/*************************************************************************** krbriefview.cpp ------------------- copyright : (C) 2000-2007 by Shie Erlich & Rafi Yanai & Csaba Karai e-mail : krusader@users.sourceforge.net web site : http://krusader.sourceforge.net --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description *************************************************************************** A db dD d8888b. db db .d8888. .d8b. d8888b. d88888b d8888b. 88 ,8P' 88 `8D 88 88 88' YP d8' `8b 88 `8D 88' 88 `8D 88,8P 88oobY' 88 88 `8bo. 88ooo88 88 88 88ooooo 88oobY' 88`8b 88`8b 88 88 `Y8b. 88~~~88 88 88 88~~~~~ 88`8b 88 `88. 88 `88. 88b d88 db 8D 88 88 88 .8D 88. 88 `88. YP YD 88 YD ~Y8888P' `8888Y' YP YP Y8888D' Y88888P 88 YD S o u r c e F i l e *************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "krbriefview.h" #include "krbriefviewitem.h" #include "krcolorcache.h" #include "krselectionmode.h" #include "../krusader.h" #include "../kicons.h" #include "../defaults.h" #include "../krslots.h" #include "../VFS/krarchandler.h" #include "../VFS/krquery.h" #include "../Dialogs/krspecialwidgets.h" #include #include #define CANCEL_TWO_CLICK_RENAME {singleClicked = false;renameTimer.stop();} #define PROPS static_cast(_properties) #define MAX_COLS 5 #define VF getVfile() class KrBriefViewToolTip : public TQToolTip { public: KrBriefViewToolTip( KrBriefView *view, TQWidget *parent ); void maybeTip( const TQPoint &pos ); virtual ~KrBriefViewToolTip() {} private: KrBriefView *view; }; KrBriefViewToolTip::KrBriefViewToolTip( KrBriefView *lv, TQWidget *parent ) : TQToolTip( parent ), view( lv ) { } void KrBriefViewToolTip::maybeTip( const TQPoint &pos ) { TQIconViewItem *item = view->findItem( view->viewportToContents( pos ) ); if ( !item ) return; int width = TQFontMetrics( view->font() ).width( item->text() ) + 4; TQRect r = item->rect(); r.setTopLeft( view->contentsToViewport( r.topLeft() ) ); if( width > item->textRect().width() ) tip( r, item->text() ); } KrBriefView::KrBriefView( TQHeader * headerIn, TQWidget *parent, bool &left, KConfig *cfg, const char *name ): KIconView(parent, name), KrView( cfg ), header( headerIn ), _currDragItem( 0 ), currentlyRenamedItem( 0 ), pressedItem( 0 ), mouseEvent( 0 ) { setWidget( this ); _nameInKConfig = TQString( "KrBriefView" ) + TQString( ( left ? "Left" : "Right" ) ); krConfig->setGroup("Private"); if (krConfig->readBoolEntry("Enable Input Method", true)) setInputMethodEnabled(true); toolTip = new KrBriefViewToolTip( this, viewport() ); } void KrBriefView::setup() { lastSwushPosition = 0; // use the {} so that KConfigGroupSaver will work correctly! KConfigGroupSaver grpSvr( _config, "Look&Feel" ); setFont( _config->readFontEntry( "Filelist Font", _FilelistFont ) ); // decide on single click/double click selection if ( _config->readBoolEntry( "Single Click Selects", _SingleClickSelects ) && KGlobalSettings::singleClick() ) { connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( executed( TQIconViewItem* ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotExecuted( TQIconViewItem* ) ) ); } else { connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked( TQIconViewItem* ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotClicked( TQIconViewItem* ) ) ); connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( doubleClicked( TQIconViewItem* ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotDoubleClicked( TQIconViewItem* ) ) ); } // a change in the selection needs to update totals connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( onItem( TQIconViewItem* ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotItemDescription( TQIconViewItem* ) ) ); connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( contextMenuRequested( TQIconViewItem*, const TQPoint& ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( handleContextMenu( TQIconViewItem*, const TQPoint& ) ) ); connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( rightButtonPressed(TQIconViewItem*, const TQPoint&)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotRightButtonPressed(TQIconViewItem*, const TQPoint&))); connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( currentChanged( TQIconViewItem* ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( setNameToMakeCurrent( TQIconViewItem* ) ) ); connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( currentChanged( TQIconViewItem* ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( transformCurrentChanged( TQIconViewItem* ) ) ); connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( mouseButtonClicked ( int, TQIconViewItem *, const TQPoint & ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotMouseClicked ( int, TQIconViewItem *, const TQPoint & ) ) ); connect( &KrColorCache::getColorCache(), TQT_SIGNAL( colorsRefreshed() ), this, TQT_SLOT( refreshColors() ) ); // add whatever columns are needed to the listview krConfig->setGroup( nameInKConfig() ); // determine basic settings for the view setAcceptDrops( true ); setItemsMovable( false ); setItemTextPos( TQIconView::Right ); setArrangement( TQIconView::TopToBottom ); setWordWrapIconText( false ); setSpacing( 0 ); horizontalScrollBar()->installEventFilter( this ); // allow in-place renaming connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( itemRenamed ( TQIconViewItem * ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( inplaceRenameFinished( TQIconViewItem * ) ) ); connect( &renameTimer, TQT_SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, TQT_SLOT( renameCurrentItem() ) ); connect( &contextMenuTimer, TQT_SIGNAL (timeout()), this, TQT_SLOT (showContextMenu())); setSelectionMode( TQIconView::Extended ); setFocusPolicy( TQ_StrongFocus ); restoreSettings(); refreshColors(); CANCEL_TWO_CLICK_RENAME; // setting the header while( header->count() ) header->removeLabel( 0 ); header->addLabel( i18n( "Name" ) ); header->setStretchEnabled( true ); header->setSortIndicator( 0, sortDirection() ? TQt::Ascending : TQt::Descending ); connect( header, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked( int )), this, TQT_SLOT( changeSortOrder())); header->installEventFilter( this ); header->show(); } KrBriefView::~KrBriefView() { delete _properties; _properties = 0; delete _operator; _operator = 0; if( mouseEvent ) delete mouseEvent; mouseEvent = 0; delete toolTip; } void KrBriefView::resizeEvent ( TQResizeEvent * resEvent ) { TQPoint pnt( contentsX(), contentsY() ); TQRect viewportRect( pnt, resEvent->oldSize() ); bool visible = false; if( currentItem() ) visible = viewportRect.contains( currentItem()->rect() ); KIconView::resizeEvent( resEvent ); redrawColumns(); if( visible && currentItem() ) ensureItemVisible( currentItem() ); } void KrBriefView::redrawColumns() { bool ascending = sortDirection(); setSorting( false, ascending ); setGridX( width() / PROPS->numberOfColumns ); // QT bug, it's important for recalculating the bounding rectangle for( TQIconViewItem * item = firstItem(); item; item = item->nextItem() ) { TQString txt = item->text(); item->setText( "" ); item->setText( txt ); } setSorting( true, ascending ); arrangeItemsInGrid(); } // if vfile passes the filter, create an item, otherwise, drop it KrViewItem *KrBriefView::preAddItem( vfile *vf ) { bool isDir = vf->vfile_isDir(); if ( !isDir || ( isDir && ( _properties->filter & KrViewProperties::ApplyToDirs ) ) ) { switch ( _properties->filter ) { case KrViewProperties::All : break; case KrViewProperties::Custom : if ( !_properties->filterMask.match( vf ) ) return 0; break; case KrViewProperties::Dirs: if ( !vf->vfile_isDir() ) return 0; break; case KrViewProperties::Files: if ( vf->vfile_isDir() ) return 0; break; case KrViewProperties::ApplyToDirs : break; // no-op, stop compiler complaints } } // passed the filter ... return new KrBriefViewItem( this, lastItem(), vf ); } bool KrBriefView::preDelItem(KrViewItem *item) { if( item ) { KrBriefViewItem * viewItem = dynamic_cast( item ); if( viewItem == currentlyRenamedItem ) { currentlyRenamedItem->cancelRename(); currentlyRenamedItem = 0; } } return true; } void KrBriefView::addItems( vfs *v, bool addUpDir ) { TQIconViewItem * item = firstItem(); TQIconViewItem * currentItem = item; // add the up-dir arrow if needed if ( addUpDir ) { new KrBriefViewItem( this, ( TQIconViewItem* ) 0L, ( vfile* ) 0L ); } // text for updating the status bar TQString statusText = TQString("%1/ ").tqarg( v->vfs_getOrigin().fileName() ) + i18n("Directory"); bool as = sortDirection(); setSorting( false, as ); // disable sorting for ( vfile * vf = v->vfs_getFirstFile(); vf != 0 ; vf = v->vfs_getNextFile() ) { bool isDir = vf->vfile_isDir(); if ( !isDir || ( isDir && ( _properties->filter & KrViewProperties::ApplyToDirs ) ) ) { switch ( _properties->filter ) { case KrViewProperties::All : break; case KrViewProperties::Custom : if ( !_properties->filterMask.match( vf ) ) continue; break; case KrViewProperties::Dirs: if ( !vf->vfile_isDir() ) continue; break; case KrViewProperties::Files: if ( vf->vfile_isDir() ) continue; break; case KrViewProperties::ApplyToDirs : break; // no-op, stop compiler complaints } } KrBriefViewItem *bvitem = new KrBriefViewItem( this, item, vf ); _dict.insert( vf->vfile_getName(), bvitem ); if ( isDir ) ++_numDirs; else _countSize += bvitem->VF->vfile_getSize(); ++_count; // if the item should be current - make it so if ( bvitem->name() == nameToMakeCurrent() ) { currentItem = static_cast(bvitem); statusText = bvitem->description(); } } // re-enable sorting setSorting( true, as ); sort( as ); if ( !currentItem ) currentItem = firstItem(); KIconView::setCurrentItem( currentItem ); ensureItemVisible( currentItem ); op()->emitItemDescription( statusText ); } void KrBriefView::delItem( const TQString &name ) { KrView::delItem( name ); arrangeItemsInGrid(); } TQString KrBriefView::getCurrentItem() const { TQIconViewItem * it = currentItem(); if ( !it ) return TQString(); else return dynamic_cast( it ) ->name(); } void KrBriefView::setCurrentItem( const TQString& name ) { KrBriefViewItem * it = dynamic_cast(_dict[ name ]); if ( it ) KIconView::setCurrentItem( it ); } void KrBriefView::clear() { if( currentlyRenamedItem ) { currentlyRenamedItem->cancelRename(); currentlyRenamedItem = 0; } op()->emitSelectionChanged(); /* to avoid rename crash at refresh */ KIconView::clear(); KrView::clear(); } void KrBriefView::slotClicked( TQIconViewItem *item ) { if ( !item ) return ; if ( !modifierPressed ) { if ( singleClicked && !renameTimer.isActive() ) { KConfig * config = KGlobal::config(); config->setGroup( "KDE" ); int doubleClickInterval = config->readNumEntry( "DoubleClickInterval", 400 ); int msecsFromLastClick = clickTime.msecsTo( TQTime::currentTime() ); if ( msecsFromLastClick > doubleClickInterval && msecsFromLastClick < 5 * doubleClickInterval ) { singleClicked = false; renameTimer.start( doubleClickInterval, true ); return ; } } CANCEL_TWO_CLICK_RENAME; singleClicked = true; clickTime = TQTime::currentTime(); clickedItem = item; } } void KrBriefView::slotDoubleClicked( TQIconViewItem *item ) { CANCEL_TWO_CLICK_RENAME; if ( !item ) return ; TQString tmp = dynamic_cast( item ) ->name(); op()->emitExecuted(tmp); } void KrBriefView::prepareForActive() { KrView::prepareForActive(); setFocus(); slotItemDescription( currentItem() ); } void KrBriefView::prepareForPassive() { KrView::prepareForPassive(); CANCEL_TWO_CLICK_RENAME; KConfigGroupSaver grpSvr( _config, "Look&Feel" ); if ( _config->readBoolEntry( "New Style Quicksearch", _NewStyleQuicksearch ) ) { if ( MAIN_VIEW ) { if ( ACTIVE_PANEL ) { if ( ACTIVE_PANEL->quickSearch ) { if ( ACTIVE_PANEL->quickSearch->isShown() ) { stopQuickSearch( 0 ); } } } } } } void KrBriefView::slotItemDescription( TQIconViewItem * item ) { KrViewItem * it = static_cast( item ); if ( !it ) return ; TQString desc = it->description(); op()->emitItemDescription(desc); } void KrBriefView::handleQuickSearchEvent( TQKeyEvent * e ) { switch ( e->key() ) { case Key_Insert: { TQKeyEvent ev = TQKeyEvent( TQKeyEvent::KeyPress, Key_Space, 0, 0 ); KIconView::keyPressEvent( & ev ); ev = TQKeyEvent( TQKeyEvent::KeyPress, Key_Down, 0, 0 ); keyPressEvent( & ev ); break; } case Key_Home: { TQIconView::setCurrentItem( firstItem() ); TQKeyEvent ev = TQKeyEvent( TQKeyEvent::KeyPress, Key_Down, 0, 0 ); keyPressEvent( & ev ); break; } case Key_End: { TQIconView::setCurrentItem( firstItem() ); TQKeyEvent ev = TQKeyEvent( TQKeyEvent::KeyPress, Key_Up, 0, 0 ); keyPressEvent( & ev ); break; } } } void KrBriefView::slotCurrentChanged( TQIconViewItem * item ) { CANCEL_TWO_CLICK_RENAME; if ( !item ) return ; _nameToMakeCurrent = static_cast( item ) ->name(); } void KrBriefView::contentsMousePressEvent( TQMouseEvent * e ) { bool callDefaultHandler = true, processEvent = true, selectionChanged = false; pressedItem = 0; e = transformMouseEvent( e ); TQIconViewItem * oldCurrent = currentItem(); TQIconViewItem *newCurrent = findItem( e->pos() ); if (e->button() == Qt::RightButton) { if (KrSelectionMode::getSelectionHandler()->rightButtonSelects() || (((e->state() & ShiftButton) || (e->state() & ControlButton))) && KrSelectionMode::getSelectionHandler()->shiftCtrlRightButtonSelects()) { if (KrSelectionMode::getSelectionHandler()->rightButtonPreservesSelection() && !(e->state() & ShiftButton) && !(e->state() & ControlButton) && !(e->state() & AltButton)) { if (newCurrent) { if (KrSelectionMode::getSelectionHandler()->showContextMenu() >= 0) { swushSelects = !newCurrent->isSelected(); lastSwushPosition = newCurrent; } newCurrent->setSelected(!newCurrent->isSelected(), true); newCurrent->tqrepaint(); selectionChanged = true; } callDefaultHandler = false; processEvent = false; e->accept(); } if( !KrSelectionMode::getSelectionHandler()->rightButtonPreservesSelection() && KrSelectionMode::getSelectionHandler()->showContextMenu() >= 0) { if( (e->state() & ControlButton) && !(e->state() & AltButton) ) { if( newCurrent ) { newCurrent->setSelected(!newCurrent->isSelected()); newCurrent->tqrepaint(); selectionChanged = true; callDefaultHandler = false; e->accept(); } } else if( !(e->state() & ControlButton) && !(e->state() & AltButton) ) { clearSelection(); if( newCurrent ) { newCurrent->setSelected( true ); newCurrent->tqrepaint(); } selectionChanged = true; callDefaultHandler = false; e->accept(); } } } else { callDefaultHandler = false; processEvent = false; e->accept(); } } if (e->button() == Qt::LeftButton) { dragStartPos = e->pos(); if (KrSelectionMode::getSelectionHandler()->leftButtonSelects() || (((e->state() & ShiftButton) || (e->state() & ControlButton))) && KrSelectionMode::getSelectionHandler()->shiftCtrlLeftButtonSelects()) { if (KrSelectionMode::getSelectionHandler()->leftButtonPreservesSelection() && !(e->state() & ShiftButton) && !(e->state() & ControlButton) && !(e->state() & AltButton)) { if (newCurrent) { newCurrent->setSelected(!newCurrent->isSelected(), true); newCurrent->tqrepaint(); selectionChanged = true; } callDefaultHandler = false; processEvent = false; e->accept(); } } else { callDefaultHandler = false; processEvent = false; e->accept(); } } modifierPressed = false; if ( (e->state() & ShiftButton) || (e->state() & ControlButton) || (e->state() & AltButton) ) { CANCEL_TWO_CLICK_RENAME; modifierPressed = true; } // stop quick search in case a mouse click occured KConfigGroupSaver grpSvr( _config, "Look&Feel" ); if ( _config->readBoolEntry( "New Style Quicksearch", _NewStyleQuicksearch ) ) { if ( MAIN_VIEW ) { if ( ACTIVE_PANEL ) { if ( ACTIVE_PANEL->quickSearch ) { if ( ACTIVE_PANEL->quickSearch->isShown() ) { stopQuickSearch( 0 ); } } } } } if ( !