/*************************************************************************** panelfunc.cpp ------------------- copyright : (C) 2000 by Shie Erlich & Rafi Yanai e-mail : krusader@users.sourceforge.net web site : http://krusader.sourceforge.net --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description *************************************************************************** A db dD d8888b. db db .d8888. .d8b. d8888b. d88888b d8888b. 88 ,8P' 88 `8D 88 88 88' YP d8' `8b 88 `8D 88' 88 `8D 88,8P 88oobY' 88 88 `8bo. 88ooo88 88 88 88ooooo 88oobY' 88`8b 88`8b 88 88 `Y8b. 88~~~88 88 88 88~~~~~ 88`8b 88 `88. 88 `88. 88b d88 db 8D 88 88 88 .8D 88. 88 `88. YP YD 88 YD ~Y8888P' `8888Y' YP YP Y8888D' Y88888P 88 YD S o u r c e F i l e *************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include // TQt Includes #include #include #include #include // TDE Includes #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // Krusader Includes #include "panelfunc.h" #include "krcalcspacedialog.h" #include "krdetailedview.h" #include "../krusader.h" #include "../krslots.h" #include "../defaults.h" #include "../VFS/vfile.h" #include "../VFS/vfs.h" #include "../VFS/virt_vfs.h" #include "../VFS/krarchandler.h" #include "../VFS/krpermhandler.h" #include "../VFS/krvfshandler.h" #include "../VFS/preservingcopyjob.h" #include "../VFS/virtualcopyjob.h" #include "../Dialogs/packgui.h" #include "../Dialogs/krdialogs.h" #include "../Dialogs/krpleasewait.h" #include "../Dialogs/krspwidgets.h" #include "../Dialogs/checksumdlg.h" #include "../KViewer/krviewer.h" #include "../resources.h" #include "../krservices.h" #include "../GUI/syncbrowsebutton.h" #include "../Queue/queue_mgr.h" #include "krdrag.h" #include ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////// ---------- List Panel ------------- //////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ListPanelFunc::ListPanelFunc( ListPanel *parent ) : panel( parent ), inRefresh( false ), vfsP( 0 ) { urlStack.push( "file:/" ); connect( &delayTimer, TQ_SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, TQ_SLOT( doOpenUrl() ) ); } void ListPanelFunc::openUrl( const TQString& url, const TQString& nameToMakeCurrent ) { openUrl( vfs::fromPathOrURL( // KURLRequester is buggy: it should return a string containing "/home/shie/downloads" // but it returns "~/downloads" which is parsed incorrectly by vfs::fromPathOrURL. // replacedPath should replace ONLY $HOME and environment variables panel->origin->completionObject()->replacedPath(url) ) , nameToMakeCurrent ); } void ListPanelFunc::immediateOpenUrl( const KURL& urlIn ) { KURL url = urlIn; url.cleanPath(); // check for special cases first - don't refresh here ! // you may call openUrl or vfs_refresh() if ( !url.isValid() ) { if ( url.url() == "~" ) { return openUrl( TQDir::homeDirPath() ); } else if ( !url.url().startsWith( "/" ) ) { // possible relative URL - translate to full URL url = files() ->vfs_getOrigin(); url.addPath( urlIn.url() ); //kdDebug()<< urlIn.url() << "," << url.url() <slotStartUpdate(); // refresh the panel return ; } } // if we are not refreshing to current URL bool is_equal_url = files() ->vfs_getOrigin().equals( url, true ); if ( !is_equal_url ) { // change the cursor to busy panel->setCursor( KCursor::waitCursor() ); } if ( !nameToMakeCurrent.isEmpty() ) { panel->view->setNameToMakeCurrent( nameToMakeCurrent ); // if the url we're refreshing into is the current one, then the // partial url will not generate the needed signals to actually allow the // view to use nameToMakeCurrent. do it here instead (patch by Thomas Jarosch) if ( is_equal_url ) { panel->view->setCurrentItem( nameToMakeCurrent ); panel->view->makeItemVisible( panel->view->getCurrentKrViewItem() ); } } vfs* v = 0; if ( !urlStack.top().equals( url ) ) urlStack.push( url ); // count home many urls is in the stack, so later on, we'll know if the refresh was a success uint stackSize = urlStack.size(); bool refreshFailed = true; // assume the worst while ( true ) { KURL u = urlStack.pop(); //u.adjustPath(-1); // remove trailing "/" u.cleanPath(); // Resolves "." and ".." components in path. v = KrVfsHandler::getVfs( u, panel, files() ); if ( !v ) continue; //this should not happen ! if ( v != vfsP ) { if( vfsP->vfs_canDelete() ) delete vfsP; else { connect( vfsP, TQ_SIGNAL( deleteAllowed() ), vfsP, TQ_SLOT( deleteLater() ) ); vfsP->vfs_requestDelete(); } vfsP = v; // v != 0 so this is safe } else { if( vfsP->vfs_isBusy() ) { delayURL = url; /* this function is useful for FTP url-s and bookmarks */ delayTimer.start( 100, true ); /* if vfs is busy try refreshing later */ return; } } connect( files(), TQ_SIGNAL(startJob(TDEIO::Job* )), panel, TQ_SLOT(slotJobStarted(TDEIO::Job* ))); if ( vfsP->vfs_refresh( u ) ) { break; // we have a valid refreshed URL now } if ( vfsP == 0 ) // the object was deleted during vfs_refresh? Hoping the best... return; // prevent repeated error messages if ( vfsP->vfs_isDeleting() ) break; vfsP->vfs_setQuiet( true ); } vfsP->vfs_setQuiet( false ); // if we popped exactly 1 url from the stack, it means the url we were // given was refreshed successfully. if (stackSize == urlStack.size() + 1) refreshFailed = false; // update the urls stack if ( !files() ->vfs_getOrigin().equals( urlStack.top() ) ) { urlStack.push( files() ->vfs_getOrigin() ); } // disconnect older signals disconnect( files(), TQ_SIGNAL( addedVfile( vfile* ) ), 0, 0 ); disconnect( files(), TQ_SIGNAL( updatedVfile( vfile* ) ), 0, 0 ); disconnect( files(), TQ_SIGNAL( deletedVfile( const TQString& ) ), 0, 0 ); disconnect( files(), TQ_SIGNAL( cleared() ), 0, 0 ); // connect to the vfs's dirwatch signals connect( files(), TQ_SIGNAL( addedVfile( vfile* ) ), panel, TQ_SLOT( slotItemAdded( vfile* ) ) ); connect( files(), TQ_SIGNAL( updatedVfile( vfile* ) ), panel, TQ_SLOT( slotItemUpdated( vfile* ) ) ); connect( files(), TQ_SIGNAL( deletedVfile( const TQString& ) ), panel, TQ_SLOT( slotItemDeleted( const TQString& ) ) ); connect( files(), TQ_SIGNAL( cleared() ), panel, TQ_SLOT( slotCleared() ) ); // on local file system change the working directory if ( files() ->vfs_getType() == vfs::NORMAL ) chdir( files() ->vfs_getOrigin().path().local8Bit() ); // see if the open url operation failed, and if so, // put the attempted url in the origin bar and let the user change it if (refreshFailed) { panel->origin->setURL(urlIn.prettyURL()); panel->origin->setFocus(); } } void ListPanelFunc::openUrl( const KURL& url, const TQString& nameToMakeCurrent ) { panel->inlineRefreshCancel(); // first the other dir, then the active! Else the focus changes and the other becomes active if ( panel->syncBrowseButton->state() == SYNCBROWSE_CD ) { // prevents that the sync-browsing circles itself to death static bool inSync = false; if( ! inSync ){ inSync = true; //do sync-browse stuff.... KURL otherDir = OTHER_PANEL->virtualPath(); OTHER_FUNC->files() ->vfs_setQuiet( true ); // the trailing slash is nessesary because krusader provides Dir's without it // we can't use openUrl because the delay don't allow a check if the panel has realy changed! OTHER_FUNC->immediateOpenUrl( KURL::relativeURL( panel->virtualPath().url() + "/", url.url() ) ); OTHER_FUNC->files() ->vfs_setQuiet( false ); // now we need to test ACTIVE_PANEL because the openURL has changed the active panel!! if ( ACTIVE_PANEL->virtualPath().equals( otherDir ) ) { // deactivating the sync-browse if syncbrowse not possible panel->syncBrowseButton->setOn( false ); } inSync = false; } } this->nameToMakeCurrent = nameToMakeCurrent; delayURL = url; /* this function is useful for FTP url-s and bookmarks */ delayTimer.start( 0, true ); /* to avoid tqApp->processEvents() deadlock situaltion */ } void ListPanelFunc::refresh() { openUrl(panel->virtualPath()); // re-read the files } void ListPanelFunc::doOpenUrl() { immediateOpenUrl( delayURL ); } void ListPanelFunc::goBack() { if ( urlStack.isEmpty() ) return ; if ( urlStack.top().equals( files() ->vfs_getOrigin() ) ) urlStack.pop(); openUrl( urlStack.top(), files() ->vfs_getOrigin().fileName() ); if ( urlStack.isEmpty() ) krBack->setEnabled( false ); } void ListPanelFunc::redirectLink() { if ( files() ->vfs_getType() != vfs::NORMAL ) { KMessageBox::sorry( krApp, i18n( "You can edit links only on local file systems" ) ); return ; } vfile *vf = files() ->vfs_search( panel->getCurrentName() ); if ( !vf ) return ; TQString file = files() ->vfs_getFile( vf->vfile_getName() ).path( -1 ); TQString currentLink = vf->vfile_getSymDest(); if ( currentLink.isEmpty() ) { KMessageBox::sorry( krApp, i18n( "The current file is not a link, so I can't redirect it." ) ); return ; } // ask the user for a new destination bool ok = false; TQString newLink = KInputDialog::getText( i18n( "Link Redirection" ), i18n( "Please enter the new link destination:" ), currentLink, &ok, krApp ); // if the user canceled - quit if ( !ok || newLink == currentLink ) return ; // delete the current link if ( unlink( file.local8Bit() ) == -1 ) { KMessageBox::sorry( krApp, i18n( "Can't remove old link: " ) + file ); return ; } // try to create a new symlink if ( symlink( newLink.local8Bit(), file.local8Bit() ) == -1 ) { KMessageBox:: /* --=={ Patch by Heiner }==-- */sorry( krApp, i18n( "Failed to create a new link: " ) + file ); return ; } } void ListPanelFunc::krlink( bool sym ) { if ( files() ->vfs_getType() != vfs::NORMAL ) { KMessageBox::sorry( krApp, i18n( "You can create links only on local file systems" ) ); return ; } TQString name = panel->getCurrentName(); // ask the new link name.. bool ok = false; TQString linkName = KInputDialog::getText( i18n( "New link" ), i18n( "Create a new link to: " ) + name, name, &ok, krApp ); // if the user canceled - quit if ( !ok || linkName == name ) return ; // if the name is already taken - quit if ( files() ->vfs_search( linkName ) != 0 ) { KMessageBox::sorry( krApp, i18n( "A directory or a file with this name already exists." ) ); return ; } if ( linkName.left( 1 ) != "/" ) linkName = files() ->vfs_workingDir() + "/" + linkName; if ( linkName.contains( "/" ) ) name = files() ->vfs_getFile( name ).path( -1 ); if ( sym ) { if ( symlink( name.local8Bit(), linkName.local8Bit() ) == -1 ) KMessageBox::sorry( krApp, i18n( "Failed to create a new symlink: " ) + linkName + i18n( " To: " ) + name ); } else { if ( link( name.local8Bit(), linkName.local8Bit() ) == -1 ) KMessageBox::sorry( krApp, i18n( "Failed to create a new link: " ) + linkName + i18n( " To: " ) + name ); } } void ListPanelFunc::view() { TQString fileName = panel->getCurrentName(); if ( fileName.isNull() ) return ; // if we're trying to view a directory, just exit vfile * vf = files() ->vfs_search( fileName ); if ( !vf || vf->vfile_isDir() ) return ; if ( !vf->vfile_isReadable() ) { KMessageBox::sorry( 0, i18n( "No permissions to view this file." ) ); return ; } // call KViewer. KrViewer::view( files() ->vfs_getFile( fileName ) ); // nothing more to it! } void ListPanelFunc::terminal() { TQString save = getcwd( 0, 0 ); chdir( panel->realPath().local8Bit() ); TDEProcess proc; krConfig->setGroup( "General" ); TQString term = krConfig->readEntry( "Terminal", _Terminal ); proc << KrServices::separateArgs( term ); if ( term.contains( "konsole" ) ) /* KDE 3.2 bug (konsole is killed by pressing Ctrl+C) */ { /* Please remove the patch if the bug is corrected */ proc << "&"; proc.setUseShell( true ); } if ( !proc.start( TDEProcess::DontCare ) ) KMessageBox::sorry( krApp, i18n( "Can't open %1" ).arg(term) ); chdir( save.local8Bit() ); } void ListPanelFunc::editFile() { TQString name = panel->getCurrentName(); if ( name.isNull() ) return ; if ( files() ->vfs_search( name ) ->vfile_isDir() ) { KMessageBox::sorry( krApp, i18n( "You can't edit a directory" ) ); return ; } if ( !files() ->vfs_search( name ) ->vfile_isReadable() ) { KMessageBox::sorry( 0, i18n( "No permissions to edit this file." ) ); return ; } KrViewer::edit( files() ->vfs_getFile( name ) ); } void ListPanelFunc::moveFiles() { PreserveMode pmode = PM_DEFAULT; TQStringList fileNames; panel->getSelectedNames( &fileNames ); if ( fileNames.isEmpty() ) return ; // safety KURL dest = panel->otherPanel->virtualPath(); KURL virtualBaseURL; TQString destProtocol = dest.protocol(); if ( destProtocol == "krarc" || destProtocol == "tar" || destProtocol == "zip" ) { KMessageBox::sorry( krApp, i18n( "Moving into archive is disabled" ) ); return ; } krConfig->setGroup( "Advanced" ); if ( krConfig->readBoolEntry( "Confirm Move", _ConfirmMove ) ) { bool preserveAttrs = krConfig->readBoolEntry( "PreserveAttributes", _PreserveAttributes ); TQString s; if( fileNames.count() == 1 ) s = i18n("Move %1 to:").arg(fileNames.first()); else s = i18n("Move %n file to:", "Move %n files to:", fileNames.count()); // ask the user for the copy dest virtualBaseURL = getVirtualBaseURL(); dest = KChooseDir::getDir(s, dest, panel->virtualPath(), preserveAttrs, virtualBaseURL); if ( dest.isEmpty() ) return ; // the user canceled if( preserveAttrs ) pmode = PM_PRESERVE_ATTR; else pmode = PM_NONE; } if ( fileNames.isEmpty() ) return ; // nothing to copy KURL::List* fileUrls = files() ->vfs_getFiles( &fileNames ); // after the delete return the cursor to the first unmarked // file above the current