/*************************************************************************** kgcolors.cpp - description ------------------- copyright : (C) 2004 + by Csaba Karai e-mail : krusader@users.sourceforge.net web site : http://krusader.sourceforge.net --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description *************************************************************************** A db dD d8888b. db db .d8888. .d8b. d8888b. d88888b d8888b. 88 ,8P' 88 `8D 88 88 88' YP d8' `8b 88 `8D 88' 88 `8D 88,8P 88oobY' 88 88 `8bo. 88ooo88 88 88 88ooooo 88oobY' 88`8b 88`8b 88 88 `Y8b. 88~~~88 88 88 88~~~~~ 88`8b 88 `88. 88 `88. 88b d88 db 8D 88 88 88 .8D 88. 88 `88. YP YD 88 YD ~Y8888P' `8888Y' YP YP Y8888D' Y88888P 88 YD S o u r c e F i l e *************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "kgcolors.h" #include "../defaults.h" #include "../Panel/krcolorcache.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include KgColors::KgColors( bool first, TQWidget* parent, const char* name ) : KonfiguratorPage( first, parent, name ), offset( 0 ) { TQGridLayout *kgColorsLayout = new TQGridLayout( parent ); kgColorsLayout->setSpacing( 6 ); // -------------------------- GENERAL GROUPBOX ---------------------------------- TQGroupBox *generalGrp = createFrame( i18n( "General" ), parent, "kgColorsGeneralGrp" ); TQGridLayout *generalGrid = createGridLayout( generalGrp->layout() ); generalGrid->setSpacing( 0 ); generalGrid->setMargin( 5 ); KONFIGURATOR_CHECKBOX_PARAM generalSettings[] = // cfg_class cfg_name default text restart tooltip {{"Colors","KDE Default", _KDEDefaultColors, i18n( "Use the default TDE colors" ), false, "

" + i18n( "

Use TDE's global color configuration.

Trinity Control Center -> Appearance & Themes -> Colors

") }, {"Colors","Enable Alternate Background", _AlternateBackground, i18n( "Use alternate background color" ), false, i18n( "

The background color and the alternate background color alternates line by line.

When you don't use the TDE default colors, you can configure the alternate colors in the colors box.

") }, {"Colors","Show Current Item Always", _ShowCurrentItemAlways, i18n( "Show current item even if not focused" ), false, i18n( "

Shows the last cursor position in the non active list panel.

This option is only available when you don't use the TDE default colors.

" ) }, {"Colors","Dim Inactive Colors", _DimInactiveColors, i18n( "Dim the colors of the inactive panel" ), false, i18n( "

The colors of the inactive panel are calculated by a dim color and a dim factor.

" ) }}; generals = createCheckBoxGroup( 0, 2, generalSettings, sizeof(generalSettings)/sizeof(generalSettings[0]), generalGrp ); generalGrid->addWidget( generals, 1, 0 ); generals->layout()->setSpacing( 5 ); connect( generals->find( "KDE Default" ), TQ_SIGNAL( stateChanged( int ) ), this, TQ_SLOT( slotDisable() ) ); connect( generals->find( "Enable Alternate Background" ), TQ_SIGNAL( stateChanged( int ) ), this, TQ_SLOT( generatePreview() ) ); connect( generals->find( "Show Current Item Always" ), TQ_SIGNAL( stateChanged( int ) ), this, TQ_SLOT( slotDisable() ) ); connect( generals->find( "Dim Inactive Colors" ), TQ_SIGNAL( stateChanged( int ) ), this, TQ_SLOT( slotDisable() ) ); kgColorsLayout->addMultiCellWidget( generalGrp, 0 ,0, 0, 2 ); TQHBox *hbox = new TQHBox( parent ); // -------------------------- COLORS GROUPBOX ---------------------------------- TQGroupBox *colorsFrameGrp = createFrame( i18n( "Colors" ), hbox, "kgColorsColorsGrp" ); TQGridLayout *colorsFrameGrid = createGridLayout( colorsFrameGrp->layout() ); colorsFrameGrid->setSpacing( 0 ); colorsFrameGrid->setMargin( 3 ); colorTabWidget = new TQTabWidget( colorsFrameGrp, "colorTabWidget" ); connect( colorTabWidget, TQ_SIGNAL( currentChanged ( TQWidget * ) ), this, TQ_SLOT( generatePreview() ) ); colorsGrp = new