You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1249 lines
55 KiB

copyright : (C) 2000 by Shie Erlich & Rafi Yanai
e-mail :
web site :
db dD d8888b. db db .d8888. .d8b. d8888b. d88888b d8888b.
88 ,8P' 88 `8D 88 88 88' YP d8' `8b 88 `8D 88' 88 `8D
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S o u r c e F i l e
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#ifdef BSD
#include <sys/types.h>
// KDE includes
#include <tdemessagebox.h>
#include <tdeaction.h>
#include <kcursor.h>
#include <ksystemtray.h>
#include <tdemenubar.h>
#include <tdeapplication.h>
#include <tdecmdlineargs.h>
#include <tdeglobal.h>
#include <tdelocale.h>
#include <tdeaccelmanager.h>
#include <twin.h>
#if KDE_IS_VERSION(3,2,0)
#include <tdeactionclasses.h>
#include <tdeversion.h>
// QT includes
#include <tqpixmap.h>
#include <tqstringlist.h>
#include <tqdir.h>
#include <tqprinter.h>
#include <tqprogressdialog.h>
#include <tqvaluelist.h>
#include <tqwhatsthis.h>
#include <tqwidgetlist.h>
#include <tqdatetime.h>
#include <dcopclient.h>
// Krusader includes
#include "krusader.h"
#include "kicons.h"
#include "VFS/krpermhandler.h"
#include "GUI/krusaderstatus.h"
#include "RemoteMan/remoteman.h"
#include "Dialogs/krpleasewait.h"
#include "krusaderview.h"
#include "Panel/listpanel.h"
#include "Panel/panelfunc.h"
#include "Konfigurator/konfigurator.h"
#include "Konfigurator/kgprotocols.h"
#include "MountMan/kmountman.h"
#include "Panel/panelpopup.h"
#include "Queue/queue_mgr.h"
#include "defaults.h"
#include "resources.h"
#include "GUI/kfnkeys.h"
#include "GUI/kcmdline.h"
#include "krslots.h"
#include "krservices.h"
#include "UserAction/useraction.h"
// This makes gcc-4.1 happy. Warning about possible problem with KrAction's dtor not called
#include "UserAction/kraction.h"
#include "UserAction/expander.h"
#include "UserMenu/usermenu.h"
#include "panelmanager.h"
#include "MountMan/kmountman.h"
#include "BookMan/krbookmarkhandler.h"
#include "Dialogs/popularurls.h"
#include "GUI/krremoteencodingmenu.h"
#include "Dialogs/checksumdlg.h"
#ifdef __KJSEMBED__
#include "KrJS/krjs.h"
// define the static members
Krusader *Krusader::App = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actProperties = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actPack = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actUnpack = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actTest = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actCopy = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actPaste = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actCompare = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actCalculate = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actCreateChecksum = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actMatchChecksum = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actSelect = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actSelectAll = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actUnselect = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actUnselectAll = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actInvert = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actCompDirs = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actSync = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actDiskUsage = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actHomeTerminal = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actFTPConnect = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actFTPNewConnect = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actFTPDisconnect = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actProfiles = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actMultiRename = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actAllFilter = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actExecFilter = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actCustomFilter = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actMountMan = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actNewTool = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actKonfigurator = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actToolsSetup = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actSwapPanels = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actSwapSides = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actBack = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actRoot = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actFind = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actLocate = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actSwitchFullScreenTE = 0;
//TDEAction *Krusader::actAddBookmark = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actSavePosition = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actSelectColorMask = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actOpenLeftBm = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actOpenRightBm = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actDirUp = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actCmdlinePopup = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actNewTab = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actDupTab = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actCloseTab = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actNextTab = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actPreviousTab = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actSplit = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actCombine = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actUserMenu = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actManageUseractions = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actSyncDirs = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actSyncBrowse = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actF2 = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actF3 = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actF4 = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actF5 = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actF6 = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actF7 = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actF8 = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actF9 = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actF10 = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actLocationBar = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actPopularUrls = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actJumpBack = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actSetJumpBack = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actDetailedView = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actBriefView = 0;
TDEToggleAction *Krusader::actToggleTerminal = 0;
TDEToggleAction *Krusader::actVerticalMode = 0;
TDERadioAction *Krusader::actSelectNewerAndSingle = 0;
TDERadioAction *Krusader::actSelectSingle = 0;
TDERadioAction *Krusader::actSelectNewer = 0;
TDERadioAction *Krusader::actSelectDifferentAndSingle = 0;
TDERadioAction *Krusader::actSelectDifferent = 0;
TDERadioAction **Krusader::compareArray[] = {&actSelectNewerAndSingle, &actSelectNewer, &actSelectSingle,
&actSelectDifferentAndSingle, &actSelectDifferent, 0};
TDERadioAction *Krusader::actExecStartAndForget = 0;
TDERadioAction *Krusader::actExecCollectSeparate = 0;
TDERadioAction *Krusader::actExecCollectTogether = 0;
TDERadioAction *Krusader::actExecTerminalExternal = 0;
TDERadioAction *Krusader::actExecTerminalEmbedded = 0;
TDERadioAction **Krusader::execTypeArray[] =
{&actExecStartAndForget, &actExecCollectSeparate, &actExecCollectTogether,
&actExecTerminalExternal, &actExecTerminalEmbedded, 0};
TDEPopupMenu *Krusader::userActionMenu = 0;
UserAction *Krusader::userAction = 0;
