You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

343 lines
9.5 KiB

//Author: Max Howell <>, (C) 2003-4
//Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
#include <kstringhandler.h>
#include <tqfont.h>
#include <tqfontmetrics.h>
#include <tqpainter.h>
#include <tqptrlist.h>
#include "Config.h"
#include "fileTree.h"
#include "radialMap.h"
#include "sincos.h"
#include "widget.h"
namespace RadialMap
struct Label
Label( const RadialMap::Segment *s, int l ) : segment( s ), lvl( l ), a( segment->start() + (segment->length() / 2) ) { }
bool tooClose( const int &aa ) const { return ( a > aa - LABEL_ANGLE_MARGIN && a < aa + LABEL_ANGLE_MARGIN ); }
const RadialMap::Segment *segment;
const unsigned int lvl;
const int a;
int x1, y1, x2, y2, x3;
int tx, ty;
TQString qs;
class LabelList : public TQPtrList<Label>
int compareItems( TQPtrCollection::Item item1, TQPtrCollection::Item item2 )
//you add 1440 to work round the fact that later you want the circle split vertically
//and as it is you start at 3 o' clock. It's to do with rightPrevY, stops annoying bug
int a1 = ((Label*)item1)->a + 1440;
int a2 = ((Label*)item2)->a + 1440;
if( a1 == a2 )
return 0;
if( a1 > 5760 ) a1 -= 5760;
if( a2 > 5760 ) a2 -= 5760;
if( a1 > a2 )
return 1;
return -1;
RadialMap::Widget::paintExplodedLabels( TQPainter &paint ) const
//we are a friend of RadialMap::Map
LabelList list; list.setAutoDelete( true );
TQPtrListIterator<Label> it( list );
unsigned int startLevel = 0;
//1. Create list of labels sorted in the order they will be rendered
if( m_focus != NULL && m_focus->file() != m_tree ) //separate behavior for selected vs unselected segments
//don't bother with files
if( m_focus->file() == 0 || !m_focus->file()->isDir() ) return;
//find the range of levels we will be potentially drawing labels for
for( const Directory *p = (const Directory *)m_focus->file();
p != m_tree;
++startLevel ) //startLevel is the level above whatever m_focus is in
p = p->parent();
//range=2 means 2 levels to draw labels for
unsigned int a1, a2, minAngle;
a1 = m_focus->start();
a2 = m_focus->end(); //boundry angles
minAngle = int(m_focus->length() * LABEL_MIN_ANGLE_FACTOR);
#define segment (*it)
#define ring (m_map.m_signature + i)
//**** Levels should be on a scale starting with 0
//**** range is a useless parameter
//**** keep a topblock var which is the lowestLevel OR startLevel for identation purposes
for( unsigned int i = startLevel; i <= m_map.m_visibleDepth; ++i )
for( Iterator<Segment> it = ring->iterator(); it != ring->end(); ++it )
if( segment->start() >= a1 && segment->end() <= a2 )
if( segment->length() > minAngle )
list.inSort( new Label( segment, i ) );
#undef ring
#undef segment
} else {
#define ring m_map.m_signature
for( Iterator<Segment> it = ring->iterator(); it != ring->end(); ++it )
if( (*it)->length() > 288 )
list.inSort( new Label( (*it), 0 ) );
#undef ring
//2. Check to see if any adjacent labels are too close together
// if so, remove the least significant labels
TQPtrListIterator<Label> jt( it );
while( jt ) //**** no need to check _it_ as jt will be NULL if _it_ was too
//this method is fairly efficient
if( (*it)->tooClose( (*jt)->a ) )
if( (*it)->lvl > (*jt)->lvl )
list.remove( *it );
it = jt;
list.remove( *jt );
jt = it;
//used in next two steps
bool varySizes;
//**** should perhaps use doubles
int *sizes = new int [ m_map.m_visibleDepth + 1 ]; //**** make sizes an array of floats I think instead (or doubles)
//3. Calculate font sizes
//determine current range of levels to draw for
unsigned int range = 0;
for( it.toFirst(); it != 0; ++it )
unsigned int lvl = (*it)->lvl;
if( lvl > range )
range = lvl;
//**** better way would just be to assign if nothing is range
range -= startLevel; //range 0 means 1 level of labels
varySizes = Config::varyLabelFontSizes && (range != 0);
if( varySizes )
//create an array of font sizes for various levels
//will exceed normal font pitch automatically if necessary, but not minPitch
//**** this needs to be checked lots
