diff --git a/doc/en/index.docbook b/doc/en/index.docbook
index 35ee79e..9b5367a 100644
--- a/doc/en/index.docbook
+++ b/doc/en/index.docbook
@@ -1,101 +1,65 @@
- The KStreamRipper Handbook
- Michael Goettsche
- mail@tuxipuxi.de
- date
- 0.1
- KStreamRipper
- Introduction
- Features
- Installation
- How to obtain KStreamRipper
- Requirements
- Compilation and Installation
- Compiling KStreamRipper is very easy. The following should do
- it:
-% ./configure
-% make
-% make install
- That should do it! Should you run into any problems,
- please report them to the author
- Using KStreamRipper
- Questions, Answers, and Tips
- Frequently asked questions
- Question 1
- The answer
+The &kstreamripper; Handbook
+The &kstreamripper; Handbook
+Reviewed: &tde-release-date;
+&kstreamripper; is a graphical frontend to streamripper.
+We Apologize
+No documentation has yet been written for &kstreamripper;.
+If you need help, please check The &tde;
+web site, submit questions to the
+&tde; mail lists, or file a bug report at the
+&tde; bug tracker.
+If you are interested in helping, please consider writing the help file.
+Submitting a basic text file is acceptable as the &tde-team; will convert the text.
+Thank you for helping and thank you for your patience.
diff --git a/src/kstreamripper.desktop b/src/kstreamripper.desktop
index 95a9d5d..5b3a45d 100644
--- a/src/kstreamripper.desktop
+++ b/src/kstreamripper.desktop
@@ -7,9 +7,5 @@ Exec=kstreamripper
Comment=A streamripper GUI for TDE
-# Restore the following key and remove this comment when a help handbook
-# is written. Disabling this key prevents populating the main handbook
-# table of contents and a resulting error message of
-# 'There is no documentation available for /xyz/index.html.'
-# DocPath=kstreamripper/index.html