/*************************************************************************** krusader.cpp ------------------- copyright : (C) 2000 by Shie Erlich & Rafi Yanai e-mail : krusader@users.sourceforge.net web site : http://krusader.sourceforge.net --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description *************************************************************************** A db dD d8888b. db db .d8888. .d8b. d8888b. d88888b d8888b. 88 ,8P' 88 `8D 88 88 88' YP d8' `8b 88 `8D 88' 88 `8D 88,8P 88oobY' 88 88 `8bo. 88ooo88 88 88 88ooooo 88oobY' 88`8b 88`8b 88 88 `Y8b. 88~~~88 88 88 88~~~~~ 88`8b 88 `88. 88 `88. 88b d88 db 8D 88 88 88 .8D 88. 88 `88. YP YD 88 YD ~Y8888P' `8888Y' YP YP Y8888D' Y88888P 88 YD S o u r c e F i l e *************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #ifdef BSD #include #endif // KDE includes #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if KDE_IS_VERSION(3,2,0) #include #endif #include // QT includes #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // Krusader includes #include "krusader.h" #include "kicons.h" #include "VFS/krpermhandler.h" #include "GUI/krusaderstatus.h" #include "RemoteMan/remoteman.h" #include "Dialogs/krpleasewait.h" #include "krusaderview.h" #include "Panel/listpanel.h" #include "Panel/panelfunc.h" #include "Konfigurator/konfigurator.h" #include "Konfigurator/kgprotocols.h" #include "MountMan/kmountman.h" #include "Panel/panelpopup.h" #include "Queue/queue_mgr.h" #include "defaults.h" #include "resources.h" #include "GUI/kfnkeys.h" #include "GUI/kcmdline.h" #include "krslots.h" #include "krservices.h" #include "UserAction/useraction.h" // This makes gcc-4.1 happy. Warning about possible problem with KrAction's dtor not called #include "UserAction/kraction.h" #include "UserAction/expander.h" #include "UserMenu/usermenu.h" #include "panelmanager.h" #include "MountMan/kmountman.h" #include "BookMan/krbookmarkhandler.h" #include "Dialogs/popularurls.h" #include "GUI/krremoteencodingmenu.h" #include "Dialogs/checksumdlg.h" #ifdef __KJSEMBED__ #include "KrJS/krjs.h" #endif // define the static members Krusader *Krusader::App = 0; KAction *Krusader::actProperties = 0; KAction *Krusader::actPack = 0; KAction *Krusader::actUnpack = 0; KAction *Krusader::actTest = 0; KAction *Krusader::actCopy = 0; KAction *Krusader::actPaste = 0; KAction *Krusader::actCompare = 0; KAction *Krusader::actCalculate = 0; KAction *Krusader::actCreateChecksum = 0; KAction *Krusader::actMatchChecksum = 0; KAction *Krusader::actSelect = 0; KAction *Krusader::actSelectAll = 0; KAction *Krusader::actUnselect = 0; KAction *Krusader::actUnselectAll = 0; KAction *Krusader::actInvert = 0; KAction *Krusader::actCompDirs = 0; KAction *Krusader::actSync = 0; KAction *Krusader::actDiskUsage = 0; KAction *Krusader::actHomeTerminal = 0; KAction *Krusader::actFTPConnect = 0; KAction *Krusader::actFTPNewConnect = 0; KAction *Krusader::actFTPDisconnect = 0; KAction *Krusader::actProfiles = 0; KAction *Krusader::actMultiRename = 0; KAction *Krusader::actAllFilter = 0; KAction *Krusader::actExecFilter = 0; KAction *Krusader::actCustomFilter = 0; KAction *Krusader::actMountMan = 0; KAction *Krusader::actNewTool = 0; KAction *Krusader::actKonfigurator = 0; KAction *Krusader::actToolsSetup = 0; KAction *Krusader::actSwapPanels = 0; KAction *Krusader::actSwapSides = 0; KAction *Krusader::actBack = 0; KAction *Krusader::actRoot = 0; KAction *Krusader::actFind = 0; KAction *Krusader::actLocate = 0; KAction *Krusader::actSwitchFullScreenTE = 0; //KAction *Krusader::actAddBookmark = 0; KAction *Krusader::actSavePosition = 0; KAction *Krusader::actSelectColorMask = 0; KAction *Krusader::actOpenLeftBm = 0; KAction *Krusader::actOpenRightBm = 0; KAction *Krusader::actDirUp = 0; KAction *Krusader::actCmdlinePopup = 0; KAction *Krusader::actNewTab = 0; KAction *Krusader::actDupTab = 0; KAction *Krusader::actCloseTab = 0; KAction *Krusader::actNextTab = 0; KAction *Krusader::actPreviousTab = 0; KAction *Krusader::actSplit = 0; KAction *Krusader::actCombine = 0; KAction *Krusader::actUserMenu = 0; KAction *Krusader::actManageUseractions = 0; KAction *Krusader::actSyncDirs = 0; KAction *Krusader::actSyncBrowse = 0; KAction *Krusader::actF2 = 0; KAction *Krusader::actF3 = 0; KAction *Krusader::actF4 = 0; KAction *Krusader::actF5 = 0; KAction *Krusader::actF6 = 0; KAction *Krusader::actF7 = 0; KAction *Krusader::actF8 = 0; KAction *Krusader::actF9 = 0; KAction *Krusader::actF10 = 0; KAction *Krusader::actLocationBar = 0; KAction *Krusader::actPopularUrls = 0; KAction *Krusader::actJumpBack = 0; KAction *Krusader::actSetJumpBack = 0; KAction *Krusader::actDetailedView = 0; KAction *Krusader::actBriefView = 0; KToggleAction *Krusader::actToggleTerminal = 0; KToggleAction *Krusader::actVerticalMode = 0; KRadioAction *Krusader::actSelectNewerAndSingle = 0; KRadioAction *Krusader::actSelectSingle = 0; KRadioAction *Krusader::actSelectNewer = 0; KRadioAction *Krusader::actSelectDifferentAndSingle = 0; KRadioAction *Krusader::actSelectDifferent = 0; KRadioAction **Krusader::compareArray[] = {&actSelectNewerAndSingle, &actSelectNewer, &actSelectSingle, &actSelectDifferentAndSingle, &actSelectDifferent, 0}; KRadioAction *Krusader::actExecStartAndForget = 0; KRadioAction *Krusader::actExecCollectSeparate = 0; KRadioAction *Krusader::actExecCollectTogether = 0; KRadioAction *Krusader::actExecTerminalExternal = 0; KRadioAction *Krusader::actExecTerminalEmbedded = 0; KRadioAction **Krusader::execTypeArray[] = {&actExecStartAndForget, &actExecCollectSeparate, &actExecCollectTogether, &actExecTerminalExternal, &actExecTerminalEmbedded, 0}; KPopupMenu *Krusader::userActionMenu = 0; UserAction *Krusader::userAction = 0; UserMenu *Krusader::userMenu = 0; KrBookmarkHandler *Krusader::bookman = 0; //TQTextOStream *Krusader::_krOut = TQTextOStream(::stdout); #ifdef __KJSEMBED__ KrJS *Krusader::js = 0; KAction *Krusader::actShowJSConsole = 0; #endif // construct the views, statusbar and menu bars and prepare Krusader to start Krusader::Krusader() : KParts::MainWindow(0,0,WType_TopLevel|WDestructiveClose|TQt::WStyle_ContextHelp), DCOPObject("Krusader-Interface"), status(NULL), sysTray( 0 ), isStarting( true ), isExiting( false ), directExit( false ) { // parse command line arguments KCmdLineArgs * args = KCmdLineArgs::parsedArgs(); kapp->ref(); // FIX: krusader exits at closing the viewer when minimized to tray // create the "krusader" App = this; slot = new KRslots(TQT_TQOBJECT(this)); setXMLFile( "krusaderui.rc" ); // kpart-related xml file plzWait = new KRPleaseWaitHandler(); bool runKonfig = versionControl(); TQString message; switch ( config->getConfigState() ) { case KConfigBase::NoAccess : message = "Krusader's configuration file can't be found. Default values will be used."; break; case KConfigBase::ReadOnly : message = "Krusader's configuration file is in READ ONLY mode (why is that!?) Changed values will not be saved"; break; case KConfigBase::ReadWrite : message = ""; break; } if ( message != "" ) { KMessageBox::error( krApp, message ); } // create an icon loader iconLoader = KGlobal::iconLoader(); // create MountMan mountMan = new KMountMan(); // create bookman bookman = new KrBookmarkHandler(); popularUrls = new PopularUrls(TQT_TQOBJECT(this)); queueManager = new QueueManager(); // create the main view mainView = new KrusaderView( this ); // setup all the krusader's actions setupActions(); // init the permmision handler class KRpermHandler::init(); // init the protocol handler KgProtocols::init(); // init the checksum tools initChecksumModule(); krConfig->setGroup( "Look&Feel" ); TQString defaultType = krConfig->readEntry( "Default Panel Type", _DefaultPanelType ); krConfig->setGroup( "Startup" ); TQStringList leftTabs = krConfig->readPathListEntry( "Left Tab Bar" ); TQStringList rightTabs = krConfig->readPathListEntry( "Right Tab Bar" ); TQStringList leftTabTypes = krConfig->readListEntry( "Left Tab Bar Types" ); TQStringList rightTabTypes = krConfig->readListEntry( "Right Tab Bar Types" ); TQValueList leftTabProps = krConfig->readIntListEntry( "Left Tab Bar Props" ); TQValueList rightTabProps = krConfig->readIntListEntry( "Right Tab Bar Props" ); int leftActiveTab = krConfig->readNumEntry( "Left Active Tab", 0 ); int rightActiveTab = krConfig->readNumEntry( "Right Active Tab", 0 ); TQString startProfile = krConfig->readEntry("Starter Profile Name", TQString() ); bool leftActive = krConfig->readBoolEntry( "Left Side Is Active", false ); // get command-line arguments if ( args->isSet( "left" ) ) { leftTabs = TQStringList::split( ',', args->getOption( "left" ) ); leftTabTypes.clear(); leftTabProps.clear(); leftActiveTab = 0; // make sure left or right are not relative paths for(unsigned int i = 0; i != leftTabs.count(); i++ ) { leftTabs[ i ] = leftTabs[ i ].stripWhiteSpace(); if( !leftTabs[ i ].startsWith( "/" ) && leftTabs[ i ].find( ":/" ) < 0 ) leftTabs[ i ] = TQDir::currentDirPath() + "/" + leftTabs[ i ]; } startProfile = TQString(); } if ( args->isSet( "right" ) ) { rightTabs = TQStringList::split( ',', args->getOption( "right" ) ); rightTabTypes.clear(); rightTabProps.clear(); rightActiveTab = 0; // make sure left or right are not relative paths for(unsigned int i = 0; i != rightTabs.count(); i++ ) { rightTabs[ i ] = rightTabs[ i ].stripWhiteSpace(); if( !rightTabs[ i ].startsWith( "/" ) && rightTabs[ i ].find( ":/" ) < 0 ) rightTabs[ i ] = TQDir::currentDirPath() + "/" + rightTabs[ i ]; } startProfile = TQString(); } while( leftTabTypes.count() < leftTabs.count() ) leftTabTypes += defaultType; while( rightTabTypes.count() < rightTabs.count() ) rightTabTypes += defaultType; while( leftTabProps.count() < leftTabs.count() ) leftTabProps += 0; while( rightTabProps.count() < rightTabs.count() ) rightTabProps += 0; if ( args->isSet( "profile" ) ) startProfile = args->getOption( "profile" ); if( !startProfile.isEmpty() ) { leftTabs.clear(); leftTabTypes.clear(); leftTabProps.clear(); rightTabs.clear(); rightTabTypes.clear(); rightTabProps.clear(); leftActiveTab = rightActiveTab = 0; } if( leftTabs.count() == 0 ) { leftTabs.push_back( TQDir::homeDirPath() ); leftTabTypes.push_back( defaultType ); leftTabProps.push_back( 0 ); } if( rightTabs.count() == 0 ) { rightTabs.push_back( TQDir::homeDirPath() ); rightTabTypes.push_back( defaultType ); rightTabProps.push_back( 0 ); } // starting the panels mainView->start( leftTabs, leftTabTypes, leftTabProps, leftActiveTab, rightTabs, rightTabTypes, rightTabProps, rightActiveTab, leftActive ); // create the user menu userMenu = new UserMenu( this ); userMenu->hide(); // setup keyboard accelerators setupAccels(); // create a status bar status = new KrusaderStatus( this ); TQWhatsThis::add( status, i18n( "Statusbar will show basic information " "about file below mouse pointer." ) ); // This enables Krusader to show a tray icon sysTray = new KSystemTray( this ); // Krusader::privIcon() returns either "krusader_blue" or "krusader_red" if the user got root-privileges sysTray->setPixmap( iconLoader->loadIcon( privIcon(), KIcon::Panel, 22 ) ); sysTray->hide(); connect( sysTray, TQT_SIGNAL( quitSelected() ), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT( setDirectExit() ) ); setCentralWidget( mainView ); config->setGroup( "Startup" ); bool startToTray = config->readBoolEntry( "Start To Tray", _StartToTray ); config->setGroup( "Look&Feel" ); bool minimizeToTray = config->readBoolEntry( "Minimize To Tray", _MinimizeToTray ); bool singleInstanceMode = config->readBoolEntry( "Single Instance Mode", _SingleInstanceMode ); startToTray = startToTray && minimizeToTray; if( singleInstanceMode && minimizeToTray ) sysTray->show(); // manage our keyboard short-cuts //KAcceleratorManager::manage(this,true); setCursor( KCursor::arrowCursor() ); if ( ! startProfile.isEmpty() ) mainView->profiles( startProfile ); // let the good times rool :) updateGUI( true ); if ( runKonfig ) slot->runKonfigurator( true ); if (!runKonfig) { config->setGroup( "Private" ); if ( krConfig->readBoolEntry( "Maximized" ) ) restoreWindowSize(config); else { move( oldPos = krConfig->readPointEntry( "Start Position", _StartPosition ) ); resize( oldSize = krConfig->readSizeEntry( "Start Size", _StartSize )); } } if( startToTray ) { sysTray->show(); hide(); } else show(); isStarting = false; } Krusader::~Krusader() { if( !isExiting ) // save the settings if it was not saved (SIGTERM) saveSettings(); delete mainView; delete queueManager; mainView = 0; App = 0; } bool Krusader::versionControl() { #define FIRST_RUN "First Time" bool retval = false; // create config file config = kapp->config(); bool firstRun = config->readBoolEntry(FIRST_RUN, true); #if 0 TQString oldVerText = config->readEntry( "Version", "10.0" ); oldVerText.truncate( oldVerText.findRev( "." ) ); // remove the third dot float oldVer = oldVerText.toFloat(); // older icompatible version if ( oldVer <= 0.9 ) { KMessageBox::information( krApp, i18n( "A configuration of 1.51 or older was detected. Krusader has to reset your configuration to default values.\nNote: Your bookmarks and keybindings will remain intact.\n Krusader will now run Konfigurator." ) ); /*if ( !TQDir::home().remove( ".kde/share/config/krusaderrc" ) ) { KMessageBox::error( krApp, i18n( "Unable to remove your krusaderrc file! Please remove it manually and rerun Krusader." ) ); exit( 1 ); }*/ retval = true; config->reparseConfiguration(); } #endif // first installation of krusader if ( firstRun ) { KMessageBox::information( krApp, i18n( "Welcome to Krusader!