UserMenu *Krusader::userMenu = 0;
KrBookmarkHandler *Krusader::bookman = 0;
//TQTextOStream *Krusader::_krOut = TQTextOStream(::stdout);
#ifdef __KJSEMBED__
KrJS *Krusader::js = 0;
TDEAction *Krusader::actShowJSConsole = 0;
// construct the views, statusbar and menu bars and prepare Krusader to start
Krusader::Krusader() : KParts::MainWindow(0,0,WType_TopLevel|WDestructiveClose|TQt::WStyle_ContextHelp),
DCOPObject("Krusader-Interface"), status(NULL), sysTray( 0 ), isStarting( true ), isExiting( false ), directExit( false ) {
// parse command line arguments
TDECmdLineArgs * args = TDECmdLineArgs::parsedArgs();
kapp->ref(); // FIX: krusader exits at closing the viewer when minimized to tray
// create the "krusader"
App = this;
slot = new KRslots(TQT_TQOBJECT(this));
setXMLFile( "krusaderui.rc" ); // kpart-related xml file
plzWait = new KRPleaseWaitHandler();
bool runKonfig = versionControl();
TQString message;
switch ( config->getConfigState() ) {
case TDEConfigBase::NoAccess :
message = "Krusader's configuration file can't be found. Default values will be used.";
case TDEConfigBase::ReadOnly :
message = "Krusader's configuration file is in READ ONLY mode (why is that!?) Changed values will not be saved";
case TDEConfigBase::ReadWrite :
message = "";
if ( message != "" ) {
KMessageBox::error( krApp, message );
// create an icon loader
iconLoader = TDEGlobal::iconLoader();
// create MountMan
mountMan = new KMountMan();
// create bookman
bookman = new KrBookmarkHandler();
popularUrls = new PopularUrls(TQT_TQOBJECT(this));
queueManager = new QueueManager();
// create the main view
mainView = new KrusaderView( this );
// setup all the krusader's actions
// init the permmision handler class
// init the protocol handler
// init the checksum tools
krConfig->setGroup( "Look&Feel" );
TQString defaultType = krConfig->readEntry( "Default Panel Type", _DefaultPanelType );
krConfig->setGroup( "Startup" );
TQStringList leftTabs = krConfig->readPathListEntry( "Left Tab Bar" );
TQStringList rightTabs = krConfig->readPathListEntry( "Right Tab Bar" );
TQStringList leftTabTypes = krConfig->readListEntry( "Left Tab Bar Types" );
TQStringList rightTabTypes = krConfig->readListEntry( "Right Tab Bar Types" );
TQValueList<int> leftTabProps = krConfig->readIntListEntry( "Left Tab Bar Props" );
TQValueList<int> rightTabProps = krConfig->readIntListEntry( "Right Tab Bar Props" );
int leftActiveTab = krConfig->readNumEntry( "Left Active Tab", 0 );
int rightActiveTab = krConfig->readNumEntry( "Right Active Tab", 0 );
TQString startProfile = krConfig->readEntry("Starter Profile Name", TQString() );
bool leftActive = krConfig->readBoolEntry( "Left Side Is Active", false );
// get command-line arguments
if ( args->isSet( "left" ) ) {
leftTabs = TQStringList::split( ',', args->getOption( "left" ) );
leftActiveTab = 0;
// make sure left or right are not relative paths
for(unsigned int i = 0; i != leftTabs.count(); i++ )
leftTabs[ i ] = leftTabs[ i ].stripWhiteSpace();
if( !leftTabs[ i ].startsWith( "/" ) && leftTabs[ i ].find( ":/" ) < 0 )
leftTabs[ i ] = TQDir::currentDirPath() + "/" + leftTabs[ i ];
startProfile = TQString();
if ( args->isSet( "right" ) ) {
rightTabs = TQStringList::split( ',', args->getOption( "right" ) );
rightActiveTab = 0;
// make sure left or right are not relative paths
for(unsigned int i = 0; i != rightTabs.count(); i++ )
rightTabs[ i ] = rightTabs[ i ].stripWhiteSpace();
if( !rightTabs[ i ].startsWith( "/" ) && rightTabs[ i ].find( ":/" ) < 0 )
rightTabs[ i ] = TQDir::currentDirPath() + "/" + rightTabs[ i ];
startProfile = TQString();
while( leftTabTypes.count() < leftTabs.count() )
leftTabTypes += defaultType;
while( rightTabTypes.count() < rightTabs.count() )
rightTabTypes += defaultType;
while( leftTabProps.count() < leftTabs.count() )
leftTabProps += 0;
while( rightTabProps.count() < rightTabs.count() )
rightTabProps += 0;
if ( args->isSet( "profile" ) )
startProfile = args->getOption( "profile" );
if( !startProfile.isEmpty() ) {
leftActiveTab = rightActiveTab = 0;
if( leftTabs.count() == 0 )
leftTabs.push_back( TQDir::homeDirPath() );
leftTabTypes.push_back( defaultType );
leftTabProps.push_back( 0 );
if( rightTabs.count() == 0 )
rightTabs.push_back( TQDir::homeDirPath() );
rightTabTypes.push_back( defaultType );
rightTabProps.push_back( 0 );
// starting the panels
mainView->start( leftTabs, leftTabTypes, leftTabProps, leftActiveTab, rightTabs,
rightTabTypes, rightTabProps, rightActiveTab, leftActive );
// create the user menu
userMenu = new UserMenu( this );
// setup keyboard accelerators
// create a status bar
status = new KrusaderStatus( this );
TQWhatsThis::add( status, i18n( "Statusbar will show basic information "
"about file below mouse pointer." ) );
// This enables Krusader to show a tray icon
sysTray = new KSystemTray( this );
// Krusader::privIcon() returns either "krusader_blue" or "krusader_red" if the user got root-privileges
sysTray->setPixmap( iconLoader->loadIcon( privIcon(), TDEIcon::Panel, 22 ) );
connect( sysTray, TQT_SIGNAL( quitSelected() ), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT( setDirectExit() ) );
setCentralWidget( mainView );
config->setGroup( "Startup" );
bool startToTray = config->readBoolEntry( "Start To Tray", _StartToTray );
config->setGroup( "Look&Feel" );
bool minimizeToTray = config->readBoolEntry( "Minimize To Tray", _MinimizeToTray );
bool singleInstanceMode = config->readBoolEntry( "Single Instance Mode", _SingleInstanceMode );
startToTray = startToTray && minimizeToTray;
if( singleInstanceMode && minimizeToTray )
// manage our keyboard short-cuts
setCursor( KCursor::arrowCursor() );
if ( ! startProfile.isEmpty() )
mainView->profiles( startProfile );
// let the good times rool :)
updateGUI( true );
if ( runKonfig )
slot->runKonfigurator( true );
if (!runKonfig) {
config->setGroup( "Private" );
if ( krConfig->readBoolEntry( "Maximized" ) )
else {
move( oldPos = krConfig->readPointEntry( "Start Position", _StartPosition ) );
resize( oldSize = krConfig->readSizeEntry( "Start Size", _StartSize ));
if( startToTray ) {
isStarting = false;
Krusader::~Krusader() {
if( !isExiting ) // save the settings if it was not saved (SIGTERM)
delete mainView;
delete queueManager;
mainView = 0;
App = 0;
bool Krusader::versionControl() {
#define FIRST_RUN "First Time"
bool retval = false;
// create config file
config = kapp->config();
bool firstRun = config->readBoolEntry(FIRST_RUN, true);
#if 0
TQString oldVerText = config->readEntry( "Version", "10.0" );
oldVerText.truncate( oldVerText.findRev( "." ) ); // remove the third dot
float oldVer = oldVerText.toFloat();
// older icompatible version
if ( oldVer <= 0.9 ) {
KMessageBox::information( krApp, i18n( "A configuration of 1.51 or older was detected. Krusader has to reset your configuration to default values.\nNote: Your bookmarks and keybindings will remain intact.\n Krusader will now run Konfigurator." ) );
/*if ( !TQDir::home().remove( ".kde/share/config/krusaderrc" ) ) {
KMessageBox::error( krApp, i18n( "Unable to remove your krusaderrc file! Please remove it manually and rerun Krusader." ) );
exit( 1 );
retval = true;
// first installation of krusader
if ( firstRun ) {
KMessageBox::information( krApp, i18n( "<qt><b>Welcome to Krusader!</b><p>As this is your first run, your machine will now be checked for external applications. Then the Konfigurator will be launched where you can customize Krusader to your needs.</p></qt>" ) );
retval = true;
config->writeEntry( "Version", VERSION );
config->writeEntry( FIRST_RUN, false);
return retval;
void Krusader::statusBarUpdate( TQString& mess ) {
// change the message on the statusbar for 2 seconds
if (status) // ugly!!!! But as statusBar() creates a status bar if there is no, I have to ask status to prevent
// the creation of the TDE default status bar instead of KrusaderStatus.