item; panel->prepareToDelete(); if( !virtualBaseURL.isEmpty() ) { // keep the directory structure for virtual paths VirtualCopyJob *vjob = new VirtualCopyJob( &fileNames, files(), dest, virtualBaseURL, pmode, TDEIO::CopyJob::Move, false, true ); connect( vjob, TQ_SIGNAL( result( TDEIO::Job* ) ), this, TQ_SLOT( refresh() ) ); if ( dest.equals( panel->otherPanel->virtualPath(), true ) ) connect( vjob, TQ_SIGNAL( result( TDEIO::Job* ) ), panel->otherPanel->func, TQ_SLOT( refresh() ) ); } // if we are not moving to the other panel : else if ( !dest.equals( panel->otherPanel->virtualPath(), true ) ) { // you can rename only *one* file not a batch, // so a batch dest must alwayes be a directory if ( fileNames.count() > 1 ) dest.adjustPath(1); TDEIO::Job* job = PreservingCopyJob::createCopyJob( pmode, *fileUrls, dest, TDEIO::CopyJob::Move, false, true ); job->setAutoErrorHandlingEnabled( true ); // refresh our panel when done connect( job, TQ_SIGNAL( result( TDEIO::Job* ) ), this, TQ_SLOT( refresh() ) ); // and if needed the other panel as well if ( dest.equals( panel->otherPanel->virtualPath(), true ) ) connect( job, TQ_SIGNAL( result( TDEIO::Job* ) ), panel->otherPanel->func, TQ_SLOT( refresh() ) ); } else { // let the other panel do the dirty job //check if copy is supported if ( !otherFunc() ->files() ->vfs_isWritable() ) { KMessageBox::sorry( krApp, i18n( "You can't move files to this file system" ) ); return ; } // finally.. otherFunc() ->files() ->vfs_addFiles( fileUrls, TDEIO::CopyJob::Move, files(), "", pmode ); } } // called from SLOTS to begin the renaming process void ListPanelFunc::rename() { panel->view->renameCurrentItem(); } // called by signal itemRenamed() from the view to complete the renaming process void ListPanelFunc::rename( const TQString &oldname, const TQString &newname ) { if ( oldname == newname ) return ; // do nothing panel->view->setNameToMakeCurrentIfAdded( newname ); // as always - the vfs do the job files() ->vfs_rename( oldname, newname ); } void ListPanelFunc::mkdir() { // ask the new dir name.. bool ok = false; TQString dirName = KInputDialog::getText( i18n( "New directory" ), i18n( "Directory's name:" ), "", &ok, krApp ); // if the user canceled - quit if ( !ok || dirName.isEmpty() ) return ; TQStringList dirTree = TQStringList::split( "/", dirName ); for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = dirTree.begin(); it != dirTree.end(); ++it ) { // check if the name is already taken if ( files() ->vfs_search( *it ) ) { // if it is the last dir to be created - quit if ( *it == dirTree.last() ) { KMessageBox::sorry( krApp, i18n( "A directory or a file with this name already exists." ) ); return ; } // else go into this dir else { immediateOpenUrl( *it ); continue; } } panel->view->setNameToMakeCurrent( *it ); // as always - the vfs do the job files() ->vfs_mkdir( *it ); if ( dirTree.count() > 1 ) immediateOpenUrl( *it ); } // for } KURL ListPanelFunc::getVirtualBaseURL() { if( files()->vfs_getType() != vfs::VIRT || otherFunc()->files()->vfs_getType() == vfs::VIRT ) return KURL(); TQStringList fileNames; panel->getSelectedNames( &fileNames ); KURL::List* fileUrls = files() ->vfs_getFiles( &fileNames ); if( fileUrls->count() == 0 ) return KURL(); KURL base = (*fileUrls)[ 0 ].upURL(); if( base.protocol() == "virt" ) // is it a virtual subfolder? return KURL(); // --> cannot keep the directory structure for( unsigned i=1; i < fileUrls->count(); i++ ) { if( base.isParentOf( (*fileUrls)[ i ] ) ) continue; if( base.protocol() != (*fileUrls)[ i ].protocol() ) return KURL(); do { KURL oldBase = base; base = base.upURL(); if( oldBase.equals( base, true ) ) return KURL(); if( base.isParentOf( (*fileUrls)[ i ] ) ) break; }while( true ); } return base; } void ListPanelFunc::copyFiles() { PreserveMode pmode = PM_DEFAULT; TQStringList fileNames; panel->getSelectedNames( &fileNames ); if ( fileNames.isEmpty() ) return ; // safety KURL dest = panel->otherPanel->virtualPath(); KURL virtualBaseURL; // confirm copy krConfig->setGroup( "Advanced" ); if ( krConfig->readBoolEntry( "Confirm Copy", _ConfirmCopy ) ) { bool preserveAttrs = krConfig->readBoolEntry( "PreserveAttributes", _PreserveAttributes ); TQString s; if( fileNames.count() == 1 ) s = i18n("Copy %1 to:").arg(fileNames.first()); else s = i18n("Copy %n file to:", "Copy %n files to:", fileNames.count()); // ask the user for the copy dest virtualBaseURL = getVirtualBaseURL(); dest = KChooseDir::getDir(s, dest, panel->virtualPath(), preserveAttrs, virtualBaseURL ); if ( dest.isEmpty() ) return ; // the user canceled if( preserveAttrs ) pmode = PM_PRESERVE_ATTR; else pmode = PM_NONE; } KURL::List* fileUrls = files() ->vfs_getFiles( &fileNames ); if( !virtualBaseURL.isEmpty() ) { // keep the directory structure for virtual paths VirtualCopyJob *vjob = new VirtualCopyJob( &fileNames, files(), dest, virtualBaseURL, pmode, TDEIO::CopyJob::Copy, false, true ); connect( vjob, TQ_SIGNAL( result( TDEIO::Job* ) ), this, TQ_SLOT( refresh() ) ); if ( dest.equals( panel->otherPanel->virtualPath(), true ) ) connect( vjob, TQ_SIGNAL( result( TDEIO::Job* ) ), panel->otherPanel->func, TQ_SLOT( refresh() ) ); } // if we are not copying to the other panel : else if ( !dest.equals( panel->otherPanel->virtualPath(), true ) ) { // you can rename only *one* file not a batch, // so a batch dest must alwayes be a directory if ( fileNames.count() > 1 ) dest.adjustPath(1); TDEIO::Job* job = PreservingCopyJob::createCopyJob( pmode, *fileUrls, dest, TDEIO::CopyJob::Copy, false, true ); job->setAutoErrorHandlingEnabled( true ); if ( dest.equals( panel->virtualPath(), true ) || dest.upURL().equals( panel->virtualPath(), true ) ) // refresh our panel when done connect( job, TQ_SIGNAL( result( TDEIO::Job* ) ), this, TQ_SLOT( refresh() ) ); // let the other panel do the dirty job } else { //check if copy is supported if ( !otherFunc() ->files() ->vfs_isWritable() ) { KMessageBox::sorry( krApp, i18n( "You can't copy files to this file system" ) ); return ; } // finally.. otherFunc() ->files() ->vfs_addFiles( fileUrls, TDEIO::CopyJob::Copy, 0, "", pmode ); } } void ListPanelFunc::deleteFiles(bool reallyDelete) { // check that the you have write perm if ( !files() ->vfs_isWritable() ) { KMessageBox::sorry( krApp, i18n( "You do not have write permission to this directory" ) ); return ; } // first get the selected file names list TQStringList fileNames; panel->getSelectedNames( &fileNames ); if ( fileNames.isEmpty() ) return ; krConfig->setGroup( "General" ); bool trash = krConfig->readBoolEntry( "Move To Trash", _MoveToTrash ); // now ask the user if he want to delete: krConfig->setGroup( "Advanced" ); if ( krConfig->readBoolEntry( "Confirm Delete", _ConfirmDelete ) ) { TQString s, b; if ( !reallyDelete && trash && files() ->vfs_getType() == vfs::NORMAL ) { s = i18n( "Do you really want to move this item to the trash?", "Do you really want to move these %n items to the trash?", fileNames.count() ); b = i18n( "&Trash" ); } else if( files() ->vfs_getType() == vfs::VIRT && files()->vfs_getOrigin().equals( KURL("virt:/"), true ) ) { s = i18n( "Do you really want to delete this virtual item (physical files stay untouched)?", "Do you really want to delete these virtual items (physical files stay untouched)?", fileNames.count() ); b = i18n( "&Delete" ); } else if( files() ->vfs_getType() == vfs::VIRT ) { s = i18n( "Do you really want to delete this item physically (not just removing it from the virtual items)?", "Do you really want to delete these %n items physically (not just removing them from the virtual items)?", fileNames.count() ); b = i18n( "&Delete" ); } else { s = i18n( "Do you really want to delete this item?", "Do you really want to delete these %n items?", fileNames.count() ); b = i18n( "&Delete" ); } // show message // note: i'm using continue and not yes/no because the yes/no has cancel as default button if ( KMessageBox::warningContinueCancelList( krApp, s, fileNames, i18n( "Warning" ), b ) != KMessageBox::Continue ) return ; } //we want to warn the user about non empty dir // and files he don't have permission to delete krConfig->setGroup( "Advanced" ); bool emptyDirVerify = krConfig->readBoolEntry( "Confirm Unempty Dir", _ConfirmUnemptyDir ); emptyDirVerify = ( ( emptyDirVerify ) && ( files() ->vfs_getType() == vfs::NORMAL ) ); TQDir dir; for ( TQStringList::Iterator name = fileNames.begin(); name != fileNames.end(); ) { vfile * vf = files() ->vfs_search( *name ); // verify non-empty dirs delete... (only for normal vfs) if ( emptyDirVerify && vf->vfile_isDir() && !vf->vfile_isSymLink() ) { dir.setPath( panel->virtualPath().path() + "/" + ( *name ) ); if ( dir.entryList(TQDir::All | TQDir::System | TQDir::Hidden ).count() > 2 ) { switch ( KMessageBox::warningYesNoCancel( krApp, i18n( "

Directory %1 is not empty!

Skip this one or Delete All?