TQWidget( colorTabWidget, "colorTab" ); colorTabWidget->insertTab( colorsGrp, i18n( "Active" ) ); colorsGrid = new TQGridLayout( colorsGrp ); colorsGrid->setSpacing( 0 ); colorsGrid->setMargin( 2 ); ADDITIONAL_COLOR transparent = { i18n("Transparent"), TQt::white, "transparent" }; addColorSelector( "Foreground", i18n( "Foreground:" ), TDEGlobalSettings::textColor() ); addColorSelector( "Directory Foreground", i18n( "Directory foreground:" ), getColorSelector( "Foreground" )->getColor(), i18n( "Same as foreground" ) ); addColorSelector( "Executable Foreground", i18n( "Executable foreground:" ), getColorSelector( "Foreground" )->getColor(), i18n( "Same as foreground" ) ); addColorSelector( "Symlink Foreground", i18n( "Symbolic link foreground:" ), getColorSelector( "Foreground" )->getColor(), i18n( "Same as foreground" ) ); addColorSelector( "Invalid Symlink Foreground", i18n( "Invalid symlink foreground:" ), getColorSelector( "Foreground" )->getColor(), i18n( "Same as foreground" ) ); addColorSelector( "Background", i18n( "Background:" ), TDEGlobalSettings::baseColor() ); ADDITIONAL_COLOR sameAsBckgnd = { i18n("Same as background"), getColorSelector( "Background" )->getColor(), "Background" }; addColorSelector( "Alternate Background", i18n( "Alternate background:" ), TDEGlobalSettings::alternateBackgroundColor(),"", &sameAsBckgnd, 1 ); addColorSelector( "Marked Foreground", i18n( "Selected foreground:" ), TDEGlobalSettings::highlightedTextColor(), "", &transparent, 1 ); addColorSelector( "Marked Background", i18n( "Selected background:" ), TDEGlobalSettings::highlightColor(), "", &sameAsBckgnd, 1 ); ADDITIONAL_COLOR sameAsAltern = { i18n("Same as alt. background"), getColorSelector( "Alternate Background" )->getColor(), "Alternate Background" }; addColorSelector( "Alternate Marked Background",i18n( "Alternate selected background:" ), getColorSelector( "Marked Background" )->getColor(), i18n( "Same as selected background" ), &sameAsAltern, 1 ); addColorSelector( "Current Foreground", i18n( "Current foreground:" ), TQt::white, i18n( "Not used" ) ); ADDITIONAL_COLOR sameAsMarkedForegnd = { i18n("Same as selected foreground"), getColorSelector( "Marked Foreground" )->getColor(), "Marked Foreground" }; addColorSelector( "Marked Current Foreground", i18n( "Selected current foreground:" ), TQt::white, i18n( "Not used" ), &sameAsMarkedForegnd, 1); addColorSelector( "Current Background", i18n( "Current background:" ), TQt::white, i18n( "Not used" ), &sameAsBckgnd, 1 ); colorsGrid->addWidget(createSpacer(colorsGrp, ""), itemList.count() - offset, 1); connect( getColorSelector( "Foreground" ), TQ_SIGNAL( colorChanged() ), this, TQ_SLOT( slotForegroundChanged() ) ); connect( getColorSelector( "Background" ), TQ_SIGNAL( colorChanged() ), this, TQ_SLOT( slotBackgroundChanged() ) ); connect( getColorSelector( "Alternate Background" ), TQ_SIGNAL( colorChanged() ), this, TQ_SLOT( slotAltBackgroundChanged() ) ); connect( getColorSelector( "Marked Background" ), TQ_SIGNAL( colorChanged() ), this, TQ_SLOT( slotMarkedBackgroundChanged() ) ); inactiveColorStack = new TQWidgetStack( colorTabWidget, "colorTab2" ); colorTabWidget->insertTab( inactiveColorStack, i18n( "Inactive" ) ); colorsGrp = normalInactiveWidget = new TQWidget( inactiveColorStack, "colorTab2" ); colorsGrid = new TQGridLayout( normalInactiveWidget ); colorsGrid->setSpacing( 0 ); colorsGrid->setMargin( 2 ); offset = endOfActiveColors = itemList.count(); addColorSelector( "Inactive Foreground", i18n( "Foreground:" ), getColorSelector( "Foreground" )->getColor(), i18n( "Same as active" ) ); ADDITIONAL_COLOR sameAsInactForegnd = { i18n("Same as foreground"), getColorSelector( "Inactive Foreground" )->getColor(), "Inactive Foreground" }; addColorSelector( "Inactive Directory Foreground", i18n( "Directory foreground:" ), getColorSelector( "Directory