You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1225 lines
41 KiB

// C++ Implementation: expander
// Description:
// Author: Jonas B<>r (C) 2004
// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
#include <algorithm>
#include "expander.h"
#include "../krusader.h"
#include "../krusaderview.h"
#include "../panelmanager.h"
#include "../Panel/listpanel.h"
#include "../Panel/panelfunc.h"
#include "../Panel/krview.h"
#include "../Synchronizer/synchronizergui.h"
#include "../Search/krsearchdialog.h"
#include "../GUI/profilemanager.h"
#include "../VFS/preservingcopyjob.h"
#include "../KViewer/krviewer.h"
#include "../krservices.h"
#ifdef __KJSEMBED__
#include "../KrJS/krjs.h"
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kinputdialog.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <ktempfile.h>
#include <tqstringlist.h>
#include <tqclipboard.h>
#include <functional>
using namespace std;
#define NEED_PANEL if (panel==0) { panelMissingError(_expression,exp); return TQString(); }
#include "tstring.h"
TQValueList<const exp_placeholder*>& Expander::_placeholder()
static TQValueList<const exp_placeholder*> ret;
return ret;
void exp_placeholder::panelMissingError(const TQString &s, Expander& exp)
exp.setError( Error(Error::S_FATAL,Error::C_ARGUMENT,i18n("Needed panel specification missing in expander %1").arg(s)) );
TQStringList exp_placeholder::fileList(const ListPanel* const panel,const TQString& type,const TQString& mask,const bool ommitPath,const bool useUrl,Expander& exp,const TQString& error)
TQStringList items;
if ( type.isEmpty() || type == "all" )
panel->view->getItemsByMask( mask, &items );
else if ( type == "files" )
panel->view->getItemsByMask( mask, &items, false, true );
else if ( type == "dirs" )
panel->view->getItemsByMask( mask, &items, true, false );
else if ( type == "selected" )
panel->view->getSelectedItems( &items );
else {
setError(exp, Error(Error::S_FATAL,Error::C_ARGUMENT,i18n("Expander: Bad argument to %1: %2 is not valid item specifier").arg(error,type) ) );
return TQString();
if ( !ommitPath ) { // add the current path
// translate to urls using vfs
KURL::List* list = panel->func->files()->vfs_getFiles(&items);
// parse everything to a single qstring
for (KURL::List::Iterator it = list->begin(); it != list->end(); ++it) {
items.push_back(useUrl ? (*it).url() : (*it).path());
delete list;
return items;
namespace {
class exp_simpleplaceholder : public exp_placeholder
virtual TagString expFunc ( const ListPanel*, const TQStringList&, const bool&, Expander& ) const=0;
* expands %_Path% ('_' is replaced by 'a', 'o', 'r' or 'l' to indicate the active, other, right or left panel) with the path of the specified panel
class exp_Path : public exp_simpleplaceholder {
static const exp_Path instance;
* expands %_Count% ('_' is replaced by 'a', 'o', 'r' or 'l' to indicate the active, other, right or left panel) with the number of items, which type is specified by the first Parameter
class exp_Count : public exp_simpleplaceholder {
static const exp_Count instance;
* expands %_Filter% ('_' is replaced by 'a', 'o', 'r' or 'l' to indicate the active, other, right or left panel) with the correspondend filter (ie: "*.cpp")
class exp_Filter : public exp_simpleplaceholder {
static const exp_Filter instance;
* expands %_Current% ('_' is replaced by 'a', 'o', 'r' or 'l' to indicate the active, other, right or left panel) with the current item ( != the selected onec)
class exp_Current : public exp_simpleplaceholder {
static const exp_Current instance;
* expands %_List% ('_' is replaced by 'a', 'o', 'r' or 'l' to indicate the active, other, right or left panel) with a list of items, which type is specified by the first Parameter
class exp_List : public exp_simpleplaceholder {
static const exp_List instance;
* expands %_ListFile% ('_' is replaced by 'a', 'o', 'r' or 'l' to indicate the active, other, right or left panel) with the name of a temporary file, containing a list of items, which type is specified by the first Parameter
class exp_ListFile : public exp_simpleplaceholder {
static const exp_ListFile instance;
* expands %_Ask% ('_' is nessesary because there is no panel needed) with the return of an input-dialog
class exp_Ask : public exp_simpleplaceholder {
static const exp_Ask instance;
* This copies it's first Parameter to the clipboard
class exp_Clipboard : public exp_placeholder {
static const exp_Clipboard instance;
* This selects all items by the mask given with the first Parameter
class exp_Select : public exp_simpleplaceholder {
static const exp_Select instance;
* This changes the panel'spath to the value given with the first Parameter.
