You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

356 lines
11 KiB

copyright : (C) 2000 by Shie Erlich & Rafi Yanai
email :
web site :
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S o u r c e F i l e
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
// System includes
#include <unistd.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <grp.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <klargefile.h>
// TQt includes
#include <tqdatetime.h>
#include <tqdir.h>
// krusader includes
#include <kdeversion.h>
#include "krpermhandler.h"
#include "../resources.h"
TQDict<uid_t> *KRpermHandler::passwdCache = 0L;
TQDict<gid_t> *KRpermHandler::groupCache = 0L;
TQIntDict<char> *KRpermHandler::currentGroups = 0L;
TQIntDict<TQString> *KRpermHandler::uidCache = 0L;
TQIntDict<TQString> *KRpermHandler::gidCache = 0L;
char KRpermHandler::writeable( TQString perm, gid_t gid, uid_t uid, int rwx ) {
if( rwx != -1 )
return ( rwx & W_OK ) ? ALLOWED_PERM : NO_PERM;
// root override
if ( getuid() == 0 )
// first check other permissions.
if ( perm[ 8 ] != '-' ) return ALLOWED_PERM;
// now check group permission
if ( ( perm[ 5 ] != '-' ) && ( currentGroups->find( gid ) ) )
// the last chance - user permissions
if ( ( perm[ 2 ] != '-' ) && ( uid == getuid() ) )
// sorry !
return NO_PERM;
char KRpermHandler::readable( TQString perm, gid_t gid, uid_t uid, int rwx ) {
if( rwx != -1 )
return ( rwx & R_OK ) ? ALLOWED_PERM : NO_PERM;
// root override
if ( getuid() == 0 )
// first check other permissions.
if ( perm[ 7 ] != '-' ) return ALLOWED_PERM;
// now check group permission
if ( ( perm[ 4 ] != '-' ) && ( currentGroups->find( gid ) ) )
// the last chance - user permissions
if ( ( perm[ 1 ] != '-' ) && ( uid == getuid() ) )
// sorry !
return NO_PERM;
char KRpermHandler::executable( TQString perm, gid_t gid, uid_t uid, int rwx ) {
if( rwx != -1 )
return ( rwx & X_OK ) ? ALLOWED_PERM : NO_PERM;
// first check other permissions.
if ( perm[ 9 ] != '-' ) return ALLOWED_PERM;
// now check group permission
if ( ( perm[ 6 ] != '-' ) && ( currentGroups->find( gid ) ) )
// the last chance - user permissions
if ( ( perm[ 3 ] != '-' ) && ( uid == getuid() ) )
// sorry !
return NO_PERM;
bool KRpermHandler::fileWriteable( TQString localFile ) {
KDE_struct_stat stat_p;
if ( KDE_stat( localFile.local8Bit(), &stat_p ) == -1 ) return false;
mode_t m = stat_p.st_mode;
TQString perm = mode2TQString( m );
return writeable( perm, stat_p.st_gid, stat_p.st_uid );
bool KRpermHandler::fileReadable( TQString localFile ) {
KDE_struct_stat stat_p;
if ( KDE_stat( localFile.local8Bit(), &stat_p ) == -1 ) return false;
mode_t m = stat_p.st_mode;
TQString perm = mode2TQString( m );
return readable( perm, stat_p.st_gid, stat_p.st_uid );
bool KRpermHandler::fileExecutable( TQString localFile ) {
KDE_struct_stat stat_p;
if ( KDE_stat( localFile.local8Bit(), &stat_p ) == -1 ) return false;
mode_t m = stat_p.st_mode;
TQString perm = mode2TQString( m );
return executable( perm, stat_p.st_gid, stat_p.st_uid );
TQString KRpermHandler::mode2TQString( mode_t m ) {
char perm[ 11 ];
for( int i=0; i != 10; i++ )
