/*************************************************************************** synchronizerdirlist.h - description ------------------- copyright : (C) 2006 + by Csaba Karai e-mail : krusader@users.sourceforge.net web site : http://krusader.sourceforge.net --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description *************************************************************************** A db dD d8888b. db db .d8888. .d8b. d8888b. d88888b d8888b. 88 ,8P' 88 `8D 88 88 88' YP d8' `8b 88 `8D 88' 88 `8D 88,8P 88oobY' 88 88 `8bo. 88ooo88 88 88 88ooooo 88oobY' 88`8b 88`8b 88 88 `Y8b. 88~~~88 88 88 88~~~~~ 88`8b 88 `88. 88 `88. 88b d88 db 8D 88 88 88 .8D 88. 88 `88. YP YD 88 YD ~Y8888P' `8888Y' YP YP Y8888D' Y88888P 88 YD H e a d e r F i l e *************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #ifndef __SYNCHRONIZER_DIR_LIST_H__ #define __SYNCHRONIZER_DIR_LIST_H__ #include #include #include "../VFS/vfile.h" #include class SynchronizerDirList : public TQObject, public TQDict { Q_OBJECT TQ_OBJECT public: SynchronizerDirList( TQWidget *w, bool ignoreHidden ); ~SynchronizerDirList(); vfile * search( const TQString &name, bool ignoreCase = false ); vfile * first(); vfile * next(); inline const TQString & url() { return currentUrl; } bool load( const TQString &urlIn, bool wait=false ); public slots: void slotEntries( KIO::Job * job, const KIO::UDSEntryList& entries ); void slotListResult( KIO::Job *job ); signals: void finished( bool err ); private: TQDictIterator *fileIterator; //< Point to a dictionary of virtual files (vfile). TQWidget *parentWidget; bool busy; bool result; bool ignoreHidden; TQString currentUrl; }; #endif /* __SYNCHRONIZER_DIR_LIST_H__ */