class exp_Goto : public exp_simpleplaceholder {
static const exp_Goto instance;
* This is equal to 'cp <first Parameter> <second Parameter>'.
class exp_Copy : public exp_placeholder {
static const exp_Copy instance;
* This is equal to 'mv <first Parameter> <second Parameter>'.
class exp_Move : public exp_placeholder {
static const exp_Move instance;
* This opens the synchronizer with a given profile
class exp_Sync : public exp_simpleplaceholder {
static const exp_Sync instance;
* This opens the searchmodule with a given profile
class exp_NewSearch : public exp_simpleplaceholder {
static const exp_NewSearch instance;
* This loads the panel-profile with a given name
class exp_Profile : public exp_simpleplaceholder {
static const exp_Profile instance;
* This is setting marks in the string where he is later splitted up for each {all, selected, files, dirs}
class exp_Each : public exp_simpleplaceholder {
static const exp_Each instance;
* This sets the sorting on a specific colunm
class exp_ColSort : public exp_simpleplaceholder {
static const exp_ColSort instance;
* This sets relation between the left and right panel
class exp_PanelSize : public exp_simpleplaceholder {
static const exp_PanelSize instance;
#ifdef __KJSEMBED__
* This sets relation between the left and right panel
class exp_Script : public exp_simpleplaceholder {
static const exp_Script instance;
const exp_Script exp_Script::instance;
* This loads a file in the internal viewer
class exp_View : public exp_simpleplaceholder {
static const exp_View instance;
const exp_View exp_View::instance;
const exp_PanelSize exp_PanelSize::instance;
const exp_ColSort exp_ColSort::instance;
const exp_Each exp_Each::instance;
const exp_Profile exp_Profile::instance;
const exp_NewSearch exp_NewSearch::instance;
const exp_Sync exp_Sync::instance;
const exp_Move exp_Move::instance;
const exp_Copy exp_Copy::instance;
const exp_Goto exp_Goto::instance;
const exp_Select exp_Select::instance;
const exp_Clipboard exp_Clipboard::instance;
const exp_Ask exp_Ask::instance;
const exp_ListFile exp_ListFile::instance;
const exp_List exp_List::instance;
const exp_Current exp_Current::instance;
const exp_Filter exp_Filter::instance;
const exp_Count exp_Count::instance;
const exp_Path exp_Path::instance;
//////////////////////// utils ////////////////////////
* escapes everything that confuses bash in filenames
* @param s String to manipulate
* @return escaped string
TQString bashquote( TQString s ) {
// we _can_not_ use this function because it _encloses_ the sting in single-quots!
// In this case quotes strings could not be concaternated anymore
return KrServices::quote(s);
static const TQString evilstuff = "\\\"'`()[]{}!?;$&<>| \t\r\n"; // stuff that should get escaped
for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < evilstuff.length(); ++i )
s.replace( evilstuff[ i ], (TQString("\\") + evilstuff[ i ]) );
return s;
TQString separateAndQuote(TQStringList list,const TQString& separator,const bool quote)
return list.join(separator);
/////////////////////////////////// expander classes ////////////////////////////////////
exp_Path::exp_Path() {
_expression = "Path";
_description = i18n("Panel's Path...");
_needPanel = true;
addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Automatically escape spaces"), "__yes", false ) );
TagString exp_Path::expFunc( const ListPanel* panel, const TQStringList& parameter, const bool& useUrl, Expander& exp ) const {
TQString result;
if ( useUrl )
result = panel->func->files()->vfs_getOrigin().url() + "/";
result = panel->func->files()->vfs_getOrigin().path() + "/";
if ( parameter[0].lower() == "no" ) // don't escape spaces
return TagString(result);
return TagString(bashquote(result));
exp_Count::exp_Count() {
_expression = "Count";
_description = i18n("Number of...");
_needPanel = true;
addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Count:"), "__choose:All;Files;Dirs;Selected", false ) );
TagString exp_Count::expFunc( const ListPanel* panel, const TQStringList& parameter, const bool&, Expander& exp ) const {
int n = -1;
if ( parameter[ 0 ].isEmpty() || parameter[ 0 ].lower() == "all" )
n = panel->view->numDirs() + panel->view->numFiles();
else if ( parameter[ 0 ].lower() == "files" )
n = panel->view->numFiles();
else if ( parameter[ 0 ].lower() == "dirs" )
n = panel->view->numDirs();
else if ( parameter[ 0 ].lower() == "selected" )
n = panel->view->numSelected();
else {
setError(exp, Error(Error::S_FATAL,Error::C_ARGUMENT,i18n("Expander: Bad argument to Count: %1 is not valid item specifier").arg(parameter[0]) ));
return TQString();
return TagString(TQString("%1").arg( n ));
exp_Filter::exp_Filter() {
_expression = "Filter";
_description = i18n("Filter Mask (*.h, *.cpp, etc.)");