" ).arg(*name), TQString(), i18n( "&Skip" ), i18n( "&Delete All" ) ) ) { case KMessageBox::Cancel : return ; case KMessageBox::No : emptyDirVerify = false; break; case KMessageBox::Yes : name = fileNames.remove( name ); continue; } } } ++name; } if ( fileNames.count() == 0 ) return ; // nothing to delete // after the delete return the cursor to the first unmarked // file above the current item; panel->prepareToDelete(); // let the vfs do the job... if (reallyDelete) { // if reallyDelete, then make sure nothing gets moved to trash krConfig->setGroup("General"); krConfig->writeEntry( "Move To Trash", false ); } files() ->vfs_delFiles( &fileNames ); if (reallyDelete) { krConfig->setGroup("General"); krConfig->writeEntry( "Move To Trash", trash); } } // this is done when you double click on a file void ListPanelFunc::execute( TQString& name ) { if ( name == ".." ) { dirUp(); return ; } vfile *vf = files() ->vfs_search( name ); if ( vf == 0 ) return ; KURL origin = files() ->vfs_getOrigin(); TQString protocol = origin.isLocalFile() ? KrServices::registerdProtocol( vf->vfile_getMime() ) : ""; if ( protocol == "tar" || protocol == "krarc" ) { bool encrypted; TQString type = KRarcHandler::getType( encrypted, vf->vfile_getUrl().path(), vf->vfile_getMime(), false ); if ( !KRarcHandler::arcHandled( type ) ) // if the specified archive is disabled delete the protocol protocol = ""; } if ( vf->vfile_isDir() ) { origin = files() ->vfs_getFile( name ); panel->view->setNameToMakeCurrent( TQString() ); openUrl( origin ); } else if ( !protocol.isEmpty() ) { KURL path = files() ->vfs_getFile( vf->vfile_getName() ); path.setProtocol( protocol ); openUrl( path ); } else { KURL url = files() ->vfs_getFile( name ); KFileItem kfi( vf->vfile_getEntry(), url,true ); kfi.run(); } } void ListPanelFunc::dirUp() { openUrl( files() ->vfs_getOrigin().upURL(), files() ->vfs_getOrigin().fileName() ); } void ListPanelFunc::pack() { TQStringList fileNames; panel->getSelectedNames( &fileNames ); if ( fileNames.isEmpty() ) return ; // safety if ( fileNames.count() == 0 ) return ; // nothing to pack // choose the default name TQString defaultName = panel->virtualPath().fileName(); if ( defaultName == "" ) defaultName = "pack"; if ( fileNames.count() == 1 ) defaultName = fileNames.first(); // ask the user for archive name and packer new PackGUI( defaultName, vfs::pathOrURL( panel->otherPanel->virtualPath(), -1 ), fileNames.count(), fileNames.first() ); if ( PackGUI::type == TQString() ) return ; // the user canceled // check for partial URLs if( !PackGUI::destination.contains(":/") && !PackGUI::destination.startsWith("/") ){ PackGUI::destination = panel->virtualPath().prettyURL()+"/"+PackGUI::destination; } TQString destDir = PackGUI::destination; if( !destDir.endsWith( "/" ) ) destDir += "/"; bool packToOtherPanel = ( destDir == panel->otherPanel->virtualPath().prettyURL(1) ); // on remote URL-s first pack into a temp file then copy to its right place KURL destURL = vfs::fromPathOrURL( destDir + PackGUI::filename + "." + PackGUI::type ); KTempFile *tempDestFile = 0; TQString arcFile; if ( destURL.isLocalFile() ) arcFile = destURL.path(); else if( destURL.protocol() == "virt" ) { KMessageBox::error( krApp, i18n( "Cannot pack files onto a virtual destination!" ) ); return; } else { tempDestFile = new KTempFile( TQString(), "." + PackGUI::type ); tempDestFile->setAutoDelete( true ); arcFile = tempDestFile->name(); TQFile::remove ( arcFile ); } if ( TQFileInfo( arcFile ).exists() ) { TQString msg = i18n( "

The archive %1.%2 already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?

All data in the previous archive will be lost!

").arg(PackGUI::filename).arg(PackGUI::type); if( PackGUI::type == "zip" ) { msg = i18n( "

The archive %1.%2 already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?

Zip will replace identically named entries in the zip archive or add entries for new names.

").arg(PackGUI::filename).arg(PackGUI::type); } if ( KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( krApp,msg,TQString(),i18n( "&Overwrite" )) == KMessageBox::Cancel ) return ; // stop operation } // tell the user to wait krApp->startWaiting( i18n( "Counting files to pack" ), 0, true ); // get the files to be packed: files() ->vfs_getFiles( &fileNames ); TDEIO::filesize_t totalSize = 0; unsigned long totalDirs = 0, totalFiles = 0; if( !calcSpace( fileNames, totalSize, totalFiles, totalDirs ) ) return; // download remote URL-s if necessary TQString arcDir; KTempDir *tempDir = 0; if ( files() ->vfs_getOrigin().isLocalFile() ) arcDir = files() ->vfs_workingDir(); else { tempDir = new KTempDir(); tempDir->setAutoDelete( true ); arcDir = tempDir->name(); KURL::List *urlList = files() ->vfs_getFiles( &fileNames ); TDEIO::NetAccess::dircopy( *urlList, vfs::fromPathOrURL( arcDir ), 0 ); delete urlList; } // pack the files // we must chdir() first because we supply *names* not URL's TQString save = getcwd( 0, 0 ); chdir( arcDir.local8Bit() ); KRarcHandler::pack( fileNames, PackGUI::type, arcFile, totalFiles + totalDirs, PackGUI::extraProps ); chdir( save.local8Bit() ); // delete the temporary directory if created if ( tempDir ) delete tempDir; // copy from the temp file to