statusBar() ->message( mess, 5000 );
void Krusader::showEvent ( TQShowEvent * ) {
if( isExiting )
config->setGroup( "Look&Feel" );
bool showTrayIcon = krConfig->readBoolEntry( "Minimize To Tray", _MinimizeToTray );
bool singleInstanceMode = krConfig->readBoolEntry( "Single Instance Mode", _SingleInstanceMode );
if( showTrayIcon && !singleInstanceMode )
show(); // needed to make sure krusader is removed from
// the taskbar when minimizing (system tray issue)
void Krusader::hideEvent ( TQHideEvent *e ) {
if( isExiting ) {
KParts::MainWindow::hideEvent( e );
TQString lastGroup = config->group();
config->setGroup( "Look&Feel" );
bool showTrayIcon = krConfig->readBoolEntry( "Minimize To Tray", _MinimizeToTray );
config->setGroup ( lastGroup );
bool isModalTopWidget = false;
TQWidget *actWnd = TQT_TQWIDGET(tqApp->activeWindow());
if ( actWnd )
isModalTopWidget = actWnd->isModal();
if ( showTrayIcon && !isModalTopWidget && KWin::windowInfo( winId() ).isOnCurrentDesktop() ) {
hide(); // needed to make sure krusader is removed from
// the taskbar when minimizing (system tray issue)
} else KParts::MainWindow::hideEvent( e );
void Krusader::moveEvent ( TQMoveEvent *e ) {
oldPos = e->oldPos();
KParts::MainWindow::moveEvent( e );
void Krusader::resizeEvent ( TQResizeEvent *e ) {
oldSize = e->oldSize();
KParts::MainWindow::resizeEvent( e );
void Krusader::setupAccels() {
accels = new TDEAccel( this );
accels->insert( "F3_ViewDlg", i18n( "F3 View Dialog" ), TQString(),
SHIFT + Key_F3, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( viewDlg() ) );
// Tab
accels->insert( "Tab-Switch panel", i18n( "Tab: switch panel" ), TQString(),
Key_Tab, TQT_TQOBJECT(mainView), TQT_SLOT( panelSwitch() ) );
// <patch> Moving from Pixmap actions to generic filenames - thanks to Carsten Pfeiffer
void Krusader::setupActions() {
// first come the TODO actions
//actSync = 0;//new TDEAction(i18n("S&yncronize Dirs"), 0, this, 0, actionCollection(), "sync dirs");
//actNewTool = 0;//new TDEAction(i18n("&Add a new tool"), 0, this, 0, actionCollection(), "add tool");
//actToolsSetup = 0;//new TDEAction(i18n("&Tools Menu Setup"), 0, 0, this, 0, actionCollection(), "tools setup");
//KStdAction::print(SLOTS, 0,actionCollection(),"std_print");
//KStdAction::showMenubar( SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( showMenubar() ), actionCollection(), "std_menubar" );
// second, the TDE standard action
//KStdAction::up( SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( dirUp() ), actionCollection(), "std_up" )->setShortcut(Key_Backspace);
/* Shortcut disabled because of the Terminal Emulator bug. */
krConfig->setGroup( "Private" );
int compareMode = krConfig->readNumEntry( "Compare Mode", 0 );
int cmdExecMode = krConfig->readNumEntry( "Command Execution Mode", 0 );
KStdAction::home( SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( home() ), actionCollection(), "std_home" )->setText( i18n("Home") ); /*->setShortcut(Key_QuoteLeft);*/
new TDEAction( i18n( "&Reload" ), "reload", CTRL + Key_R, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( refresh() ), actionCollection(), "std_redisplay" );
actShowToolBar = KStdAction::showToolbar( SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( toggleToolbar() ), actionCollection(), "std_toolbar" );
new TDEToggleAction( i18n("Show Actions Toolbar"), 0, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( toggleActionsToolbar() ),
actionCollection(), "toggle actions toolbar" );
actShowStatusBar = KStdAction::showStatusbar( SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( toggleStatusbar() ), actionCollection(), "std_statusbar" );
KStdAction::quit( TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT( slotClose() ), actionCollection(), "std_quit" );
KStdAction::configureToolbars( SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( configToolbar() ), actionCollection(), "std_config_toolbar" );
KStdAction::keyBindings( SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( configKeys() ), actionCollection(), "std_config_keys" );
KStdAction::cut( SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( cut() ), actionCollection(), "std_cut" )->setText( i18n("Cut to Clipboard") );
(actCopy = KStdAction::copy( SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( copy() ), actionCollection(), "std_copy" ))->setText( i18n("Copy to Clipboard") );
(actPaste = KStdAction::paste( SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( paste() ), actionCollection(), "std_paste" ))->setText( i18n("Paste from Clipboard") );
// the toggle actions
actToggleFnkeys = new TDEToggleAction( i18n( "Show &FN Keys Bar" ), 0, SLOTS,
TQT_SLOT( toggleFnkeys() ), actionCollection(), "toggle fn bar" );
actToggleFnkeys->setChecked( true );
actToggleCmdline = new TDEToggleAction( i18n( "Show &Command Line" ), 0, SLOTS,
TQT_SLOT( toggleCmdline() ), actionCollection(), "toggle command line" );
actToggleCmdline->setChecked( true );
actToggleTerminal = new TDEToggleAction( i18n( "Show Terminal &Emulator" ), ALT + CTRL + Key_T, SLOTS,
TQT_SLOT( toggleTerminal() ), actionCollection(), "toggle terminal emulator" );
actToggleTerminal->setChecked( false );
actDetailedView = new TDEAction( i18n( "&Detailed View" ), ALT + SHIFT + Key_D, SLOTS,
TQT_SLOT( setDetailedView() ), actionCollection(), "detailed_view" );
actBriefView = new TDEAction( i18n( "&Brief View" ), ALT + SHIFT + Key_B, SLOTS,
TQT_SLOT( setBriefView() ), actionCollection(), "brief_view" );
actToggleHidden = new TDEToggleAction( i18n( "Show &Hidden Files" ), CTRL + Key_Period, SLOTS,
TQT_SLOT( toggleHidden() ), actionCollection(), "toggle hidden files" );
actSwapPanels = new TDEAction( i18n( "S&wap Panels" ), CTRL + Key_U, SLOTS,
TQT_SLOT( swapPanels() ), actionCollection(), "swap panels" );
actSwapSides = new TDEAction( i18n( "Sw&ap Sides" ), CTRL + SHIFT + Key_U, SLOTS,
TQT_SLOT( toggleSwapSides() ), actionCollection(), "toggle swap sides" );
krConfig->setGroup( "Look&Feel" );
