You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

587 lines
21 KiB

// C++ Implementation: kraction
// Description:
// Author: Shie Erlich and Rafi Yanai <>, (C) 2004
// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
#include <kdialogbase.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kinputdialog.h>
#include <tqtextedit.h>
#include <tqvbox.h>
#include <tqlayout.h>
#include <tqsplitter.h>
#include <tqpushbutton.h>
#include <tqcheckbox.h>
#include <tqfile.h>
#include <tqlabel.h>
#include <kaction.h>
#include <kurl.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <kfiledialog.h>
#include "kraction.h"
#include "expander.h"
#include "useraction.h"
#include "../krusader.h"
#include "../krusaderview.h"
#include "../defaults.h"
//for the availabilitycheck:
#include <kmimetype.h>
#include <tqregexp.h>
////////////////////////////////// KrActionProcDlg /////////////////////////////////////////
#include <tqlayout.h>
KrActionProcDlg::KrActionProcDlg( TQString caption, bool enableStderr, TQWidget *parent ) :
KDialogBase( parent, 0, false, caption, KDialogBase::User1 | KDialogBase::Ok | KDialogBase::Cancel, KDialogBase::Cancel ),
_stdout(0), _stderr(0), _currentTextEdit(0) {
setButtonOK( i18n( "Close" ) );
enableButtonOK( false ); // disable the close button, until the process finishes
setButtonCancel( KGuiItem(i18n("Kill"), i18n( "Kill the running process" )) );
setButtonText(KDialogBase::User1, i18n("Save as") );
TQVBox *page = makeVBoxMainWidget();
// do we need to separate stderr and stdout?
if ( enableStderr ) {
TQSplitter *splitt = new TQSplitter( Qt::Vertical, page );
// create stdout
TQVBox *stdoutBox = new TQVBox( splitt, "stdout VBox" );
stdoutBox->setSpacing( 6 );
new TQLabel( i18n( "Standard Output (stdout)" ), stdoutBox );
_stdout = new TQTextEdit( stdoutBox );
_stdout->setReadOnly( true );
_stdout->setMinimumWidth( fontMetrics().maxWidth() * 40 );
// create stderr
TQVBox *stderrBox = new TQVBox( splitt, "stderr VBox" );
stderrBox->setSpacing( 6 );
new TQLabel( i18n( "Standard Error (stderr)" ), stderrBox );
_stderr = new TQTextEdit( stderrBox );
_stderr->setReadOnly( true );
_stderr->setMinimumWidth( fontMetrics().maxWidth() * 40 );
} else {
// create stdout
new TQLabel( i18n( "Output" ), page );
_stdout = new TQTextEdit( page );
_stdout->setReadOnly( true );
_stdout->setMinimumWidth( fontMetrics().maxWidth() * 40 );
_currentTextEdit = _stdout;
connect( _stdout, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked(int, int) ), TQT_SLOT( currentTextEditChanged() ) );
if (_stderr)
connect( _stderr, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked(int, int) ), TQT_SLOT( currentTextEditChanged() ) );
krConfig->setGroup( "UserActions" );
normalFont = krConfig->readFontEntry( "Normal Font", _UserActions_NormalFont );
fixedFont = krConfig->readFontEntry( "Fixed Font", _UserActions_FixedFont );
bool startupState = krConfig->readBoolEntry( "Use Fixed Font", _UserActions_UseFixedFont );
toggleFixedFont( startupState );
// HACK This fetches the tqlayout of the buttonbox from KDialogBase, although it is not accessable with KDialogBase's API
// None the less it's quite save to use since this implementation hasn't changed since KDE-3.3 (I haven't looked at earlier
// versions since we don't support them) and now all work is done in KDE-4.