_focused ) op()->emitNeedFocus(); setFocus(); if (processEvent && ( (e->state() & ShiftButton) || (e->state() & ControlButton) || (e->state() & AltButton) ) && !KrSelectionMode::getSelectionHandler()->useTQTSelection()){ if ( oldCurrent && newCurrent && oldCurrent != newCurrent && e->state() & ShiftButton ) { int oldPos = oldCurrent->index(); int newPos = newCurrent->index(); TQIconViewItem *top = 0, *bottom = 0; if ( oldPos > newPos ) { top = newCurrent; bottom = oldCurrent; } else { top = oldCurrent; bottom = newCurrent; } while( top ) { if ( !top->isSelected() ) { top->setSelected( true, true ); selectionChanged = true; } if ( top == bottom ) break; top = top->nextItem(); } TQIconView::setCurrentItem( newCurrent ); callDefaultHandler = false; } if( e->state() & ShiftButton ) callDefaultHandler = false; } if (selectionChanged) updateView(); // don't call triggerUpdate directly! if (callDefaultHandler) { dragStartPos = TQPoint( -1, -1 ); TQString name = TQString(); // will the file be deleted by the mouse event? if( newCurrent ) // save the name of the file name = static_cast( newCurrent ) ->name(); KIconView::contentsMousePressEvent( e ); if( name.isEmpty() || _dict.find( name ) == 0 ) // is the file still valid? newCurrent = 0; // if not, don't do any crash... } else { // emitting the missing signals from TQIconView::contentsMousePressEvent(); // the right click signal is not emitted as it is used for selection TQPoint vp = contentsToViewport( e->pos() ); if( !newCurrent ) { emit pressed( pressedItem = newCurrent ); emit pressed( newCurrent, viewport()->mapToGlobal( vp ) ); } emit mouseButtonPressed( e->button(), newCurrent, viewport()->mapToGlobal( vp ) ); } // if (i != 0) // comment in, if click sould NOT select // setSelected(i, FALSE); if (newCurrent) TQIconView::setCurrentItem(newCurrent); if ( ACTIVE_PANEL->quickSearch->isShown() ) { ACTIVE_PANEL->quickSearch->hide(); ACTIVE_PANEL->quickSearch->clear(); krDirUp->setEnabled( true ); } if ( OTHER_PANEL->quickSearch->isShown() ) { OTHER_PANEL->quickSearch->hide(); OTHER_PANEL->quickSearch->clear(); krDirUp->setEnabled( true ); } } void KrBriefView::contentsMouseReleaseEvent( TQMouseEvent * e ) { if (e->button() == Qt::RightButton) contextMenuTimer.stop(); e = transformMouseEvent( e ); KIconView::contentsMouseReleaseEvent( e ); if( pressedItem ) { TQPoint vp = contentsToViewport( e->pos() ); TQIconViewItem *newCurrent = findItem( e->pos() ); if( pressedItem == newCurrent ) { // emitting the missing signals from TQIconView::contentsMouseReleaseEvent(); // the right click signal is not emitted as it is used for selection if( !newCurrent ) { emit clicked( newCurrent ); emit clicked( newCurrent, viewport()->mapToGlobal( vp ) ); } emit mouseButtonClicked( e->button(), newCurrent, viewport()->mapToGlobal( vp ) ); } pressedItem = 0; } } void KrBriefView::contentsMouseMoveEvent ( TQMouseEvent * e ) { e = transformMouseEvent( e ); if ( ( singleClicked || renameTimer.isActive() ) && findItem( e->pos() ) != clickedItem ) CANCEL_TWO_CLICK_RENAME; if ( dragStartPos != TQPoint( -1, -1 ) && e->state() & Qt::LeftButton && ( dragStartPos - e->pos() ).manhattanLength() > TQApplication::startDragDistance() ) startDrag(); if (KrSelectionMode::getSelectionHandler()->rightButtonPreservesSelection() && KrSelectionMode::getSelectionHandler()->rightButtonSelects() && KrSelectionMode::getSelectionHandler()->showContextMenu() >= 0 && e->state() == Qt::RightButton) { TQIconViewItem *newItem = findItem( e->pos() ); e->accept(); if (newItem != lastSwushPosition && newItem) { // is the new item above or below the previous one? TQIconViewItem * above = newItem; TQIconViewItem * below = newItem; for (;(above || below) && above != lastSwushPosition && below != lastSwushPosition;) { if (above) above = above->nextItem(); if (below) below = below->prevItem(); } if (above && (above == lastSwushPosition)) { for (; above != newItem; above = above->prevItem()) above->setSelected(swushSelects,true); newItem->setSelected(swushSelects,true); lastSwushPosition = newItem; updateView(); } else if (below && (below == lastSwushPosition)) { for (; below != newItem; below = below->nextItem()) below->setSelected(swushSelects,true); newItem->setSelected(swushSelects,true); lastSwushPosition = newItem; updateView(); } contextMenuTimer.stop(); } // emitting the missing signals from TQIconView::contentsMouseMoveEvent(); if( newItem ) emit onItem( newItem ); else emit onViewport(); } else KIconView::contentsMouseMoveEvent( e ); } void KrBriefView::contentsMouseDoubleClickEvent ( TQMouseEvent * e ) { e = transformMouseEvent ( e ); KIconView::contentsMouseDoubleClickEvent( e ); } void KrBriefView::handleContextMenu( TQIconViewItem * it, const TQPoint & pos ) { if ( !