actToggleHidden->setChecked( krConfig->readBoolEntry( "Show Hidden", _ShowHidden ) );
// and then the DONE actions
actCmdlinePopup = new TDEAction( i18n( "popup cmdline" ), 0, CTRL + Key_Slash, SLOTS,
TQT_SLOT( cmdlinePopup() ), actionCollection(), "cmdline popup" );
/* Shortcut disabled because of the Terminal Emulator bug. */
actDirUp = new TDEAction( i18n( "Up" ), "go-up", CTRL+Key_PageUp /*Key_Backspace*/, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( dirUp() ), actionCollection(), "dirUp" );
new TDEAction( i18n( "&New Text File..." ), "document-new", SHIFT + Key_F4, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( editDlg() ), actionCollection(), "edit_new_file" );
new TDEAction( i18n( "Start &Root Mode Krusader" ), "krusader_root", ALT + Key_K, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( rootKrusader() ), actionCollection(), "root krusader" );
actTest = new TDEAction( i18n( "T&est Archive" ), "ark", ALT + Key_E,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( testArchive() ), actionCollection(), "test archives" );
//actFTPConnect = new TDEAction( i18n( "&Net Connections" ), "domtreeviewer", 0,
// SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( runRemoteMan() ), actionCollection(), "ftp connect" );
actFTPNewConnect = new TDEAction( i18n( "New Net &Connection..." ), "connect_creating", CTRL + Key_N,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( newFTPconnection() ), actionCollection(), "ftp new connection" );
actProfiles = new TDEAction( i18n( "Pro&files" ), "kr_profile", ALT + Key_L,
TQT_TQOBJECT(MAIN_VIEW), TQT_SLOT( profiles() ), actionCollection(), "profile" );
actCalculate = new TDEAction( i18n( "Calculate &Occupied Space" ), "kcalc", 0,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( calcSpace() ), actionCollection(), "calculate" );
actCreateChecksum = new TDEAction( i18n( "Create Checksum..." ), "application-octet-stream", 0,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( createChecksum() ), actionCollection(), "create checksum" );
actMatchChecksum = new TDEAction( i18n( "Verify Checksum..." ), "match_checksum", 0,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( matchChecksum() ), actionCollection(), "match checksum" );
actProperties = new TDEAction( i18n( "&Properties..." ), "edit", ALT+Key_Enter,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( properties() ), actionCollection(), "properties" );
actPack = new TDEAction( i18n( "Pac&k..." ), "kr_arc_pack", ALT + Key_P,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( slotPack() ), actionCollection(), "pack" );
actUnpack = new TDEAction( i18n( "&Unpack..." ), "kr_arc_unpack", ALT + Key_U,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( slotUnpack() ), actionCollection() , "unpack" );
actSplit = new TDEAction( i18n( "Sp&lit File..." ), "kr_split", CTRL + Key_P,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( slotSplit() ), actionCollection(), "split" );
actCombine = new TDEAction( i18n( "Com&bine Files..." ), "kr_combine", CTRL + Key_B,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( slotCombine() ), actionCollection() , "combine" );
actSelect = new TDEAction( i18n( "Select &Group..." ), "kr_select", CTRL + Key_Plus,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( markGroup() ), actionCollection(), "select group" );
actSelectAll = new TDEAction( i18n( "&Select All" ), "kr_selectall", ALT + Key_Plus,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( markAll() ), actionCollection(), "select all" );
actUnselect = new TDEAction( i18n( "&Unselect Group..." ), "kr_unselect", CTRL + Key_Minus,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( unmarkGroup() ), actionCollection(), "unselect group" );
actUnselectAll = new TDEAction( i18n( "U&nselect All" ), "kr_unselectall", ALT + Key_Minus,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( unmarkAll() ), actionCollection(), "unselect all" );
actInvert = new TDEAction( i18n( "&Invert Selection" ), "kr_invert", ALT + Key_Asterisk,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( invert() ), actionCollection(), "invert" );
actCompDirs = new TDEAction( i18n( "&Compare Directories" ), "view_left_right", ALT + Key_C,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( compareDirs() ), actionCollection(), "compare dirs" );
actSelectNewerAndSingle = new TDERadioAction( i18n( "&Select Newer and Single" ), 0,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( compareSetup() ), actionCollection(), "select_newer_and_single" );
actSelectNewer = new TDERadioAction( i18n( "Select &Newer" ), 0,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( compareSetup() ), actionCollection(), "select_newer" );
actSelectSingle = new TDERadioAction( i18n( "Select &Single" ), 0,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( compareSetup() ), actionCollection(), "select_single" );
actSelectDifferentAndSingle = new TDERadioAction( i18n( "Select Different &and Single" ), 0,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( compareSetup() ), actionCollection(), "select_different_and_single" );
actSelectDifferent = new TDERadioAction( i18n( "Select &Different" ), 0,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( compareSetup() ), actionCollection(), "select_different" );
actSelectNewerAndSingle->setExclusiveGroup( "the_select_group" );
actSelectNewer->setExclusiveGroup( "the_select_group" );
actSelectSingle->setExclusiveGroup( "the_select_group" );
actSelectDifferentAndSingle->setExclusiveGroup( "the_select_group" );
actSelectDifferent->setExclusiveGroup( "the_select_group" );
if( compareMode < (int)( sizeof( compareArray ) / sizeof( TDERadioAction ** ) ) -1 )
(*compareArray[ compareMode ])->setChecked( true );
actExecStartAndForget = new TDERadioAction(
i18n( "Start and &Forget" ), 0,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( execTypeSetup() ),
actionCollection(), "exec_start_and_forget" );
actExecCollectSeparate = new TDERadioAction(