Foreground" )->getColor(), i18n( "Same as active" ), &sameAsInactForegnd, 1 ); addColorSelector( "Inactive Executable Foreground", i18n( "Executable foreground:" ), getColorSelector( "Executable Foreground" )->getColor(), i18n( "Same as active" ), &sameAsInactForegnd, 1 ); addColorSelector( "Inactive Symlink Foreground", i18n( "Symbolic link foreground:" ), getColorSelector( "Symlink Foreground" )->getColor(), i18n( "Same as active" ), &sameAsInactForegnd, 1 ); addColorSelector( "Inactive Invalid Symlink Foreground", i18n( "Invalid symlink foreground:" ), getColorSelector( "Invalid Symlink Foreground" )->getColor(), i18n( "Same as active" ), &sameAsInactForegnd, 1 ); addColorSelector( "Inactive Background", i18n( "Background:" ), getColorSelector( "Background" )->getColor(), i18n( "Same as active" ) ); ADDITIONAL_COLOR sameAsInactBckgnd = { i18n("Same as background"), getColorSelector( "Inactive Background" )->getColor(), "Inactive Background" }; addColorSelector( "Inactive Alternate Background", i18n( "Alternate background:" ), getColorSelector( "Alternate Background" )->getColor(), i18n( "Same as active" ), &sameAsInactBckgnd, 1 ); addColorSelector( "Inactive Marked Foreground", i18n( "Selected foreground:" ), getColorSelector( "Marked Foreground" )->getColor(), i18n( "Same as active" ), &transparent, 1 ); addColorSelector( "Inactive Marked Background", i18n( "Selected background:" ), getColorSelector( "Marked Background" )->getColor(), i18n( "Same as active" ), &sameAsInactBckgnd, 1 ); ADDITIONAL_COLOR sameAsInactAltern[] = {{ i18n("Same as alt. background"), getColorSelector( "Inactive Alternate Background" )->getColor(), "Inactive Alternate Background" }, { i18n("Same as selected background"), getColorSelector( "Inactive Marked Background" )->getColor(), "Inactive Marked Background" } }; addColorSelector( "Inactive Alternate Marked Background", i18n( "Alternate selected background:" ), getColorSelector( "Alternate Marked Background" )->getColor(), i18n( "Same as active" ), sameAsInactAltern, 2 ); addColorSelector( "Inactive Current Foreground", i18n( "Current foreground:" ), getColorSelector( "Current Foreground" )->getColor(), i18n( "Same as active" ) ); ADDITIONAL_COLOR sameAsInactMarkedForegnd = { i18n("Same as selected foreground"), getColorSelector( "Inactive Marked Foreground" )->getColor(), "Inactive Marked Foreground" }; addColorSelector( "Inactive Marked Current Foreground", i18n( "Selected current foreground:" ), getColorSelector( "Marked Current Foreground" )->getColor(), i18n( "Same as active" ), &sameAsInactMarkedForegnd, 1 ); addColorSelector( "Inactive Current Background", i18n( "Current background:" ), getColorSelector( "Current Background" )->getColor(), i18n( "Same as active" ), &sameAsInactBckgnd, 1 ); colorsGrid->addWidget(createSpacer(normalInactiveWidget, ""), itemList.count() - offset, 1); connect( getColorSelector( "Inactive Foreground" ), TQ_SIGNAL( colorChanged() ), this, TQ_SLOT( slotInactiveForegroundChanged() ) ); connect( getColorSelector( "Inactive Background" ), TQ_SIGNAL( colorChanged() ), this, TQ_SLOT( slotInactiveBackgroundChanged() ) ); connect( getColorSelector( "Inactive Alternate Background" ), TQ_SIGNAL( colorChanged() ), this, TQ_SLOT( slotInactiveAltBackgroundChanged() ) ); connect( getColorSelector( "Inactive Marked Background" ), TQ_SIGNAL( colorChanged() ), this, TQ_SLOT( slotInactiveMarkedBackgroundChanged() ) ); offset = endOfPanelColors = itemList.count(); inactiveColorStack->addWidget( normalInactiveWidget ); colorsGrp = dimmedInactiveWidget = new TQWidget( inactiveColorStack, "colorTab2dimmed" ); colorsGrid = new TQGridLayout( dimmedInactiveWidget ); colorsGrid->setSpacing( 0 ); colorsGrid->setMargin( 2 ); addColorSelector( "Dim Target Color", i18n( "Dim target color:" ), TQt::white); int index = itemList.count() - offset; labelList.append( addLabel( colorsGrid, index, 0, i18n("Dim factor:"), colorsGrp, TQString( "ColorsLabel%1" ).arg( index ).ascii() ) ); dimFactor = createSpinBox("Colors", "Dim Factor", 100, 0, 100, colorsGrp); dimFactor->setSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy::Expanding, TQSizePolicy::Fixed ); connect( dimFactor, TQ_SIGNAL( valueChanged( int ) ), this, TQ_SLOT( generatePreview() ) ); colorsGrid->addWidget( dimFactor, index++, 1 ); colorsGrid->addWidget(createSpacer(dimmedInactiveWidget, ""), itemList.count() + 1 - offset, 1); inactiveColorStack->addWidget( dimmedInactiveWidget ); inactiveColorStack->raiseWidget( normalInactiveWidget ); colorsGrp = new TQWidget( colorTabWidget, "colorTab3" ); colorTabWidget->insertTab( colorsGrp, i18n( "Synchronizer" ) ); colorsGrid = new TQGridLayout( colorsGrp ); colorsGrid->setSpacing( 0 ); colorsGrid->setMargin( 2 ); ADDITIONAL_COLOR KDEDefaultBase = { i18n("TDE default"), TDEGlobalSettings::baseColor(), "KDE default" }; ADDITIONAL_COLOR KDEDefaultFore = { i18n("TDE default"), TDEGlobalSettings::textColor(), "KDE default" }; offset = endOfPanelColors = itemList.count(); addColorSelector( "Synchronizer Equals Foreground", i18n( "Equals foreground:" ), TQt::black, TQString(), &KDEDefaultFore, 1 ); addColorSelector( "Synchronizer Equals Background", i18n( "Equals background:" ), TDEGlobalSettings::baseColor(), TQString(), &KDEDefaultBase, 1 ); addColorSelector( "Synchronizer Differs Foreground", i18n( "Differing foreground:" ), TQt::red, TQString(), &KDEDefaultFore, 1 ); addColorSelector( "Synchronizer Differs Background", i18n( "Differing background:" ), TDEGlobalSettings::baseColor(), TQString(), &KDEDefaultBase, 1 ); addColorSelector( "Synchronizer LeftCopy Foreground", i18n( "Copy to left foreground:" ), TQt::blue, TQString(), &KDEDefaultFore, 1 ); addColorSelector( "Synchronizer LeftCopy Background", i18n( "Copy to left background:" ), TDEGlobalSettings::baseColor(), TQString(), &KDEDefaultBase, 1 ); addColorSelector( "Synchronizer RightCopy Foreground", i18n( "Copy to right foreground:" ), TQt::darkGreen, TQString(), &KDEDefaultFore, 1 ); addColorSelector( "Synchronizer RightCopy Background", i18n( "Copy to right background:" ), TDEGlobalSettings::baseColor(), TQString(), &KDEDefaultBase, 1 ); addColorSelector( "Synchronizer Delete Foreground", i18n( "Delete foreground:" ), TQt::white, TQString(), &KDEDefaultFore, 1 ); addColorSelector( "Synchronizer Delete Background", i18n( "Delete background:" ), TQt::red, TQString(), &KDEDefaultBase, 1 ); colorsGrid->addWidget(createSpacer(colorsGrp, ""), itemList.count() - offset, 1); colorsFrameGrid->addWidget( colorTabWidget, 0, 0 ); // -------------------------- PREVIEW GROUPBOX ---------------------------------- previewGrp = createFrame( i18n( "Preview" ), hbox, "kgColorsPreviewGrp" ); previewGrid = createGridLayout( previewGrp->layout() ); preview = new TQListView( previewGrp, "colorPreView" ); preview->setShowSortIndicator(false); preview->setSorting(-1); preview->setEnabled( false ); preview->addColumn( i18n("Colors") ); preview->header()->setStretchEnabled( true, 0 ); previewGrid->addWidget( preview, 0 ,0 ); kgColorsLayout->addMultiCellWidget( hbox, 1 ,1, 0, 2 ); importBtn = new KPushButton(i18n("Import color-scheme"),parent); kgColorsLayout->addWidget(importBtn,2,0); exportBtn = new KPushButton(i18n("Export color-scheme"),parent); kgColorsLayout->addWidget(exportBtn,2,1); kgColorsLayout->addWidget(createSpacer(parent, ""), 2,2); connect(importBtn, TQ_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQ_SLOT(slotImportColors())); connect(exportBtn, TQ_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQ_SLOT(slotExportColors())); slotDisable(); } int KgColors::addColorSelector( TQString cfgName, TQString name, TQColor dflt, TQString dfltName, ADDITIONAL_COLOR *addColor, int