//Author: Max Howell , (C) 2004 //Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution #ifndef FILETREE_H #define FILETREE_H #include #include #include //TODO these are pointlessly general purpose now, make them incredibly specific typedef TDEIO::filesize_t FileSize; template class Iterator; template class ConstIterator; template class Chain; template class Link { public: Link( T* const t ) : prev( this ), next( this ), data( t ) {} Link() : prev( this ), next( this ), data( 0 ) {} //TODO unlinking is slow and you don't use it very much in this context. // ** Perhaps you can make a faster deletion system that doesn't bother tidying up first // ** and then you MUST call some kind of detach() function when you remove elements otherwise ~Link() { delete data; unlink(); } friend class Iterator; friend class ConstIterator; friend class Chain; private: void unlink() { prev->next = next; next->prev = prev; prev = next = this; } Link* prev; Link* next; T* data; //ensure only iterators have access to this }; template class Iterator { public: Iterator() : link( 0 ) { } //**** remove this, remove this REMOVE THIS!!! dangerous as your implementation doesn't test for null links, always assumes they can be derefenced Iterator( Link *p ) : link( p ) { } bool operator==( const Iterator& it ) const { return link == it.link; } bool operator!=( const Iterator& it ) const { return link != it.link; } bool operator!=( const Link *p ) const { return p != link; } //here we have a choice, really I should make two classes one const the other not const T* operator*() const { return link->data; } T* operator*() { return link->data; } Iterator& operator++() { link = link->next; return *this; } //**** does it waste time returning in places where we don't use the retval? bool isNull() const { return (link == 0); } //REMOVE WITH ABOVE REMOVAL you don't want null iterators to be possible void transferTo( Chain &chain ) { chain.append( remove() ); } T* const remove() //remove from list, delete Link, data is returned NOT deleted { T* const d = link->data; Link* const p = link->prev; link->data = 0; delete link; link = p; //make iterator point to previous element, YOU must check this points to an element return d; } private: Link *link; }; template class ConstIterator { public: ConstIterator( Link *p ) : link( p ) { } bool operator==( const Iterator& it ) const { return link == it.link; } bool operator!=( const Iterator& it ) const { return link != it.link; } bool operator!=( const Link *p ) const { return p != link; } const T* operator*() const { return link->data; } ConstIterator& operator++() { link = link->next; return *this; } private: const Link *link; }; //**** try to make a generic list class and then a brief full list template that inlines // thus reducing code bloat template class Chain { public: Chain() { } virtual ~Chain() { empty(); } void append( T* const data ) { Link* const link = new Link( data ); link->prev = head.prev; link->next = &head; head.prev->next = link; head.prev = link; } void transferTo( Chain &c ) { if( isEmpty() ) return; Link* const first = head.next; Link* const last = head.prev; head.unlink(); first->prev = c.head.prev; c.head.prev->next = first; last->next = &c.head; c.head.prev = last; } void empty() { while( head.next != &head ) { delete head.next; } } Iterator iterator() const { return Iterator( head.next ); } ConstIterator constIterator() const { return ConstIterator( head.next ); } const Link *end() const { return &head; } bool isEmpty() const { return ( head.next == &head ); } private: Link head; void operator=( const Chain& ) {} }; class Directory; class TQString; class KURL; class File { protected: Directory *m_parent; //0 if this is treeRoot TQString m_name; //< file name TQString m_directory;//< the directory of the file FileSize m_size; //< size with subdirectories FileSize m_ownSize; //< size without subdirectories mode_t m_mode; //< file mode TQString m_owner; //< file owner name TQString m_group; //< file group name TQString