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/* **************************************************************************
konfiguratorpage.h - description
copyright : (C) 2003 by Csaba Karai
e-mail :
web site :
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H e a d e r F i l e
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include "konfiguratoritems.h"
#include <tqframe.h>
#include <tqptrlist.h>
#include <tqgroupbox.h>
#include <tqlabel.h>
#include <tqlayout.h>
* KonfiguratorPage is responsible for handling pages in Konfigurator.
* It provides simple methods for create and manage Konfigurator pages.
* @short The base class of a page in Konfigurator
class KonfiguratorPage : public TQFrame
* The constructor of the KonfiguratorPage class.
* @param firstTime this parameter is true if it is the first call of Konfigurator
* @param parent reference to the parent widget
* @param name name of the newly generated Konfigurator page widget
KonfiguratorPage( bool firstTime, TQWidget* parent, const char* name );
* Applies the changes in the Konfigurator page.
* Writes out all relevent information to the konfiguration object and synchronizes
* it with the file storage (hard disk, krusaderrc file). This function calls the apply()
* method of each konfigurator item and finally performs the synchronization.
* @return a boolean value indicates that Krusader restart is needed for the correct change
virtual bool apply();
* Sets every konfigurator item to its default value on the page.
* This method calls the setDefaults() method of each konfigurator item. This function
* doesn't modify the current configuration, only the values of the GUI items. The
* apply() method must be called for finalizing the changes.
virtual void setDefaults();
* Reloads the original value of each konfigurator item from the configuration object.
* This function calls the loadInitialValue() method of each konfigurator item.
* Used to rollback the changes on the konfigurator page. Called if the user
* responds 'No' to the "Apply changes" question.
virtual void loadInitialValues();
* Checks whether the page was changed.
* This function calls the isChanged() method of each konfigurator item and
* performs logical OR operation on them. Actually, this function returns true
* if any of the konfigurator items was changed.
* @return true if at least one of the konfigurator items was changed
virtual bool isChanged();
* Flag, indicates the first call of Konfigurator
* @return true if konfigurator was started at the first time
inline bool isFirst() {return firstCall;}
* This method is used to query the active subpage from the Konfigurator
* @return the active page (by default the first page)
virtual int activeSubPage() {return FIRST_PAGE;}
* Adds a new checkbox item to the page.
* <br>The checkbox widget's name is TQString(cls + "/" + name).ascii()<br>
* Sample:<br><br>
* KonfiguratorCheckBox *myCheckBox = createCheckBox( "class", "name", false, parentWidget );<br>
* myLayout->addWidget( myCheckBox, 0, 0 );
* @param cls The class name used in TDEConfig (ex. "Archives")
* @param name The item name used in TDEConfig (ex. "Do Tar")
* @param dflt The default value of the checkbox
* @param text The text field of the checkbox
* @param parent Reference to the parent widget
* @param rst The change of this parameter requires Krusader restart
* @param toolTip Tooltip used for this checkbox
* @param pg The subpage of a Konfigurator page (because of setDefaults)
* @return reference to the newly created checkbox
KonfiguratorCheckBox *createCheckBox( TQString cls, TQString name, bool dflt,
TQString text, TQWidget *parent=0, bool rst=false,
TQString toolTip = TQString(), int pg=FIRST_PAGE );
* Adds a new spinbox item to the page.
* <br>The spinbox widget's name is TQString(cls + "/" + name).ascii()<br>
* Sample:<br><br>
* KonfiguratorSpinBox *mySpinBox = createSpinBox( "class", "name", 10, 1, 100, parentWidget );<br>
* myLayout->addWidget( mySpinBox, 0, 0 );
* @param cls The class name used in TDEConfig (ex. "Archives")
* @param name The item name used in TDEConfig (ex. "Do Tar")
* @param dflt The default value of the spinbox
* @param min The minimum value of the spinbox
* @param max The maximum value of the spinbox
* @param parent Reference to the parent widget
* @param rst The change of this parameter requires Krusader restart
* @param pg The subpage of a Konfigurator page (because of setDefaults)
* @return reference to the newly created spinbox
KonfiguratorSpinBox *createSpinBox( TQString cls, TQString name, int dflt, int min,
int max, TQWidget *parent = 0, bool rst = false, int pg=FIRST_PAGE );
* Adds a new editbox item to the page.
* <br>The editbox widget's name is TQString(cls + "/" + name).ascii()<br>
* Sample:<br><br>
* KonfiguratorEditBox *myEditBox = createEditBox( "class", "name", "default", parentWidget );<br>
* myLayout->addWidget( myEditBox, 0, 0 );
* @param cls The class name used in TDEConfig (ex. "Archives")
* @param name The itemname used in TDEConfig (ex. "Do Tar")
* @param dflt The default value of the editbox
* @param parent Reference to the parent widget
* @param rst The change of this parameter requires Krusader restart
* @param pg The subpage of a Konfigurator page (because of setDefaults)
* @return reference to the newly created editbox
KonfiguratorEditBox *createEditBox( TQString cls, TQString name, TQString dflt,
TQWidget *parent=0, bool rst=false, int pg=FIRST_PAGE );
* Adds a new listbox item to the page.
