/*************************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) 2005 Elad Lahav (elad_lahav@users.sourceforge.net) * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * ***************************************************************************/ #ifndef KSCOPECONFIG_H #define KSCOPECONFIG_H #include #include #include #include typedef QValueList SPLIT_SIZES; /** * Loads and stores global configuration parameters. * @author Elad Lahav */ class KScopeConfig : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: KScopeConfig(); ~KScopeConfig(); /** GUI elements whose colours can be set. */ enum ColorElement { FileListFore = 0, FileListBack, TagListFore, TagListBack, QueryWindowFore, QueryWindowBack, GraphBack, GraphNode, GraphText, GraphMultiCall, LAST_COLOR = GraphMultiCall }; /** GUI elements whose fonts can be set. */ enum FontElement { FileList = 0, TagList, QueryWindow, Graph, LAST_FONT = Graph }; /** Sort order values for the tags list. */ enum CtagSort { NameAsc = 0, NameDes, LineAsc, LineDes, TypeAsc, TypeDes }; /** Types of systems that determine certain aspects in KScope's behaviour. For fast systems, certain time-consuming operations, such as rebuilding the database, may be performed automatically. Such behaviour, however, is not desired on slow systems, in which the user should handle such operations manually. */ enum SysProfile { Fast, Slow }; /** The different options for a popup menu to be installed in the editor parts. */ enum EditorPopup { Embedded, KScopeOnly }; void load(); void loadDefault(); void loadWorkspace(KDockMainWindow*); void store(); void storeWorkspace(KDockMainWindow*); bool isFirstTime(); bool showWelcomeDlg(); const QString& getCscopePath() const; void setCscopePath(const QString&); const QString& getCtagsPath() const; void setCtagsPath(const QString&); const QString& getDotPath() const; void setDotPath(const QString&); const QStringList& getRecentProjects() const; void addRecentProject(const QString&); void removeRecentProject(const QString&); bool getShowTagList() const; void setShowTagList(bool); const SPLIT_SIZES& getEditorSizes() const; void setEditorSizes(const SPLIT_SIZES&); const QColor& getColor(ColorElement) const; QString getColorName(ColorElement) const; void setColor(ColorElement, const QColor&); const QFont& getFont(FontElement) const; QString getFontName(FontElement) const; void setFont(FontElement, const QFont&); CtagSort getCtagSortOrder(); void setCtagSortOrder(CtagSort); bool getReadOnlyMode(); void setReadOnlyMode(bool); bool getLoadLastProj(); void setLoadLastProj(bool); bool getAutoTagHl(); void setAutoTagHl(bool); bool getUseBriefQueryCaptions(); void setUseBriefQueryCaptions(bool); bool getWarnModifiedOnDisk(); void setWarnModifiedOnDisk(bool); bool getAutoSortFiles(); void setAutoSortFiles(bool); const QString& getExtEditor(); void setExtEditor(const QString&); bool useExtEditor(); SysProfile getSysProfile() const; void setSysProfile(SysProfile); EditorPopup getEditorPopup() const; QString getEditorPopupName() const; void setEditorPopup(EditorPopup); QString getGraphOrientation() const; void setGraphOrientation(const QString&); int getGraphMaxNodeDegree() const; void setGraphMaxNodeDegree(int); int getDefGraphView() const; void setDefGraphView(int); private: /** A list of previously loaded projects. */ QStringList m_slProjects; /** Defines the list of all configurable parameters in KScope. The use of a structure helps define default values (@see s_cpDef) */ struct ConfParams { /** The full path of the Cscope executable. */ QString sCscopePath; /** The full path of the Ctags executable. */ QString sCtagsPath; /** The full path of the Dot executable. */ QString sDotPath; /** Whether the tag list should be visible. */ bool bShowTagList; /** The widths of the tag list and editor panes inside an editor page. */ SPLIT_SIZES siEditor; /** Colours for GUI elements. */ QColor clrs[LAST_COLOR + 1]; /** Fonts for GUI elements. */ QFont fonts[LAST_FONT + 1]; /** Sort order of the tag lists. */ CtagSort ctagSortOrder; /** Whether KScope should operate in code read-only mode. */ bool bReadOnlyMode; /** Whether the last open project should be reloaded on start-up. */ bool bLoadLastProj; /** Whether tags should be highlighted based on the current cursor position. */ bool bAutoTagHl; /** Whether query page captions should use mnemonics for query types, instead of the full description. */ bool bBriefQueryCaptions; /** Whether the warning should be displayed when file is modified on disk by external process. */ bool bWarnModifiedOnDisk; /** Should files be sorted automatically when a project is loaded. */ bool bAutoSortFiles; /** A command line pattern for an external editor (in read-only mode.)*/ QString sExtEditor; /** How KScope should treat time-consuming operations. */ SysProfile profile; /** The type of popup menu to use in the embedded editor. */ EditorPopup popup; /** The default orientation of call graphs. */ QString sGraphOrient; /** Maximal number of called/calling functions per call graph node. */ int nGraphMaxNodeDegree; /** Default view for the call graph dialogue. */ int nDefGraphView; }; /** The current configuration parameters */ ConfParams m_cp; /** Holds default values for the configuration parameters */ static ConfParams s_cpDef; /** Write font preferences only if modified by the user (keep default setting otherwise) */ bool m_bFontsChanged; }; extern KScopeConfig& Config(); #endif