addColNum ) { int index = itemList.count() - offset; labelList.append( addLabel( colorsGrid, index, 0, name, colorsGrp, TQString( "ColorsLabel%1" ).arg( index ).ascii() ) ); KonfiguratorColorChooser *chooser = createColorChooser( "Colors", cfgName, dflt, colorsGrp, false, addColor, addColNum ); chooser->setSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy::Expanding, TQSizePolicy::Fixed ); if( !dfltName.isEmpty() ) chooser->setDefaultText( dfltName ); colorsGrid->addWidget( chooser, index, 1 ); connect( chooser, TQ_SIGNAL( colorChanged() ), this, TQ_SLOT( generatePreview() ) ); if( !offset ) connect( chooser, TQ_SIGNAL( colorChanged() ), this, TQ_SLOT( slotActiveChanged() ) ); itemList.append( chooser ); itemNames.append( cfgName ); return index; } KonfiguratorColorChooser *KgColors::getColorSelector( TQString name ) { TQValueList::iterator it; int position = 0; for( it = itemNames.begin(); it != itemNames.end(); it++, position++ ) if( *it == name ) return itemList.at( position ); return 0; } TQLabel *KgColors::getSelectorLabel( TQString name ) { TQValueList::iterator it; int position = 0; for( it = itemNames.begin(); it != itemNames.end(); it++, position++ ) if( *it == name ) return labelList.at( position ); return 0; } void KgColors::slotDisable() { bool enabled = generals->find( "KDE Default" )->isChecked(); importBtn->setEnabled(!enabled); exportBtn->setEnabled(!enabled); for( int i = 0; labelList.at( i ) && i < endOfPanelColors ; i++ ) labelList.at( i )->setEnabled( !enabled ); for( int j = 0; itemList.at( j ) && j < endOfPanelColors ; j++ ) itemList.at( j )->setEnabled( !enabled ); generals->find("Enable Alternate Background")->setEnabled( enabled ); generals->find("Show Current Item Always")->setEnabled( !enabled ); generals->find("Dim Inactive Colors")->setEnabled( !enabled ); bool dimmed = !enabled && generals->find("Dim Inactive Colors")->isChecked(); if( dimmed ) inactiveColorStack->raiseWidget( dimmedInactiveWidget ); else inactiveColorStack->raiseWidget( normalInactiveWidget ); enabled = enabled || !generals->find( "Show Current Item Always" )->isChecked(); getColorSelector( "Inactive Current Foreground" )->setEnabled( !enabled ); getColorSelector( "Inactive Current Background" )->setEnabled( !enabled ); generatePreview(); } void KgColors::slotActiveChanged() { for( int i = 0; i != endOfActiveColors; i++ ) itemList.at( endOfActiveColors + i )->setDefaultColor( itemList.at( i )->getColor() ); } void KgColors::slotForegroundChanged() { TQColor color = getColorSelector( "Foreground" )->getColor(); getColorSelector( "Directory Foreground" )->setDefaultColor( color ); getColorSelector( "Executable Foreground" )->setDefaultColor( color ); getColorSelector( "Symlink Foreground" )->setDefaultColor( color ); getColorSelector( "Invalid Symlink Foreground" )->setDefaultColor( color ); } void KgColors::slotBackgroundChanged() { TQColor color = getColorSelector( "Background" )->getColor(); getColorSelector( "Alternate Background" )->changeAdditionalColor( 0, color ); getColorSelector( "Marked Background" )->changeAdditionalColor( 0, color ); getColorSelector( "Current Background" )->changeAdditionalColor( 0, color ); } void KgColors::slotAltBackgroundChanged() { TQColor color = getColorSelector( "Alternate Background" )->getColor(); getColorSelector( "Alternate Marked Background" )->changeAdditionalColor( 0, color ); } void KgColors::slotMarkedBackgroundChanged() { TQColor color = getColorSelector( "Marked Background" )->getColor(); getColorSelector( "Alternate Marked Background" )->setDefaultColor( color ); } void KgColors::slotInactiveForegroundChanged() { TQColor color = getColorSelector( "Inactive Foreground" )->getColor(); getColorSelector( "Inactive Directory Foreground" )->changeAdditionalColor( 0, color ); getColorSelector( "Inactive Executable