Checksum creation-verification Checksum File Create Checksum : &krusader; checks which tools you have and if those tools allow recursive operation (in case you selected folders), you can generate a checksum by choosing a checksum type from the list (md5, sha...). You can then save the checksum to a file, usually called checksum.md5 or checksum.sha1. File Verify Checksum : &krusader; checks if you have a tool that supports the type of checksum you need (from your specified checksum file) and displays the files that failed the checksum (if any). The system abstracts over different checksum mechanisms and Checksum Utilities. At the moment, the following checksums are supported: md5, sha1, sha256, sha224, sha256, sha384, sha512, tiger, whirlpool, cfv and crc. Please check your Checksum Utilities settings before using this function.