i18n( "Display &Separated Standard and Error Output" ), 0,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( execTypeSetup() ),
actionCollection(), "exec_collect_separate" );
actExecCollectTogether = new TDERadioAction(
i18n( "Display &Mixed Standard and Error Output" ), 0,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( execTypeSetup() ),
actionCollection(), "exec_collect_together" );
actExecTerminalExternal = new TDERadioAction(
i18n( "Start in &New Terminal" ), 0,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( execTypeSetup() ),
actionCollection(), "exec_terminal_external" );
actExecTerminalEmbedded = new TDERadioAction(
i18n( "Send to &Embedded Terminal Emulator" ), 0,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( execTypeSetup() ),
actionCollection(), "exec_terminal_embedded" );
if( cmdExecMode < (int)( sizeof( execTypeArray ) / sizeof( TDERadioAction ** ) ) -1 )
(*execTypeArray[ cmdExecMode ])->setChecked( true );
actHomeTerminal = new TDEAction( i18n( "Start &Terminal" ), "terminal", 0,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( homeTerminal() ), actionCollection(), "terminal@home" );
actFTPDisconnect = new TDEAction( i18n( "Disconnect &from Net" ), "kr_ftp_disconnect", SHIFT + CTRL + Key_F,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( FTPDisconnect() ), actionCollection(), "ftp disconnect" );
#if KDE_IS_VERSION(3,2,0) /* new mountman feature is available in kde 3.2 only! */
actMountMan = new TDEToolBarPopupAction( i18n( "&MountMan..." ), "kr_mountman", ALT + Key_Slash,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( runMountMan() ), actionCollection(), "mountman" );
connect( ( ( TDEToolBarPopupAction* ) actMountMan ) ->popupMenu(), TQT_SIGNAL( aboutToShow() ),
mountMan, TQT_SLOT( quickList() ) );
actMountMan = new TDEAction( i18n( "&MountMan..." ), "kr_mountman", ALT + Key_Slash,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( runMountMan() ), actionCollection(), "mountman" );
#endif /* KDE 3.2 */
actFind = new TDEAction( i18n( "&Search..." ), "filefind", CTRL + Key_S,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( search() ), actionCollection(), "find" );
actLocate = new TDEAction( i18n( "&Locate..." ), "edit-find", SHIFT+CTRL + Key_L,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( locate() ), actionCollection(), "locate" );
actSyncDirs = new TDEAction( i18n( "Synchronize &Directories..." ), "kr_syncdirs", CTRL + Key_Y,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( slotSynchronizeDirs() ), actionCollection(), "sync dirs" );
actSyncBrowse = new TDEAction( i18n( "S&ynchron Directory Changes" ), "kr_syncbrowse_off", ALT + Key_Y,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( slotSyncBrowse() ), actionCollection(), "sync browse" );
actDiskUsage = new TDEAction( i18n( "D&isk Usage..." ), "kr_diskusage", ALT + Key_D,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( slotDiskUsage() ), actionCollection(), "disk usage" );
actKonfigurator = new TDEAction( i18n( "Configure &Krusader..." ), "configure", 0,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( startKonfigurator() ), actionCollection(), "konfigurator" );
actBack = new TDEAction( i18n( "Back" ), "back", 0,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( back() ), actionCollection(), "back" );
actRoot = new TDEAction( i18n( "Root" ), "go-top", CTRL + Key_Backspace,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( root() ), actionCollection(), "root" );
actSavePosition = new TDEAction( i18n( "Save &Position" ), 0,
TQT_TQOBJECT(krApp), TQT_SLOT( savePosition() ), actionCollection(), "save position" );
actAllFilter = new TDEAction( i18n( "&All Files" ), SHIFT + Key_F10,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( allFilter() ), actionCollection(), "all files" );
//actExecFilter = new TDEAction( i18n( "&Executables" ), SHIFT + Key_F11,
// SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( execFilter() ), actionCollection(), "exec files" );
actCustomFilter = new TDEAction( i18n( "&Custom" ), SHIFT + Key_F12,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( customFilter() ), actionCollection(), "custom files" );
actCompare = new TDEAction( i18n( "Compare b&y Content..." ), "application-vnd.tde.tdemultiple", 0,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( compareContent() ), actionCollection(), "compare" );
actMultiRename = new TDEAction( i18n( "Multi &Rename..." ), "edit_rename", SHIFT + Key_F9,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( multiRename() ), actionCollection(), "multirename" );
new TDEAction( i18n( "Right-click Menu" ), Key_Menu,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( rightclickMenu() ), actionCollection(), "rightclick menu" );
new TDEAction( i18n( "Right Bookmarks" ), ALT + Key_Right,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( openRightBookmarks() ), actionCollection(), "right bookmarks" );
new TDEAction( i18n( "Left Bookmarks" ), ALT + Key_Left,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( openLeftBookmarks() ), actionCollection(), "left bookmarks" );
new TDEAction( i18n( "Bookmarks" ), CTRL + Key_D,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( openBookmarks() ), actionCollection(), "bookmarks" );
new TDEAction( i18n( "Bookmark Current" ), CTRL + SHIFT + Key_D,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( bookmarkCurrent() ), actionCollection(), "bookmark current" );
new TDEAction( i18n( "History" ), CTRL + Key_H,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( openHistory() ), actionCollection(), "history" );
new TDEAction( i18n( "Sync Panels" ), ALT + Key_O,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( syncPanels() ), actionCollection(), "sync panels");
new TDEAction( i18n( "Left History" ), ALT + CTRL + Key_Left,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( openLeftHistory() ), actionCollection(), "left history" );