_needPanel = true;
TagString exp_Filter::expFunc( const ListPanel* panel, const TQStringList&, const bool&, Expander& exp ) const {
return panel->view->filterMask().nameFilter();
exp_Current::exp_Current() {
_expression = "Current";
_description = i18n("Current File (!= Selected File)...");
_needPanel = true;
addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Omit the current path (optional)"), "__no", false ) );
addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Automatically escape spaces"), "__yes", false ) );
TagString exp_Current::expFunc( const ListPanel* panel, const TQStringList& parameter, const bool& useUrl, Expander& exp ) const {
TQString item = panel->view->getCurrentItem();
TQString result;
if ( parameter[0].lower() == "yes" ) // ommit the current path
result = item;
else {
KURL url = panel->func->files()->vfs_getFile( item );
if ( useUrl )
result = url.url();
result = url.path();
if ( parameter[1].lower() == "no" ) // don't escape spaces
return result;
return bashquote(result);
exp_List::exp_List() {
_expression = "List";
_description = i18n("Item List of...");
_needPanel = true;
addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Which items:"), "__choose:All;Files;Dirs;Selected", false ) );
addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Separator between the items (optional):"), " ", false ) );
addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Omit the current path (optional)"), "__no", false ) );
addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Mask (optional, all but 'Selected'):"), "__select", false ) );
addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Automatically escape spaces"), "__yes", false ) );
TagString exp_List::expFunc( const ListPanel* panel, const TQStringList& parameter, const bool& useUrl, Expander& exp ) const {
// get selected items from view
TQStringList items;
TQString mask;
if ( parameter.count() <= 3 || parameter[3].isEmpty() )
mask = "*";
mask = parameter[3];
return separateAndQuote(
parameter.empty() ? TQString() : parameter[0].lower(),
mask, parameter.count() > 2 ? parameter[2].lower()=="yes" : false,
useUrl, exp, "List"),
parameter.count() > 1 ? parameter[1] : " ",
parameter.count() > 4 ? parameter[4].lower()=="yes" : true);
exp_ListFile::exp_ListFile() {
_expression = "ListFile";
_description = i18n("Filename of an Item List...");
_needPanel = true;
addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Which items:"), "__choose:All;Files;Dirs;Selected", false ) );
addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Separator between the items (optional)"), "\n", false ) );
addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Omit the current path (optional)"), "__no", false ) );
addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Mask (optional, all but 'Selected'):"), "__select", false ) );
addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Automatically escape spaces"), "__no", false ) );
TagString exp_ListFile::expFunc( const ListPanel* panel, const TQStringList& parameter, const bool& useUrl, Expander& exp ) const {
// get selected items from view
TQStringList items;
TQString mask;
if ( parameter.count() <= 3 || parameter[3].isEmpty() )
mask = "*";
mask = parameter[3];
KTempFile tmpFile( locateLocal("tmp", "krusader"), ".itemlist" );
if ( tmpFile.status() != 0 ) {
setError(exp, Error(Error::S_FATAL,Error::C_WORLD, i18n("Expander: tempfile couldn't be opened (%1)" ).arg(strerror( tmpFile.status() )) ));
return TQString();
TQTextStream stream( tmpFile.file() );
stream << separateAndQuote(
parameter.empty() ? TQString() : parameter[0].lower(),
mask, parameter.count()>2 ? parameter[2].lower()=="yes" : false,
useUrl, exp, "ListFile"),
parameter.count() > 1 ? parameter[1] : "\n",
parameter.count() > 4 ? parameter[4].lower()=="yes" : true)
<< "\n";
exp_Select::exp_Select() {
_expression = "Select";
_description = i18n("Manipulate the Selection...");
_needPanel = true;
addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Selection mask:"), "__select", true ) );
addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Manipulate in which way:"), "__choose:Set;Add;Remove", false ) );
TagString exp_Select::expFunc( const ListPanel* panel, const TQStringList& parameter, const bool& , Expander& exp) const {
KRQuery mask;
if ( parameter.count() <= 0 || parameter[0].isEmpty() )
mask = KRQuery( "*" );
mask = KRQuery( parameter[0] );
if ( parameter[1].lower() == "add")
panel->view->select( mask );
else if ( parameter[1].lower() == "remove")
panel->view->unselect( mask );
else { // parameter[1].lower() == "set" or isEmpty() or whatever
panel->view->unselect( KRQuery( "*" ) );
panel->view->select( mask );
return TQString(); // this doesn't return anything, that's normal!