* <br>The listbox widget's name is TQString(cls + "/" + name).ascii()<br>
* Sample:<br><br>
* TQStringList valueList;<br>
* valueList += "item";<br>
* KonfiguratorListBox *myListBox = createListBox( "class", "name", valueList, parentWidget );<br>
* myLayout->addWidget( myListBox, 0, 0 );
* @param cls The class name used in TDEConfig (ex. "Archives")
* @param name The itemname used in TDEConfig (ex. "Do Tar")
* @param dflt The default value of the listbox
* @param parent Reference to the parent widget
* @param rst The change of this parameter requires Krusader restart
* @param pg The subpage of a Konfigurator page (because of setDefaults)
* @return reference to the newly created editbox
KonfiguratorListBox *createListBox( TQString cls, TQString name, TQStringList dflt,
TQWidget *parent=0, bool rst=false, int pg=FIRST_PAGE );
* Adds a new URL requester item to the page.
* <br>The URL requester widget's name is TQString(cls + "/" + name).ascii()<br>
* Sample:<br><br>
* KonfiguratorURLRequester *myURLRequester = createURLRequester( "class", "name", "default", parentWidget );<br>
* myLayout->addWidget( myURLRequester, 0, 0 );
* @param cls The class name used in TDEConfig (ex. "Archives")
* @param name The itemname used in TDEConfig (ex. "Do Tar")
* @param dflt The default value of the URL requester
* @param text The text field of the URL requester
* @param parent Reference to the parent widget
* @param rst The change of this parameter requires Krusader restart
* @param pg The subpage of a Konfigurator page (because of setDefaults)
* @return reference to the newly created URL requester
KonfiguratorURLRequester *createURLRequester( TQString cls, TQString name,
TQString dflt, TQWidget *parent, bool rst, int pg=FIRST_PAGE );
* Adds a new font chooser item to the page.
* <br>The font chooser widget's name is TQString(cls + "/" + name).ascii()<br>
* Sample:<br><br>
* KonfiguratorFontChooser *myFontChooser = createFontChooser( "class", "name", new TQFont(), parentWidget );<br>
* myLayout->addWidget( myFontChooser, 0, 0 );
* @param cls The class name used in TDEConfig (ex. "Archives")
* @param name The item name used in TDEConfig (ex. "Do Tar")
* @param dflt The default value of the font chooser
* @param parent Reference to the parent widget
* @param rst The change of this parameter requires Krusader restart
* @param pg The subpage of a Konfigurator page (because of setDefaults)
* @return reference to the newly created font chooser
KonfiguratorFontChooser *createFontChooser( TQString cls, TQString name, TQFont *dflt,
TQWidget *parent=0, bool rst=false, int pg=FIRST_PAGE );
* Adds a new combobox item to the page.
* <br>The combobox widget's name is TQString(cls + "/" + name).ascii()<br>
* Sample:<br><br>
* &nbsp;{{ i18n( "combo text1" ), "value1" },<br>
* &nbsp;&nbsp;{ i18n( "combo text2" ), "value2" },<br>
* &nbsp;&nbsp;{ i18n( "combo text3" ), "value3" }};<br><br>
* KonfiguratorComboBox *myComboBox = createComboBox( "class", "name", "value2", comboInfo, 3, parentWidget );<br>
* myLayout->addWidget( myComboBox, 0, 0 );
* @param cls The class name used in TDEConfig (ex. "Archives")
* @param name The item name used in TDEConfig (ex. "Do Tar")
* @param dflt The default value of the combobox
* @param params Pointer to the name-value pair array (combo elements)
* @param paramNum Number of the combobox elements
* @param text The text field of the combobox
* @param parent Reference to the parent widget
* @param rst The change of this parameter requires Krusader restart
* @param editable Flag indicates that the combo can be edited
* @param pg The subpage of a Konfigurator page (because of setDefaults)
* @return reference to the newly created combobox
KonfiguratorComboBox *createComboBox( TQString cls, TQString name, TQString dflt,
TQWidget *parent=0, bool rst=false, bool editable=false, int pg=FIRST_PAGE );
* Creates a frame on the page.