perm[ i ] = '-';
perm[ 10 ] = 0;
if ( S_ISLNK( m ) ) perm[ 0 ] = 'l'; // check for symLink
if ( S_ISDIR( m ) ) perm[ 0 ] = 'd'; // check for directory
//ReadUser = 0400, WriteUser = 0200, ExeUser = 0100, Suid = 04000
if ( m & 0400 ) perm[ 1 ] = 'r';
if ( m & 0200 ) perm[ 2 ] = 'w';
if ( m & 0100 ) perm[ 3 ] = 'x';
if ( m & 04000 ) perm[ 3 ] = 's';
//ReadGroup = 0040, WriteGroup = 0020, ExeGroup = 0010, Gid = 02000
if ( m & 0040 ) perm[ 4 ] = 'r';
if ( m & 0020 ) perm[ 5 ] = 'w';
if ( m & 0010 ) perm[ 6 ] = 'x';
if ( m & 02000 ) perm[ 6 ] = 's';
//ReadOther = 0004, WriteOther = 0002, ExeOther = 0001, Sticky = 01000
if ( m & 0004 ) perm[ 7 ] = 'r';
if ( m & 0002 ) perm[ 8 ] = 'w';
if ( m & 0001 ) perm[ 9 ] = 'x';
if ( m & 01000 ) perm[ 9 ] = 't';
return TQString( perm );
void KRpermHandler::init() {
// set the umask to 022
//umask( 022 );
// 50 groups should be enough
gid_t groupList[ 50 ];
int groupNo = getgroups( 50, groupList );
// init the groups and user caches
passwdCache = new TQDict<uid_t>( 317 );
groupCache = new TQDict<gid_t>( 317 );
currentGroups = new TQIntDict<char>( 317 );
uidCache = new TQIntDict<TQString>( 317 );
gidCache = new TQIntDict<TQString>( 317 );
passwdCache->setAutoDelete( true );
groupCache->setAutoDelete( true );
currentGroups->setAutoDelete( true );
uidCache->setAutoDelete( true );
gidCache->setAutoDelete( true );
// fill the UID cache
struct passwd *pass;
uid_t* uid_temp;
while ( ( pass = getpwent() ) != 0L ) {
uid_temp = new uid_t( pass->pw_uid );
passwdCache->insert( pass->pw_name, uid_temp );
uidCache->insert( pass->pw_uid, new TQString( pass->pw_name ) );
delete pass;
// fill the GID cache
struct group *gr;
gid_t* gid_temp;
while ( ( gr = getgrent() ) != 0L ) {
gid_temp = new gid_t( gr->gr_gid );
groupCache->insert( gr->gr_name, gid_temp );
gidCache->insert( gr->gr_gid, new TQString( gr->gr_name ) );
delete gr;
// fill the groups for the current user
char * t = new char( 1 );
for ( int i = 0; i < groupNo; ++i ) {
currentGroups->insert( groupList[ i ], t );
// just to be sure add the effective gid...
currentGroups->insert( getegid(), t );
char KRpermHandler::ftpWriteable ( TQString fileOwner, TQString userName, TQString perm ) {
// first check other permissions.
if ( perm[ 8 ] != '-' ) return ALLOWED_PERM;
// can't check group permission !
// so check the user permissions
if ( ( perm[ 2 ] != '-' ) && ( fileOwner == userName ) )
if ( ( perm[ 2 ] != '-' ) && ( userName.isEmpty() ) )
if ( perm[ 5 ] != '-' ) return UNKNOWN_PERM;
return NO_PERM;
char KRpermHandler::ftpReadable ( TQString fileOwner, TQString userName, TQString perm ) {
// first check other permissions.
if ( perm[ 7 ] != '-' ) return ALLOWED_PERM;
// can't check group permission !
// so check the user permissions
if ( ( perm[ 1 ] != '-' ) && ( fileOwner == userName ) )
if ( ( perm[ 1 ] != '-' ) && ( userName.isEmpty() ) )
if ( perm[ 4 ] != '-' ) return UNKNOWN_PERM;
return NO_PERM;
char KRpermHandler::ftpExecutable( TQString fileOwner, TQString userName, TQString perm ) {
// first check other permissions.
if ( perm[ 9 ] != '-' ) return ALLOWED_PERM;
// can't check group permission !
