You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

335 lines
11 KiB

/* **************************************************************************
konfiguratorpage.cpp - description
copyright : (C) 2003 by Csaba Karai
e-mail :
web site :
db dD d8888b. db db .d8888. .d8b. d8888b. d88888b d8888b.
88 ,8P' 88 `8D 88 88 88' YP d8' `8b 88 `8D 88' 88 `8D
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88`8b 88`8b 88 88 `Y8b. 88~~~88 88 88 88~~~~~ 88`8b
88 `88. 88 `88. 88b d88 db 8D 88 88 88 .8D 88. 88 `88.
YP YD 88 YD ~Y8888P' `8888Y' YP YP Y8888D' Y88888P 88 YD
S o u r c e F i l e
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include "konfiguratorpage.h"
#include <tqlayout.h>
#include "../krusader.h"
#include <tqwhatsthis.h>
KonfiguratorPage::KonfiguratorPage( bool firstTime, TQWidget* parent, const char* name ) :
TQFrame( parent, name ), firstCall( firstTime )
bool KonfiguratorPage::apply()
bool restartNeeded = false;
KonfiguratorExtension *item = itemList.first();
while( item )
restartNeeded = item->apply() || restartNeeded;
item =;
return restartNeeded;
void KonfiguratorPage::setDefaults()
KonfiguratorExtension *item = itemList.first();
int activePage = activeSubPage();
while( item )
if( item->subPage() == activePage )
item =;
void KonfiguratorPage::loadInitialValues()
KonfiguratorExtension *item = itemList.first();
while( item )
item =;
bool KonfiguratorPage::isChanged()
KonfiguratorExtension *currentItem = itemList.current(); /* save the current pointer */
bool isChanged = false;
KonfiguratorExtension *item = itemList.first();
while( item )
isChanged = isChanged || item->isChanged();
item =;
itemList.find( currentItem ); /* restore the current pointer */
return isChanged;
KonfiguratorCheckBox* KonfiguratorPage::createCheckBox( TQString cls, TQString name,
bool dflt, TQString text, TQWidget *parent, bool rst, TQString toolTip, int pg )
KonfiguratorCheckBox *checkBox = new KonfiguratorCheckBox( cls, name, dflt, text,
parent, TQString(cls + "/" + name).ascii(), rst, pg );
if( !toolTip.isEmpty() )
TQWhatsThis::add( checkBox, toolTip );
registerObject( checkBox->extension() );
return checkBox;
KonfiguratorSpinBox* KonfiguratorPage::createSpinBox( TQString cls, TQString name,
int dflt, int min, int max, TQWidget *parent, bool rst, int pg )
KonfiguratorSpinBox *spinBox = new KonfiguratorSpinBox( cls, name, dflt, min, max,
parent, TQString(cls + "/" + name).ascii(), rst, pg );
registerObject( spinBox->extension() );
return spinBox;
KonfiguratorEditBox* KonfiguratorPage::createEditBox( TQString cls, TQString name,
TQString dflt, TQWidget *parent, bool rst, int pg )
KonfiguratorEditBox *editBox = new KonfiguratorEditBox( cls, name, dflt, parent,
TQString(cls + "/" + name).ascii(), rst, pg );
registerObject( editBox->extension() );
return editBox;
KonfiguratorListBox* KonfiguratorPage::createListBox( TQString cls, TQString name,
TQStringList dflt, TQWidget *parent, bool rst, int pg )
KonfiguratorListBox *listBox = new KonfiguratorListBox( cls, name, dflt, parent,
TQString(cls + "/" + name).ascii(), rst, pg );
registerObject( listBox->extension() );
return listBox;
KonfiguratorURLRequester* KonfiguratorPage::createURLRequester( TQString cls, TQString name,
TQString dflt, TQWidget *parent, bool rst, int pg )
KonfiguratorURLRequester *urlRequester = new KonfiguratorURLRequester( cls, name, dflt,
parent, TQString(cls + "/" + name).ascii(), rst, pg );
registerObject( urlRequester->extension() );
return urlRequester;
TQGroupBox* KonfiguratorPage::createFrame( TQString text, TQWidget *parent,
const char *widgetName )
TQGroupBox *groupBox = new TQGroupBox( parent, widgetName );
groupBox->setFrameShape( TQGroupBox::Box );
groupBox->setFrameShadow( TQGroupBox::Sunken );
if( !text.isNull() )
groupBox->setTitle( text );
groupBox->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical );
groupBox->layout()->setSpacing( 0 );
groupBox->layout()->setMargin( 0 );
return groupBox;
TQGridLayout* KonfiguratorPage::createGridLayout( TQLayout *parent )
TQGridLayout *gridLayout = new TQGridLayout( parent );
gridLayout->setAlignment( TQt::AlignTop );
gridLayout->setSpacing( 6 );
gridLayout->setMargin( 11 );
return gridLayout;
TQLabel* KonfiguratorPage::addLabel( TQGridLayout *layout, int x, int y, TQString label,
TQWidget *parent, const char *widgetName )
TQLabel *lbl = new TQLabel( label, parent, widgetName );
layout->addWidget( lbl, x, y );