exp_Goto::exp_Goto() {
_expression = "Goto";
_description = i18n("Jump to a Location...");
_needPanel = true;
addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Choose a path:"), "__goto", true ) );
addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Open location in a new tab"), "__no", false ) );
TagString exp_Goto::expFunc( const ListPanel* panel, const TQStringList& parameter, const bool&, Expander& exp ) const {
bool newTab = false;
if ( parameter[1].lower() == "yes" )
newTab = true;
if ( newTab ) {
if ( panel == LEFT_PANEL)
krApp->mainView->leftMng->slotNewTab( parameter[0] );
krApp->mainView->rightMng->slotNewTab( parameter[0] );
else {
panel->func->openUrl( parameter[0], "" );
return TQString(); // this doesn't return anything, that's normal!
exp_Search::exp_Search() {
_expression = "Search";
_description = i18n("Search for files");
_needPanel = true;
addParameter( new exp_parameter( i18n("please choose the setting"), "__searchprofile", true ) );
addParameter( new exp_parameter( i18n("open the search in a new tab"), "__yes", false ) ); //TODO: add this also to panel-dependent as soon as vfs support the display of search-results
exp_Ask::exp_Ask() {
_expression = "Ask";
_description = i18n("Ask Parameter from User...");
_needPanel = false;
addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Question:"), "Where do you want do go today?", true ) );
addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Preset (optional):"), "", false ) );
addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Caption (optional):"), "", false ) );
TagString exp_Ask::expFunc( const ListPanel*, const TQStringList& parameter, const bool&, Expander& exp ) const {
TQString caption, preset, result;
if ( parameter.count() <= 2 || parameter[2].isEmpty() )
caption = i18n("User Action");
caption = parameter[2];
if ( parameter.count() <= 1 || parameter[1].isEmpty() )
preset = TQString();
preset = parameter[1];
bool ok;
result = KInputDialog::getText(
&ok );
if (ok)
return result;
else {
setError(exp, Error(Error::S_ERROR,Error::C_USER,"User cancelled") );
return TQString();
exp_Clipboard::exp_Clipboard() {
_expression = "Clipboard";
_description = i18n("Copy to Clipboard...");
_needPanel = false;
addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("What to copy:"), "__placeholder", true ) );
addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Append to current clipboard content with this separator (optional):"), "", false ) );
TagString exp_Clipboard::expFunc( const ListPanel*, const TagStringList& parameter, const bool&, Expander& exp ) const {
// kdDebug() << "Expander::exp_Clipboard, parameter[0]: '" << parameter[0] << "', Clipboard: " << KApplication::tqclipboard()->text() << endl;
TQStringList lst=splitEach(parameter[0]);
if(!parameter[1].isSimple()) {
setError(exp,Error(Error::S_FATAL,Error::C_SYNTAX,i18n("Expander: %Each% may not be in the second argument of %Clipboard%")));
return TQString();
if ( parameter.count() <= 1 || parameter[1].string().isEmpty() || KApplication::tqclipboard()->text().isEmpty() )
KApplication::tqclipboard()->setText( lst.join("\n") );
KApplication::tqclipboard()->setText( KApplication::tqclipboard()->text() + parameter[1].string() + lst.join("\n") );
return TQString(); // this doesn't return anything, that's normal!
exp_Copy::exp_Copy() {
_expression = "Copy";
_description = i18n("Copy a File/Folder...");
_needPanel = false;
addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("What to copy:"), "__placeholder", true ) );
addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Where to copy:"), "__placeholder", true ) );
TagString exp_Copy::expFunc( const ListPanel*, const TagStringList& parameter, const bool&, Expander& exp ) const {
// basically the parameter can already be used as URL, but since KURL has problems with ftp-proxy-urls (like ftp://username@proxyusername@url...) this is neccesary:
TQStringList lst=splitEach( parameter[0] );
if(!parameter[1].isSimple()) {
setError(exp,Error(Error::S_FATAL,Error::C_SYNTAX,i18n("Expander: %Each% may not be in the second argument of %Copy%")));
return TQString();
KURL::List src;
for(TQStringList::const_iterator it=lst.begin(),end=lst.end();it!=end;++it)
src.push_back(vfs::fromPathOrURL( *it ));
// or transform(...) ?