_focused ) op()->emitNeedFocus(); setFocus(); if ( !it ) return ; if ( static_cast( it ) -> name() == ".." ) return ; int i = KrSelectionMode::getSelectionHandler()->showContextMenu(); contextMenuPoint = TQPoint( pos.x(), pos.y() ); if (i < 0) showContextMenu(); else if (i > 0) contextMenuTimer.start(i, true); } void KrBriefView::showContextMenu() { if (lastSwushPosition) lastSwushPosition->setSelected(true); op()->emitContextMenu( contextMenuPoint ); } KrViewItem *KrBriefView::getKrViewItemAt( const TQPoint & vp ) { return dynamic_cast( KIconView::findItem( vp ) ); } bool KrBriefView::acceptDrag( TQDropEvent* ) const { return true; } void KrBriefView::contentsDropEvent( TQDropEvent * e ) { _currDragItem = 0; op()->emitGotDrop(e); e->ignore(); KIconView::contentsDropEvent( e ); } void KrBriefView::contentsDragMoveEvent( TQDragMoveEvent * e ) { KrViewItem *oldDragItem = _currDragItem; _currDragItem = getKrViewItemAt( e->pos() ); if( _currDragItem && !_currDragItem->VF->vfile_isDir() ) _currDragItem = 0; KIconView::contentsDragMoveEvent( e ); if( _currDragItem != oldDragItem ) { if( oldDragItem ) dynamic_cast( oldDragItem )->tqrepaint(); if( _currDragItem ) dynamic_cast( _currDragItem )->tqrepaint(); } } void KrBriefView::contentsDragLeaveEvent ( TQDragLeaveEvent *e ) { KrViewItem *oldDragItem = _currDragItem; _currDragItem = 0; KIconView::contentsDragLeaveEvent( e ); if( oldDragItem ) dynamic_cast( oldDragItem )->tqrepaint(); } void KrBriefView::imStartEvent(TQIMEvent* e) { if ( ACTIVE_PANEL->quickSearch->isShown() ) { ACTIVE_PANEL->quickSearch->myIMStartEvent( e ); return ; }else { KConfigGroupSaver grpSvr( _config, "Look&Feel" ); if ( !_config->readBoolEntry( "New Style Quicksearch", _NewStyleQuicksearch ) ) KIconView::imStartEvent( e ); else { // first, show the quicksearch if its hidden if ( ACTIVE_PANEL->quickSearch->isHidden() ) { ACTIVE_PANEL->quickSearch->show(); // hack: if the pressed key requires a scroll down, the selected // item is "below" the quick search window, as the icon view will // realize its new size after the key processing. The following line // will resize the icon view immediately. ACTIVE_PANEL->tqlayout->activate(); // second, we need to disable the dirup action - hack! krDirUp->setEnabled( false ); } // now, send the key to the quicksearch ACTIVE_PANEL->quickSearch->myIMStartEvent( e ); } } } void KrBriefView::imEndEvent(TQIMEvent* e) { if ( ACTIVE_PANEL->quickSearch->isShown() ) { ACTIVE_PANEL->quickSearch->myIMEndEvent( e ); return ; } } void KrBriefView::imComposeEvent(TQIMEvent* e) { if ( ACTIVE_PANEL->quickSearch->isShown() ) { ACTIVE_PANEL->quickSearch->myIMComposeEvent( e ); return ; } } void KrBriefView::keyPressEvent( TQKeyEvent * e ) { if ( !e || !firstItem() ) return ; // subclass bug if ( ACTIVE_PANEL->quickSearch->isShown() ) { ACTIVE_PANEL->quickSearch->myKeyPressEvent( e ); return ; } switch ( e->key() ) { case Key_Up : if ( e->state() == ControlButton ) { // let the panel handle it - jump to the Location Bar e->ignore(); break; } else if (!KrSelectionMode::getSelectionHandler()->useTQTSelection()) { TQIconViewItem * i = currentItem(); if ( !i ) break; if ( e->state() == ShiftButton ) setSelected( i, !i->isSelected(), true ); i = i->prevItem(); if ( i ) { TQIconView::setCurrentItem( i ); TQIconView::ensureItemVisible( i ); } } else KIconView::keyPressEvent(e); break; case Key_Down : if ( e->state() == ControlButton || e->state() == ( ControlButton | ShiftButton ) ) { // let the panel handle it - jump to command line e->ignore(); break; } else if (!KrSelectionMode::getSelectionHandler()->useTQTSelection()){ TQIconViewItem * i = currentItem(); if ( !i ) break; if ( e->state() == ShiftButton ) setSelected( i, !i->isSelected(), true ); i = i->nextItem(); if ( i ) {TQIconView::setCurrentItem( i ); TQIconView::ensureItemVisible( i ); } } else KIconView::keyPressEvent(e); break; case Key_Next: if (!KrSelectionMode::getSelectionHandler()->useTQTSelection()){ TQIconViewItem * i = currentItem(), *j; if ( !i ) break; TQRect r( i->rect() ); if ( !r.height() ) break; for ( int page = visibleHeight() / r.height() - 1; page > 0 && ( j = i->nextItem() ); --page ) i = j; if ( i ) {TQIconView::setCurrentItem( i ); TQIconView::ensureItemVisible( i ); } } else KIconView::keyPressEvent(e); break; case Key_Prior: if (!KrSelectionMode::getSelectionHandler()->useTQTSelection()){ TQIconViewItem * i = currentItem(), *j; if ( !i ) break; TQRect r( i->rect() ); if ( !r.height() ) break; for ( int page = visibleHeight() / r.height() - 1; page > 0 && ( j = i->prevItem() ); --page ) i = j; if ( i ) {TQIconView::setCurrentItem( i ); TQIconView::ensureItemVisible( i ); } } else KIconView::keyPressEvent(e); break; case Key_Home: if (!KrSelectionMode::getSelectionHandler()->useTQTSelection()){ if ( e->state() & ShiftButton ) /* Shift+Home */ { clearSelection(); KIconView::keyPressEvent( e ); op()->emitSelectionChanged(); arrangeItemsInGrid(); break; } else { TQIconViewItem * i = firstItem(); if ( i ) {TQIconView::setCurrentItem( i ); TQIconView::ensureItemVisible( i ); } } } else KIconView::keyPressEvent(e); break; case