As this is your first run, your machine will now be checked for external applications. Then the Konfigurator will be launched where you can customize Krusader to your needs.

" ) ); retval = true; } config->writeEntry( "Version", VERSION ); config->writeEntry( FIRST_RUN, false); config->sync(); return retval; } void Krusader::statusBarUpdate( TQString& mess ) { // change the message on the statusbar for 2 seconds if (status) // ugly!!!! But as statusBar() creates a status bar if there is no, I have to ask status to prevent // the creation of the KDE default status bar instead of KrusaderStatus. statusBar() ->message( mess, 5000 ); } void Krusader::showEvent ( TQShowEvent * ) { if( isExiting ) return; config->setGroup( "Look&Feel" ); bool showTrayIcon = krConfig->readBoolEntry( "Minimize To Tray", _MinimizeToTray ); bool singleInstanceMode = krConfig->readBoolEntry( "Single Instance Mode", _SingleInstanceMode ); if( showTrayIcon && !singleInstanceMode ) sysTray->hide(); show(); // needed to make sure krusader is removed from // the taskbar when minimizing (system tray issue) } void Krusader::hideEvent ( TQHideEvent *e ) { if( isExiting ) { KParts::MainWindow::hideEvent( e ); sysTray->hide(); return; } TQString lastGroup = config->group(); config->setGroup( "Look&Feel" ); bool showTrayIcon = krConfig->readBoolEntry( "Minimize To Tray", _MinimizeToTray ); config->setGroup ( lastGroup ); bool isModalTopWidget = false; TQWidget *actWnd = TQT_TQWIDGET(tqApp->activeWindow()); if ( actWnd ) isModalTopWidget = actWnd->isModal(); if ( showTrayIcon && !isModalTopWidget && KWin::windowInfo( winId() ).isOnCurrentDesktop() ) { sysTray->show(); hide(); // needed to make sure krusader is removed from // the taskbar when minimizing (system tray issue) } else KParts::MainWindow::hideEvent( e ); } void Krusader::moveEvent ( TQMoveEvent *e ) { oldPos = e->oldPos(); KParts::MainWindow::moveEvent( e ); } void Krusader::resizeEvent ( TQResizeEvent *e ) { oldSize = e->oldSize(); KParts::MainWindow::resizeEvent( e ); } void Krusader::setupAccels() { accels = new KAccel( this ); // SHIFT+F3 accels->insert( "F3_ViewDlg", i18n( "F3 View Dialog" ), TQString(), SHIFT + Key_F3, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( viewDlg() ) ); // Tab accels->insert( "Tab-Switch panel", i18n( "Tab: switch panel" ), TQString(), Key_Tab, TQT_TQOBJECT(mainView), TQT_SLOT( panelSwitch() ) ); } // Moving from Pixmap actions to generic filenames - thanks to Carsten Pfeiffer void Krusader::setupActions() { // first come the TODO actions //actSync = 0;//new KAction(i18n("S&yncronize Dirs"), 0, this, 0, actionCollection(), "sync dirs"); //actNewTool = 0;//new KAction(i18n("&Add a new tool"), 0, this, 0, actionCollection(), "add tool"); //actToolsSetup = 0;//new KAction(i18n("&Tools Menu Setup"), 0, 0, this, 0, actionCollection(), "tools setup"); //KStdAction::print(SLOTS, 0,actionCollection(),"std_print"); //KStdAction::showMenubar( SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( showMenubar() ), actionCollection(), "std_menubar" ); // second, the KDE standard action //KStdAction::up( SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( dirUp() ), actionCollection(), "std_up" )->setShortcut(Key_Backspace); /* Shortcut disabled because of the Terminal Emulator bug. */ krConfig->setGroup( "Private" ); int compareMode = krConfig->readNumEntry( "Compare Mode", 0 ); int cmdExecMode = krConfig->readNumEntry( "Command Execution Mode", 0 ); KStdAction::home( SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( home() ), actionCollection(), "std_home" )->setText( i18n("Home") ); /*->setShortcut(Key_QuoteLeft);*/ new KAction( i18n( "&Reload" ), "reload", CTRL + Key_R, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( refresh() ), actionCollection(), "std_redisplay" ); actShowToolBar = KStdAction::showToolbar( SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( toggleToolbar() ), actionCollection(), "std_toolbar" ); new KToggleAction( i18n("Show Actions Toolbar"), 0, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( toggleActionsToolbar() ), actionCollection(), "toggle actions toolbar" ); actShowStatusBar = KStdAction::showStatusbar( SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( toggleStatusbar() ), actionCollection(), "std_statusbar" ); KStdAction::quit( TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT( slotClose() ), actionCollection(), "std_quit" ); KStdAction::configureToolbars( SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( configToolbar() ), actionCollection(), "std_config_toolbar" ); KStdAction::keyBindings( SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( configKeys() ), actionCollection(), "std_config_keys" ); KStdAction::cut( SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( cut() ), actionCollection(), "std_cut" )->setText( i18n("Cut to Clipboard") ); (actCopy = KStdAction::copy( SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( copy() ), actionCollection(), "std_copy" ))->setText( i18n("Copy to Clipboard") ); (actPaste = KStdAction::paste( SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( paste() ), actionCollection(), "std_paste" ))->setText( i18n("Paste from Clipboard") ); // the toggle actions actToggleFnkeys = new KToggleAction( i18n( "Show &FN Keys Bar" ), 0, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( toggleFnkeys() ), actionCollection(), "toggle fn bar" ); actToggleFnkeys->setChecked( true ); actToggleCmdline = new KToggleAction( i18n( "Show &Command Line" ), 0, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( toggleCmdline() ), actionCollection(), "toggle command line" ); actToggleCmdline->setChecked( true ); actToggleTerminal = new KToggleAction( i18n( "Show Terminal &Emulator" ), ALT + CTRL + Key_T, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( toggleTerminal() ), actionCollection(), "toggle terminal emulator" ); actToggleTerminal->setChecked( false ); actDetailedView = new KAction( i18n( "&Detailed View" ), ALT + SHIFT + Key_D, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( setDetailedView() ), actionCollection(), "detailed_view" ); actBriefView = new KAction( i18n( "&Brief View" ), ALT + SHIFT + Key_B, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( setBriefView() ), actionCollection(), "brief_view" ); actToggleHidden = new KToggleAction( i18n( "Show &Hidden Files" ), CTRL + Key_Period, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( toggleHidden() ), actionCollection(), "toggle hidden files" ); actSwapPanels = new KAction( i18n( "S&wap Panels" ), CTRL + Key_U, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( swapPanels() ), actionCollection(), "swap panels" ); actSwapSides = new KAction( i18n( "Sw&ap Sides" ), CTRL + SHIFT + Key_U, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( toggleSwapSides() ), actionCollection(), "toggle swap sides" ); krConfig->setGroup( "Look&Feel" ); actToggleHidden->setChecked( krConfig->readBoolEntry( "Show Hidden", _ShowHidden ) ); // and then the DONE actions actCmdlinePopup = new KAction( i18n( "popup cmdline" ), 0, CTRL + Key_Slash, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( cmdlinePopup() ), actionCollection(), "cmdline popup" ); /* Shortcut disabled because of the Terminal Emulator bug. */ actDirUp = new KAction( i18n( "Up" ), "up", CTRL+Key_PageUp /*Key_Backspace*/, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( dirUp() ), actionCollection(), "dirUp" ); new KAction( i18n( "&New Text File..." ), "filenew", SHIFT + Key_F4, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( editDlg() ), actionCollection(), "edit_new_file" ); new KAction( i18n( "Start &Root Mode Krusader" ), "krusader_root", ALT + Key_K, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( rootKrusader() ), actionCollection(), "root krusader" ); actTest = new KAction( i18n( "T&est Archive" ), "ark", ALT + Key_E, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( testArchive() ), actionCollection(), "test archives" ); //actFTPConnect = new KAction( i18n( "&Net Connections" ), "domtreeviewer", 0, // SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( runRemoteMan() ), actionCollection(), "ftp connect" ); actFTPNewConnect = new KAction( i18n( "New Net &Connection..." ), "connect_creating", CTRL + Key_N, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( newFTPconnection() ), actionCollection(), "ftp new connection" ); actProfiles = new KAction( i18n( "Pro&files" ), "kr_profile", ALT + Key_L, TQT_TQOBJECT(MAIN_VIEW), TQT_SLOT( profiles() ), actionCollection(), "profile" ); actCalculate = new KAction( i18n( "Calculate &Occupied Space" ), "kcalc", 0, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( calcSpace() ), actionCollection(), "calculate" ); actCreateChecksum = new KAction( i18n( "Create Checksum..." ), "binary", 0, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( createChecksum() ), actionCollection(), "create checksum" ); actMatchChecksum = new KAction( i18n( "Verify Checksum..." ), "match_checksum", 0, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( matchChecksum() ), actionCollection(), "match checksum" ); actProperties = new KAction( i18n( "&Properties..." ), 0, ALT+Key_Enter, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( properties() ), actionCollection(), "properties" ); actPack = new KAction( i18n( "Pac&k..." ), "kr_arc_pack", ALT + Key_P, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( slotPack() ), actionCollection(), "pack" ); actUnpack = new KAction( i18n( "&Unpack..." ), "kr_arc_unpack", ALT + Key_U, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( slotUnpack() ), actionCollection() , "unpack" ); actSplit = new KAction( i18n( "Sp&lit File..." ), "kr_split", CTRL + Key_P, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( slotSplit() ), actionCollection(), "split" ); actCombine = new KAction( i18n( "Com&bine Files..." ), "kr_combine", CTRL + Key_B, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( slotCombine() ), actionCollection() , "combine" ); actSelect = new KAction( i18n( "Select &Group..." ), "kr_select", CTRL + Key_Plus, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( markGroup() ), actionCollection(), "select group" ); actSelectAll = new KAction( i18n( "&Select All" ), "kr_selectall", ALT + Key_Plus, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( markAll() ), actionCollection(), "select all" ); actUnselect = new KAction( i18n( "&Unselect Group..." ), "kr_unselect", CTRL + Key_Minus, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( unmarkGroup() ), actionCollection(), "unselect group" ); actUnselectAll = new KAction( i18n( "U&nselect All" ), "kr_unselectall", ALT + Key_Minus, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( unmarkAll() ), actionCollection(), "unselect all" ); actInvert = new KAction( i18n( "&Invert Selection" ), "kr_invert", ALT + Key_Asterisk, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( invert() ), actionCollection(), "invert" ); actCompDirs = new KAction( i18n( "&Compare Directories" ), "view_left_right", ALT + Key_C, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( compareDirs() ), actionCollection(), "compare dirs" ); actSelectNewerAndSingle = new KRadioAction( i18n( "&Select Newer and Single" ), 0, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( compareSetup() ), actionCollection(), "select_newer_and_single" ); actSelectNewer = new KRadioAction( i18n( "Select &Newer" ), 0, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( compareSetup() ), actionCollection(), "select_newer" ); actSelectSingle = new KRadioAction( i18n( "Select &Single" ), 0, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( compareSetup() ), actionCollection(), "select_single" ); actSelectDifferentAndSingle = new KRadioAction( i18n( "Select Different &and Single" ), 0, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( compareSetup() ), actionCollection(), "select_different_and_single" ); actSelectDifferent = new KRadioAction( i18n( "Select &Different" ), 0, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( compareSetup() ), actionCollection(), "select_different" ); actSelectNewerAndSingle->setExclusiveGroup( "the_select_group" ); actSelectNewer->setExclusiveGroup( "the_select_group" ); actSelectSingle->setExclusiveGroup( "the_select_group" ); actSelectDifferentAndSingle->setExclusiveGroup( "the_select_group" ); actSelectDifferent->setExclusiveGroup( "the_select_group" ); if( compareMode < (int)( sizeof( compareArray ) / sizeof( KRadioAction ** ) ) -1 ) (*compareArray[ compareMode ])->setChecked( true ); actExecStartAndForget = new KRadioAction( i18n( "Start and &Forget" ), 0, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( execTypeSetup() ), actionCollection(), "exec_start_and_forget" ); actExecCollectSeparate = new KRadioAction( i18n( "Display &Separated Standard and Error Output" ), 0, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( execTypeSetup() ), actionCollection(), "exec_collect_separate" ); actExecCollectTogether = new KRadioAction( i18n( "Display &Mixed Standard and Error Output" ), 0, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( execTypeSetup() ), actionCollection(), "exec_collect_together" ); actExecTerminalExternal = new KRadioAction( i18n( "Start in &New Terminal" ), 0, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( execTypeSetup() ), actionCollection(), "exec_terminal_external" ); actExecTerminalEmbedded = new KRadioAction( i18n( "Send to &Embedded Terminal Emulator" ), 0, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( execTypeSetup() ), actionCollection(), "exec_terminal_embedded" ); actExecStartAndForget->setExclusiveGroup("the_exec_type_group"); actExecCollectSeparate->setExclusiveGroup("the_exec_type_group"); actExecCollectTogether->setExclusiveGroup("the_exec_type_group"); actExecTerminalExternal->setExclusiveGroup("the_exec_type_group"); actExecTerminalEmbedded->setExclusiveGroup("the_exec_type_group"); if( cmdExecMode < (int)( sizeof( execTypeArray ) / sizeof( KRadioAction ** ) ) -1 ) (*execTypeArray[ cmdExecMode ])->setChecked( true ); actHomeTerminal = new KAction( i18n( "Start &Terminal" ), "terminal", 0, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( homeTerminal() ), actionCollection(), "terminal@home" ); actFTPDisconnect = new KAction( i18n( "Disconnect &from Net" ), "kr_ftp_disconnect", SHIFT + CTRL + Key_F, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( FTPDisconnect() ), actionCollection(), "ftp disconnect" ); #if KDE_IS_VERSION(3,2,0) /* new mountman feature is available in kde 3.2 only! */ actMountMan = new KToolBarPopupAction( i18n( "&MountMan..." ), "kr_mountman", ALT + Key_Slash, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( runMountMan() ), actionCollection(), "mountman" ); connect( ( ( KToolBarPopupAction* ) actMountMan ) ->popupMenu(), TQT_SIGNAL( aboutToShow() ), mountMan, TQT_SLOT( quickList() ) ); #else actMountMan = new KAction( i18n( "&MountMan..." ), "kr_mountman", ALT + Key_Slash, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( runMountMan() ), actionCollection(), "mountman" ); #endif /* KDE 3.2 */ actFind = new KAction( i18n( "&Search..." ), "filefind", CTRL + Key_S, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( search() ), actionCollection(), "find" ); actLocate = new KAction( i18n( "&Locate..." ), "find", SHIFT+CTRL + Key_L, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( locate() ), actionCollection(), "locate" ); actSyncDirs = new KAction( i18n( "Synchronize &Directories..." ), "kr_syncdirs", CTRL + Key_Y, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( slotSynchronizeDirs() ), actionCollection(), "sync dirs" ); actSyncBrowse = new KAction( i18n( "S&ynchron Directory Changes" ), "kr_syncbrowse_off", ALT + Key_Y, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( slotSyncBrowse() ), actionCollection(), "sync browse" ); actDiskUsage = new KAction( i18n( "D&isk Usage..." ), "kr_diskusage", ALT + Key_D, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( slotDiskUsage() ), actionCollection(), "disk usage" ); actKonfigurator = new KAction( i18n( "Configure &Krusader..." ), "configure", 0, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( startKonfigurator() ), actionCollection(), "konfigurator" ); actBack = new KAction( i18n( "Back" ), "back", 0, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( back() ), actionCollection(), "back" ); actRoot = new KAction( i18n( "Root" ), "top", CTRL + Key_Backspace, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( root() ), actionCollection(), "root" ); actSavePosition = new KAction( i18n( "Save &Position" ), 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(krApp), TQT_SLOT( savePosition() ), actionCollection(), "save position" ); actAllFilter = new KAction( i18n( "&All Files" ), SHIFT + Key_F10, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( allFilter() ), actionCollection(), "all files" ); //actExecFilter = new KAction( i18n( "&Executables" ), SHIFT + Key_F11, // SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( execFilter() ), actionCollection(), "exec files" ); actCustomFilter = new KAction( i18n( "&Custom" ), SHIFT + Key_F12, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( customFilter() ), actionCollection(), "custom files" ); actCompare = new KAction( i18n( "Compare b&y Content..." ), "kmultiple", 0, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( compareContent() ), actionCollection(), "compare" ); actMultiRename = new KAction( i18n( "Multi &Rename..." ), "krename", SHIFT + Key_F9, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( multiRename() ), actionCollection(), "multirename" ); new KAction( i18n( "Right-click Menu" ), Key_Menu, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( rightclickMenu() ), actionCollection(), "rightclick menu" ); new KAction( i18n( "Right Bookmarks" ), ALT + Key_Right, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( openRightBookmarks() ), actionCollection(), "right bookmarks" ); new KAction( i18n( "Left Bookmarks" ), ALT + Key_Left, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( openLeftBookmarks() ), actionCollection(), "left bookmarks" ); new KAction( i18n( "Bookmarks" ), CTRL + Key_D, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( openBookmarks() ), actionCollection(), "bookmarks" ); new KAction( i18n( "Bookmark Current" ), CTRL + SHIFT + Key_D, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( bookmarkCurrent() ), actionCollection(), "bookmark current" ); new KAction( i18n( "History" ), CTRL + Key_H, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( openHistory() ), actionCollection(), "history" ); new KAction( i18n( "Sync