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begin : Thu May 4 2000
copyright : (C) 2000 by Shie Erlich & Rafi Yanai
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H e a d e r F i l e
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#ifndef VFILE_H
#define VFILE_H
// QT includes
#include <tqstring.h>
#include <tqobject.h>
// System includes
#include <sys/types.h>
// KDE includes
#include <tdeio/global.h>
#include <kmimetype.h>
#define PERM_ALL -2
* The Virtual File class handles all the details of maintaining a single
* file component within the virtual file system (vfs). a vfile object
* contains the nessecery details about a file and member functions which
* allow the object to give out the needed details about the file.
class vfile : public TQObject{
* Use this constructor when you know the following files properties: \n
* file name, file size, file permissions,is the file a link,owner uid & group uid.
vfile(const TQString& name,
const TDEIO::filesize_t size,
const TQString& perm,
const time_t mtime,
const bool symLink,
const uid_t owner,
const gid_t group,
const TQString& mime,
const TQString& symDest,
const mode_t mode,
const int rwx = -1 );
vfile(const TQString& name,
const TDEIO::filesize_t size,
const TQString& perm,
const time_t mtime,
const bool symLink,
const TQString& owner,
const TQString& group,
const TQString& userName,
const TQString& mime,
const TQString& symDest,
const mode_t mode,
const int rwx = -1,
const TQString& aclString = TQString(),
const TQString& aclDfltString = TQString() );
bool operator==(const vfile& vf) const;
vfile& operator= (const vfile& vf);
inline bool operator!=(const vfile& vf){ return !((*this)==vf); }
// following functions give-out file details
inline const TQString& vfile_getName() const { return vfile_name; }
inline TDEIO::filesize_t vfile_getSize() const { return vfile_size; }
inline const TQString& vfile_getPerm() const { return vfile_perm; }
inline bool vfile_isDir() const { return vfile_isdir; }
inline bool vfile_isSymLink() const { return vfile_symLink; }
inline const TQString& vfile_getSymDest() const { return vfile_symDest; }
inline mode_t vfile_getMode() const { return vfile_mode; }
inline uid_t vfile_getUid() const { return vfile_ownerId; }
inline gid_t vfile_getGid() const { return vfile_groupId; }
inline time_t vfile_getTime_t() const { return vfile_time_t; }
inline const KURL& vfile_getUrl() const { return vfile_url; }
const TQString& vfile_getMime(bool fast=false);
const TQString& vfile_getOwner();
const TQString& vfile_getGroup();
const TQString& vfile_getACL();
const TQString& vfile_getDefaultACL();
const TDEIO::UDSEntry vfile_getEntry(); //< return the UDSEntry from the vfile
char vfile_isReadable() const;
char vfile_isWriteable() const;
char vfile_isExecutable() const;
* Set the file size.
* used ONLY when calculating a directory's space, needs to change the
* displayed size of the viewitem and thus the vfile. For INTERNAL USE !
inline void vfile_setSize(TDEIO::filesize_t size) {vfile_size = size;}
inline void vfile_setUrl(const KURL& url) {vfile_url = url; }
inline void vfile_setIcon(const TQString& icn) {vfile_icon = icn; }
inline TQString vfile_getIcon();
virtual ~vfile(){}
void vfile_loadACL();
// the file information list
TQString vfile_name; //< file name
TDEIO::filesize_t vfile_size; //< file size
mode_t vfile_mode; //< file mode
uid_t vfile_ownerId; //< file owner id
gid_t vfile_groupId; //< file group id
TQString vfile_owner; //< file owner name
TQString vfile_group; //< file group name
TQString vfile_userName; //< the current username
TQString vfile_perm; //< file permissions string
time_t vfile_time_t; //< file modification in time_t format
bool vfile_symLink; //< true if the file is a symlink
TQString vfile_mimeType; //< file mimetype
TQString vfile_symDest; //< if it's a sym link - its detination
KURL vfile_url; //< file URL - empty by default
TQString vfile_icon; //< the name of the icon file
bool vfile_isdir; //< flag, if it's a directory
int vfile_rwx; //< flag, showing read, write, execute properties
bool vfile_acl_loaded;//<flag, indicates that ACL permissions already loaded
bool vfile_has_acl; //< flag, indicates ACL permissions
TQString vfile_acl; //< ACL permission string
TQString vfile_def_acl; //< ACL default string
TQString vfile::vfile_getIcon(){
if( vfile_icon.isEmpty() ){
TQString mime = this->vfile_getMime();
if ( mime == "Broken Link !" )
vfile_icon = "file_broken";
else {
vfile_icon = KMimeType::mimeType( mime ) ->icon( TQString(), true );
return vfile_icon;