You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

213 lines
7.2 KiB

begin : Thu May 4 2000
copyright : (C) 2000 by Shie Erlich & Rafi Yanai
e-mail :
web site :
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H e a d e r F i l e
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <kpropsdlg.h>
#include <kfileitem.h>
#include <kurl.h>
#include <tqwidget.h>
#include <tqlabel.h>
#include <tqlayout.h>
#include <tqstring.h>
#include <tqpixmap.h>
#include <tqtoolbutton.h>
#include <tqpopupmenu.h>
#include <tqdir.h>
#include <tqpixmapcache.h>
#include <tqiconset.h>
#include <tqptrstack.h>
#include <tqtextbrowser.h>
#include <keditcl.h>
#include <klineedit.h>
#include <tqguardedptr.h>
#include "krview.h"
#include "../Dialogs/krsqueezedtextlabel.h"
// use our version of it, until kde fixes theirs
#include "../MountMan/kdiskfreesp.h"
class vfs;
class vfile;
class KRdirWatch;
class KrView;
class KURLRequester;
class BookmarksButton;
class KrQuickSearch;
class DirHistoryButton;
class DirHistoryQueue;
class MediaButton;
class PanelPopup;
class SyncBrowseButton;
class KrBookmarkButton;
class KPushButton;
class ListPanelFunc;
class TQHeader;
class ListPanel : public TQWidget {
friend class ListPanelFunc;
#define ITEM2VFILE(PANEL_PTR, KRVIEWITEM) PANEL_PTR->func->files()->vfs_search(KRVIEWITEM->name())
#define NAME2VFILE(PANEL_PTR, STRING_NAME) PANEL_PTR->func->files()->vfs_search(STRING_NAME)
// constructor create the panel, but DOESN'T fill it with data, use start()
ListPanel( TQString panelType, TQWidget *parent, bool &left, const char *name = 0 );
void start( KURL url = KURL(), bool immediate = false );
const TQString & getType() { return panelType; }
void changeType( const TQString & );
KURL virtualPath() const;
TQString realPath() const;
TQString getCurrentName();
void getSelectedNames( TQStringList* fileNames ) {
view->getSelectedItems( fileNames );
void setPanelToolbar();
bool isLeft() {return _left;}
void jumpBack();
void setJumpBack( KURL url );
int getProperties();
void setProperties( int );
public slots:
void gotStats( const TQString &mountPoint, unsigned long kBSize, unsigned long kBUsed, unsigned long kBAvail); // displays filesystem status
void popRightClickMenu( const TQPoint& );
void popEmptyRightClickMenu( const TQPoint & );
void select( KRQuery query, bool select);
void select( bool, bool ); // see doc in ListPanel
void invertSelection(); // see doc in ListPanel
void compareDirs();
void slotFocusOnMe(); // give this VFS the focus (the path bar)
void slotUpdate(); // when the vfs finish to update...
void slotUpdateTotals();
void slotStartUpdate(); // internal
void slotGetStats( const KURL& url ); // get the disk-free stats
void setFilter( KrViewProperties::FilterSpec f );
void slotFocusAndCDRoot();
void slotFocusAndCDHome();
void slotFocusAndCDup();
void slotFocusAndCDOther();
void togglePanelPopup();
// for signals from vfs' dirwatch
void slotItemAdded(vfile *vf);
void slotItemDeleted(const TQString& name);
void slotItemUpdated(vfile *vf);
void slotCleared();
void panelActive(); // called when the panel becomes active
void panelInactive(); // called when panel becomes inactive
///////////////////////// service functions - called internally ////////////////////////
inline void setOther( ListPanel *panel ) {
otherPanel = panel;
void prepareToDelete(); // internal use only
virtual void keyPressEvent( TQKeyEvent *e );
virtual void showEvent( TQShowEvent * );
virtual void hideEvent( TQHideEvent * );
virtual bool eventFilter ( TQObject * watched, TQEvent * e );
void createView();
protected slots:
void handleDropOnView(TQDropEvent *, TQWidget *destWidget=0); // handles drops on the view only
void handleDropOnTotals( TQDropEvent * ); // handles drops on the totals line
void handleDropOnStatus( TQDropEvent * ); // handles drops on the status line
void startDragging( TQStringList, TQPixmap );
// those handle the in-panel refresh notifications
void slotJobStarted(KIO::Job* job);
void inlineRefreshInfoMessage( KIO::Job* job, const TQString &msg );
void inlineRefreshListResult(KIO::Job* job);
void inlineRefreshPercent( KIO::Job*, unsigned long );
void inlineRefreshCancel();
void signalStatus( TQString msg ); // emmited when we need to update the status bar
void cmdLineUpdate( TQString p ); // emitted when we need to update the command line
void pathChanged( ListPanel *panel );
void activePanelChanged( ListPanel *p ); // emitted when the user changes panels
void finishedDragging(); // currently
TQString panelType;
ListPanelFunc *func;
KrView *view;
ListPanel *otherPanel;
int colorMask;
bool compareMode;
//FilterSpec filter;
KRQuery filterMask;
TQPixmap currDragPix;
TQListViewItem *currDragItem;
KDiskFreeSp* statsAgent;
KrSqueezedTextLabel *status, *totals;
KrQuickSearch *quickSearch;
KURLRequester *origin;
TQGridLayout *layout;
TQToolButton *cdRootButton;
TQToolButton *cdHomeButton;
TQToolButton *cdUpButton;
TQToolButton *cdOtherButton;
TQToolButton *popupBtn;
TQToolButton *clearOrigin;
PanelPopup *popup;
KrBookmarkButton *bookmarksButton;
DirHistoryQueue* dirHistoryQueue;
DirHistoryButton* historyButton;
MediaButton *mediaButton;
SyncBrowseButton *syncBrowseButton;
KPushButton *inlineRefreshCancelButton;
KIO::Job *inlineRefreshJob;
TQSplitter *splt;
TQHeader * header;
KURL _realPath; // named with _ to keep realPath() compatability
KURL _jumpBackURL;
bool &_left;
TQValueList<int> popupSizes;