TQWidget* buttonBox = TQT_TQWIDGET( actionButton(KDialogBase::Ok)->parent() );
TQBoxLayout* buttonBoxLayout = static_cast<TQBoxLayout*>( buttonBox->tqlayout() );
TQCheckBox* useFixedFont = new TQCheckBox( i18n("Use font with fixed width"), buttonBox );
buttonBoxLayout->insertWidget( 0, useFixedFont );
useFixedFont->setChecked( startupState );
connect( useFixedFont, TQT_SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), TQT_SLOT( toggleFixedFont(bool) ) );
void KrActionProcDlg::addStderr( KProcess *, char *buffer, int buflen ) {
if (_stderr)
_stderr->append( TQString::fromLatin1( buffer, buflen ) );
else {
_stdout->append( TQString::fromLatin1( buffer, buflen ) );
void KrActionProcDlg::addStdout( KProcess *, char *buffer, int buflen ) {
_stdout->append( TQString::fromLatin1( buffer, buflen ) );
void KrActionProcDlg::toggleFixedFont( bool state ) {
if ( state ) {
_stdout->setFont( fixedFont );
if ( _stderr )
_stderr->setFont( fixedFont );
else {
_stdout->setFont( normalFont );
if ( _stderr )
_stderr->setFont( normalFont );
void KrActionProcDlg::slotUser1() {
TQString filename = KFileDialog::getSaveFileName(TQString(), i18n("*.txt|Text files\n*|all files"), this);
if ( filename.isEmpty() )
TQFile file( filename );
int answer = KMessageBox::Yes;
if ( file.exists() )
answer = KMessageBox::warningYesNoCancel( this, //parent
i18n("This file already exists.\nDo you want to overwrite it or append the output?"), //text
i18n("Overwrite or append?"), //caption
i18n("Overwrite"), //label for Yes-Button
i18n("Append") //label for No-Button
if ( answer == KMessageBox::Cancel )
bool open;
if ( answer == KMessageBox::No ) // this means to append
open = IO_WriteOnly | IO_Append );
open = IO_WriteOnly );
if ( ! open ) {
KMessageBox::error( this,
i18n("Can't open %1 for writing!\nNothing exported.").arg(filename),
i18n("Export failed!")
TQTextStream stream( &file );
stream << _currentTextEdit->text();
void KrActionProcDlg::currentTextEditChanged() {
if ( _stderr && _stderr->hasFocus() )
_currentTextEdit = _stderr;
_currentTextEdit = _stdout;
//////////////////////////////////// KrActionProc ////////////////////////////////////////////
KrActionProc::KrActionProc( KrActionBase* action ) : TQObject(), _action( action ), _proc( new KProcess(this) ), _output( 0 ) {
_proc->setUseShell( true );
connect( _proc, TQT_SIGNAL( processExited( KProcess* ) ),
this, TQT_SLOT( processExited( KProcess* ) ) ) ;
KrActionProc::~KrActionProc() {
delete _proc;
void KrActionProc::start( TQString cmdLine ) {
TQStringList list = cmdLine;
start( list );
void KrActionProc::start( TQStringList cmdLineList ) {
TQString cmd;
if ( ! _action->startpath().isEmpty() )
_proc->setWorkingDirectory( _action->startpath() );
if ( _action->execType() == KrAction::Terminal && cmdLineList.count() > 1)
KMessageBox::sorry( 0, i18n("Support for more than one command doesn't work in a terminal. Only the first is executed in the terminal.") );
if ( _action->execType() == KrAction::RunInTE
&& ( MAIN_VIEW->konsole_part == NULL || MAIN_VIEW->konsole_part->widget() == NULL ) ) {
KMessageBox::sorry( 0, i18n("Embedded terminal emulator does not work, using output collection instead.") );