return lbl;
TQWidget* KonfiguratorPage::createSpacer( TQWidget *parent, const char *widgetName )
TQWidget *widget = new TQWidget( parent, widgetName );
TQHBoxLayout *hboxlayout = new TQHBoxLayout( widget );
TQSpacerItem* spacer = new TQSpacerItem( 40, 20, TQSizePolicy::Expanding, TQSizePolicy::Minimum );
hboxlayout->addItem( spacer );
return widget;
KonfiguratorCheckBoxGroup* KonfiguratorPage::createCheckBoxGroup( int sizex, int sizey,
KONFIGURATOR_CHECKBOX_PARAM *params, int paramNum, TQWidget *parent,
const char *widgetName, int pg )
KonfiguratorCheckBoxGroup *groupWidget = new KonfiguratorCheckBoxGroup( parent, widgetName );
TQGridLayout *layout = new TQGridLayout( groupWidget );
layout->setSpacing( 6 );
layout->setMargin( 0 );
int x = 0, y = 0;
for( int i=0; i != paramNum; i++ )
KonfiguratorCheckBox *checkBox = createCheckBox( params[i].configClass,
params[i].configName, params[i].defaultValue, params[i].text, groupWidget,
params[i].restart, params[i].toolTip, pg );
groupWidget->add( checkBox );
layout->addWidget( checkBox, y, x );
if( sizex )
if( ++x == sizex )
x = 0, y++;
if( ++y == sizey )
y = 0, x++;
return groupWidget;
KonfiguratorRadioButtons* KonfiguratorPage::createRadioButtonGroup( TQString cls,
TQString name, TQString dflt, int sizex, int sizey, KONFIGURATOR_NAME_VALUE_TIP *params,
int paramNum, TQWidget *parent, const char *widgetName, bool rst, int pg )
KonfiguratorRadioButtons *radioWidget = new KonfiguratorRadioButtons( cls, name, dflt, parent, widgetName, rst, pg );
radioWidget->setFrameShape( TQButtonGroup::NoFrame );
radioWidget->setFrameShadow( TQButtonGroup::Sunken );
radioWidget->setTitle( "" );
radioWidget->setExclusive( true );
radioWidget->setRadioButtonExclusive( true );
radioWidget->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical );
TQGridLayout *layout = new TQGridLayout( radioWidget->layout() );
layout->setAlignment( TQt::AlignTop );
layout->setSpacing( 6 );
layout->setMargin( 0 );
int x = 0, y = 0;
for( int i=0; i != paramNum; i++ )
TQRadioButton *radBtn = new TQRadioButton( params[i].text, radioWidget,
TQString( cls + "/" + name + "/" + params[i].value ).ascii() );
if( !params[i].tooltip.isEmpty() )
TQWhatsThis::add( radBtn, params[i].tooltip );
layout->addWidget( radBtn, y, x );
radioWidget->addRadioButton( radBtn, params[i].text, params[i].value );
if( sizex )
if( ++x == sizex )
x = 0, y++;
if( ++y == sizey )
y = 0, x++;
registerObject( radioWidget->extension() );
return radioWidget;
KonfiguratorFontChooser *KonfiguratorPage::createFontChooser( TQString cls, TQString name,
TQFont *dflt, TQWidget *parent, bool rst, int pg )
KonfiguratorFontChooser *fontChooser = new KonfiguratorFontChooser( cls, name, dflt, parent,
TQString(cls + "/" + name).ascii(), rst, pg );
registerObject( fontChooser->extension() );
return fontChooser;
KonfiguratorComboBox *KonfiguratorPage::createComboBox( TQString cls, TQString name, TQString dflt,
KONFIGURATOR_NAME_VALUE_PAIR *params, int paramNum, TQWidget *parent, bool rst, bool editable, int pg )
KonfiguratorComboBox *comboBox = new KonfiguratorComboBox( cls, name, dflt, params,
paramNum, parent, TQString(cls + "/" + name).ascii(),
rst, editable, pg );
registerObject( comboBox->extension() );
return comboBox;
TQFrame* KonfiguratorPage::createLine( TQWidget *parent, const char *widgetName, bool vertical )
TQFrame *line = new TQFrame( parent, widgetName );
line->setFrameStyle( ( vertical ? TQFrame::VLine : TQFrame::HLine ) | TQFrame::Sunken );
return line;
void KonfiguratorPage::registerObject( KonfiguratorExtension *item )
KonfiguratorExtension *currentItem = itemList.current();
itemList.append( item );
connect( item, TQT_SIGNAL( sigChanged( bool ) ), this, TQT_SIGNAL ( sigChanged( ) ) );
itemList.find( currentItem );
void KonfiguratorPage::removeObject( KonfiguratorExtension *item )
if( item == itemList.current() )
if( itemList.current() != itemList.getFirst() )
itemList.removeRef( item );
KonfiguratorColorChooser *KonfiguratorPage::createColorChooser( TQString cls, TQString name, TQColor dflt,
TQWidget *parent, bool rst,
ADDITIONAL_COLOR *addColPtr, int addColNum, int pg )
KonfiguratorColorChooser *colorChooser = new KonfiguratorColorChooser( cls, name, dflt, parent,
TQString(cls + "/" + name).ascii(), rst, addColPtr, addColNum, pg );
registerObject( colorChooser->extension() );
return colorChooser;
#include "konfiguratorpage.moc"