new TDEAction( i18n( "Right History" ), ALT + CTRL + Key_Right,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( openRightHistory() ), actionCollection(), "right history" );
new TDEAction( i18n( "Media" ), CTRL + Key_M,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( openMedia() ), actionCollection(), "media" );
new TDEAction( i18n( "Left Media" ), CTRL + SHIFT + Key_Left,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( openLeftMedia() ), actionCollection(), "left media" );
new TDEAction( i18n( "Right Media" ), CTRL + SHIFT + Key_Right,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( openRightMedia() ), actionCollection(), "right media" );
new TDEAction( i18n( "New Symlink..." ), CTRL + ALT + Key_S,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( newSymlink() ), actionCollection(), "new symlink");
new TDEToggleAction( i18n( "Toggle Popup Panel" ), ALT + Key_Down, SLOTS,
TQT_SLOT( togglePopupPanel() ), actionCollection(), "toggle popup panel" );
actVerticalMode = new TDEToggleAction( i18n( "Vertical Mode" ), "view_top_bottom", ALT + CTRL + Key_R, TQT_TQOBJECT(MAIN_VIEW),
TQT_SLOT( toggleVerticalMode() ), actionCollection(), "toggle vertical mode" );
actNewTab = new TDEAction( i18n( "New Tab" ), "tab_new", ALT + CTRL + Key_N, SLOTS,
TQT_SLOT( newTab() ), actionCollection(), "new tab" );
actDupTab = new TDEAction( i18n( "Duplicate Current Tab" ), "tab_duplicate", ALT + CTRL + SHIFT + Key_N, SLOTS,
TQT_SLOT( duplicateTab() ), actionCollection(), "duplicate tab" );
actCloseTab = new TDEAction( i18n( "Close Current Tab" ), "tab_remove", CTRL + Key_W, SLOTS,
TQT_SLOT( closeTab() ), actionCollection(), "close tab" );
actNextTab = new TDEAction( i18n( "Next Tab" ), SHIFT + Key_Right, SLOTS,
TQT_SLOT( nextTab() ), actionCollection(), "next tab" );
actPreviousTab = new TDEAction( i18n( "Previous Tab" ), SHIFT + Key_Left, SLOTS,
TQT_SLOT( previousTab() ), actionCollection(), "previous tab" );
actUserMenu = new TDEAction( i18n( "User Menu" ), ALT + Key_QuoteLeft, SLOTS,
TQT_SLOT( userMenu() ), actionCollection(), "user menu" );
actManageUseractions = new TDEAction( i18n( "Manage User Actions..." ), 0, SLOTS,
TQT_SLOT( manageUseractions() ), actionCollection(), "manage useractions" );
new KrRemoteEncodingMenu(i18n("Select Remote Charset"), "charset", actionCollection(), "changeremoteencoding");
// setup the Fn keys
actF2 = new TDEAction( i18n( "Start Terminal Here" ), "terminal", Key_F2,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( terminal() ) , actionCollection(), "F2_Terminal" );
actF3 = new TDEAction( i18n( "View File" ), Key_F3,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( view() ) , actionCollection(), "F3_View" );
actF4 = new TDEAction( i18n( "Edit File" ), Key_F4,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( edit() ) , actionCollection(), "F4_Edit" );
actF5 = new TDEAction( i18n( "Copy..." ), Key_F5,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( copyFiles() ) , actionCollection(), "F5_Copy" );
actF6 = new TDEAction( i18n( "Move..." ), Key_F6,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( moveFiles() ) , actionCollection(), "F6_Move" );
actF7 = new TDEAction( i18n( "New Directory..." ), "folder-new", Key_F7,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( mkdir() ) , actionCollection(), "F7_Mkdir" );
actF8 = new TDEAction( i18n( "Delete" ), "edit-delete", Key_F8,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( deleteFiles() ) , actionCollection(), "F8_Delete" );
actF9 = new TDEAction( i18n( "Rename" ), Key_F9,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( rename() ) , actionCollection(), "F9_Rename" );
actF10 = new TDEAction( i18n( "Quit" ), Key_F10,
TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT( slotClose() ) , actionCollection(), "F10_Quit" );
actPopularUrls = new TDEAction( i18n("Popular URLs..."), CTRL+Key_Z,
popularUrls, TQT_SLOT( showDialog() ), actionCollection(), "Popular_Urls");
actLocationBar = new TDEAction( i18n("Go to Location Bar"), CTRL+Key_L,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( slotLocationBar() ), actionCollection(), "location_bar");
actJumpBack = new TDEAction( i18n("Jump Back"), "kr_jumpback", CTRL+Key_J,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( slotJumpBack() ), actionCollection(), "jump_back");
actSetJumpBack = new TDEAction( i18n("Set Jump Back Point"), "kr_setjumpback", CTRL+SHIFT+Key_J,
SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( slotSetJumpBack() ), actionCollection(), "set_jump_back");
actSwitchFullScreenTE = new TDEAction( i18n( "Toggle Fullwidget Terminal Emulator" ), 0, CTRL + Key_F,
TQT_TQOBJECT(MAIN_VIEW), TQT_SLOT( switchFullScreenTE() ), actionCollection(), "switch_fullscreen_te" );
// and at last we can set the tool-tips
actSelect->setToolTip( i18n( "Select files using a filter" ) );
actSelectAll->setToolTip( i18n("Select all files in the current directory" ) );
actUnselectAll->setToolTip( i18n( "Unselect all selected files" ) );
actKonfigurator->setToolTip( i18n( "Setup Krusader the way you like it" ) );
actBack->setToolTip( i18n( "Back to the place you came from" ) );
actRoot->setToolTip( i18n( "ROOT (/)" ) );
actFind->setToolTip( i18n( "Search for files" ) );
// setup all UserActions
userAction = new UserAction();
#ifdef __KJSEMBED__
actShowJSConsole = new TDEAction( i18n( "JavaScript Console..." ), ALT + CTRL + Key_J, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( jsConsole() ), actionCollection(), "JS_Console" );
//////////////////// implementation of slots //////////////////////////////
void Krusader::savePosition() {
config->setGroup( "Private" );
config->writeEntry( "Maximized", isMaximized() );
if (isMaximized())
else {
config->writeEntry( "Start Position", isMaximized() ? oldPos : pos() );
config->writeEntry( "Start Size", isMaximized() ? oldSize : size() );
config->writeEntry( "Panel Size", mainView->vert_splitter->sizes() [ 0 ] );
config->writeEntry( "Terminal Size", mainView->vert_splitter->sizes() [ 1 ] );