Key_End: if (!KrSelectionMode::getSelectionHandler()->useTQTSelection()){ if ( e->state() & ShiftButton ) /* Shift+End */ { clearSelection(); KIconView::keyPressEvent( e ); op()->emitSelectionChanged(); arrangeItemsInGrid(); break; } else { TQIconViewItem *i = firstItem(), *j; while ( ( j = i->nextItem() ) ) i = j; while ( ( j = i->nextItem() ) ) i = j; if ( i ) {TQIconView::setCurrentItem( i ); TQIconView::ensureItemVisible( i ); } break; } } else KIconView::keyPressEvent(e); break; case Key_Enter : case Key_Return : { if ( e->state() & ControlButton ) // let the panel handle it e->ignore(); else { KrViewItem * i = getCurrentKrViewItem(); TQString tmp = i->name(); op()->emitExecuted(tmp); } break; } case Key_QuoteLeft : // Terminal Emulator bugfix if ( e->state() == ControlButton ) { // let the panel handle it e->ignore(); break; } else { // a normal click - do a lynx-like moving thing SLOTS->home(); // ask krusader to move up a directory return ; // safety } break; case Key_Right : if ( e->state() == ControlButton ) { // let the panel handle it e->ignore(); break; } else if (!KrSelectionMode::getSelectionHandler()->useTQTSelection()) { TQIconViewItem *i = currentItem(); TQIconViewItem *newCurrent = 0; if ( !i ) break; int minY = i->y() - i->height() / 2; int minX = i->width() / 2 + i->x(); if ( e->state() == ShiftButton ) setSelected( i, !i->isSelected(), true ); while( i && i->x() <= minX ) { if ( e->state() == ShiftButton ) setSelected( i, !i->isSelected(), true ); newCurrent = i; i = i->nextItem(); } while( i && i->y() < minY ) { if ( e->state() == ShiftButton ) setSelected( i, !i->isSelected(), true ); newCurrent = i; i = i->nextItem(); } if( i ) { if ( e->state() == ShiftButton ) setSelected( i, !i->isSelected(), true ); newCurrent = i; } if( newCurrent ) { TQIconView::setCurrentItem( newCurrent ); TQIconView::ensureItemVisible( newCurrent ); } } else KIconView::keyPressEvent(e); break; case Key_Backspace : // Terminal Emulator bugfix if ( e->state() == ControlButton || e->state() == ShiftButton ) { // let the panel handle it e->ignore(); break; } else { // a normal click - do a lynx-like moving thing SLOTS->dirUp(); // ask krusader to move up a directory return ; // safety } case Key_Left : if ( e->state() == ControlButton ) { // let the panel handle it e->ignore(); break; } else if (!KrSelectionMode::getSelectionHandler()->useTQTSelection()) { TQIconViewItem *i = currentItem(); TQIconViewItem *newCurrent = 0; if ( !i ) break; int maxY = i->y() + i->height() / 2; int maxX = i->x() - i->width() / 2; if ( e->state() == ShiftButton ) setSelected( i, !i->isSelected(), true ); while( i && i->x() >= maxX ) { if ( e->state() == ShiftButton ) setSelected( i, !i->isSelected(), true ); newCurrent = i; i = i->prevItem(); } while( i && i->y() > maxY ) { if ( e->state() == ShiftButton ) setSelected( i, !i->isSelected(), true ); newCurrent = i; i = i->prevItem(); } if( i ) { if ( e->state() == ShiftButton ) setSelected( i, !i->isSelected(), true ); newCurrent = i; } if( newCurrent ) { TQIconView::setCurrentItem( newCurrent ); TQIconView::ensureItemVisible( newCurrent ); } } else KIconView::keyPressEvent(e); break; case Key_Delete : // kill file SLOTS->deleteFiles( e->state() == ShiftButton || e->state() == ControlButton ); break ; case Key_Insert : { { TQIconViewItem *i = currentItem(); if( !i ) break; if (KrSelectionMode::getSelectionHandler()->insertMovesDown()) { setSelected( i, !i->isSelected(), true ); if( i->nextItem() ) { TQIconView::setCurrentItem( i->nextItem() ); TQIconView::ensureItemVisible( i->nextItem() ); } } else { setSelected( i, !i->isSelected(), true ); } } break ; } case Key_Space : { { TQIconViewItem *i = currentItem(); if( !i ) break; if (KrSelectionMode::getSelectionHandler()->spaceMovesDown()) { setSelected( i, !i->isSelected(), true ); if( i->nextItem() ) { TQIconView::setCurrentItem( i->nextItem() ); TQIconView::ensureItemVisible( i->nextItem() ); } } else { setSelected( i, !i->isSelected(), true ); } } break ; } case Key_A : // mark all if ( e->state() == ControlButton ) { KIconView::keyPressEvent( e ); updateView(); break; } default: if ( e->key() == Key_Escape ) { TQIconView::keyPressEvent( e ); return ; // otherwise the selection gets lost??!?? } // if the key is A..Z or 1..0 do quick search otherwise... if ( e->text().length() > 0 && e->text() [ 0 ].isPrint() ) // better choice. Otherwise non-ascii characters like can not be the first character of a filename /* if ( ( e->key() >= Key_A && e->key() <= Key_Z ) || ( e->key() >= Key_0 && e->key() <= Key_9 ) || ( e->key() == Key_Backspace ) || ( e->key() == Key_Down ) || ( e->key() == Key_Period ) ) */{ // are we doing quicksearch? if not, send keys to panel //if ( _config->readBoolEntry( "Do Quicksearch", _DoQuicksearch ) ) { // are we using krusader's classic quicksearch, or wincmd style? { KConfigGroupSaver grpSvr( _config, "Look&Feel" ); if ( !