* Sample:<br><br>
* TQGroupBox *myGroup = createFrame( i18n( "MyFrameName" ), parentWidget, "frameName" );<br>
* myLayout->addWidget( myGroup, 0, 0 );
* @param text The text written out onto the frame
* @param parent Reference to the parent widget
* @param widgetName The name of the widget
* @return reference to the newly created frame
TQGroupBox *createFrame( TQString text = TQString(), TQWidget *parent=0,
const char *widgetName=0 );
* Creates a new TQGridLayout element and sets its margins.
* Sample:<br><br>
* TQGroupBox *myGroup = createFrame( i18n( "MyFrameName" ), parentWidget, "frameName" );<br>
* TQGridLayout *myLayout = createGridLayout( myGroup->layout() );<br>
* myLayout->addWidget( myGroup, 0, 0 );
* @param parent Reference to the parent layout
* @return reference to the newly created TQGridLayout
TQGridLayout *createGridLayout( TQLayout *parent );
* Adds a new label to a grid layout.
* Sample:<br><br>
* TQGroupBox *myGroup = createFrame( i18n( "MyFrameName" ), parentWidget, "frameName" );<br>
* TQGridLayout *myLayout = createGridLayout( myGroup->layout() );<br>
* addLabel( myLayout, 0, 0, i18n( "Hello world!" ), myGroup, "myLabel" );<br>
* mainLayout->addWidget( myGroup, 0, 0 );
* @param layout The grid layout on which the item will be placed
* @param x the column to which the label will be placed
* @param y the row to which the label will be placed
* @param label the text of the label
* @param parent Reference to the parent widget
* @param widgetName The name of the newly generated label widget
* @return reference to the newly created label
TQLabel *addLabel( TQGridLayout *layout, int x, int y, TQString label,
TQWidget *parent=0, const char *widgetName=0 );
* Creates a spacer object (for justifying in TQHBox).
* Sample:<br><br>
* TQHBox *hbox = new TQHBox( myParent, "hbox" );<br>
* createSpinBox( "class", "spin", 5, 1, 10, hbox );<br>
* createSpacer( hbox, "mySpacer" );<br>
* myLayout->addWidget( hbox, 0, 0 );
* @param parent Reference to the parent widget
* @param widgetName The name of the newly generated label widget
* @return reference to the newly created spacer widget
TQWidget *createSpacer( TQWidget *parent=0, const char *widgetName=0 );
* Creates a separator line.
* Sample:<br><br>
* TQFrame *myLine = createLine( myParent, "myLine" );<br>
* myLayout->addWidget( myLine, 1, 0 );<br>
* @param parent Reference to the parent widget
* @param widgetName The name of the newly generated label widget
* @param vertical Means vertical line
* @return reference to the newly created spacer widget
TQFrame *createLine( TQWidget *parent=0, const char *widgetName=0, bool vertical = false );
* Creates a checkbox group. A checkbox group contains a lot of checkboxes.
* The grouped checkboxes are embedded into one widget, which can be placed anywhere
* on the GUI. The placing of the elements can be horizontal or vertical in the group.
* At horizontal placing the sizex integer defines the maximum element number in
* one row, sizey is 0. At vertical placing sizex is 0, and sizey defines the
* maximum row number in one column. <br>
* One specific element can be reached by its name or index with the find methods.
* The first element is checkBoxGroup->find( 0 ), "myCb" element is checkBoxGroup->find( "myCb" ) ...
* Sample:<br><br>
* &nbsp;{{"CbClass","CbName1", false, i18n( "name1" ), false, "tooltip1"},<br>
* &nbsp;&nbsp;{"CbClass","CbName2", true, i18n( "name2" ), false, "tooltip2"},<br>
* &nbsp;&nbsp;{"CbClass","CbName3", true, i18n( "name3" ), false, "tooltip3"}};<br><br>
* KonfiguratorCheckBoxGroup *myCheckBoxGroup = createCheckBoxGroup( 1, 0, myCBArray, 3, myParent, "myCheckboxGroup" );<br>
* myCheckBoxGroup->find( 0 )->setEnabled( false );<br><br>
* myLayout->addWidget( myCheckBoxGroup, 0, 0 );<br>
* @param sizex the maximum column number at horizontal placing
* @param sizey the maximum row number at vertical placing
* @param params pointer to the checkbox array
* @param paramNum number of the checkbox elements
* @param parent Reference to the parent widget
* @param widgetName The name of the newly created checkbox group widget
* @param pg The subpage of a Konfigurator page (because of setDefaults)
* @return reference to the newly created checkbox group widget
KonfiguratorCheckBoxGroup *createCheckBoxGroup( int sizex, int sizey,
TQWidget *parent=0, const char *widgetName=0, int pg=FIRST_PAGE );
* Creates a radio button group. A radio button group contains a lot of radio buttons.
* The grouped buttons are embedded into one widget, which can be placed anywhere
* on the GUI. The placing of the elements can be horizontal or vertical in the group.
