You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

106 lines
3.2 KiB

#include "krviewitem.h"
#include "../VFS/krpermhandler.h"
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kmimetype.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define PROPS static_cast<const KrViewProperties*>(_viewProperties)
TQString atomicExtensions[] = {
KrViewItem::KrViewItem(vfile *vf, const KrViewProperties* properties):
_vf(vf), dummyVfile(false), _viewProperties(properties), _hasExtension(false), _hidden(false), _extension("") {
if (vf) {
// check if the file has an extension
const TQString& vfName = vf->vfile_getName();
int loc = vfName.findRev('.');
if (loc>0) { // avoid mishandling of .bashrc and friend
// check if it has one of the predefined 'atomic extensions'
for (TQStringList::const_iterator i = PROPS->atomicExtensions.begin(); i != PROPS->atomicExtensions.end(); ++i) {
if (vfName.endsWith(*i)){
loc = vfName.length() - (*i).length();
_name = vfName.left(loc);
_extension = vfName.mid(loc+1);
if( vfName.startsWith(".") )
_hidden = true;
const TQString& KrViewItem::name(bool withExtension) const {
if (!withExtension && _hasExtension) return _name;
else return _vf->vfile_getName();
TQString KrViewItem::description() const {
if (dummyVfile) return i18n("Climb up the directory tree");
// else is implied
TQString text = _vf->vfile_getName();
TQString comment = KMimeType::mimeType(_vf->vfile_getMime())->comment(text, false);
TQString myLinkDest = _vf->vfile_getSymDest();
TDEIO::filesize_t mySize = _vf->vfile_getSize();
TQString text2 = text.copy();
mode_t m_fileMode = _vf->vfile_getMode();
if (_vf->vfile_isSymLink() ){
TQString tmp;
if ( comment.isEmpty() ) tmp = i18n ( "Symbolic Link" ) ;
else if( _vf->vfile_getMime() == "Broken Link !" ) tmp = i18n("(broken link !)");
else tmp = i18n("%1 (Link)").arg(comment);
text += "->";
text += myLinkDest;
text += " ";
text += tmp;
} else if ( S_ISREG( m_fileMode ) ){
text = TQString("%1 (%2)").arg(text2).arg( PROPS->humanReadableSize ?
KRpermHandler::parseSize(_vf->vfile_getSize()) : TDEIO::convertSize( mySize ) );
text += " ";
text += comment;
} else if ( S_ISDIR ( m_fileMode ) ){
text += "/ ";
text += comment;
} else {
text += " ";
text += comment;
return text;
TQString KrViewItem::dateTime() const {
// convert the time_t to struct tm
time_t time = _vf->vfile_getTime_t();
struct tm* t=localtime((time_t *)&time);
TQDateTime tmp(TQDate(t->tm_year+1900, t->tm_mon+1, t->tm_mday), TQTime(t->tm_hour, t->tm_min));
return TDEGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(tmp);
TQPixmap KrViewItem::icon() {
#if 0
TQPixmap *p;
// This is bad - very bad. the function must return a valid reference,
// This is an interface flow - shie please fix it with a function that return TQPixmap*
// this way we can return 0 - and do our error checking...
// shie answers: why? what's the difference? if we return an empty pixmap, others can use it as it
// is, without worrying or needing to do error checking. empty pixmap displays nothing
if (dummyVfile || !_viewProperties->displayIcons)
return TQPixmap();
else return KrView::getIcon(_vf);