KURL dest = vfs::fromPathOrURL( parameter[1].string() );
if ( !dest.isValid() || find_if(src.constBegin(),src.constEnd(),not1(mem_fun_ref(&KURL::isValid) ))!=src.end()) {
setError(exp, Error(Error::S_FATAL,Error::C_ARGUMENT,i18n("Expander: invalid URL's in %_Copy(\"src\", \"dest\")%") ));
return TQString();
PreservingCopyJob::createCopyJob( PM_DEFAULT, src, dest, KIO::CopyJob::Copy, false, true );
return TQString(); // this doesn't return everything, that's normal!
exp_Move::exp_Move() {
_expression = "Move";
_description = i18n("Move/Rename a File/Folder...");
_needPanel = false;
addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("What to move/rename:"), "__placeholder", true ) );
addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("New target/name:"), "__placeholder", true ) );
TagString exp_Move::expFunc( const ListPanel*, const TagStringList& parameter, const bool& , Expander& exp ) const {
// basically the parameter can already be used as URL, but since KURL has problems with ftp-proxy-urls (like ftp://username@proxyusername@url...) this is neccesary:
TQStringList lst=splitEach( parameter[0] );
if(!parameter[1].isSimple()) {
setError(exp,Error(Error::S_FATAL,Error::C_SYNTAX,i18n("%Each% may not be in the second argument of %Move%")));
return TQString();
KURL::List src;
for(TQStringList::const_iterator it=lst.begin(),end=lst.end();it!=end;++it)
src.push_back(vfs::fromPathOrURL( *it ));
// or transform(...) ?
KURL dest = vfs::fromPathOrURL( parameter[1].string() );
if ( !dest.isValid() || find_if(src.constBegin(),src.constEnd(),not1(mem_fun_ref(&KURL::isValid) ))!=src.end()) {
setError(exp, Error(Error::S_FATAL,Error::C_ARGUMENT,i18n("Expander: invalid URL's in %_Move(\"src\", \"dest\")%") ));
return TQString();
PreservingCopyJob::createCopyJob( PM_DEFAULT, src, dest, KIO::CopyJob::Move, false, true );
return TQString(); // this doesn't return anything, that's normal!
exp_Sync::exp_Sync() {
_expression = "Sync";
_description = i18n("Load a Synchronizer Profile...");
_needPanel = false;
addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Choose a profile:"), "__syncprofile", true ) );
TagString exp_Sync::expFunc( const ListPanel*, const TQStringList& parameter, const bool&, Expander& exp ) const {
if ( parameter[0].isEmpty() ) {
setError(exp, Error(Error::S_FATAL,Error::C_ARGUMENT,i18n("Expander: no profile specified for %_Sync(profile)%") ));
return TQString();
new SynchronizerGUI( 0, parameter[0] );
return TQString(); // this doesn't return everything, that's normal!
exp_NewSearch::exp_NewSearch() {
_expression = "NewSearch";
_description = i18n("Load a Searchmodule Profile...");
_needPanel = false;
addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Choose a profile:"), "__searchprofile", true ) );
TagString exp_NewSearch::expFunc( const ListPanel*, const TQStringList& parameter, const bool&, Expander& exp ) const {
if ( parameter[0].isEmpty() ) {
setError(exp, Error(Error::S_FATAL,Error::C_ARGUMENT,i18n("Expander: no profile specified for %_NewSearch(profile)%") ));
return TQString();
new KrSearchDialog( parameter[0], krApp );
return TQString(); // this doesn't return everything, that's normal!
exp_Profile::exp_Profile() {
_expression = "Profile";
_description = i18n("Load a Panel Profile...");
_needPanel = false;
addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Choose a profile:"), "__panelprofile", true ) );
TagString exp_Profile::expFunc( const ListPanel*, const TQStringList& parameter, const bool&, Expander& exp ) const {
if ( parameter[0].isEmpty() ) {
setError(exp, Error(Error::S_FATAL,Error::C_ARGUMENT,i18n("Expander: no profile specified for %_Profile(profile)%; abort...") ));
return TQString();
MAIN_VIEW->profiles( parameter[0] );
return TQString(); // this doesn't return everything, that's normal!