Panels" ), ALT + Key_O, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( syncPanels() ), actionCollection(), "sync panels"); new KAction( i18n( "Left History" ), ALT + CTRL + Key_Left, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( openLeftHistory() ), actionCollection(), "left history" ); new KAction( i18n( "Right History" ), ALT + CTRL + Key_Right, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( openRightHistory() ), actionCollection(), "right history" ); new KAction( i18n( "Media" ), CTRL + Key_M, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( openMedia() ), actionCollection(), "media" ); new KAction( i18n( "Left Media" ), CTRL + SHIFT + Key_Left, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( openLeftMedia() ), actionCollection(), "left media" ); new KAction( i18n( "Right Media" ), CTRL + SHIFT + Key_Right, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( openRightMedia() ), actionCollection(), "right media" ); new KAction( i18n( "New Symlink..." ), CTRL + ALT + Key_S, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( newSymlink() ), actionCollection(), "new symlink"); new KToggleAction( i18n( "Toggle Popup Panel" ), ALT + Key_Down, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( togglePopupPanel() ), actionCollection(), "toggle popup panel" ); actVerticalMode = new KToggleAction( i18n( "Vertical Mode" ), "view_top_bottom", ALT + CTRL + Key_R, TQT_TQOBJECT(MAIN_VIEW), TQT_SLOT( toggleVerticalMode() ), actionCollection(), "toggle vertical mode" ); actNewTab = new KAction( i18n( "New Tab" ), "tab_new", ALT + CTRL + Key_N, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( newTab() ), actionCollection(), "new tab" ); actDupTab = new KAction( i18n( "Duplicate Current Tab" ), "tab_duplicate", ALT + CTRL + SHIFT + Key_N, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( duplicateTab() ), actionCollection(), "duplicate tab" ); actCloseTab = new KAction( i18n( "Close Current Tab" ), "tab_remove", CTRL + Key_W, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( closeTab() ), actionCollection(), "close tab" ); actNextTab = new KAction( i18n( "Next Tab" ), SHIFT + Key_Right, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( nextTab() ), actionCollection(), "next tab" ); actPreviousTab = new KAction( i18n( "Previous Tab" ), SHIFT + Key_Left, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( previousTab() ), actionCollection(), "previous tab" ); /* actUserMenu = new KAction( i18n( "User Menu" ), ALT + Key_QuoteLeft, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( userMenu() ), actionCollection(), "user menu" ); */ actManageUseractions = new KAction( i18n( "Manage User Actions..." ), 0, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( manageUseractions() ), actionCollection(), "manage useractions" ); new KrRemoteEncodingMenu(i18n("Select Remote Charset"), "charset", actionCollection(), "changeremoteencoding"); // setup the Fn keys actF2 = new KAction( i18n( "Start Terminal Here" ), "terminal", Key_F2, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( terminal() ) , actionCollection(), "F2_Terminal" ); actF3 = new KAction( i18n( "View File" ), Key_F3, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( view() ) , actionCollection(), "F3_View" ); actF4 = new KAction( i18n( "Edit File" ), Key_F4, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( edit() ) , actionCollection(), "F4_Edit" ); actF5 = new KAction( i18n( "Copy..." ), Key_F5, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( copyFiles() ) , actionCollection(), "F5_Copy" ); actF6 = new KAction( i18n( "Move..." ), Key_F6, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( moveFiles() ) , actionCollection(), "F6_Move" ); actF7 = new KAction( i18n( "New Directory..." ), "folder_new", Key_F7, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( mkdir() ) , actionCollection(), "F7_Mkdir" ); actF8 = new KAction( i18n( "Delete" ), "editdelete", Key_F8, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( deleteFiles() ) , actionCollection(), "F8_Delete" ); actF9 = new KAction( i18n( "Rename" ), Key_F9, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( rename() ) , actionCollection(), "F9_Rename" ); actF10 = new KAction( i18n( "Quit" ), Key_F10, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT( slotClose() ) , actionCollection(), "F10_Quit" ); actPopularUrls = new KAction( i18n("Popular URLs..."), CTRL+Key_Z, popularUrls, TQT_SLOT( showDialog() ), actionCollection(), "Popular_Urls"); actLocationBar = new KAction( i18n("Go to Location Bar"), CTRL+Key_L, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( slotLocationBar() ), actionCollection(), "location_bar"); actJumpBack = new KAction( i18n("Jump Back"), "kr_jumpback", CTRL+Key_J, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( slotJumpBack() ), actionCollection(), "jump_back"); actSetJumpBack = new KAction( i18n("Set Jump Back Point"), "kr_setjumpback", CTRL+SHIFT+Key_J, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( slotSetJumpBack() ), actionCollection(), "set_jump_back"); actSwitchFullScreenTE = new KAction( i18n( "Toggle Fullwidget Terminal Emulator" ), 0, CTRL + Key_F, TQT_TQOBJECT(MAIN_VIEW), TQT_SLOT( switchFullScreenTE() ), actionCollection(), "switch_fullscreen_te" ); // and at last we can set the tool-tips actSelect->setToolTip( i18n( "Select files using a filter" ) ); actSelectAll->setToolTip( i18n("Select all files in the current directory" ) ); actUnselectAll->setToolTip( i18n( "Unselect all selected files" ) ); actKonfigurator->setToolTip( i18n( "Setup Krusader the way you like it" ) ); actBack->setToolTip( i18n( "Back to the place you came from" ) ); actRoot->setToolTip( i18n( "ROOT (/)" ) ); actFind->setToolTip( i18n( "Search for files" ) ); // setup all UserActions userAction = new UserAction(); #ifdef __KJSEMBED__ actShowJSConsole = new KAction( i18n( "JavaScript Console..." ), ALT + CTRL + Key_J, SLOTS, TQT_SLOT( jsConsole() ), actionCollection(), "JS_Console" ); #endif } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////// implementation of slots ////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Krusader::savePosition() { config->setGroup( "Private" ); config->writeEntry( "Maximized", isMaximized() ); if (isMaximized()) saveWindowSize(config); else { config->writeEntry( "Start Position", isMaximized() ? oldPos : pos() ); config->writeEntry( "Start Size", isMaximized() ? oldSize : size() ); } config->writeEntry( "Panel Size", mainView->vert_splitter->sizes() [ 0 ] ); config->writeEntry( "Terminal Size", mainView->vert_splitter->sizes() [ 1 ] ); TQValueList lst = mainView->horiz_splitter->sizes(); config->writeEntry( "Splitter Sizes", lst ); mainView->left->popup->saveSizes(); mainView->right->popup->saveSizes(); if( !MAIN_VIEW->getTerminalEmulatorSplitterSizes().isEmpty() ) config->writeEntry( "Terminal Emulator Splitter Sizes", MAIN_VIEW->getTerminalEmulatorSplitterSizes() ); // save view settings ---> fix when we have tabbed-browsing mainView->left->view->saveSettings(); mainView->right->view->saveSettings(); config->setGroup( "Startup" ); config->writeEntry( "Vertical Mode", actVerticalMode->isChecked()); config->sync(); } void Krusader::saveSettings() { toolBar() ->saveSettings( krConfig, "Private" ); toolBar("actionsToolBar")->saveSettings( krConfig, "Actions Toolbar" ); config->setGroup( "Startup" ); config->writeEntry( "Left Active Tab", mainView->leftMng->activeTab() ); config->writeEntry( "Right Active Tab", mainView->rightMng->activeTab() ); config->writeEntry( "Left Side Is Active", MAIN_VIEW->activePanel->isLeft() ); mainView->leftMng->saveSettings( krConfig, "Left Tab Bar" ); mainView->rightMng->saveSettings( krConfig, "Right Tab Bar" ); bool rememberpos = config->readBoolEntry( "Remember Position", _RememberPos ); bool uisavesettings = config->readBoolEntry( "UI Save Settings", _UiSave ); // save the popup panel's page of the CURRENT tab config->writeEntry( "Left Panel Popup", mainView->left->popup->currentPage() ); config->writeEntry( "Right Panel Popup", mainView->right->popup->currentPage() ); // save size and position if ( rememberpos || uisavesettings ) { savePosition(); } // save the gui if ( uisavesettings ) { config->setGroup( "Startup" ); config->writeEntry( "Show status bar", actShowStatusBar->isChecked() ); config->writeEntry( "Show tool bar", actShowToolBar->isChecked() ); config->writeEntry( "Show FN Keys", actToggleFnkeys->isChecked() ); config->writeEntry( "Show Cmd Line", actToggleCmdline->isChecked() ); config->writeEntry( "Show Terminal Emulator", actToggleTerminal->isChecked() ); config->writeEntry( "Vertical Mode", actVerticalMode->isChecked()); config->writeEntry( "Start To Tray", isHidden()); } // save popular links popularUrls->save(); config->sync(); } void Krusader::refreshView() { delete mainView; mainView = new KrusaderView( this ); setCentralWidget( mainView ); config->setGroup( "Private" ); resize( krConfig->readSizeEntry( "Start Size", _StartSize ) ); move( krConfig->readPointEntry( "Start Position", _StartPosition ) ); mainView->show(); show(); } void Krusader::configChanged() { config->setGroup( "Look&Feel" ); bool minimizeToTray = config->readBoolEntry( "Minimize To Tray", _MinimizeToTray ); bool singleInstanceMode = config->readBoolEntry( "Single Instance Mode", _SingleInstanceMode ); if( !isHidden() ) { if( singleInstanceMode && minimizeToTray ) sysTray->show(); else sysTray->hide(); } else { if( minimizeToTray ) sysTray->show(); } } void Krusader::slotClose() { directExit = true; close(); } bool Krusader::queryClose() { if( isStarting || isExiting ) return false; if( kapp->sessionSaving() ) // KDE is logging out, accept the close { saveSettings(); kapp->dcopClient()->registerAs( KApplication::kApplication()->name(), true ); kapp->deref(); // FIX: krusader exits at closing the viewer when minimized to tray kapp->deref(); // and close the application return isExiting = true; // this will also kill the pending jobs } krConfig->setGroup( "Look&Feel" ); if( !directExit && krConfig->readBoolEntry( "Single Instance Mode", _SingleInstanceMode ) && krConfig->readBoolEntry( "Minimize To Tray", _MinimizeToTray ) ) { hide(); return false; } // the shutdown process can be cancelled. That's why // the directExit variable is set to normal here. directExit = false; bool quit = true; if ( krConfig->readBoolEntry( "Warn On Exit", _WarnOnExit ) ) { switch ( KMessageBox::warningYesNo( this, i18n( "Are you sure you want to quit?" ) ) ) { case KMessageBox::Yes : quit = true; break; case KMessageBox::No : quit = false; break; default: quit = false; } } if ( quit ) { /* First try to close the child windows, because it's the safer way to avoid crashes, then close the main window. If closing a child is not successful, then we cannot let the main window close. */ for(;;) { TQWidgetList * list = TQApplication::topLevelWidgets(); TQWidget *activeModal = TQT_TQWIDGET(TQApplication::activeModalWidget()); TQWidget *w = list->first(); if( activeModal && activeModal != this && activeModal != menuBar() && activeModal != sysTray && list->contains( activeModal ) && !activeModal->isHidden() ) w = activeModal; else { while(w && (w==this || w==sysTray || w->isHidden() || w==menuBar()) ) w = list->next(); } delete list; if(!w) break; bool hid = false; if( w->inherits( "KDialogBase" ) ) { // KDE is funny and rejects the close event for w->hide(); // playing a fancy animation with the CANCEL button. hid = true; // if we hide the widget, KDialogBase accepts the close event } if( !w->close() ) { if( hid ) w->show(); if( w->inherits( TQDIALOG_OBJECT_NAME_STRING ) ) fprintf( stderr, "Failed to close: %s\n", w->className() ); return false; } } saveSettings(); isExiting = true; hide(); // hide // Changes the name of the application. Single instance mode requires unique appid. // As Krusader is exiting, we release that unique appid, so new Krusader instances // can be started. kapp->dcopClient()->registerAs( KApplication::kApplication()->name(), true ); kapp->deref(); // FIX: krusader exits at closing the viewer when minimized to tray kapp->deref(); // and close the application return false; // don't let the main widget close. It stops the pendig copies! } else return false; } // the please wait dialog functions void Krusader::startWaiting( TQString msg, int count , bool cancel ) { plzWait->startWaiting( msg , count, cancel ); } bool Krusader::wasWaitingCancelled() const { return plzWait->wasCancelled(); } void Krusader::incProgress( KProcess *, char *buffer, int buflen ) { int howMuch = 0; for ( int i = 0 ; i < buflen; ++i ) if ( buffer[ i ] == '\n' ) ++howMuch; plzWait->incProgress( howMuch ); } void Krusader::stopWait() { plzWait->stopWait(); } void Krusader::updateGUI( bool enforce ) { // now, check if we need to create a konsole_part config->setGroup( "Startup" ); // call the XML GUI function to draw the UI