Foreground" )->changeAdditionalColor( 0, color ); getColorSelector( "Inactive Symlink Foreground" )->changeAdditionalColor( 0, color ); getColorSelector( "Inactive Invalid Symlink Foreground" )->changeAdditionalColor( 0, color ); } void KgColors::slotInactiveBackgroundChanged() { TQColor color = getColorSelector( "Inactive Background" )->getColor(); getColorSelector( "Inactive Alternate Background" )->changeAdditionalColor( 0, color ); getColorSelector( "Inactive Marked Background" )->changeAdditionalColor( 0, color ); getColorSelector( "Inactive Current Background" )->changeAdditionalColor( 0, color ); } void KgColors::slotInactiveAltBackgroundChanged() { TQColor color = getColorSelector( "Inactive Alternate Background" )->getColor(); getColorSelector( "Inactive Alternate Marked Background" )->changeAdditionalColor( 0, color ); } void KgColors::slotInactiveMarkedBackgroundChanged() { TQColor color = getColorSelector( "Inactive Marked Background" )->getColor(); getColorSelector( "Inactive Alternate Marked Background" )->changeAdditionalColor( 1, color ); } void KgColors::setColorWithDimming(PreviewItem * item, TQColor foreground, TQColor background, bool dimmed ) { if ( dimmed && dimFactor->value() < 100) { int dim = dimFactor->value(); TQColor dimColor = getColorSelector("Dim Target Color")->getColor(); foreground = TQColor((dimColor.red() * (100 - dim) + foreground.red() * dim) / 100, (dimColor.green() * (100 - dim) + foreground.green() * dim) / 100, (dimColor.blue() * (100 - dim) + foreground.blue() * dim) / 100); background = TQColor((dimColor.red() * (100 - dim) + background.red() * dim) / 100, (dimColor.green() * (100 - dim) + background.green() * dim) / 100, (dimColor.blue() * (100 - dim) + background.blue() * dim) / 100); } item->setColor(foreground, background); } void KgColors::generatePreview() { int currentPage = colorTabWidget->currentPageIndex(); preview->clear(); if( currentPage == 0 || currentPage == 1 ) { PreviewItem *pwMarkCur = new PreviewItem( preview, i18n( "Selected + Current" ) ); PreviewItem *pwMark2 = new PreviewItem( preview, i18n( "Selected 2" ) ); PreviewItem *pwMark1 = new PreviewItem( preview, i18n( "Selected 1" ) ); PreviewItem *pwCurrent = new PreviewItem( preview, i18n( "Current" ) ); PreviewItem *pwInvLink = new PreviewItem( preview, i18n( "Invalid symlink" ) ); PreviewItem *pwSymLink = new PreviewItem( preview, i18n( "Symbolic link" ) ); PreviewItem *pwApp = new PreviewItem( preview, i18n( "Application" ) ); PreviewItem *pwFile = new PreviewItem( preview, i18n( "File" ) ); PreviewItem *pwDir = new PreviewItem( preview, i18n( "Directory" ) ); bool isActive = currentPage == 0; // create local color cache instance, which does NOT affect the color cache instance using to paint the panels KrColorCache colCache; // create local color settings instance, which initially contains the setings from krConfig KrColorSettings colorSettings; // copy over local settings to color settings instance, which does not affect the persisted krConfig settings TQValueList names = KrColorSettings::getColorNames(); for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = names.begin(); it != names.end(); ++it ) { KonfiguratorColorChooser * chooser = getColorSelector( *it ); if (!chooser) continue; colorSettings.setColorTextValue( *it, chooser->getValue()); if (chooser->isValueRGB()) colorSettings.setColorValue( *it, chooser->getColor()); else colorSettings.setColorValue( *it, TQColor()); } colorSettings.setBoolValue("KDE Default", generals->find( "KDE Default" )->isChecked()); colorSettings.setBoolValue("Enable Alternate Background", generals->find( "Enable Alternate Background" )->isChecked()); colorSettings.setBoolValue("Show Current Item Always", generals->find( "Show Current Item Always" )->isChecked()); colorSettings.setBoolValue("Dim Inactive Colors", generals->find( "Dim Inactive