exp_Each::exp_Each() {
_expression = "Each";
_description = i18n("Separate Program Call for Each...");
_needPanel = true;
addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Which items:"), "__choose:All;Files;Dirs;Selected", false ) );
addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Omit the current path (optional)"), "__no", false ) );
addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Mask (optional, all but 'Selected'):"), "__select", false ) );
addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Automatically escape spaces"), "__yes", false ) );
TagString exp_Each::expFunc( const ListPanel* panel, const TQStringList& parameter, const bool& useUrl, Expander& exp ) const {
TQString mask;
if ( parameter.count() <= 2 || parameter[2].isEmpty() )
mask = "*";
mask = parameter[2];
TagString ret;
TQStringList l = fileList(panel,
parameter.empty() ? TQString() : parameter[0].lower(),
mask, parameter.count() > 1 && parameter[1].lower()=="yes",
useUrl, exp, "Each");
if(!(parameter.count()<=3 || parameter[3].lower()!="yes"))
return ret;
exp_ColSort::exp_ColSort() {
_expression = "ColSort";
_description = i18n("Set Sorting for This Panel...");
_needPanel = true;
addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Choose a column:"), "__choose:Name;Ext;Type;Size;Modified;Perms;rwx;Owner;Group", true ) );
addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Choose a sort sequence:"), "__choose:Toggle;Asc;Desc", false ) );
TagString exp_ColSort::expFunc( const ListPanel* panel, const TQStringList& parameter, const bool&, Expander& exp ) const {
if ( parameter[0].isEmpty() ) {
setError(exp, Error(Error::S_FATAL,Error::C_ARGUMENT,i18n("Expander: no column specified for %_ColSort(column)%") ));
return TQString();
int mode = (int) panel->view->sortMode();
/* from Panel/krview.h:
enum SortSpec { Name=0x1,
IgnoreCase=0x800 };
// krOut << "start: exp_ColSort::expFunc" << endl;
#define MODE_OUT krOut << TQString( "mode: %1" ).arg( mode, 0, 2 ) << endl; // displays mode in base-2
if ( parameter.count() <= 1 || ( parameter[1].lower() != "asc" && parameter[1].lower() != "desc" ) ) { //default == toggle
if ( mode & KrViewProperties::Descending )
mode &= ~KrViewProperties::Descending; // == asc
mode |= KrViewProperties::Descending; // == desc
} else
if ( parameter[1].lower() == "asc" ) {
mode &= ~KrViewProperties::Descending;
else { // == desc
mode |= KrViewProperties::Descending;
// clear all column-infromation:
mode &= ~( KrViewProperties::Name | KrViewProperties::Ext | KrViewProperties::Size | KrViewProperties::Type | KrViewProperties::Modified | KrViewProperties::Permissions | KrViewProperties::KrPermissions | KrViewProperties::Owner | KrViewProperties::Group );
if ( parameter[0].lower() == "name" ) {
mode |= KrViewProperties::Name;
} else
if ( parameter[0].lower() == "ext" ) {
mode |= KrViewProperties::Ext;
} else
if ( parameter[0].lower() == "type" ) {
mode |= KrViewProperties::Type;
} else
if ( parameter[0].lower() == "size" ) {
mode |= KrViewProperties::Size;
} else
if ( parameter[0].lower() == "modified" ) {
mode |= KrViewProperties::Modified;
} else
if ( parameter[0].lower() == "perms" ) {
mode |= KrViewProperties::Permissions;
} else
if ( parameter[0].lower() == "rwx" ) {
mode |= KrViewProperties::KrPermissions;
} else
if ( parameter[0].lower() == "owner" ) {
mode |= KrViewProperties::Owner;
} else
if ( parameter[0].lower() == "group" ) {
mode |= KrViewProperties::Group;
} else {
setError(exp, Error(Error::S_WARNING,Error::C_ARGUMENT,i18n("Expander: unknown column specified for %_ColSort(%1)%").arg(parameter[0]) ));
return TQString();
panel->view->setSortMode( (KrViewProperties::SortSpec)mode );
// krOut << "end: exp_ColSort::expFunc" << endl;
return TQString(); // this doesn't return anything, that's normal!
exp_PanelSize::exp_PanelSize() {
_expression = "PanelSize";
_description = i18n("Set Relation Between the Panels...");
_needPanel = true;
addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Set the new size in percent:"), "__int:0;100;5;50", true ) );
TagString exp_PanelSize::expFunc( const ListPanel* panel, const TQStringList& parameter, const bool&, Expander& exp ) const {
int newSize;
if ( parameter[0].isEmpty() )
newSize = 50; //default is 50%
newSize = parameter[0].toInt();
if ( newSize < 0 || newSize > 100 ) {
setError(exp, Error(Error::S_FATAL,Error::C_ARGUMENT,i18n("Expander: Value %1 out of range for %_PanelSize(percent)%. The first parameter has to be >0 and <100").arg(newSize)) );
return TQString();
TQValueList<int> panelSizes = MAIN_VIEW->horiz_splitter->sizes();
int totalSize = panelSizes[0] + panelSizes[1];
if ( panel == LEFT_PANEL ) {
panelSizes[0] = totalSize * newSize / 100;
panelSizes[1] = totalSize * (100 - newSize) / 100;
else { // == RIGHT_PANEL
panelSizes[0] = totalSize * (100 - newSize) / 100;
panelSizes[1] = totalSize * newSize / 100;
MAIN_VIEW->horiz_splitter->setSizes( panelSizes );
return TQString(); // this doesn't return everything, that's normal!