//**** what if this is negative (min size gtr than default size)
unsigned int step = (paint.font().pointSize() - Config::minFontPitch) / range;
if( step == 0 ) step = 1;
for( unsigned int x = range + startLevel, y = Config::minFontPitch;
x >= startLevel;
y += step, --x )
sizes[x] = y;
//4. determine label co-ordinates
int x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, tx, ty; //coords
double sinra, cosra, ra; //angles
int cx = m_map.width() / 2 + m_offset.x(); //centre relative to canvas
int cy = m_map.height() / 2 + m_offset.y();
int spacer, preSpacer = int(m_map.m_ringBreadth * 0.5) + m_map.m_innerRadius;
int fullStrutLength = ( m_map.width() - m_map.MAP_2MARGIN ) / 2 + LABEL_MAP_SPACER; //full length of a strut from map center
int prevLeftY = 0;
int prevRightY = height();
bool rightSide;
TQFont font;
for( it.toFirst(); it != 0; ++it )
//** bear in mind that text is drawn with TQPoint param as BOTTOM left corner of text box
if( varySizes ) font.setPointSize( sizes[(*it)->lvl] );
TQFontMetrics fm( font );
int fmh = fm.height(); //used to ensure label texts don't overlap
int fmhD4 = fmh / 4;
rightSide = ( (*it)->a < 1440 || (*it)->a > 4320 );
ra = M_PI/2880 * (*it)->a; //convert to radians
#if 0
sincos( ra, &sinra, &cosra );
sinra = sin(ra); cosra = cos(ra);
spacer = preSpacer + m_map.m_ringBreadth * (*it)->lvl;
x1 = cx + (int)(cosra * spacer);
y1 = cy - (int)(sinra * spacer);
y2 = y1 - (int)(sinra * (fullStrutLength - spacer));
if( rightSide ) { //righthand side, going upwards
if( y2 > prevRightY /*- fmh*/ ) //then it is too low, needs to be drawn higher
y2 = prevRightY /*- fmh*/;
} else { //lefthand side, going downwards
if( y2 < prevLeftY/* + fmh*/ ) //then we're too high, need to be drawn lower
y2 = prevLeftY /*+ fmh*/;
x2 = x1 - int(double(y2 - y1) / tan( ra ));
ty = y2 + fmhD4;
TQString qs;
if( rightSide ) {
if( x2 > width() || ty < fmh || x2 < x1 )
//skip this strut
//**** don't duplicate this code
list.remove( *it ); //will delete the label and set it to list.current() which _should_ be the next ptr
prevRightY = ty - fmh - fmhD4; //must be after above's "continue"
qs = KStringHandler::cPixelSqueeze( (*it)->segment->file()->name(), fm, width() - x2 );
x3 = width() - fm.width( qs )
- LABEL_HMARGIN //outer margin
- LABEL_TEXT_HMARGIN //margin between strut and text
//- ((*it)->lvl - startLevel) * LABEL_HMARGIN //indentation
if( x3 < x2 ) x3 = x2;
} else {
if( x2 < 0 || ty > height() || x2 > x1 )
//skip this strut
list.remove( *it ); //will delete the label and set it to list.current() which _should_ be the next ptr
prevLeftY = ty + fmh - fmhD4;
qs = KStringHandler::cPixelSqueeze( (*it)->segment->file()->name(), fm, x2 );
//**** needs a little tweaking:
tx = fm.width( qs ) + LABEL_HMARGIN/* + ((*it)->lvl - startLevel) * LABEL_HMARGIN*/;
if( tx > x2 ) { //text is too long
tx = LABEL_HMARGIN + x2 - tx; //some text will be lost from sight
x3 = x2; //no text margin (right side of text here)
} else {
tx = LABEL_HMARGIN /* + ((*it)->lvl - startLevel) * LABEL_HMARGIN*/;
(*it)->x1 = x1;
(*it)->y1 = y1;
(*it)->x2 = x2;
(*it)->y2 = y2;
(*it)->x3 = x3;
(*it)->tx = tx;
(*it)->ty = ty;
(*it)->qs = qs;
//if an element is deleted at this stage, we need to do this whole
//iteration again, thus the following loop
//**** in rare case that deleted label was last label in top level
// and last in labelList too, this will not work as expected (not critical)
} while( it != 0 );
//5. Render labels
paint.setPen( TQPen( TQt::black, 1 ) );
for( it.toFirst(); it != 0; ++it )
if( varySizes )
//**** how much overhead in making new TQFont each time?
// (implicate sharing remember)
TQFont font = paint.font();
font.setPointSize( sizes[(*it)->lvl] );
paint.setFont( font );
paint.drawEllipse( (*it)->x1 - 3, (*it)->y1 - 3, 7, 7 ); //**** CPU intensive! better to use a pixmap
paint.drawLine( (*it)->x1, (*it)->y1, (*it)->x2, (*it)->y2 );
paint.drawLine( (*it)->x2, (*it)->y2, (*it)->x3, (*it)->y2);
paint.drawText( (*it)->tx, (*it)->ty, (*it)->qs );
delete [] sizes;