Colors" )->isChecked()); colorSettings.setNumValue("Dim Factor", dimFactor->value()); // let the color cache use the local color settings colCache.setColors( colorSettings ); // ask the local color cache for certain color groups and use them to color the preview TQColorGroup cg; colCache.getColors(cg, KrColorItemType(KrColorItemType::Directory, false, isActive, false, false)); pwDir->setColor( cg.text(), cg.background() ); colCache.getColors(cg, KrColorItemType(KrColorItemType::File, true, isActive, false, false)); pwFile->setColor( cg.text(), cg.background() ); colCache.getColors(cg, KrColorItemType(KrColorItemType::Executable, false, isActive, false, false)); pwApp->setColor( cg.text(), cg.background() ); colCache.getColors(cg, KrColorItemType(KrColorItemType::Symlink, true, isActive, false, false)); pwSymLink->setColor( cg.text(), cg.background() ); colCache.getColors(cg, KrColorItemType(KrColorItemType::InvalidSymlink, false, isActive, false, false)); pwInvLink->setColor( cg.text(), cg.background() ); colCache.getColors(cg, KrColorItemType(KrColorItemType::File, true, isActive, true, false)); pwCurrent->setColor( cg.highlightedText(), cg.highlight() ); colCache.getColors(cg, KrColorItemType(KrColorItemType::File, false, isActive, false, true)); pwMark1->setColor( cg.highlightedText(), cg.highlight() ); colCache.getColors(cg, KrColorItemType(KrColorItemType::File, true, isActive, false, true)); pwMark2->setColor( cg.highlightedText(), cg.highlight() ); colCache.getColors(cg, KrColorItemType(KrColorItemType::File, false, isActive, true, true)); pwMarkCur->setColor( cg.highlightedText(), cg.highlight() ); }else if( currentPage == 2 ) { PreviewItem *pwDelete = new PreviewItem( preview, i18n( "Delete" ) ); PreviewItem *pwRightCopy = new PreviewItem( preview, i18n( "Copy to right" ) ); PreviewItem *pwLeftCopy = new PreviewItem( preview, i18n( "Copy to left" ) ); PreviewItem *pwDiffers = new PreviewItem( preview, i18n( "Differing" ) ); PreviewItem *pwEquals = new PreviewItem( preview, i18n( "Equals" ) ); pwEquals->setColor( getColorSelector( "Synchronizer Equals Foreground" )->getColor(), getColorSelector( "Synchronizer Equals Background" )->getColor() ); pwDiffers->setColor( getColorSelector( "Synchronizer Differs Foreground" )->getColor(), getColorSelector( "Synchronizer Differs Background" )->getColor() ); pwLeftCopy->setColor ( getColorSelector( "Synchronizer LeftCopy Foreground" )->getColor(), getColorSelector( "Synchronizer LeftCopy Background" )->getColor() ); pwRightCopy->setColor( getColorSelector( "Synchronizer RightCopy Foreground" )->getColor(), getColorSelector( "Synchronizer RightCopy Background" )->getColor() ); pwDelete->setColor( getColorSelector( "Synchronizer Delete Foreground" )->getColor(), getColorSelector( "Synchronizer Delete Background" )->getColor() ); } } bool KgColors::apply() { bool result = KonfiguratorPage::apply(); KrColorCache::getColorCache().refreshColors(); return result; } void KgColors::slotImportColors() { // find $TDEDIR/share/apps/krusader TQString basedir = TDEGlobal::dirs()->findResourceDir("appdata", "total_commander.keymap"); // let the user select a file to load TQString file = KFileDialog::getOpenFileName(basedir, "*.color", 0, i18n("Select a color-scheme file")); if (file == TQString()) return; TQFile f(file); if (!f.open(IO_ReadOnly)) { KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Error: unable to read from file"), i18n("Error")); return; } TQDataStream stream(&f); // ok, import away deserialize(stream); generatePreview(); } void KgColors::slotExportColors() { TQString file = KFileDialog::getSaveFileName(TQString(), "*", 0, i18n("Select a color scheme file")); if (file == TQString()) return; TQFile f(file); if (f.exists() && KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this, i18n("File ")+file+i18n(" already exists. Are