if( _action->execType() == KrAction::Normal || _action->execType() == KrAction::Terminal
|| ( _action->execType() == KrAction::RunInTE && MAIN_VIEW->konsole_part && MAIN_VIEW->konsole_part->widget() )
) { // not collect output
//TODO option to run them in paralell (not available for: collect output)
for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = cmdLineList.begin(); it != cmdLineList.end(); ++it) {
if ( ! cmd.isEmpty() )
cmd += " ; "; //TODO make this separator configurable (users may want && or || for spec. actions)
cmd += *it;
//run in TE
if ( _action->execType() == KrAction::RunInTE ) {
//send the commandline contents to the terminal emulator
TQKeyEvent keyEvent( TQEvent::KeyPress, 0, -1, 0, cmd+"\n");
TQApplication::sendEvent( MAIN_VIEW->konsole_part->widget(), &keyEvent );
} else { // will start a new process
// run in terminal
if ( _action->execType() == KrAction::Terminal ) {
krConfig->setGroup( "UserActions" );
TQString term = krConfig->readEntry( "Terminal", _UserActions_Terminal );
if ( _action->user().isEmpty() )
( *_proc ) << term << cmd;
// ( *_proc ) << "tdesu" << "-u" << *_properties->user() << "-c" << KProcess::quote("konsole --noclose -e " + KProcess::quote(cmd) );
( *_proc ) << "tdesu" << "-u" << _action->user() << "-c" << KProcess::quote( term + " " + cmd );
} else { // no terminal, no output collection, start&forget
if ( _action->user().isEmpty() )
( *_proc ) << cmd;
( *_proc ) << "tdesu" << "-u" << _action->user() << "-c" << KProcess::quote(cmd);
_proc->start( KProcess::NotifyOnExit, ( KProcess::Communication ) ( KProcess::Stdout | KProcess::Stderr ) );
else { // collect output
bool separateStderr = false;
if ( _action->execType() == KrAction::CollectOutputSeparateStderr )
separateStderr = true;
_output = new KrActionProcDlg( _action->text(), separateStderr );
// connect the output to the dialog
connect( _proc, TQT_SIGNAL( receivedStderr( KProcess*, char*, int ) ), _output, TQT_SLOT( addStderr( KProcess*, char *, int ) ) );
connect( _proc, TQT_SIGNAL( receivedStdout( KProcess*, char*, int ) ), _output, TQT_SLOT( addStdout( KProcess*, char *, int ) ) );
connect( _output, TQT_SIGNAL( cancelClicked() ), this, TQT_SLOT( kill() ) );
for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = cmdLineList.begin(); it != cmdLineList.end(); ++it) {
if ( ! cmd.isEmpty() )
cmd += " ; "; //TODO make this separator configurable (users may want && or ||)
//TODO: read header fom config or action-properties and place it on top of each command
if ( cmdLineList.count() > 1 )
cmd += "echo --------------------------------------- ; ";
cmd += *it;
if ( _action->user().isEmpty() )
( *_proc ) << cmd;
// "-t" is nessesary that tdesu displays the terminal-output of the command
( *_proc ) << "tdesu" << "-t" << "-u" << _action->user() << "-c" << KProcess::quote(cmd);
_proc->start( KProcess::NotifyOnExit, ( KProcess::Communication ) ( KProcess::Stdout | KProcess::Stderr ) );
void KrActionProc::processExited( KProcess * ) {
// enable the 'close' button on the dialog (if active), disable 'kill' button
if ( _output ) {
_output->enableButtonOK( true );
_output->enableButtonCancel( false);
delete this; // banzai!!