TQValueList<int> lst = mainView->horiz_splitter->sizes();
config->writeEntry( "Splitter Sizes", lst );
if( !MAIN_VIEW->getTerminalEmulatorSplitterSizes().isEmpty() )
config->writeEntry( "Terminal Emulator Splitter Sizes", MAIN_VIEW->getTerminalEmulatorSplitterSizes() );
// save view settings ---> fix when we have tabbed-browsing
config->setGroup( "Startup" );
config->writeEntry( "Vertical Mode", actVerticalMode->isChecked());
void Krusader::saveSettings() {
toolBar() ->saveSettings( krConfig, "Private" );
toolBar("actionsToolBar")->saveSettings( krConfig, "Actions Toolbar" );
config->setGroup( "Startup" );
config->writeEntry( "Left Active Tab", mainView->leftMng->activeTab() );
config->writeEntry( "Right Active Tab", mainView->rightMng->activeTab() );
config->writeEntry( "Left Side Is Active", MAIN_VIEW->activePanel->isLeft() );
mainView->leftMng->saveSettings( krConfig, "Left Tab Bar" );
mainView->rightMng->saveSettings( krConfig, "Right Tab Bar" );
bool rememberpos = config->readBoolEntry( "Remember Position", _RememberPos );
bool uisavesettings = config->readBoolEntry( "UI Save Settings", _UiSave );
// save the popup panel's page of the CURRENT tab
config->writeEntry( "Left Panel Popup", mainView->left->popup->currentPage() );
config->writeEntry( "Right Panel Popup", mainView->right->popup->currentPage() );
// save size and position
if ( rememberpos || uisavesettings ) {
// save the gui
if ( uisavesettings ) {
config->setGroup( "Startup" );
config->writeEntry( "Show status bar", actShowStatusBar->isChecked() );
config->writeEntry( "Show tool bar", actShowToolBar->isChecked() );
config->writeEntry( "Show FN Keys", actToggleFnkeys->isChecked() );
config->writeEntry( "Show Cmd Line", actToggleCmdline->isChecked() );
config->writeEntry( "Show Terminal Emulator", actToggleTerminal->isChecked() );
config->writeEntry( "Vertical Mode", actVerticalMode->isChecked());
config->writeEntry( "Start To Tray", isHidden());
// save popular links
void Krusader::refreshView() {
delete mainView;
mainView = new KrusaderView( this );
setCentralWidget( mainView );
config->setGroup( "Private" );
resize( krConfig->readSizeEntry( "Start Size", _StartSize ) );
move( krConfig->readPointEntry( "Start Position", _StartPosition ) );
void Krusader::configChanged() {
config->setGroup( "Look&Feel" );
bool minimizeToTray = config->readBoolEntry( "Minimize To Tray", _MinimizeToTray );
bool singleInstanceMode = config->readBoolEntry( "Single Instance Mode", _SingleInstanceMode );
if( !isHidden() ) {
if( singleInstanceMode && minimizeToTray )
} else {
if( minimizeToTray )
void Krusader::slotClose() {
directExit = true;
bool Krusader::queryClose() {
if( isStarting || isExiting )
return false;
if( kapp->sessionSaving() ) // KDE is logging out, accept the close
kapp->dcopClient()->registerAs( TDEApplication::kApplication()->name(), true );
kapp->deref(); // FIX: krusader exits at closing the viewer when minimized to tray
kapp->deref(); // and close the application
return isExiting = true; // this will also kill the pending jobs
krConfig->setGroup( "Look&Feel" );
if( !directExit && krConfig->readBoolEntry( "Single Instance Mode", _SingleInstanceMode ) &&
krConfig->readBoolEntry( "Minimize To Tray", _MinimizeToTray ) ) {
return false;
// the shutdown process can be cancelled. That's why
// the directExit variable is set to normal here.
directExit = false;
bool quit = true;
if ( krConfig->readBoolEntry( "Warn On Exit", _WarnOnExit ) ) {
switch ( KMessageBox::warningYesNo( this,
i18n( "Are you sure you want to quit?" ) ) ) {
case KMessageBox::Yes :
quit = true;
case KMessageBox::No :
quit = false;
quit = false;
if ( quit ) {
/* First try to close the child windows, because it's the safer
way to avoid crashes, then close the main window.
If closing a child is not successful, then we cannot let the
main window close. */
for(;;) {
TQWidgetList * list = TQApplication::topLevelWidgets();
TQWidget *activeModal = TQT_TQWIDGET(TQApplication::activeModalWidget());
TQWidget *w = list->first();
if( activeModal && activeModal != this && activeModal != menuBar() && activeModal != sysTray && list->contains( activeModal ) && !activeModal->isHidden() )
w = activeModal;
else {
while(w && (w==this || w==sysTray || w->isHidden() || w==menuBar()) )
w = list->next();
delete list;
if(!w) break;
bool hid = false;
if( w->inherits( "KDialogBase" ) ) { // KDE is funny and rejects the close event for
w->hide(); // playing a fancy animation with the CANCEL button.
hid = true; // if we hide the widget, KDialogBase accepts the close event
if( !w->close() ) {
if( hid )
if( w->inherits( TQDIALOG_OBJECT_NAME_STRING ) )
fprintf( stderr, "Failed to close: %s\n", w->className() );
return false;
isExiting = true;
hide(); // hide
// Changes the name of the application. Single instance mode requires unique appid.
// As Krusader is exiting, we release that unique appid, so new Krusader instances
// can be started.
kapp->dcopClient()->registerAs( TDEApplication::kApplication()->name(), true );
kapp->deref(); // FIX: krusader exits at closing the viewer when minimized to tray
kapp->deref(); // and close the application
return false; // don't let the main widget close. It stops the pendig copies!
} else
return false;
// the please wait dialog functions
void Krusader::startWaiting( TQString msg, int count , bool cancel ) {
plzWait->startWaiting( msg , count, cancel );
bool Krusader::wasWaitingCancelled() const {
return plzWait->wasCancelled();
void Krusader::incProgress( TDEProcess *, char *buffer, int buflen ) {
int howMuch = 0;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < buflen; ++i )
if ( buffer[ i ] == '\n' )
plzWait->incProgress( howMuch );
void Krusader::stopWait() {
void Krusader::updateGUI( bool enforce ) {
// now, check if we need to create a konsole_part
config->setGroup( "Startup" );
// call the XML GUI function to draw the UI
createGUI( mainView->konsole_part );
// this needs to be called AFTER createGUI() !!!