you sure you want to overwrite it?"), i18n("Warning"), i18n("Overwrite")) != KMessageBox::Continue) return; if (!f.open(IO_WriteOnly)) { KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Error: unable to write to file"), i18n("Error")); return; } TQDataStream stream(&f); serialize(stream); } void KgColors::serialize(TQDataStream & stream) { serializeItem(stream, "Alternate Background"); serializeItem(stream, "Alternate Marked Background"); serializeItem(stream, "Background"); serializeItem(stream, "Current Background"); serializeItem(stream, "Current Foreground"); serializeItem(stream, "Enable Alternate Background"); serializeItem(stream, "Foreground"); serializeItem(stream, "Directory Foreground"); serializeItem(stream, "Executable Foreground"); serializeItem(stream, "Symlink Foreground"); serializeItem(stream, "Invalid Symlink Foreground"); serializeItem(stream, "Inactive Alternate Background"); serializeItem(stream, "Inactive Alternate Marked Background"); serializeItem(stream, "Inactive Background"); serializeItem(stream, "Inactive Current Foreground"); serializeItem(stream, "Inactive Current Background"); serializeItem(stream, "Inactive Marked Background"); serializeItem(stream, "Inactive Marked Current Foreground"); serializeItem(stream, "Inactive Marked Foreground"); serializeItem(stream, "Inactive Foreground"); serializeItem(stream, "Inactive Directory Foreground"); serializeItem(stream, "Inactive Executable Foreground"); serializeItem(stream, "Inactive Symlink Foreground"); serializeItem(stream, "Inactive Invalid Symlink Foreground"); serializeItem(stream, "Dim Inactive Colors"); serializeItem(stream, "Dim Target Color"); serializeItem(stream, "Dim Factor"); serializeItem(stream, "KDE Default"); serializeItem(stream, "Marked Background"); serializeItem(stream, "Marked Current Foreground"); serializeItem(stream, "Marked Foreground"); serializeItem(stream, "Show Current Item Always"); serializeItem(stream, "Synchronizer Equals Foreground"); serializeItem(stream, "Synchronizer Equals Background"); serializeItem(stream, "Synchronizer Differs Foreground"); serializeItem(stream, "Synchronizer Differs Background"); serializeItem(stream, "Synchronizer LeftCopy Foreground"); serializeItem(stream, "Synchronizer LeftCopy Background"); serializeItem(stream, "Synchronizer RightCopy Foreground"); serializeItem(stream, "Synchronizer RightCopy Background"); serializeItem(stream, "Synchronizer Delete Foreground"); serializeItem(stream, "Synchronizer Delete Background"); stream << TQString("") << TQString(""); } void KgColors::deserialize(TQDataStream & stream) { for (;;) { TQString name, value; stream >> name >> value; if (name == "") break; if (name == "KDE Default" || name == "Enable Alternate Background" || name == "Show Current Item Always" || name == "Dim Inactive Colors" ) { bool bValue = false; value = value.lower(); if( value == "true" || value == "yes" || value == "on" || value == "1" ) bValue = true; generals->find( name )->setChecked( bValue ); continue; } if( name == "Dim Factor" ) { dimFactor->setValue( value.toInt() ); continue; } KonfiguratorColorChooser *selector = getColorSelector( name ); if( selector == 0 ) break; selector->setValue( value ); } } void KgColors::serializeItem(class TQDataStream & stream, const char * name) { stream << TQString(name); if( (strcmp( name, "KDE Default") == 0) || (strcmp( name, "Enable Alternate Background") == 0) || (strcmp( name, "Show Current Item Always") == 0) || (strcmp( name, "Dim Inactive Colors") == 0) ) { bool bValue = generals->find( name )->isChecked(); stream << TQString( bValue ? "true" : "false" ); } else if( strcmp( name, "Dim Factor") == 0 ) stream << TQString::number(dimFactor->value()); else { KonfiguratorColorChooser *selector = getColorSelector( name ); stream << selector->getValue(); } } #include "kgcolors.moc"