/////////////////////////////////////// KrAction ///////////////////////////////////////////////
KrAction::KrAction( KActionCollection *parent, const char* name ) : KAction( parent, name ) {
connect(this, TQT_SIGNAL(activated()), this, TQT_SLOT(exec()) );
KrAction::~KrAction() {
krUserAction->removeKrAction( this ); // Importent! Else Krusader will crash when writing the actions to file
bool KrAction::isAvailable( const KURL& currentURL ) {
bool available = true; //show per default (FIXME: make the default an attribute of <availability>)
//check protocol
if ( ! _showonlyProtocol.empty() ) {
available = false;
for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = _showonlyProtocol.begin(); it != _showonlyProtocol.end(); ++it ) {
//kdDebug() << "KrAction::isAvailable currendProtocol: " << currentURL.protocol() << " =?= " << *it << endl;
if ( currentURL.protocol() == *it ) { // FIXME remove trailing slashes at the xml-parsing (faster because done only once)
available = true;
} //check protocol: done
//check the Path-list:
if ( ! _showonlyPath.empty() ) {
available = false;
for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = _showonlyPath.begin(); it != _showonlyPath.end(); ++it ) {
if ( (*it).right(1) == "*" ){
if ( currentURL.path().find( (*it).left( (*it).length() - 1 ) ) == 0 ) {
available = true;
} else
if ( == *it ) { // FIXME remove trailing slashes at the xml-parsing (faster because done only once)
available = true;
} //check the Path-list: done
//check mime-type
if ( ! _showonlyMime.empty() ) {
available = false;
KMimeType::Ptr mime = KMimeType::findByURL( currentURL );
for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = _showonlyMime.begin(); it != _showonlyMime.end(); ++it ) {
if ( (*it).contains("/") ) {
if ( mime->is( *it ) ) { // don't use ==; use 'is()' instead, which is aware of inheritence (ie: text/x-makefile is also text/plain)
available = true;
else {
if ( mime->name().find( *it ) == 0 ) { // 0 is the beginning, -1 is not found
available = true;
} //for
} //check the mime-type: done
//check filename
if ( ! _showonlyFile.empty() ) {
available = false;
for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = _showonlyFile.begin(); it != _showonlyFile.end(); ++it ) {
TQRegExp regex = TQRegExp( *it, false, true ); // case-sensitive = false; wildcards = true
if ( regex.exactMatch( currentURL.fileName() ) ) {
available = true;
} //check the filename: done
return available;
bool KrAction::xmlRead( const TQDomElement& element ) {
This has to be done elsewhere!!
if ( element.tagName() != "action" )
return false;
Also the name has to be checked before the action is created!
setName( element.attribute( "name" ).latin1() );
for ( TQDomNode node = element.firstChild(); !node.isNull(); node = node.nextSibling() ) {
TQDomElement e = node.toElement();
if ( e.isNull() )
continue; // this should skip nodes which are not elements ( i.e. comments, <!-- -->, or text nodes)
if ( e.tagName() == "title" )
setText( e.text() );
if ( e.tagName() == "tooltip" )
setToolTip( e.text() );
if ( e.tagName() == "icon" )
setIcon( e.text() );
if ( e.tagName() == "category" )
setCategory( e.text() );
if ( e.tagName() == "description" )
setWhatsThis( e.text() );
if (e.tagName() == "command")
readCommand( e );
if ( e.tagName() == "startpath" )
setStartpath( e.text() );
if (e.tagName() == "availability")
readAvailability( e );
if ( e.tagName() == "defaultshortcut" )
setShortcut( KShortcut( e.text() ) );
// unknown but not empty
if ( ! e.tagName().isEmpty() )
krOut << "KrAction::xmlRead() - unrecognized tag found: <action name=\"" << name() << "\"><" << e.tagName() << ">" << endl;
} // for ( TQDomNode node = action->firstChild(); !node.isNull(); node = node.nextSibling() )
return true;
} //KrAction::xmlRead
TQDomElement KrAction::xmlDump( TQDomDocument& doc ) const {
TQDomElement actionElement = doc.createElement("action");
actionElement.setAttribute( "name", name() );
{ \
TQDomElement e = doc.createElement( TAGNAME ); \