m_perm; //< file permissions string time_t m_time; //< file modification in time_t format bool m_symLink; //< true if the file is a symlink TQString m_mimeType; //< file mimetype bool m_excluded; //< flag if the file is excluded from du int m_percent; //< percent flag public: File( Directory *parentIn, const TQString &nameIn, const TQString &dir, FileSize sizeIn, mode_t modeIn, const TQString &ownerIn, const TQString &groupIn, const TQString &permIn, time_t timeIn, bool symLinkIn, const TQString &mimeTypeIn ) : m_parent( parentIn ), m_name( nameIn ), m_directory( dir ), m_size( sizeIn ), m_ownSize( sizeIn ), m_mode( modeIn ), m_owner( ownerIn ), m_group( groupIn ), m_perm( permIn ), m_time( timeIn ), m_symLink( symLinkIn ), m_mimeType( mimeTypeIn ), m_excluded( false ), m_percent( -1 ) {} File( const TQString &nameIn, FileSize sizeIn ) : m_parent( 0 ), m_name( nameIn ), m_directory( TQString() ), m_size( sizeIn ), m_ownSize( sizeIn ), m_mode( 0 ), m_owner( TQString() ), m_group( TQString() ), m_perm( TQString() ), m_time( -1 ), m_symLink( false ), m_mimeType( TQString() ), m_excluded( false ), m_percent( -1 ) { } virtual ~File() {} inline const TQString & name() const {return m_name;} inline const TQString & directory() const {return m_directory;} inline const FileSize size() const {return m_excluded ? 0 : m_size;} inline const FileSize ownSize() const {return m_excluded ? 0 : m_ownSize;} inline const mode_t mode() const {return m_mode;} inline const TQString & owner() const {return m_owner;} inline const TQString & group() const {return m_group;} inline const TQString & perm() const {return m_perm;} inline const time_t time() const {return m_time;} inline const TQString & mime() const {return m_mimeType;} inline const bool isSymLink() const {return m_symLink;} virtual const bool isDir() const {return false;} inline const bool isExcluded() const {return m_excluded;} inline void exclude( bool flag ) {m_excluded = flag;} inline const int intPercent() const {return m_percent;} inline const TQString percent() const {if( m_percent < 0 ) return "INV"; TQString buf; buf.sprintf( "%d.%02d%%", m_percent / 100, m_percent % 100 ); return buf;} inline void setPercent( int p ) {m_percent = p;} inline const Directory* parent() const {return m_parent;} inline void setSizes( TDEIO::filesize_t totalSize, TDEIO::filesize_t ownSize ) { m_ownSize = ownSize; m_size = totalSize; } enum UnitPrefix { kilo, mega, giga, tera }; static const FileSize DENOMINATOR[4]; static const char PREFIX[5][2]; TQString fullPath( const Directory* = 0 ) const; TQString humanReadableSize( UnitPrefix key = mega ) const; static TQString humanReadableSize( FileSize size, UnitPrefix Key = mega ); friend class Directory; }; //TODO when you modify this to take into account hardlinks you should make the Chain layered not inherited class Directory : public Chain, public File { public: Directory( Directory *parentIn, const TQString &nameIn, const TQString &dir, FileSize sizeIn, mode_t modeIn, const TQString &ownerIn, const TQString &groupIn, const TQString &permIn, time_t timeIn, bool symLinkIn, const TQString &mimeTypeIn ) : File( parentIn, nameIn, dir, sizeIn, modeIn, ownerIn, groupIn, permIn, timeIn, symLinkIn, mimeTypeIn ), m_fileCount( 0 ) {} Directory( const TQString &name, TQString url ) : File( name, 0 ), m_fileCount( 0 ) { m_directory = url; } virtual ~Directory() {} virtual const bool isDir() const {return true;} void append( File *p ) { ++m_fileCount; Directory *parent = m_parent; while( parent ) { parent->m_fileCount++; parent = parent->m_parent; } Chain::append( p ); p->m_parent = this; } void remove( File *p ) { for( Iterator it = Chain::iterator(); it != Chain::end(); ++it ) if( (*it) == p ) { --m_fileCount; Directory *parent = m_parent; while( parent ) { parent->m_fileCount--; parent = parent->m_parent; } it.remove(); break; } } uint fileCount() const { return m_fileCount; } private: Directory( const Directory& ); void operator=( const Directory& ); uint m_fileCount; }; #endif