#ifdef __KJSEMBED__
exp_Script::exp_Script() {
_expression = "Script";
_description = i18n("Execute a JavaScript Extension...");
_needPanel = false;
addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Location of the script"), "", true ) );
addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Set some variables for the execution (optional).\ni.e. \"return=return_var;foo=bar\", consult the handbook for more information"), "", false ) );
TagString exp_Script::expFunc( const ListPanel*, const TQStringList& parameter, const bool&, Expander& exp ) const {
if ( parameter[0].isEmpty() ) {
setError(exp, Error(Error::S_FATAL,Error::C_ARGUMENT,i18n("Expander: no script specified for %_Script(script)%")) );
return TQString();
TQString filename = parameter[0];
if ( filename.find('/') && KURL::isRelativeURL(filename) ) {
// this return the local version of the file if this exists. else the global one is returnd
filename = locate( "data", "krusader/js/"+filename );
if ( ! krJS )
krJS = new KrJS();
KJS::ExecState *exec = krJS->globalExec();
TQString jsReturn = TQString();
if ( parameter[1].lower() == "yes" ) // to stay compatible with the old-style parameter
jsReturn = "cmd";
else {
TQStringList jsVariables = TQStringList::split( ';', parameter[1] );
TQString jsVariable, jsValue;
for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = jsVariables.begin(); it != jsVariables.end(); ++it ) {
jsVariable = (*it).section('=', 0, 0).stripWhiteSpace();
jsValue = (*it).section('=', 1);
if ( jsVariable == "return" )
jsReturn = jsValue.stripWhiteSpace();
krJS->putValue( jsVariable, KJSEmbed::convertToValue(exec, jsValue ) );
krJS->runFile( filename );
if ( ! jsReturn.isEmpty() )
return krJS->getValue( jsReturn ).toString( krJS->globalExec() ).qstring();
return TQString();
exp_View::exp_View() {
_expression = "View";
_description = i18n("View File with Krusader's Internal Viewer...");
_needPanel = false;
addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Which file to view (normally '%aCurrent%'):"), "__placeholder", true ) );
addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Choose a view mode:"), "__choose:generic;text;hex", false ) );
//addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Choose a window-mode"), "__choose:tab;window;panel", false ) );
//TODO: window-mode 'panel' should open the file in the third-hand viewer
addParameter( exp_parameter( i18n("Choose a window mode:"), "__choose:tab;window", false ) );
TagString exp_View::expFunc( const ListPanel*, const TQStringList& parameter, const bool&, Expander& exp ) const {
if ( parameter[0].isEmpty() ) {
setError(exp, Error(Error::S_FATAL,Error::C_ARGUMENT,i18n("Expander: no file to view in %_View(filename)%")) );
return TQString();
TQString viewMode, windowMode;
if ( parameter.count() <= 1 || parameter[1].isEmpty() )
viewMode = "generic";
viewMode = parameter[1];
if ( parameter.count() <= 2 || parameter[2].isEmpty() )
windowMode = "tab";
windowMode = parameter[2];
KrViewer::Mode mode = KrViewer::Generic;
if( viewMode == "text" ) mode = KrViewer::Text;
else if( viewMode == "hex" ) mode = KrViewer::Hex;
KrViewer::view(parameter[0],mode,(windowMode == "window"));
//TODO: Call the viewer with viewMode and windowMode. Filename is in parameter[0].
// It would be nice if parameter[0] could also be a space-separated filename-list (provided if the first parameter is %aList(selected)%)
return TQString(); // this doesn't return everything, that's normal!