* At horizontal placing the sizex integer defines the maximum element number in
* one row, sizey is 0. At vertical placing sizex is 0, and sizey defines the
* maximum row number in one column.<br>
* The references of the buttons can be accessed by the find methods of KonfiguratorRadioButtons.
* The first element is myRadioGrp->find( 0 ), "myRadio" element is myRadioGrp->find( "myRadio" ) ...
* Sample:<br><br>
* &nbsp;{{ i18n( "radio text1" ), "value1", i18n( "tooltip1" ) },<br>
* &nbsp;&nbsp;{ i18n( "radio text2" ), "value2", i18n( "tooltip2" ) },<br>
* &nbsp;&nbsp;{ i18n( "radio text3" ), "value3", i18n( "tooltip3" ) }};<br><br>
* KonfiguratorRadioButtons *myRadioGroup = createRadioButtonGroup( "class", "name", "value1", 1, 0, radioInfo, 3, myParent, "myRadioGroup" );<br>
* myRadioGroup->find( i18n( "radio text1" ) )->setEnabled( false );<br>
* myLayout->addWidget( myRadioGroup, 0, 0 );<br>
* @param cls The class name used in TDEConfig (ex. "Archives")
* @param name The item name used in TDEConfig (ex. "Do Tar")
* @param dflt The default value of the radio buttons
* @param sizex the maximum column number at horizontal placing
* @param sizey the maximum row number at vertical placing
* @param params pointer to the checkbox array
* @param paramNum number of the checkbox elements
* @param parent Reference to the parent widget
* @param widgetName The name of the newly created button group widget
* @param rst The change of this parameter requires Krusader restart
* @param pg The subpage of a Konfigurator page (because of setDefaults)
* @return reference to the newly created radio button group widget
KonfiguratorRadioButtons *createRadioButtonGroup( TQString cls, TQString name,
TQString dflt, int sizex, int sizey,
KONFIGURATOR_NAME_VALUE_TIP *params, int paramNum,
TQWidget *parent=0, const char *widgetName=0, bool rst=false, int pg=FIRST_PAGE );
* This function is used to insert new, unknown items into KonfiguratorPage. The
* item must be derived from KonfiguratorExtension class, which have
* isChanged(), apply(), setDefaults, loadInitialValue() methods. After that, the
* object is properly handled by Konfigurator page.
* @param item The item to be added to KonfiguratorPage
void registerObject( KonfiguratorExtension *item );
* This function is used to remove elements from KonfiguratorPage.
* Sample:<br><br>
* KonfiguratorEditBox *myEditBox = createEditBox( "class", "name", "default", parentWidget );<br>
* myLayout->addWidget( myEditBox, 0, 0 );<br>
* removeObject( myEditBox->extension() );
* After the removeObject myEditBox will be untouched at apply(), setDefaults(), isChanged(),
* loadInitialValues() methods of the KonfiguratorPage.
* @param item The item to be removed from KonfiguratorPage
void removeObject( KonfiguratorExtension *item );
* Adds a new color chooser combobox item to the page.
* <br>The chooser's widget's name is TQString(cls + "/" + name).ascii()<br>
* Sample:<br><br>
* KonfiguratorColorChooser *myColorChooser = createColorChooser( "class", "name", TQColor( 255, 0, 255 ), parentWidget );<br>
* myLayout->addWidget( myColorChooser, 0, 0 );
* @param cls The class name used in TDEConfig (ex. "Archives")
* @param name The item name used in TDEConfig (ex. "Do Tar")
* @param dflt The default value of the color chooser
* @param parent Reference to the parent widget
* @param rst The change of this parameter requires Krusader restart
* @param addColPtr The additional color values
* @param rst Number of additional colors
* @param pg The subpage of a Konfigurator page (because of setDefaults)
* @return reference to the newly created combobox
KonfiguratorColorChooser *createColorChooser( TQString cls, TQString name, TQColor dflt,
TQWidget *parent=0, bool rst=false,
ADDITIONAL_COLOR *addColPtr = 0, int addColNum = 0, int pg=FIRST_PAGE );
* The signal is emitted if the changed flag was modified in any konfigurator item.
* Used for enabling/disabling the apply button.
void sigChanged();
TQPtrList<KonfiguratorExtension> itemList;
bool firstCall;
* KONFIGURATOR_CHECKBOX_PARAM is the basic item of checkbox arrays. It contains
* every information related to a checkbox.
* The class used in TDEConfig (ex. "Archives")
TQString configClass;
* The item name used in TDEConfig (ex. "Do Tar")
TQString configName;
* The default value of the checkbox
bool defaultValue;
* The text field of the checkbox
TQString text;
* The change of this parameter requires Krusader restart
bool restart;
* The checkbox's tooltip
TQString toolTip;
#endif /* __KONFIGURATOR_PAGE_H__ */