidget );
PinMappingNameValidator * validator = new PinMappingNameValidator( this );
m_pNewPinMappingWidget->nameEdit->setValidator( validator );
connect( m_pNewPinMappingWidget->nameEdit, TQT_SIGNAL(textChanged(const TQString &)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotCheckNewPinMappingName(const TQString &)) );
slotCheckNewPinMappingName( 0 );
int accepted = m_pNewPinMappingDlg->exec();
unsigned selectedType = m_pNewPinMappingWidget->typeCombo->currentItem();
TQString name = m_pNewPinMappingWidget->nameEdit->text();
delete m_pNewPinMappingDlg;
delete validator;
m_pNewPinMappingDlg = 0l;
m_pNewPinMappingWidget = 0l;
if ( accepted != TQDialog::Accepted )
PinMapping::Type type = PinMapping::Invalid;
switch ( selectedType )
case 0:
type = PinMapping::SevenSegment;
case 1:
type = PinMapping::Keypad_4x3;
case 2:
type = PinMapping::Keypad_4x4;
kdError() << k_funcinfo << "Unknown selected type " << type << endl;
m_pinMappings[name] = PinMapping( type );
m_pWidget->pinMapCombo->insertItem( name );
m_pWidget->pinMapCombo->setCurrentItem( m_pWidget->pinMapCombo->count() - 1 );
void MicroSettingsDlg::slotRenamePinMap()
KComboBox * combo = m_pWidget->pinMapCombo;
TQString oldName = combo->currentText();
if ( oldName.isEmpty() )
PinMappingNameValidator * validator = new PinMappingNameValidator( this, oldName );
bool ok = false;
TQString newName = KInputDialog::getText( i18n("New Pin Map Name"), i18n("Name"), oldName, & ok, this, 0, validator );
delete validator;
if ( !ok )
if ( newName == oldName )
m_pinMappings[ newName ] = m_pinMappings[ oldName ];
m_pinMappings.remove( oldName );
combo->setCurrentText( newName );
void MicroSettingsDlg::slotModifyPinMap()
TQString name = m_pWidget->pinMapCombo->currentText();
PinMapping pinMapping = m_pinMappings[ name ];
PinMapEditor * pinMapEditor = new PinMapEditor( & pinMapping, m_pMicroSettings->microInfo(), this, "PinMapEditor" );
int accepted = pinMapEditor->exec();
delete pinMapEditor;
if ( accepted != TQDialog::Accepted )
m_pinMappings[ name ] = pinMapping;
void MicroSettingsDlg::slotRemovePinMap()
KComboBox * combo = m_pWidget->pinMapCombo;
TQString pinMapID = combo->currentText();
if ( pinMapID.isEmpty() )
m_pinMappings.remove( pinMapID );
combo->removeItem( combo->currentItem() );
void MicroSettingsDlg::updatePinMapButtons()
bool havePinMaps = (m_pWidget->pinMapCombo->count() != 0);
m_pWidget->pinMapModify->setEnabled( havePinMaps );
m_pWidget->pinMapRename->setEnabled( havePinMaps );
m_pWidget->pinMapRemove->setEnabled( havePinMaps );
void MicroSettingsDlg::savePort( int row )
TQString port = m_portNames[row];
int type, state;
TQString typeText = m_portTypeEdit[row]->text();
bool typeOk = true;
if ( typeText.tqstartsWith( "0x", false ) ) type = typeText.remove(0,2).toInt( &typeOk, 16 );
else if ( typeText.tqcontains( TQRegExp("[^01]") ) ) type = typeText.toInt( &typeOk, 10 );
else type = typeText.toInt( &typeOk, 2 );
if ( !typeOk )
// KMessageBox::sorry( this, i18n("Unregnised Port Type: %1").tqarg(typeText) );
TQString stateText = m_portStateEdit[row]->text();
bool stateOk = true;
if ( stateText.tqstartsWith( "0x", false ) ) state = stateText.remove(0,2).toInt( &stateOk, 16 );
else if ( stateText.tqcontains( TQRegExp("[^01]") ) ) state = stateText.toInt( &stateOk, 10 );
else state = stateText.toInt( &stateOk, 2 );
if ( !stateOk )
// KMessageBox::sorry( this, i18n("Unregnised Port State: %1").tqarg(stateText) );
m_pMicroSettings->setPortState( port, state );
m_pMicroSettings->setPortType( port, type );
void MicroSettingsDlg::saveVariable( int row )
TQString name = m_pWidget->variables->text( row, 0 );
if ( name.isEmpty() ) return;
TQString valueText = m_pWidget->variables->text( row, 1 );
int value;
bool ok = true;
if ( valueText.tqstartsWith( "0x", false ) ) value = valueText.remove(0,2).toInt( &ok, 16 );
else value = valueText.toInt( &ok, 10 );
if (!ok)
KMessageBox::sorry( this, i18n("Invalid variable value: %1").tqarg(valueText) );
m_pMicroSettings->setVariable( name, value, true );
VariableInfo *info = m_pMicroSettings->variableInfo(name);
if ( info && info->valueAsString().toInt() != value )
// info->setValue(value);
// info->permanent = true;
info->initAtStart = true;
void MicroSettingsDlg::checkAddVariableRow()
int lastRow = m_pWidget->variables->numRows()-1;
if ( !m_pWidget->variables->text( lastRow, 0 ).isEmpty() ) m_pWidget->variables->insertRows( lastRow+1, 1 );
#include "microsettingsdlg.moc"