userActionMenu = (TDEPopupMenu*) guiFactory()->container( "useractionmenu", this );
if ( userActionMenu )
userAction->populateMenu( userActionMenu );
toolBar() ->applySettings( krConfig, "Private" );
toolBar("actionsToolBar") ->applySettings( krConfig, "Actions Toolbar" );
static_cast<TDEToggleAction*>(actionCollection()->action("toggle actions toolbar"))->
if ( enforce ) {
// now, hide what need to be hidden
if ( !krConfig->readBoolEntry( "Show tool bar", _ShowToolBar ) ) {
toolBar() ->hide();
actShowToolBar->setChecked( false );
} else {
toolBar() ->show();
actShowToolBar->setChecked( true );
if ( !krConfig->readBoolEntry( "Show status bar", _ShowStatusBar ) ) {
statusBar() ->hide();
actShowStatusBar->setChecked( false );
} else {
statusBar() ->show();
actShowStatusBar->setChecked( true );
if ( !krConfig->readBoolEntry( "Show Cmd Line", _ShowCmdline ) ) {
actToggleCmdline->setChecked( false );
} else {
actToggleCmdline->setChecked( true );
// update the Fn bar to the shortcuts selected by the user
if ( !krConfig->readBoolEntry( "Show FN Keys", _ShowFNkeys ) ) {
actToggleFnkeys->setChecked( false );
} else {
actToggleFnkeys->setChecked( true );
// set vertical mode
if (krConfig->readBoolEntry( "Vertical Mode", false)) {
if ( config->readBoolEntry( "Show Terminal Emulator", _ShowTerminalEmulator ) ) {
mainView->slotTerminalEmulator( true ); // create konsole_part
TDEConfigGroup grp(krConfig, "Private" );
TQValueList<int> lst;
lst.append( grp.readNumEntry( "Panel Size", _PanelSize ) );
lst.append( grp.readNumEntry( "Terminal Size", _TerminalSize ) );
mainView->vert_splitter->setSizes( lst );
config->setGroup( "Startup" );
} else if ( actExecTerminalEmbedded->isChecked() ) {
//create (but not show) terminal emulator,
//if command-line commands are to be run there
// popular urls
// return a list in the format of TOOLS,PATH. for example
// DIFF,kdiff,TERMINAL,konsole,...
// currently supported tools: DIFF, MAIL, RENAME
// to use it: TQStringList lst = supportedTools();
// int i = lst.findIndex("DIFF");
// if (i!=-1) pathToDiff=lst[i+1];
TQStringList Krusader::supportedTools() {
TQStringList tools;
// first, a diff program: kdiff
if ( KrServices::cmdExist( "kdiff3" ) ) {
tools.append( "DIFF" );
tools.append( KrServices::fullPathName( "kdiff3", "diff utility" ) );
} else if ( KrServices::cmdExist( "kompare" ) ) {
tools.append( "DIFF" );
tools.append( KrServices::fullPathName( "kompare", "diff utility" ) );
} else if ( KrServices::cmdExist( "xxdiff" ) ) {
tools.append( "DIFF" );
tools.append( KrServices::fullPathName( "xxdiff", "diff utility" ) );
// a mailer: kmail
if ( KrServices::cmdExist( "kmail" ) ) {
tools.append( "MAIL" );
tools.append( KrServices::fullPathName( "kmail" ) );
// rename tool: krename
if ( KrServices::cmdExist( "krename" ) ) {
tools.append( "RENAME" );
tools.append( KrServices::fullPathName( "krename" ) );
// checksum utility
if (KrServices::cmdExist("md5deep")) {
tools.append(KrServices::fullPathName("md5deep", "checksum utility"));
} else if (KrServices::cmdExist("md5sum")) {
tools.append(KrServices::fullPathName("md5sum", "checksum utility"));
} else if (KrServices::cmdExist("sha1deep")) {
tools.append(KrServices::fullPathName("sha1deep", "checksum utility"));
} else if (KrServices::cmdExist("sha256deep")) {
tools.append(KrServices::fullPathName("sha256deep", "checksum utility"));
} else if (KrServices::cmdExist("tigerdeep")) {
tools.append(KrServices::fullPathName("tigerdeep", "checksum utility"));
} else if (KrServices::cmdExist("whirlpooldeep")) {
tools.append(KrServices::fullPathName("whirlpooldeep", "checksum utility"));
} else if (KrServices::cmdExist("cfv")) {
tools.append(KrServices::fullPathName("cfv", "checksum utility"));
return tools;
TQString Krusader::getTempDir() {
// try to make krusader temp dir
krConfig->setGroup( "General" );
TQString tmpDir = krConfig->readEntry( "Temp Directory", _TempDirectory );
if ( ! TQDir( tmpDir ).exists() ) {
for ( int i = 1 ; i != -1 ; i = tmpDir.find( '/', i + 1 ) )
TQDir().mkdir( tmpDir.left( i ) );
TQDir().mkdir( tmpDir );
chmod( tmpDir.local8Bit(), 0777 );
// add a secure sub dir under the user UID
TQString uid;
uid.sprintf( "%d", getuid() );
TQDir( tmpDir ).mkdir( uid );
tmpDir = tmpDir + "/" + uid + "/";
chmod( tmpDir.local8Bit(), S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IXUSR );
// add a random sub dir to use
while ( TQDir().exists( tmpDir ) )
tmpDir = tmpDir + kapp->randomString( 8 );
TQDir().mkdir( tmpDir );
if ( !TQDir( tmpDir ).isReadable() ) {
KMessageBox::error( krApp, "Could not create a temporary directory. Handling of Archives will not be possible until this is fixed." );
return TQString();
return tmpDir;
TQString Krusader::getTempFile() {
// try to make krusader temp dir
krConfig->setGroup( "General" );
TQString tmpDir = krConfig->readEntry( "Temp Directory", _TempDirectory );
if ( ! TQDir( tmpDir ).exists() ) {
for ( int i = 1 ; i != -1 ; i = tmpDir.find( '/', i + 1 ) )
TQDir().mkdir( tmpDir.left( i ) );
TQDir().mkdir( tmpDir );
chmod( tmpDir.local8Bit(), 0777 );
// add a secure sub dir under the user UID
TQString uid;
uid.sprintf( "%d", getuid() );
TQDir( tmpDir ).mkdir( uid );
tmpDir = tmpDir + "/" + uid + "/";
chmod( tmpDir.local8Bit(), S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IXUSR );
while ( TQDir().exists( tmpDir ) )
tmpDir = tmpDir + kapp->randomString( 8 );
return tmpDir;
const char* Krusader::privIcon() {
if ( geteuid() )
return "krusader_user";
return "krusader_root";
bool Krusader::process(const TQCString &fun, const TQByteArray &/* data */, TQCString &/* replyType */, TQByteArray &/* replyData */) {
if (fun == "moveToTop()") {
return true;
} else {
fprintf( stderr, "Processing DCOP call failed. Function unknown!\n" );
return false;
void Krusader::moveToTop() {
if( isHidden() )
KWin::forceActiveWindow( winId() );
#include "krusader.moc"