/*************************************************************************** krpopupmenu.cpp - description ------------------- begin : Tue Aug 26 2003 copyright : (C) 2003 by Shie Erlich & Rafi Yanai email : ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../krservices.h" #include "../defaults.h" #include "../MountMan/kmountman.h" #include "../krslots.h" #include "krpopupmenu.h" #include "krview.h" #include "krviewitem.h" #include "panelfunc.h" #include "../krusaderview.h" #include "../panelmanager.h" void KrPopupMenu::run(const TQPoint &pos, ListPanel *panel) { KrPopupMenu menu(panel); int result = menu.exec(pos); menu.performAction(result); } KrPopupMenu::KrPopupMenu(ListPanel *thePanel, TQWidget *parent) : KPopupMenu(parent), panel(thePanel), empty(false), multipleSelections(false),actions(0) { #ifdef __LIBKONTQ__ konqMenu = 0; #endif panel->view->getSelectedKrViewItems( &items ); if ( items.empty() ) { addCreateNewMenu(); insertSeparator(); addEmptyMenuEntries(); return; } else if ( items.size() > 1 ) multipleSelections = true; item = items.first(); vfile *vf = panel->func->getVFile(item); // ------------ the OPEN option - open prefered service insertItem( i18n("Open/Run"), OPEN_ID ); if ( !multipleSelections ) { // meaningful only if one file is selected changeItem( OPEN_ID, item->icon(), vf->vfile_isExecutable() && !vf->vfile_isDir() ? i18n("Run") : i18n("Open") ); // open in a new tab (if folder) if ( vf->vfile_isDir() ) { insertItem( i18n( "Open in New Tab" ), OPEN_TAB_ID ); changeItem( OPEN_TAB_ID, krLoader->loadIcon( "tab_new", KIcon::Panel ), i18n( "Open in New Tab" ) ); } insertSeparator(); } // ------------- Preview - normal vfs only ? if ( panel->func->files()->vfs_getType() == vfs::NORMAL ) { // create the preview popup TQStringList names; panel->getSelectedNames( &names ); preview.setUrls( panel->func->files() ->vfs_getFiles( &names ) ); insertItem( i18n("Preview"), &preview, PREVIEW_ID ); } // -------------- Open with: try to find-out which apps can open the file // this too, is meaningful only if one file is selected or if all the files // have the same mimetype ! TQString mime = panel->func->getVFile(item)->vfile_getMime(); // check if all the list have the same mimetype for ( unsigned int i = 1; i < items.size(); ++i ) { if ( panel->func->getVFile(( *items.at( i ) )) ->vfile_getMime() != mime ) { mime = TQString(); break; } } if ( !mime.isEmpty() ) { offers = KServiceTypeProfile::offers( mime ); for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < offers.count(); ++i ) { KService::Ptr service = offers[ i ].service(); if ( service->isValid() && service->type() == "Application" ) { openWith.insertItem( service->name(), SERVICE_LIST_ID + i ); openWith.changeItem( SERVICE_LIST_ID + i, service->pixmap( KIcon::Small ), service->name() ); } } openWith.insertSeparator(); if ( vf->vfile_isDir() ) openWith.insertItem( krLoader->loadIcon( "konsole", KIcon::Small ), i18n( "Terminal" ), OPEN_TERM_ID ); openWith.insertItem( i18n( "Other..." ), CHOOSE_ID ); insertItem( TQPixmap(), &openWith, OPEN_WITH_ID ); changeItem( OPEN_WITH_ID, i18n( "Open With" ) ); insertSeparator(); } // --------------- user actions insertItem( i18n("User Actions"), new UserActionPopupMenu( panel->func->files()->vfs_getFile( item->name() ).url() ) ); _items.setAutoDelete( true ); for ( KrViewItemList::Iterator it = items.begin(); it != items.end(); ++it ) { vfile *file = panel->func->files()->vfs_search(((*it)->name())); KURL url = file->vfile_getUrl(); _items.append( new KFileItem( url, file->vfile_getMime(), file->vfile_getMode() ) ); } #ifdef __LIBKONTQ__ // -------------- konqueror menu actions = new KActionCollection(this); konqMenu = new KonqPopupMenu( KonqBookmarkManager::self(), _items, panel->func->files()->vfs_getOrigin(), *actions, 