KScope – source browsing and editing environment for large projects written in C
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Michele Calgaro c684f019a8
Use centralized cmake version
1 個月前
doc Replace Qt with TQt 2 個月前
src Use new TQ_METHOD, TQ_SIGNAL, TQ_SLOT defines 4 個月前
translations Remove unnecessary backup translations. 2 年前
AUTHORS Initial import of kscope 1.6.2 11 年前
CMakeL10n.txt Use centralized cmake version 1 個月前
CMakeLists.txt Use centralized cmake version 1 個月前
COPYING Initial import of kscope 1.6.2 11 年前
ChangeLog Initial import of kscope 1.6.2 11 年前
ConfigureChecks.cmake Conversion to the cmake building system. 4 年前
Doxyfile Initial import of kscope 1.6.2 11 年前
INSTALL Drop automake build support. 3 年前
README.md Change README to markdown format. 3 年前
TODO Initial import of kscope 1.6.2 11 年前
config.h.cmake Conversion to the cmake building system. 4 年前


kscope - a front-end to Cscope for TDE.

KScope provides a source-editing environment for C projects with a focus on source editing and analysis.

KScope is built around an efficient mechanism for code-navigation which allows the user to run queries on the code.

The types of queries KScope can run include:

  • Get all references to a symbol
  • Find the definition of a symbol
  • Find all functions called by or calling to a function
  • Find an EGrep pattern
  • Find all files

These queries are handled by a Cscope process; kscope serves as a front-end to this process, feeding it with queries and parsing its output into result lists. The items in those lists can be selected to open an editor at the matching line.

Main Features:

  • Multiple editor windows (using your favourite TDE editor)
  • Project management
  • Front-end to most Cscope queries
  • Tag list for every open editor
  • Call-tree window
  • Session management, including saving and restoring queries
  • Works with externally-built cscope.out files



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