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synchronizerfileitem.h - description
copyright : (C) 2006 + by Csaba Karai
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H e a d e r F i l e
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <tqstring.h>
#include <kio/global.h>
typedef enum
TT_EQUALS = 0, // the files are equals -> do nothing
TT_DIFFERS = 1, // the files are differents -> don't know what to do
TT_COPY_TO_LEFT = 2, // the right file is newer -> copy from right to left
TT_COPY_TO_RIGHT = 3, // the left file is newer -> copy from left to right
TT_DELETE = 4, // the left file is single -> delete it
TT_UNKNOWN = 5, // (5-9) the type of the task is not yet known
TT_MAX = 10 // the maximum number of task types
} TaskType;
#define SWAP( A, B, TYPE ) {TYPE TMP = A; A = B; B = TMP;}
#define REVERSE_TASK( A, asym ) {switch( A ) \
{ \
if( asym ) \
A = !m_existsRight ? TT_DELETE : TT_COPY_TO_LEFT; \
else \
break; \
case TT_DELETE: \
default: \
break; \
class SynchronizerFileItem
TQString m_leftName; // the left file name
TQString m_rightName; // the right file name
TQString m_leftDirectory;// the left relative directory path from the base
TQString m_rightDirectory;// the left relative directory path from the base
bool m_marked; // flag, indicates to show the file
bool m_existsLeft; // flag, the file exists in the left directory
bool m_existsRight; // flag, the file exists in the right directory
TDEIO::filesize_t m_leftSize; // the file size at the left directory
TDEIO::filesize_t m_rightSize; // the file size at the right directory
time_t m_leftDate; // the file date at the left directory
time_t m_rightDate; // the file date at the left directory
TQString m_leftLink; // the left file's symbolic link destination
TQString m_rightLink; // the right file's symbolic link destination
TQString m_leftOwner; // the left file's owner
TQString m_rightOwner; // the right file's owner
TQString m_leftGroup; // the left file's group
TQString m_rightGroup; // the right file's group
mode_t m_leftMode; // mode for left
mode_t m_rightMode; // mode for right
TQString m_leftACL; // ACL of the left file
TQString m_rightACL; // ACL of the right file
TaskType m_task; // the task with the file
bool m_isDir; // flag, indicates that the file is a directory
SynchronizerFileItem *m_parent; // pointer to the parent directory item or 0
void *m_userData; // user data
bool m_overWrite; // overwrite flag
TQString m_destination; // the destination URL at rename
bool m_temporary; // flag indicates temporary directory
TaskType m_originalTask; // the original task type
SynchronizerFileItem(const TQString &leftNam, const TQString &rightNam, const TQString &leftDir,
const TQString &rightDir, bool mark, bool exL, bool exR, TDEIO::filesize_t leftSize,
TDEIO::filesize_t rightSize, time_t leftDate, time_t rightDate,
const TQString &leftLink, const TQString &rightLink, const TQString &leftOwner,
const TQString &rightOwner, const TQString &leftGroup, const TQString &rightGroup,
mode_t leftMode, mode_t rightMode, const TQString &leftACL, const TQString &rightACL,
TaskType tsk, bool isDir, bool tmp, SynchronizerFileItem *parent ) :
m_leftName( leftNam ), m_rightName( rightNam ), m_leftDirectory( leftDir ), m_rightDirectory( rightDir ),
m_marked( mark ), m_existsLeft( exL ), m_existsRight( exR ), m_leftSize( leftSize ),
m_rightSize( rightSize ), m_leftDate( leftDate ), m_rightDate( rightDate ),
m_leftLink( leftLink ), m_rightLink( rightLink ), m_leftOwner( leftOwner ),
m_rightOwner( rightOwner ), m_leftGroup( leftGroup ), m_rightGroup( rightGroup ),
m_leftMode( leftMode ), m_rightMode( rightMode ), m_leftACL( leftACL ),
m_rightACL( rightACL ), m_task( tsk ), m_isDir( isDir ), m_parent(parent),
m_userData( 0 ), m_overWrite( false ), m_destination( TQString() ),
m_temporary( tmp ), m_originalTask( tsk ) {}
inline bool isMarked() {return m_marked;}
inline void setMarked( bool flag ) {m_marked = flag;}
inline const TQString & leftName() {return m_leftName;}
inline const TQString & rightName() {return m_rightName;}
inline const TQString & leftDirectory() {return m_leftDirectory;}
inline const TQString & rightDirectory() {return m_rightDirectory;}
inline bool existsInLeft() {return m_existsLeft;}
inline bool existsInRight() {return m_existsRight;}
inline bool overWrite() {return m_overWrite;}
inline TDEIO::filesize_t leftSize() {return m_leftSize;}
inline TDEIO::filesize_t rightSize() {return m_rightSize;}
inline time_t leftDate() {return m_leftDate;}
inline time_t rightDate() {return m_rightDate;}
inline const TQString & leftLink() {return m_leftLink;}
inline const TQString & rightLink() {return m_rightLink;}
inline const TQString & leftOwner() {return m_leftOwner;}
inline const TQString & rightOwner() {return m_rightOwner;}
inline const TQString & leftGroup() {return m_leftGroup;}
inline const TQString & rightGroup() {return m_rightGroup;}
inline mode_t leftMode() {return m_leftMode;}
inline mode_t rightMode() {return m_rightMode;}
inline const TQString & leftACL() {return m_leftACL;}
inline const TQString & rightACL() {return m_rightACL;}
inline TaskType task() {return m_task;}
inline void compareContentResult( bool res )
{if( res == true )
m_task = m_originalTask = TT_EQUALS;
else if( m_originalTask >= TT_UNKNOWN )
m_task = m_originalTask = (TaskType)(m_originalTask - TT_UNKNOWN);
inline bool isDir() {return m_isDir;}
inline SynchronizerFileItem * parent() {return m_parent;}
inline void * userData() {return m_userData;}
inline void setUserData( void *ud) {m_userData = ud;}
inline void setOverWrite() {m_overWrite = true;}
inline const TQString & destination() {return m_destination;}
inline void setDestination(TQString d) {m_destination = d;}
inline bool isTemporary() {return m_temporary;}
inline void setPermanent() {m_temporary = false;}
inline TaskType originalTask() {return m_originalTask;}
inline void restoreOriginalTask() {m_task = m_originalTask;}
inline void setTask( TaskType t ) {m_task = t;}
inline void swap( bool asym=false ) {SWAP( m_existsLeft, m_existsRight, bool );
SWAP( m_leftName, m_rightName, TQString );
SWAP( m_leftDirectory, m_rightDirectory, TQString );
SWAP( m_leftSize, m_rightSize, TDEIO::filesize_t );
SWAP( m_leftDate, m_rightDate, time_t );
SWAP( m_leftLink, m_rightLink, TQString );
SWAP( m_leftOwner, m_rightOwner, TQString );
SWAP( m_leftGroup, m_rightGroup, TQString );
SWAP( m_leftACL, m_rightACL, TQString );
REVERSE_TASK( m_originalTask, asym );
REVERSE_TASK( m_task, asym );}