createGUI( mainView->konsole_part ); // this needs to be called AFTER createGUI() !!! userActionMenu = (KPopupMenu*) guiFactory()->container( "useractionmenu", this ); if ( userActionMenu ) userAction->populateMenu( userActionMenu ); toolBar() ->applySettings( krConfig, "Private" ); toolBar("actionsToolBar") ->applySettings( krConfig, "Actions Toolbar" ); static_cast(actionCollection()->action("toggle actions toolbar"))-> setChecked(toolBar("actionsToolBar")->isVisible()); if ( enforce ) { // now, hide what need to be hidden if ( !krConfig->readBoolEntry( "Show tool bar", _ShowToolBar ) ) { toolBar() ->hide(); actShowToolBar->setChecked( false ); } else { toolBar() ->show(); actShowToolBar->setChecked( true ); } if ( !krConfig->readBoolEntry( "Show status bar", _ShowStatusBar ) ) { statusBar() ->hide(); actShowStatusBar->setChecked( false ); } else { statusBar() ->show(); actShowStatusBar->setChecked( true ); } if ( !krConfig->readBoolEntry( "Show Cmd Line", _ShowCmdline ) ) { mainView->cmdLine->hide(); actToggleCmdline->setChecked( false ); } else { mainView->cmdLine->show(); actToggleCmdline->setChecked( true ); } // update the Fn bar to the shortcuts selected by the user mainView->fnKeys->updateShortcuts(); if ( !krConfig->readBoolEntry( "Show FN Keys", _ShowFNkeys ) ) { mainView->fnKeys->hide(); actToggleFnkeys->setChecked( false ); } else { mainView->fnKeys->show(); actToggleFnkeys->setChecked( true ); } // set vertical mode if (krConfig->readBoolEntry( "Vertical Mode", false)) { actVerticalMode->setChecked(true); mainView->toggleVerticalMode(); } if ( config->readBoolEntry( "Show Terminal Emulator", _ShowTerminalEmulator ) ) { mainView->slotTerminalEmulator( true ); // create konsole_part KConfigGroup grp(krConfig, "Private" ); TQValueList lst; lst.append( grp.readNumEntry( "Panel Size", _PanelSize ) ); lst.append( grp.readNumEntry( "Terminal Size", _TerminalSize ) ); mainView->vert_splitter->setSizes( lst ); config->setGroup( "Startup" ); } else if ( actExecTerminalEmbedded->isChecked() ) { //create (but not show) terminal emulator, //if command-line commands are to be run there mainView->createTE(); } } // popular urls popularUrls->load(); } // return a list in the format of TOOLS,PATH. for example // DIFF,kdiff,TERMINAL,konsole,... // // currently supported tools: DIFF, MAIL, RENAME // // to use it: TQStringList lst = supportedTools(); // int i = lst.findIndex("DIFF"); // if (i!=-1) pathToDiff=lst[i+1]; TQStringList Krusader::supportedTools() { TQStringList tools; // first, a diff program: kdiff if ( KrServices::cmdExist( "kdiff3" ) ) { tools.append( "DIFF" ); tools.append( KrServices::fullPathName( "kdiff3", "diff utility" ) ); } else if ( KrServices::cmdExist( "kompare" ) ) { tools.append( "DIFF" ); tools.append( KrServices::fullPathName( "kompare", "diff utility" ) ); } else if ( KrServices::cmdExist( "xxdiff" ) ) { tools.append( "DIFF" ); tools.append( KrServices::fullPathName( "xxdiff", "diff utility" ) ); } // a mailer: kmail if ( KrServices::cmdExist( "kmail" ) ) { tools.append( "MAIL" ); tools.append( KrServices::fullPathName( "kmail" ) ); } // rename tool: krename if ( KrServices::cmdExist( "krename" ) ) { tools.append( "RENAME" ); tools.append( KrServices::fullPathName( "krename" ) ); } // checksum utility if (KrServices::cmdExist("md5deep")) { tools.append("MD5"); tools.append(KrServices::fullPathName("md5deep", "checksum utility")); } else if (KrServices::cmdExist("md5sum")) { tools.append("MD5"); tools.append(KrServices::fullPathName("md5sum", "checksum utility")); } else if (KrServices::cmdExist("sha1deep")) { tools.append("MD5"); tools.append(KrServices::fullPathName("sha1deep", "checksum utility")); } else if (KrServices::cmdExist("sha256deep")) { tools.append("MD5"); tools.append(KrServices::fullPathName("sha256deep", "checksum utility")); } else if (KrServices::cmdExist("tigerdeep")) { tools.append("MD5"); tools.append(KrServices::fullPathName("tigerdeep", "checksum utility")); } else if (KrServices::cmdExist("whirlpooldeep")) { tools.append("MD5"); tools.append(KrServices::fullPathName("whirlpooldeep", "checksum utility")); } else if (KrServices::cmdExist("cfv")) { tools.append("MD5"); tools.append(KrServices::fullPathName("cfv", "checksum utility")); } return tools; } TQString Krusader::getTempDir() { // try to make krusader temp dir krConfig->setGroup( "General" ); TQString tmpDir = krConfig->readEntry( "Temp Directory", _TempDirectory ); if ( ! TQDir( tmpDir ).exists() ) { for ( int i = 1 ; i != -1 ; i = tmpDir.find( '/', i + 1 ) ) TQDir().mkdir( tmpDir.left( i ) ); TQDir().mkdir( tmpDir ); chmod( tmpDir.local8Bit(), 0777 ); } // add a secure sub dir under the user UID TQString uid; uid.sprintf( "%d", getuid() ); TQDir( tmpDir ).mkdir( uid ); tmpDir = tmpDir + "/" + uid + "/"; chmod( tmpDir.local8Bit(), S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IXUSR ); // add a random sub dir to use while ( TQDir().exists( tmpDir ) ) tmpDir = tmpDir + kapp->randomString( 8 ); TQDir().mkdir( tmpDir ); if ( !TQDir( tmpDir ).isReadable() ) { KMessageBox::error( krApp, "Could not create a temporary directory. Handling of Archives will not be possible until this is fixed." ); return TQString(); } return tmpDir; } TQString Krusader::getTempFile() { // try to make krusader temp dir krConfig->setGroup( "General" ); TQString tmpDir = krConfig->readEntry( "Temp Directory", _TempDirectory ); if ( ! TQDir( tmpDir ).exists() ) { for ( int i = 1 ; i != -1 ; i = tmpDir.find( '/', i + 1 ) ) TQDir().mkdir( tmpDir.left( i ) ); TQDir().mkdir( tmpDir ); chmod( tmpDir.local8Bit(), 0777 ); } // add a secure sub dir under the user UID TQString uid; uid.sprintf( "%d", getuid() ); TQDir( tmpDir ).mkdir( uid ); tmpDir = tmpDir + "/" + uid + "/"; chmod( tmpDir.local8Bit(), S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IXUSR ); while ( TQDir().exists( tmpDir ) ) tmpDir = tmpDir + kapp->randomString( 8 ); return tmpDir; } const char* Krusader::privIcon() { if ( geteuid() ) return "krusader_user"; else return "krusader_root"; } bool Krusader::process(const TQCString &fun, const TQByteArray &/* data */, TQCString &/* replyType */, TQByteArray &/* replyData */) { if (fun == "moveToTop()") { moveToTop(); return true; } else { fprintf( stderr, "Processing DCOP call failed. Function unknown!\n" ); return false; } } void Krusader::moveToTop() { if( isHidden() ) show(); KWin::forceActiveWindow( winId() ); } #include "krusader.moc"