// so check the user permissions
if ( ( perm[ 3 ] != '-' ) && ( fileOwner == userName ) )
if ( ( perm[ 3 ] != '-' ) && ( userName.isEmpty() ) )
if ( perm[ 6 ] != '-' ) return UNKNOWN_PERM;
return NO_PERM;
bool KRpermHandler::dirExist( TQString path ) {
DIR * dir = opendir( path.local8Bit() );
if ( !dir ) return false;
closedir( dir ); // bug fix Karai Csaba (ckarai)
return true;
bool KRpermHandler::fileExist( TQString fullPath ) {
if ( fullPath.right( 1 ) == "/" ) fullPath = fullPath.left( fullPath.length() - 1 ) ;
if ( fullPath.left( 1 ) != "/" ) return fileExist( "/", fullPath );
return fileExist( fullPath.left( fullPath.findRev( "/" ) ) ,
fullPath.mid( fullPath.findRev( "/" ) + 1 ) );
bool KRpermHandler::fileExist( TQString path, TQString name ) {
if ( TQDir( path ).exists( name ) ) return true;
DIR* dir = opendir( path.local8Bit() );
if ( !dir ) return false;
struct dirent* dirEnt;
while ( ( dirEnt = readdir( dir ) ) ) {
if ( dirEnt->d_name == name ) {
closedir( dir );
return true;
closedir( dir );
return false;
TQString KRpermHandler::parseSize( KIO::filesize_t val ) {
return KGlobal::locale()->formatNumber(TQString::number(val), false, 0);
return KGlobal::locale()->formatNumber(val);
#if 0
TQString temp;
temp.sprintf( "%llu", val );
if ( temp.length() <= 3 ) return temp;
unsigned int i = temp.length() % 3;
if ( i == 0 ) i = 3;
TQString size = temp.left( i ) + ",";
while ( i + 3 < temp.length() ) {
size = size + temp.mid( i, 3 ) + ",";
i += 3;
size = size + temp.right( 3 );
return size;
TQString KRpermHandler::date2qstring( TQString date ) {
TQString temp;
int year;
year = date[ 6 ].digitValue() * 10 + date[ 7 ].digitValue();
year > 80 ? year += 1900 : year += 2000;
temp.sprintf( "%d", year );
temp = temp + date[ 3 ] + date[ 4 ] + date[ 0 ] + date[ 1 ] + date[ 9 ] + date[ 10 ] + date[ 12 ] + date[ 13 ];
return temp;
time_t KRpermHandler::TQString2time( TQString date ) {
struct tm t;
t.tm_sec = 0;
t.tm_min = ( TQString( date[ 12 ] ) + TQString( date[ 13 ] ) ).toInt();
t.tm_hour = ( TQString( date[ 9 ] ) + TQString( date[ 10 ] ) ).toInt();
t.tm_mday = ( TQString( date[ 0 ] ) + TQString( date[ 1 ] ) ).toInt();
t.tm_mon = ( TQString( date[ 3 ] ) + TQString( date[ 4 ] ) ).toInt() - 1;
t.tm_year = ( TQString( date[ 6 ] ) + TQString( date[ 7 ] ) ).toInt();
if ( t.tm_year < 70 ) t.tm_year += 100;
t.tm_isdst = -1; // daylight saving time information isn't availble
return mktime( &t );
gid_t KRpermHandler::group2gid( TQString group ) {
gid_t * gid = groupCache->find( group );
if ( gid ) return * gid;
return getgid();
uid_t KRpermHandler::user2uid ( TQString user ) {
uid_t * uid = passwdCache->find( user );
if ( uid ) return * uid;
return getuid();
TQString KRpermHandler::gid2group( gid_t groupId ) {
TQString * group = gidCache->find( groupId );
if ( group ) return * group;
return TQString( "???" );
TQString KRpermHandler::uid2user ( uid_t userId ) {
TQString * user = uidCache->find( userId );
if ( user ) return * user;
return TQString( "???" );