it's right place if ( tempDestFile ) { TDEIO::NetAccess::file_move( vfs::fromPathOrURL( arcFile ), destURL ); delete tempDestFile; } if ( packToOtherPanel ) panel->otherPanel->func->refresh(); } void ListPanelFunc::testArchive() { TQString arcName = panel->getCurrentName(); if ( arcName.isNull() ) return ; if ( arcName == ".." ) return ; // safety KURL arcURL = files() ->vfs_getFile( arcName ); TQString url = TQString(); // download the file if it's on a remote filesystem if ( !arcURL.isLocalFile() ) { url = locateLocal( "tmp", TQString( arcName ) ); if ( !TDEIO::NetAccess::download( arcURL, url, 0 ) ) { KMessageBox::sorry( krApp, i18n( "Krusader is unable to download: " ) + arcURL.fileName() ); return ; } } else url = arcURL.path( -1 ); TQString mime = files() ->vfs_search( arcName ) ->vfile_getMime(); bool encrypted = false; TQString type = KRarcHandler::getType( encrypted, url, mime ); // check we that archive is supported if ( !KRarcHandler::arcSupported( type ) ) { KMessageBox::sorry( krApp, i18n( "%1, unknown archive type." ).arg( arcName ) ); return ; } TQString password = encrypted ? KRarcHandler::getPassword( url ) : TQString(); // test the archive if ( KRarcHandler::test( url, type, password ) ) KMessageBox::information( krApp, i18n( "%1, test passed." ).arg( arcName ) ); else KMessageBox::error( krApp, i18n( "%1, test failed!" ).arg( arcName ) ); // remove the downloaded file if necessary if ( url != arcURL.path( -1 ) ) TQFile( url ).remove(); } void ListPanelFunc::unpack() { TQStringList fileNames; panel->getSelectedNames( &fileNames ); if ( fileNames.isEmpty() ) return ; // safety TQString s; if(fileNames.count() == 1) s = i18n("Unpack %1 to:").arg(fileNames[0]); else s = i18n("Unpack %n file to:", "Unpack %n files to:", fileNames.count()); // ask the user for the copy dest KURL dest = KChooseDir::getDir(s, panel->otherPanel->virtualPath(), panel->virtualPath()); if ( dest.isEmpty() ) { return ; // the user canceled } bool packToOtherPanel = ( dest.equals( panel->otherPanel->virtualPath(), true ) ); for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < fileNames.count(); ++i ) { TQString arcName = fileNames[ i ]; if ( arcName.isNull() ) return ; if ( arcName == ".." ) return ; // safety // download the file if it's on a remote filesystem KURL arcURL = files() ->vfs_getFile( arcName ); TQString url = TQString(); if ( !arcURL.isLocalFile() ) { url = locateLocal( "tmp", TQString( arcName ) ); if ( !TDEIO::NetAccess::download( arcURL, url, 0 ) ) { KMessageBox::sorry( krApp, i18n( "Krusader is unable to download: " ) + arcURL.fileName() ); continue; } } else url = arcURL.path( -1 ); // for local destionation, check whether it exists or not if ( dest.isLocalFile() ) { TQDir destdir = TQDir(dest.path(1)); if (!destdir.exists()) { // Destination folder does not exists int res = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( NULL, i18n("The destination folder does not exist.\nDo you want to create it?"), i18n("Create folder")); if ( res != KMessageBox::Continue ) { return; } // Create destination folder. If failed, return if (!destdir.mkdir(destdir.absPath())) { KMessageBox::error(NULL, i18n("Unable to create the destionation folder. Aborting operation."), i18n("Error!")); } } } // if the destination is in remote directory use temporary one instead dest.adjustPath(1); KURL originalDestURL; KTempDir *tempDir = 0; if ( !dest.isLocalFile() ) { originalDestURL = dest; tempDir = new KTempDir(); tempDir->setAutoDelete( true ); dest = tempDir->name(); } // determining the type TQString mime = files() ->vfs_search( arcName ) ->vfile_getMime(); bool encrypted = false; TQString type = KRarcHandler::getType( encrypted, url, mime ); // check we that archive is supported if ( !KRarcHandler::arcSupported( type ) ) { KMessageBox::sorry( krApp, i18n( "%1, unknown archive type" ).arg( arcName ) ); continue; } TQString password = encrypted ? KRarcHandler::getPassword( url ) : TQString(); // unpack the files KRarcHandler::unpack( url, type, password, dest.path( -1 ) ); // remove the downloaded file if necessary if ( url != arcURL.path( -1 ) ) TQFile( url ).remove(); // copy files to the destination directory at remote files if ( tempDir ) { TQStringList nameList = TQDir( dest.path( -1 ) ).entryList(); KURL::List urlList; for ( unsigned int i = 0; i != nameList.count(); i++ ) if ( nameList[ i ] != "." && nameList[ i ] != ".." ) urlList.append( vfs::fromPathOrURL( dest.path( 1 ) + nameList[ i ] ) ); if ( urlList.count() > 0 ) TDEIO::NetAccess::dircopy( urlList, originalDestURL, 0 ); delete tempDir; } } if ( packToOtherPanel ) panel->otherPanel->func->refresh(); } // a small ugly function, used to prevent duplication of EVERY line of // code (maybe except 3) from createChecksum and matchChecksum static void checksum_wrapper(ListPanel *panel, TQStringList& args, bool &folders) { KrViewItemList items; panel->view->getSelectedKrViewItems( &items ); if ( items.isEmpty() ) return ; // nothing to do // determine if we need recursive mode (md5deep) folders=false; for ( KrViewItemList::Iterator it = items.begin(); it != items.end(); ++it ) { if (panel->func->getVFile(*it)->vfile_isDir()) { folders = true; args << (*it)->name(); } else args << (*it)->name(); } } void ListPanelFunc::createChecksum() { TQStringList args; bool folders; checksum_wrapper(panel, args, folders); CreateChecksumDlg dlg(args, folders, panel->realPath()); } void ListPanelFunc::matchChecksum() { TQStringList args; bool folders; checksum_wrapper(panel, args, folders); TQValueList checksumFiles = files()->vfs_search( KRQuery(MatchChecksumDlg::checksumTypesFilter) ); MatchChecksumDlg dlg(args, folders, panel->realPath(), (checksumFiles.size()==1 ? checksumFiles[0]->vfile_getUrl().prettyURL() : TQString())); } void ListPanelFunc::calcSpace() { TQStringList items; panel->view->getSelectedItems( &items ); if ( items.isEmpty() ) { panel->view->selectAllIncludingDirs(); panel->view->getSelectedItems( &items ); if ( items.isEmpty() ) return ; // nothing to do } KrCalcSpaceDialog calc( krApp, panel, items, false ); calc.exec(); for ( TQStringList::ConstIterator it = items.begin(); it != items.end(); ++it ) { KrViewItem *viewItem = panel->view->findItemByName( *it ); if ( viewItem ) panel->view->updateItem(viewItem); } panel->slotUpdateTotals(); } bool ListPanelFunc::calcSpace( const TQStringList & items, TDEIO::filesize_t & totalSize, unsigned long & totalFiles, unsigned long & totalDirs ) { KrCalcSpaceDialog calc( krApp, panel, items, true ); calc.exec(); totalSize = calc.getTotalSize(); totalFiles = calc.getTotalFiles(); totalDirs = calc.getTotalDirs(); return !calc.wasCanceled(); } void ListPanelFunc::FTPDisconnect() { // you can disconnect only if connected ! if ( files() ->vfs_getType() == vfs::FTP ) { krFTPDiss->setEnabled( false ); panel->view->setNameToMakeCurrent( TQString() ); openUrl( panel->realPath() ); // open the last local URL } } void ListPanelFunc::newFTPconnection() { KURL url = KRSpWidgets::newFTP(); // if the user canceled - quit if ( url.isEmpty() ) return ; krFTPDiss->setEnabled( true ); openUrl( url ); } void ListPanelFunc::properties() { TQStringList names; panel->getSelectedNames( &names ); if ( names.isEmpty() ) return ; // no names... KFileItemList fi; fi.setAutoDelete( true ); for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < names.count() ; ++i ) { vfile* vf = files() ->vfs_search( names[ i ] ); if ( !vf ) continue; KURL url = files()->vfs_getFile( names[i] ); fi.append( new KFileItem( vf->vfile_getEntry(), url ) ); } if ( fi.isEmpty() ) return ; // Show the properties dialog KPropertiesDialog *dlg = new KPropertiesDialog( fi ); connect( dlg, TQ_SIGNAL( applied() ), SLOTS, TQ_SLOT( refresh() ) ); } void ListPanelFunc::refreshActions() { vfs::VFS_TYPE vfsType = files() ->vfs_getType(); // set up actions krMultiRename->setEnabled( vfsType == vfs::NORMAL ); // batch rename //krProperties ->setEnabled( vfsType == vfs::NORMAL || vfsType == vfs::FTP ); // file properties krFTPDiss ->setEnabled( vfsType == vfs::FTP ); // disconnect an FTP session krCreateCS->setEnabled( vfsType == vfs::NORMAL ); /* krUnpack->setEnabled(true); // unpack archive krTest->setEnabled(true); // test archive krSelect->setEnabled(true); // select a group by filter krSelectAll->setEnabled(true); // select all files krUnselect->setEnabled(true); // unselect by filter krUnselectAll->setEnabled( true); // remove all selections krInvert->setEnabled(true); // invert the selection krFTPConnect->setEnabled(true); // connect to an ftp krFTPNew->setEnabled(true); // create a new connection krAllFiles->setEnabled(true); // show all files in list krCustomFiles->setEnabled(true); // show a custom set of files krBack->setEnabled(func->canGoBack()); // go back krRoot->setEnabled(true); // go all the way up krExecFiles->setEnabled(true); // show only executables */ } ListPanelFunc::~ListPanelFunc() { if( !vfsP ) { if( vfsP->vfs_canDelete() ) delete vfsP; else { connect( vfsP, TQ_SIGNAL( deleteAllowed() ), vfsP, TQ_SLOT( deleteLater() ) ); vfsP->vfs_requestDelete(); } } vfsP = 0; } vfs* ListPanelFunc::files() { if ( !vfsP ) vfsP = KrVfsHandler::getVfs( "/", panel, 0 ); return vfsP; } void ListPanelFunc::copyToClipboard( bool move ) { if( files()->vfs_getOrigin().equals( KURL("virt:/"), true ) ) { if( move ) KMessageBox::error( krApp, i18n( "Cannot cut a virtual URL collection to the clipboard!" ) ); else KMessageBox::error( krApp, i18n( "Cannot copy a virtual URL collection onto the clipboard!" ) ); return; } TQStringList fileNames; panel->getSelectedNames( &fileNames ); if ( fileNames.isEmpty() ) return ; // safety KURL::List* fileUrls = files() ->vfs_getFiles( &fileNames ); if ( fileUrls ) { KRDrag * urlData = KRDrag::newDrag( *fileUrls, move, krApp->mainView, "krusader" ); TQApplication::clipboard() ->setData( urlData ); if( move && files()->vfs_getType() == vfs::VIRT ) ( static_cast( files() ) )->vfs_removeFiles( &fileNames ); delete fileUrls; } } void ListPanelFunc::pasteFromClipboard() { TQClipboard * cb = TQApplication::clipboard(); TQMimeSource * data = cb->data(); KURL::List urls; if ( KURLDrag::canDecode( data ) ) { KURLDrag::decode( data, urls ); bool cutSelection = KRDrag::decodeIsCutSelection( data ); KURL destUrl = panel->virtualPath(); files()->vfs_addFiles( &urls, cutSelection ? TDEIO::CopyJob::Move : TDEIO::CopyJob::Copy, otherFunc()->files(), "", PM_DEFAULT ); } } #include "panelfunc.moc"