0, this, KonqPopupMenu::NoFlags, KParts::BrowserExtension::DefaultPopupItems ); insertItem( TQPixmap(), konqMenu, KONTQ_MENU_ID ); changeItem( KONTQ_MENU_ID, i18n( "Konqueror Menu" ) ); #endif // ------------- 'create new' submenu addCreateNewMenu(); insertSeparator(); // ---------- COPY insertItem( i18n( "Copy..." ), COPY_ID ); if ( panel->func->files() ->vfs_isWritable() ) { // ------- MOVE insertItem( i18n( "Move..." ), MOVE_ID ); // ------- RENAME - only one file if ( !multipleSelections ) insertItem( i18n( "Rename" ), RENAME_ID ); // -------- MOVE TO TRASH KConfigGroupSaver saver(krConfig, "General"); bool trash = krConfig->readBoolEntry( "Move To Trash", _MoveToTrash ); if( trash ) insertItem( i18n( "Move to Trash" ), TRASH_ID ); // -------- DELETE insertItem( i18n( "Delete" ), DELETE_ID ); // -------- SHRED - only one file if ( panel->func->files() ->vfs_getType() == vfs::NORMAL && !vf->vfile_isDir() && !multipleSelections ) insertItem( i18n( "Shred" ), SHRED_ID ); } // ---------- link handling // create new shortcut or redirect links - only on local directories: if ( panel->func->files() ->vfs_getType() == vfs::NORMAL ) { insertSeparator(); linkPopup.insertItem( i18n( "New Symlink..." ), NEW_SYMLINK_ID ); linkPopup.insertItem( i18n( "New Hardlink..." ), NEW_LINK_ID ); if ( panel->func->getVFile(item)->vfile_isSymLink() ) linkPopup.insertItem( i18n( "Redirect Link..." ), REDIRECT_LINK_ID); insertItem( TQPixmap(), &linkPopup, LINK_HANDLING_ID ); changeItem( LINK_HANDLING_ID, i18n( "Link Handling" ) ); } insertSeparator(); // ---------- calculate space if ( panel->func->files() ->vfs_getType() == vfs::NORMAL && ( vf->vfile_isDir() || multipleSelections ) ) krCalculate->plug( this ); // ---------- mount/umount/eject if ( panel->func->files() ->vfs_getType() == vfs::NORMAL && vf->vfile_isDir() && !multipleSelections ) { if ( krMtMan.getStatus( panel->func->files() ->vfs_getFile( item->name() ).path( -1 ) ) == KMountMan::MOUNTED ) insertItem( i18n( "Unmount" ), UNMOUNT_ID ); else if ( krMtMan.getStatus( panel->func->files() ->vfs_getFile( item->name() ).path( -1 ) ) == KMountMan::NOT_MOUNTED ) insertItem( i18n( "Mount" ), MOUNT_ID ); if ( krMtMan.ejectable( panel->func->files() ->vfs_getFile( item->name() ).path( -1 ) ) ) insertItem( i18n( "Eject" ), EJECT_ID ); } // --------- send by mail if ( Krusader::supportedTools().contains( "MAIL" ) && !vf->vfile_isDir() ) { insertItem( i18n( "Send by Email" ), SEND_BY_EMAIL_ID ); } // --------- synchronize if ( panel->view->numSelected() ) { insertItem( i18n( "Synchronize Selected Files..." ), SYNC_SELECTED_ID ); } // --------- copy/paste insertSeparator(); insertItem( i18n( "Copy to Clipboard" ), COPY_CLIP_ID ); if ( panel->func->files() ->vfs_isWritable() ) { insertItem( i18n( "Cut to Clipboard" ), MOVE_CLIP_ID ); insertItem( i18n( "Paste from Clipboard" ), PASTE_CLIP_ID ); } insertSeparator(); // --------- properties krProperties->plug( this ); } KrPopupMenu::~KrPopupMenu() { if (actions) delete actions; #ifdef __LIBKONTQ__ if (konqMenu) delete konqMenu; #endif } void KrPopupMenu::addEmptyMenuEntries() { insertItem( i18n( "Paste from Clipboard" ), PASTE_CLIP_ID ); } void KrPopupMenu::addCreateNewMenu() { createNewPopup.insertItem( krLoader->loadIcon( "folder", KIcon::Small ), i18n("Folder..."), MKDIR_ID); createNewPopup.insertItem( krLoader->loadIcon( "txt", KIcon::Small ), i18n("Text File..."), NEW_TEXT_FILE_ID); insertItem( TQPixmap(), &createNewPopup, CREATE_NEW_ID); changeItem( CREATE_NEW_ID, i18n( "Create New" ) ); } void KrPopupMenu::performAction(int id) { KURL u; KURL::List lst; switch ( id ) { case - 1 : // the user clicked outside of the menu return ; case OPEN_TAB_ID : // assuming only 1 file is selected (otherwise we won't get here) ( ACTIVE_PANEL == LEFT_PANEL ? LEFT_MNG : RIGHT_MNG )-> slotNewTab( panel->func->files()->vfs_getFile( item->name() ).url() ); break; case OPEN_ID : for ( KrViewItemList::Iterator it = items.begin(); it != items.end(); ++it ) { u = panel->func->files()->vfs_getFile( ( *it ) ->name() ); KRun::runURL( u, panel->func->getVFile(item)->vfile_getMime() ); } break; case COPY_ID : panel->func->copyFiles(); break; case MOVE_ID : panel->func->moveFiles(); break; case RENAME_ID : SLOTS->rename(); break; case TRASH_ID : panel->func->deleteFiles( false ); break; case DELETE_ID : panel->func->deleteFiles( true ); break; case EJECT_ID : KMountMan::eject( panel->func->files() ->vfs_getFile( item->name() ).path( -1 ) ); break; case SHRED_ID : if ( KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( krApp, i18n("Do you really want to shred %1? Once shred, the file is gone forever!").arg(item->name()), TQString(), KStdGuiItem::cont(), "Shred" ) == KMessageBox::Continue ) KShred::shred( panel->func->files() ->vfs_getFile( item->name() ).path( -1 ) ); break; case OPEN_KONTQ_ID : kapp->startServiceByDesktopName( "konqueror", panel->func->files() ->vfs_getFile( item->name() ).url() ); break; case CHOOSE_ID : // open-with dialog u = panel->func->files() ->vfs_getFile( item->name() ); lst.append( u ); KRun::displayOpenWithDialog( lst ); break; case MOUNT_ID : krMtMan.mount( panel->func->files() ->vfs_getFile( item->name() ).path( -1 ) ); break; case NEW_LINK_ID : panel->func->krlink( false ); break; case NEW_SYMLINK_ID : panel->func->krlink( true ); break; case REDIRECT_LINK_ID : panel->func->redirectLink(); break; case UNMOUNT_ID : krMtMan.unmount( panel->func->files() ->vfs_getFile( item->name() ).path( -1 ) ); break; case COPY_CLIP_ID : panel->func->copyToClipboard(); break; case MOVE_CLIP_ID : panel->func->copyToClipboard( true ); break; case PASTE_CLIP_ID : panel->func->pasteFromClipboard(); break; case SEND_BY_EMAIL_ID : SLOTS->sendFileByEmail( panel->func->files() ->vfs_getFile( item->name() ).url() ); break; case MKDIR_ID : SLOTS->mkdir(); break; case NEW_TEXT_FILE_ID: SLOTS->editDlg(); break; case SYNC_SELECTED_ID : { TQStringList selectedNames; for ( KrViewItemList::Iterator it = items.begin(); it != items.end(); ++it ) selectedNames.append( ( *it ) ->name() ); if( panel->otherPanel->view->numSelected() ) { KrViewItemList otherItems; panel->otherPanel->view->getSelectedKrViewItems( &otherItems ); for ( KrViewItemList::Iterator it2 = otherItems.begin(); it2 != otherItems.end(); ++it2 ) { TQString name = ( *it2 ) ->name(); if( !selectedNames.contains( name ) ) selectedNames.append( name ); } } SLOTS->slotSynchronizeDirs( selectedNames ); } break; case OPEN_TERM_ID : TQString save = getcwd( 0, 0 ); chdir( panel->func->files() ->vfs_getFile( item->name() ).path( -1 ).local8Bit() ); KProcess proc; { KConfigGroupSaver saver(krConfig, "General"); TQString term = krConfig->readEntry( "Terminal", _Terminal ); proc << KrServices::separateArgs( term ); if ( !panel->func->getVFile(item)->vfile_isDir() ) proc << "-e" << item->name(); if ( term.contains( "konsole" ) ) { /* KDE 3.2 bug (konsole is killed by pressing Ctrl+C) */ /* Please remove the patch if the bug is corrected */ proc << "&"; proc.setUseShell( true ); } if ( !proc.start( KProcess::DontCare ) ) KMessageBox::sorry( krApp, i18n( "Can't open \"%1\"" ).arg(term) ); } // group-saver is blown out of scope here chdir( save.local8Bit() ); break; } // check if something from the open-with-offered-services was selected if ( id >= SERVICE_LIST_ID ) { TQStringList names; panel->getSelectedNames( &names ); KRun::run( *( offers[ id - SERVICE_LIST_ID ].service() ), *( panel->func->files() ->vfs_getFiles( &names ) ) ); } } #include "krpopupmenu.moc"