_config->readBoolEntry( "New Style Quicksearch", _NewStyleQuicksearch ) ) KIconView::keyPressEvent( e ); else { // first, show the quicksearch if its hidden if ( ACTIVE_PANEL->quickSearch->isHidden() ) { ACTIVE_PANEL->quickSearch->show(); // hack: if the pressed key requires a scroll down, the selected // item is "below" the quick search window, as the icon view will // realize its new size after the key processing. The following line // will resize the icon view immediately. ACTIVE_PANEL->tqlayout->activate(); // second, we need to disable the dirup action - hack! krDirUp->setEnabled( false ); } // now, send the key to the quicksearch ACTIVE_PANEL->quickSearch->myKeyPressEvent( e ); } } //} else // e->ignore(); // send to panel } else { if ( ACTIVE_PANEL->quickSearch->isShown() ) { ACTIVE_PANEL->quickSearch->hide(); ACTIVE_PANEL->quickSearch->clear(); krDirUp->setEnabled( true ); } KIconView::keyPressEvent( e ); } } // emit the new item description slotItemDescription( currentItem() ); // actually send the TQIconViewItem } // overridden to make sure EXTENTION won't be lost during rename void KrBriefView::rename( TQIconViewItem * item ) { currentlyRenamedItem = dynamic_cast< KrBriefViewItem * >( item ); currentlyRenamedItem->rename(); //TODO: renameLineEdit() ->selectAll(); } void KrBriefView::renameCurrentItem() { TQString newName, fileName; // handle inplace renaming, if possible KrBriefViewItem *it = static_cast(getCurrentKrViewItem()); if ( it ) fileName = it->name(); else return ; // quit if no current item available // don't allow anyone to rename .. if ( fileName == ".." ) return ; rename( static_cast( it ) ); // if applicable, select only the name without extension /* TODO: KConfigGroupSaver svr(krConfig,"Look&Feel"); if (!krConfig->readBoolEntry("Rename Selects Extension", true)) { if (it->hasExtension() && !it->VF->vfile_isDir() ) renameLineEdit()->setSelection(0, it->name().findRev(it->extension())-1); }*/ } void KrBriefView::inplaceRenameFinished( TQIconViewItem * it ) { if ( !it ) { // major failure - call developers krOut << "Major failure at inplaceRenameFinished(): item is null" << endl; return; } KrBriefViewItem *item = dynamic_cast( it ); if( item->text() != item->name() ) op()->emitRenameItem( item->name(), item->text() ); currentlyRenamedItem = 0; setFocus(); } // TODO: move the whole quicksearch mess out of here and into krview void KrBriefView::quickSearch( const TQString & str, int direction ) { KrViewItem * item = getCurrentKrViewItem(); if (!item) return; KConfigGroupSaver grpSvr( _config, "Look&Feel" ); bool caseSensitive = _config->readBoolEntry( "Case Sensitive Quicksearch", _CaseSensitiveQuicksearch ); if ( !direction ) { if ( caseSensitive ? item->name().startsWith( str ) : item->name().lower().startsWith( str.lower() ) ) return ; direction = 1; } KrViewItem * startItem = item; while ( true ) { item = ( direction > 0 ) ? getNext( item ) : getPrev( item ); if ( !item ) item = ( direction > 0 ) ? getFirst() : getLast(); if ( item == startItem ) return ; if ( caseSensitive ? item->name().startsWith( str ) : item->name().lower().startsWith( str.lower() ) ) { setCurrentItem( item->name() ); makeItemVisible( item ); return ; } } } void KrBriefView::stopQuickSearch( TQKeyEvent * e ) { if( ACTIVE_PANEL && ACTIVE_PANEL->quickSearch ) { ACTIVE_PANEL->quickSearch->hide(); ACTIVE_PANEL->quickSearch->clear(); krDirUp->setEnabled( true ); if ( e ) keyPressEvent( e ); } } void KrBriefView::setNameToMakeCurrent( TQIconViewItem * it ) { if (!it) return; KrView::setNameToMakeCurrent( static_cast( it ) ->name() ); } void KrBriefView::slotMouseClicked( int button, TQIconViewItem * item, const TQPoint& ) { pressedItem = 0; // if the signals are emitted, don't emit twice at contentsMouseReleaseEvent if ( button == Qt::MidButton ) emit middleButtonClicked( dynamic_cast( item ) ); } void KrBriefView::refreshColors() { krConfig->setGroup("Colors"); bool kdeDefault = krConfig->readBoolEntry("KDE Default"); if ( !kdeDefault ) { // KDE default is not choosen: set the background color (as this paints the empty areas) and the alternate color bool isActive = hasFocus(); if ( MAIN_VIEW && ACTIVE_PANEL && ACTIVE_PANEL->view ) isActive = ( static_cast( this ) == ACTIVE_PANEL->view ); TQColorGroup cg; KrColorCache::getColorCache().getColors(cg, KrColorItemType(KrColorItemType::File, false, isActive, false, false)); setPaletteBackgroundColor( cg.background() ); } else { // KDE default is choosen: set back the background color setPaletteBackgroundColor( KGlobalSettings::baseColor() ); } slotUpdate(); } bool KrBriefView::event( TQEvent *e ) { modifierPressed = false; switch ( e->type() ) { case TQEvent::Timer: case TQEvent::MouseMove: case TQEvent::MouseButtonPress: case TQEvent::MouseButtonRelease: break; default: CANCEL_TWO_CLICK_RENAME; } if( e->type() == TQEvent::Wheel ) { if ( !