////////////////////////////// end of expander classes ////////////////////////////////
TagString exp_simpleplaceholder::expFunc( const ListPanel* p, const TagStringList& parameter, const bool& useUrl, Expander& exp) const
TQStringList lst;
for(TagStringList::const_iterator it=parameter.begin(),end=parameter.end();it!=end;++it)
else {
setError(exp,Error(Error::S_FATAL,Error::C_SYNTAX,i18n("%Each% is not allowed in parameter to %1").arg(description())));
return TQString();
return expFunc(p,lst,useUrl,exp);
ListPanel* Expander::getPanel( const char panelIndicator, const exp_placeholder* pl, Expander& exp ) {
switch ( panelIndicator ) {
case 'a':
case 'o':
case 'l':
return LEFT_PANEL;
case 'r':
case '_':
return 0;
exp.setError(Error(Error::S_FATAL,Error::C_SYNTAX,i18n("Expander: Bad panel specifier %1 in placeholder %2").arg(panelIndicator).arg(pl->description())));
return 0;
void Expander::expand( const TQString& stringToExpand, bool useUrl ) {
TagString result = expandCurrent( stringToExpand, useUrl );
if ( error() )
if ( !result.isSimple() )
resultList = splitEach( result );
resultList.append( result.string() );
// krOut << resultList[0] << endl;
TagString Expander::expandCurrent( const TQString& stringToExpand, bool useUrl ) {
TagString result;
TQString exp = TQString();
TagString tmpResult;
int begin, end, i;
// int brackets = 0;
// bool inQuotes = false;
unsigned int idx = 0;
while ( idx < stringToExpand.length() ) {
if ( ( begin = stringToExpand.find( '%', idx ) ) == -1 ) break;
if ( ( end = findEnd( stringToExpand, begin ) ) == -1 ) {
setError(Error(Error::S_FATAL,Error::C_SYNTAX,i18n("Error: unterminated % in Expander::expandCurrent")) );
return TQString();
result += stringToExpand.mid( idx, begin - idx ); // copy until the start of %exp%
// get the expression, and expand it using the correct expander function
exp = stringToExpand.mid( begin + 1, end - begin - 1 );
// kdDebug() << "------------- exp: '" << exp << "'" << endl;
if ( exp == "" )
result += TQString(TQChar('%'));
else {
TagStringList parameter = separateParameter( &exp, useUrl );
if ( error() )
return TQString();
char panelIndicator = exp.lower()[0].latin1();
exp.replace( 0, 1, "" );
for ( i = 0; i < placeholderCount(); ++i )
if ( exp == placeholder( i )->expression() ) {
// kdDebug() << "---------------------------------------" << endl;
tmpResult = placeholder( i )->expFunc( getPanel( panelIndicator,placeholder(i),*this ), parameter, useUrl, *this );
if ( error() ) {
return TQString();
result += tmpResult;
// kdDebug() << "---------------------------------------" << endl;
if ( i == placeholderCount() ) { // didn't find an expander
setError(Error(Error::S_FATAL,Error::C_SYNTAX,i18n("Error: unrecognized %%%1%2%% in Expander::expand").arg(panelIndicator).arg(exp)) );
return TQString();
} //else
idx = end + 1;
// copy the rest of the string
result += stringToExpand.mid( idx );
// kdDebug() << "============== result '" << result << "'" << endl;
return result;
TQStringList Expander::splitEach( TagString stringToSplit ) {
if(stringToSplit.isSimple()) {
// krOut << stringToSplit.string() << endl;
return stringToSplit.string();
pair<uint,TQStringList> pl=*stringToSplit.tagsBegin();
TQStringList ret;
for(TQStringList::const_iterator it=pl.second.begin(),end=pl.second.end();it!=end;++it) {
TagString s=stringToSplit;
return ret;
// kdDebug() << "stringToSplit: " << stringToSplit << endl;
TagStringList Expander::separateParameter( TQString* const exp, bool useUrl ) {
TagStringList parameter;
TQStringList parameter1;
TQString result;
int begin, end;
if ( ( begin = exp->find( '(' ) ) != -1 ) {
if ( ( end = exp->findRev( ')' ) ) == -1 ) {
setError(Error(Error::S_FATAL,Error::C_SYNTAX,i18n("Error: missing ')' in Expander::separateParameter") ));
return TagStringList();
result = exp->mid( begin + 1, end - begin - 1 );
*exp = exp->left( begin );
bool inQuotes = false;
unsigned int idx = 0;
begin = 0;
while ( idx < result.length() ) {
if ( result[ idx ].latin1() == '\\' ) {
if ( result[ idx+1 ].latin1() == '"')
result.replace( idx, 1, "" );
if ( result[ idx ].latin1() == '"' )
inQuotes = !inQuotes;
if ( result[ idx ].latin1() == ',' && !inQuotes ) {
parameter1.append( result.mid( begin, idx - begin) );
begin = idx + 1;
// krOut << " ---- parameter: " << parameter.join(";") << endl;
parameter1.append( result.mid( begin, idx - begin) ); //don't forget the last one
for (TQStringList::Iterator it = parameter1.begin(); it != parameter1.end(); ++it) {
*it = (*it).stripWhiteSpace();
if ( (*it).left(1) == "\"" )
*it = (*it).mid(1, (*it).length() - 2 );
parameter.push_back(expandCurrent( *it, useUrl ));
if ( error() )
return TagStringList();
// krOut << "------- exp: " << *exp << " ---- parameter: " << parameter.join(";") << endl;
return parameter;
int Expander::findEnd( const TQString& str, int start ) {
int end = str.find( '%', start + 1 );
if ( end == -1 )
return end;
int bracket = str.find( '(', start + 1 );
if ( end < bracket || bracket == -1 )
return end;
unsigned int idx = bracket+1;
bool inQuotes = false;
int depth=1;
while ( idx < str.length() ) {
switch (str[ idx ].latin1()) {
case '\\':
idx ++;
case '"':
inQuotes = !inQuotes;
case '(':
case ')':
case '%':
return idx;
} //switch
} //while
// failsafe
return -1;