You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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copyright : (C) 2000-2007 by Shie Erlich & Rafi Yanai & Csaba Karai
e-mail :
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H e a d e r F i l e
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include "krview.h"
#include "krviewitem.h"
#include <kiconview.h>
#include <tqtimer.h>
// extends KrViewProperties to add detailedview-only properties
class KrBriefViewProperties: public KrViewProperties {
int numberOfColumns; // the number of columns in the view
class KrBriefViewItem;
class TQDragMoveEvent;
class TQToolTip;
class TQHeader;
* KrBriefView implements everthing and anything regarding a brief view in a filemananger.
* IT MUST USE KrViewItem as the children to it's *KIconView. KrBriefView and KrViewItem are
* tightly coupled and the view will not work with other kinds of items.
* Apart from this, the view is self-reliant and you can use the vast interface to get whatever
* information is necessery from it.
class KrBriefView: public KIconView, public KrView {
friend class KrBriefViewItem;
KrBriefView( TQHeader *header, TQWidget *parent, bool &left, TDEConfig *cfg = krConfig, const char *name = 0 );
virtual ~KrBriefView();
virtual inline KrViewItem *getFirst() { return dynamic_cast<KrViewItem*>( firstItem() ); }
virtual inline KrViewItem *getLast() { return dynamic_cast<KrViewItem*>( lastItem() ); }
virtual inline KrViewItem *getNext( KrViewItem *current ) { return dynamic_cast<KrViewItem*>( dynamic_cast<TQIconViewItem*>( current ) ->nextItem() ); }
virtual inline KrViewItem *getPrev( KrViewItem *current ) { return dynamic_cast<KrViewItem*>( dynamic_cast<TQIconViewItem*>( current ) ->prevItem() ); }
virtual inline KrViewItem *getCurrentKrViewItem() { return dynamic_cast<KrViewItem*>( currentItem() ); }
virtual KrViewItem *getKrViewItemAt(const TQPoint &vp);
virtual inline KrViewItem *findItemByName(const TQString &name) { return dynamic_cast<KrViewItem*>( findItem( name, TQt::ExactMatch ) ); }
virtual void addItems(vfs* v, bool addUpDir = true);
virtual void delItem(const TQString &);
virtual TQString getCurrentItem() const;
virtual void makeItemVisible(const KrViewItem * item );
virtual void setCurrentItem(const TQString& name );
virtual void updateView();
virtual void updateItem(KrViewItem* item );
virtual void clear();
virtual void sort() { if( sortDirection() ) sortOrderChanged();KIconView::sort( true ); }
virtual void sort( bool ascending ) { if( sortDirection() != ascending ) sortOrderChanged();KIconView::sort( ascending ); }
virtual void prepareForActive();
virtual void prepareForPassive();
virtual void saveSettings() {}
virtual void restoreSettings() {}
virtual TQString nameInTDEConfig() {return _nameInTDEConfig;}
virtual void resizeEvent ( TQResizeEvent * );
void middleButtonClicked( KrViewItem *item );
void currentChanged( KrViewItem *item );
virtual void setup();
virtual void initProperties();
virtual void initOperator();
virtual KrViewItem *preAddItem(vfile * vf);
virtual bool preDelItem(KrViewItem * item );
void setColumnNr();
void redrawColumns();
virtual void keyPressEvent( TQKeyEvent *e );
virtual void imStartEvent( TQIMEvent* e );
virtual void imEndEvent( TQIMEvent *e );
virtual void imComposeEvent( TQIMEvent *e );
virtual void contentsMousePressEvent( TQMouseEvent *e );
virtual void contentsMouseReleaseEvent (TQMouseEvent *e);
virtual void contentsMouseMoveEvent ( TQMouseEvent * e );
virtual void contentsMouseDoubleClickEvent ( TQMouseEvent * e );
virtual bool acceptDrag( TQDropEvent* e ) const;
virtual void contentsDropEvent( TQDropEvent *e );
virtual void contentsDragMoveEvent( TQDragMoveEvent *e );
virtual void contentsDragLeaveEvent ( TQDragLeaveEvent * );
virtual void startDrag() { op()->startDrag(); }
virtual bool event( TQEvent *e );
virtual bool eventFilter( TQObject * watched, TQEvent * e );
TQMouseEvent * transformMouseEvent( TQMouseEvent * );
protected slots:
void rename( TQIconViewItem *item );
void slotClicked( TQIconViewItem *item );
void slotDoubleClicked( TQIconViewItem *item );
void slotItemDescription( TQIconViewItem * );
void slotCurrentChanged( TQIconViewItem *item );
void handleContextMenu( TQIconViewItem*, const TQPoint& );
virtual void renameCurrentItem();
virtual void showContextMenu( );
void inplaceRenameFinished( TQIconViewItem *it );
void setNameToMakeCurrent( TQIconViewItem *it );
void sortOrderChanged();
void slotRightButtonPressed(TQIconViewItem*, const TQPoint& point);
void transformCurrentChanged( TQIconViewItem * item ) { emit currentChanged( dynamic_cast<KrViewItem *>(item ) ); }
* used internally to produce the signal middleButtonClicked()
void slotMouseClicked( int button, TQIconViewItem * item, const TQPoint & pos );
inline void slotExecuted( TQIconViewItem* i ) {
TQString tmp = dynamic_cast<KrViewItem*>( i ) ->name();
op()->emitExecuted( tmp );
public slots:
void refreshColors();
void quickSearch( const TQString &, int = 0 );
void stopQuickSearch( TQKeyEvent* );
void handleQuickSearchEvent( TQKeyEvent* );
void changeSortOrder();
void letsDrag(TQStringList items, TQPixmap icon);
void gotDrop(TQDropEvent *);
TQHeader * header;
bool swushSelects;
TQPoint dragStartPos;
TQIconViewItem *lastSwushPosition;
KrViewItem *_currDragItem;
bool singleClicked;
bool modifierPressed;
TQTime clickTime;
TQIconViewItem *clickedItem;
TQTimer renameTimer;
TQTimer contextMenuTimer;
TQPoint contextMenuPoint;
KrBriefViewItem *currentlyRenamedItem;
TQIconViewItem *pressedItem;
TQMouseEvent *mouseEvent;
TQToolTip *toolTip;