_focused ) op()->emitNeedFocus(); setFocus(); } return KIconView::event( e ); } bool KrBriefView::eventFilter( TQObject * watched, TQEvent * e ) { if( TQT_BASE_OBJECT(watched) == TQT_BASE_OBJECT(horizontalScrollBar()) ) { if( e->type() == TQEvent::Hide || e->type() == TQEvent::Show ) { bool res = KIconView::eventFilter( watched, e ); arrangeItemsInGrid(); return res; } } else if( TQT_BASE_OBJECT(watched) == TQT_BASE_OBJECT(header) ) { if( e->type() == TQEvent::MouseButtonPress && ((TQMouseEvent *)e )->button() == Qt::RightButton ) { setColumnNr(); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } return KIconView::eventFilter( watched, e ); } void KrBriefView::makeItemVisible( const KrViewItem *item ) { // tqApp->processEvents(); // Please don't remove the comment. Causes crash if it is inserted! ensureItemVisible( (TQIconViewItem *)( static_cast( item ) ) ); } void KrBriefView::initOperator() { _operator = new KrViewOperator(this, this); // TQIconView emits selection changed, so chain them to operator connect(this, TQT_SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), _operator, TQT_SIGNAL(selectionChanged())); } void KrBriefView::initProperties() { // TODO: move this to a general location, maybe KrViewProperties constructor ? _properties = new KrBriefViewProperties; _properties->filter = KrViewProperties::All; _properties->filterMask = KRQuery( "*" ); KConfigGroupSaver grpSvr( _config, "Look&Feel" ); _properties->displayIcons = _config->readBoolEntry( "With Icons", _WithIcons ); bool dirsByNameAlways = _config->readBoolEntry("Always sort dirs by name", false); _properties->sortMode = static_cast( KrViewProperties::Name | KrViewProperties::Descending | KrViewProperties::DirsFirst | (dirsByNameAlways ? KrViewProperties::AlwaysSortDirsByName : 0) ); if ( !_config->readBoolEntry( "Case Sensative Sort", _CaseSensativeSort ) ) _properties->sortMode = static_cast( _properties->sortMode | KrViewProperties::IgnoreCase ); _properties->humanReadableSize = krConfig->readBoolEntry("Human Readable Size", _HumanReadableSize); _properties->localeAwareCompareIsCaseSensitive = TQString( "a" ).localeAwareCompare( "B" ) > 0; // see KDE bug #40131 TQStringList defaultAtomicExtensions; defaultAtomicExtensions += ".tar.gz"; defaultAtomicExtensions += ".tar.bz2"; defaultAtomicExtensions += ".tqmoc.cpp"; TQStringList atomicExtensions = krConfig->readListEntry("Atomic Extensions", defaultAtomicExtensions); for (TQStringList::iterator i = atomicExtensions.begin(); i != atomicExtensions.end(); ) { TQString & ext = *i; ext = ext.stripWhiteSpace(); if (!ext.length()) { i = atomicExtensions.remove(i); continue; } if (!ext.startsWith(".")) ext.insert(0, '.'); ++i; } _properties->atomicExtensions = atomicExtensions; _config->setGroup( nameInKConfig() ); PROPS->numberOfColumns = _config->readNumEntry( "Number Of Brief Columns", _NumberOfBriefColumns ); if( PROPS->numberOfColumns < 1 ) PROPS->numberOfColumns = 1; else if( PROPS->numberOfColumns > MAX_COLS ) PROPS->numberOfColumns = MAX_COLS; } void KrBriefView::setColumnNr() { KPopupMenu popup( this ); popup.insertTitle( i18n("Columns")); int COL_ID = 14700; for( int i=1; i <= MAX_COLS; i++ ) { popup.insertItem( TQString( "%1" ).tqarg( i ), COL_ID + i ); popup.setItemChecked( COL_ID + i, PROPS->numberOfColumns == i ); } int result=popup.exec(TQCursor::pos()); krConfig->setGroup( nameInKConfig() ); if( result > COL_ID && result <= COL_ID + MAX_COLS ) { krConfig->writeEntry( "Number Of Brief Columns", result - COL_ID ); PROPS->numberOfColumns = result - COL_ID; redrawColumns(); } } void KrBriefView::sortOrderChanged() { ensureItemVisible(currentItem()); if( !_focused ) op()->emitNeedFocus(); } void KrBriefView::updateView() { arrangeItemsInGrid(); op()->emitSelectionChanged(); } void KrBriefView::updateItem(KrViewItem* item) { dynamic_cast(item)->repaintItem(); } void KrBriefView::slotRightButtonPressed(TQIconViewItem*, const TQPoint& point) { op()->emitEmptyContextMenu(point); } void KrBriefView::changeSortOrder() { bool asc = !sortDirection(); header->setSortIndicator( 0, asc ? TQt::Ascending : TQt::Descending ); sort( asc ); } TQMouseEvent * KrBriefView::transformMouseEvent( TQMouseEvent * e ) { if( findItem( e->pos() ) != 0 ) return e; TQIconViewItem *closestItem = 0; int mouseX = e->pos().x(), mouseY = e->pos().y(); int closestDelta = 0x7FFFFFFF; int minX = ( mouseX / gridX() ) * gridX(); int maxX = minX + gridX(); TQIconViewItem *current = firstItem(); while( current ) { if( current->x() >= minX && current->x() < maxX ) { int delta = mouseY - current->y(); if( delta >= 0 && delta < closestDelta ) { closestDelta = delta; closestItem = current; } } current = current->nextItem(); } if( closestItem != 0 ) { if( mouseX - closestItem->x() > gridX() ) closestItem = 0; else if( mouseY - closestItem->y() > closestItem->height() ) closestItem = 0; } if( closestItem != 0 ) { TQRect rec = closestItem->textRect( false ); if( mouseX < rec.x() ) mouseX = rec.x(); if( mouseY < rec.y() ) mouseY = rec.y(); if( mouseX > rec.x() + rec.width() -1 ) mouseX = rec.x() + rec.width() -1; if( mouseY > rec.y() + rec.height() -1 ) mouseY = rec.y() + rec.height() -1; TQPoint newPos( mouseX, mouseY ); TQPoint glPos; if( !e->globalPos().isNull() ) { glPos = TQPoint( mouseX - e->pos().x() + e->globalPos().x(), mouseY - e->pos().y() + e->globalPos().y() ); } if( mouseEvent ) delete mouseEvent; return mouseEvent = new TQMouseEvent( e->type(), newPos, glPos, e->button(), e->state() ); } return e; } #include "krbriefview.moc"