You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// C++ Implementation: useraction
// Description: This manages all useractions
// Author: Jonas B<>r (C) 2004
// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kurl.h>
#include <kpopupmenu.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <tqstring.h>
#include <tqdom.h>
#include "useraction.h"
#include "kraction.h"
#include "../krusader.h"
#include "../krusaderview.h"
#include "../Panel/listpanel.h"
#include "../Panel/panelfunc.h"
UserAction::UserAction() {
_actions.setAutoDelete( false ); // the actions are "owned" by Krusader's TDEActionCollection, so they should not be deleted
krOut << "Initialisising useractions..." << endl;
krOut << _actions.count() << " useractions read." << endl;
UserAction::~UserAction() {
// KrActions are deleted by Krusader's TDEActionCollection
void UserAction::setAvailability() {
setAvailability( ACTIVE_FUNC->files()->vfs_getFile( ACTIVE_PANEL->view->getCurrentItem() ) );
void UserAction::setAvailability( const KURL& currentURL ) {
//kdDebug() << "UserAction::setAvailability currendFile: " << currentURL.url() << endl;
// disable the entries that should not appear in this folder
for ( KrAction* action = _actions.first(); action; action = )
action->setEnabled( action->isAvailable( currentURL ) );
void UserAction::populateMenu( TDEPopupMenu* menu ) {
for ( KrAction* action = _actions.first(); action; action = )
if ( ! action->isPlugged( menu ) )
action->plug( menu );
TQStringList UserAction::allCategories() {
TQStringList actionCategories;
for ( KrAction* action = _actions.first(); action; action = )
if ( actionCategories.find( action->category() ) == actionCategories.end() )
actionCategories.append( action->category() );
return actionCategories;
TQStringList UserAction::allNames() {
TQStringList actionNames;
for ( KrAction* action = _actions.first(); action; action = )
actionNames.append( action->name() );
return actionNames;
void UserAction::readAllFiles() {
TQString filename = locate( "data", ACTION_XML ); // locate returns the local file if it exists, else the global one is retrieved.
if ( ! filename.isEmpty() )
readFromFile( locate( "data", ACTION_XML ), renameDoublicated );
filename = locate( "data", ACTION_XML_EXAMPLES );
if ( ! filename.isEmpty() )
readFromFile( locate( "data", ACTION_XML_EXAMPLES ), ignoreDoublicated ); // ignore samples which are already in the normal file
void UserAction::readFromFile( const TQString& filename, ReadMode mode, KrActionList* list ) {
TQDomDocument* doc = new TQDomDocument( ACTION_DOCTYPE );
TQFile file( filename );
if( IO_ReadOnly ) ) {
//kdDebug() << "UserAction::readFromFile - " << filename << "could be opened" << endl;
if( ! doc->setContent( &file ) ) {
//kdDebug() << "UserAction::readFromFile - content set - failed" << endl;
// if the file doesn't exist till now, the content CAN be set but is empty.
// if the content can't be set, the file exists and is NOT an xml-file.
delete doc; doc = 0;
KMessageBox::error( MAIN_VIEW,
i18n( "The file %1 does not contain valid UserActions.\n" ).arg( filename ), // text
i18n("UserActions - can't read from file!") // caption
if ( doc ) {
TQDomElement root = doc->documentElement();
// check if the file got the right root-element (ACTION_ROOT) - this finds out if the xml-file read to the DOM is realy an krusader useraction-file
if( root.tagName() != ACTION_ROOT ) {
KMessageBox::error( MAIN_VIEW,
i18n( "The actionfile's root-element isn't called "ACTION_ROOT", using %1").arg( filename ),
i18n( "UserActions - can't read from file!" )
delete doc; doc = 0;
readFromElement( root, mode, list );
delete doc;
} // if ( IO_ReadOnly ) )
else {
KMessageBox::error( MAIN_VIEW,
i18n( "Unable to open actionfile %1").arg( filename ),
i18n( "UserActions - can't read from file!" )
void UserAction::readFromElement( const TQDomElement& element, ReadMode mode, KrActionList* list ) {
for ( TQDomNode node = element.firstChild(); ! node.isNull(); node = node.nextSibling() ) {
TQDomElement e = node.toElement();
if ( e.isNull() )
continue; // this should skip nodes which are not elements ( i.e. comments, <!-- -->, or text nodes)
if ( e.tagName() == "action" ) {
TQString name = e.attribute( "name" );
if ( name.isEmpty() ) {
KMessageBox::error( MAIN_VIEW,
i18n( "Action without name detected. This action will not be imported!\nThis is an error in the file, you may want to correct it." ),
i18n( "UserActions - invalid action" )
if ( mode == ignoreDoublicated && krApp->actionCollection()->action( name.latin1() ) )
TQString basename = name + "_%1";
int i = 0;
// appent a counter till the name is unique... (this checks every action, not only useractions)
while ( krApp->actionCollection()->action( name.latin1() ) )
name = basename.arg( ++i );
KrAction* act = new KrAction( krApp->actionCollection(), name.latin1() );
if ( act->xmlRead( e ) ) {
_actions.append( act );
if ( list )
list->append( act );
delete act;
} // for
TQDomDocument UserAction::createEmptyDoc() {
TQDomDocument doc = TQDomDocument( ACTION_DOCTYPE );
// adding: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
doc.appendChild( doc.createProcessingInstruction( "xml", ACTION_PROCESSINSTR ) );
//adding root-element
doc.appendChild( doc.createElement( ACTION_ROOT ) ); // create new actionfile by adding a root-element ACTION_ROOT
return doc;
bool UserAction::writeActionFile() {
TQString filename = locateLocal( "data", ACTION_XML );
TQDomDocument doc = createEmptyDoc();
TQDomElement root = doc.documentElement();
for ( KrAction* action = _actions.first(); action; action = )
root.appendChild( action->xmlDump( doc ) );
return writeToFile( doc, filename );
bool UserAction::writeToFile( const TQDomDocument& doc, const TQString& filename ) {
TQFile file( filename );
if( ! IO_WriteOnly ) )
return false;
/* // This is not needed, because each DomDocument created with UserAction::createEmptyDoc already contains the processinstruction
if ( ! doc.firstChild().isProcessingInstruction() ) {
// adding: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> if not already present
TQDomProcessingInstruction instr = doc.createProcessingInstruction( "xml", ACTION_PROCESSINSTR );
doc.insertBefore( instr, doc.firstChild() );
TQTextStream ts( &file );
ts << doc.toString();
return true;