e.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( TEXT ) ); \
actionElement.appendChild( e ); \
TEXT_ELEMENT( "title", text() )
if ( ! toolTip().isEmpty() )
TEXT_ELEMENT( "tooltip", toolTip() )
if ( ! icon().isEmpty() )
TEXT_ELEMENT( "icon", icon() )
if ( ! category().isEmpty() )
TEXT_ELEMENT( "category", category() )
if ( ! whatsThis().isEmpty() )
TEXT_ELEMENT( "description", whatsThis() )
actionElement.appendChild( dumpCommand( doc ) );
if ( ! startpath().isEmpty() )
TEXT_ELEMENT( "startpath", startpath() )
TQDomElement availabilityElement = dumpAvailability( doc );
if ( availabilityElement.hasChildNodes() )
actionElement.appendChild( availabilityElement );
if ( ! shortcut().isNull() )
TEXT_ELEMENT( "defaultshortcut", shortcut().toStringInternal() ) //.toString() would return a localised string which can't be read again
return actionElement;
} //KrAction::xmlDump
void KrAction::readCommand( const TQDomElement& element ) {
TQString attr;
attr = element.attribute( "executionmode", "normal" ); // default: "normal"
if ( attr == "normal")
setExecType( Normal );
if ( attr == "terminal" )
setExecType( Terminal );
else if ( attr == "collect_output")
setExecType( CollectOutput );
else if ( attr == "collect_output_separate_stderr")
setExecType( CollectOutputSeparateStderr );
krOut << "KrAction::readCommand() - unrecognized attribute value found: <action name=\"" << name() << "\"><command executionmode=\"" << attr << "\""<< endl;
attr = element.attribute( "accept", "local" ); // default: "local"
if ( attr == "local" )
setAcceptURLs( false );
else if ( attr == "url")
setAcceptURLs( true );
krOut << "KrAction::readCommand() - unrecognized attribute value found: <action name=\"" << name() << "\"><command accept=\"" << attr << "\""<< endl;
attr = element.attribute( "confirmexecution", "false" ); // default: "false"
if ( attr == "true" )
setConfirmExecution( true );
setConfirmExecution( false );
setUser( element.attribute( "run_as" ) );
setCommand( element.text() );
} //KrAction::readCommand
TQDomElement KrAction::dumpCommand( TQDomDocument& doc ) const {
TQDomElement commandElement = doc.createElement("command");
switch ( execType() ) {
case Terminal:
commandElement.setAttribute( "executionmode", "terminal" );
case CollectOutput:
commandElement.setAttribute( "executionmode", "collect_output" );
case CollectOutputSeparateStderr:
commandElement.setAttribute( "executionmode", "collect_output_separate_stderr" );
// don't write the default to file
if ( acceptURLs() )
commandElement.setAttribute( "accept", "url" );
if ( confirmExecution() )
commandElement.setAttribute( "confirmexecution", "true" );
if ( ! user().isEmpty() )
commandElement.setAttribute( "run_as", user() );
commandElement.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( command() ) );
return commandElement;
} //KrAction::dumpCommand
void KrAction::readAvailability( const TQDomElement& element ) {
for ( TQDomNode node = element.firstChild(); ! node.isNull(); node = node.nextSibling() ) {
TQDomElement e = node.toElement();
if ( e.isNull() )
continue; // this should skip nodes which are not elements ( i.e. comments, <!-- -->, or text nodes)
TQStringList* showlist = 0;
if ( e.tagName() == "protocol" )
showlist = &_showonlyProtocol;
if ( e.tagName() == "path" )
showlist = &_showonlyPath;
if ( e.tagName() == "mimetype" )
showlist = & _showonlyMime;
if ( e.tagName() == "filename" )
showlist = & _showonlyFile;
else {
krOut << "KrAction::readAvailability() - unrecognized element found: <action name=\"" << name() << "\"><availability><" << e.tagName() << ">"<< endl;
showlist = 0;
if ( showlist ) {
for ( TQDomNode subnode = e.firstChild(); ! subnode.isNull(); subnode = subnode.nextSibling() ) {
TQDomElement subelement = subnode.toElement();
if ( subelement.tagName() == "show" )
showlist->append( subelement.text() );
} // for
} // if ( showlist )
} // for
} //KrAction::readAvailability
TQDomElement KrAction::dumpAvailability( TQDomDocument& doc ) const {
TQDomElement availabilityElement = doc.createElement("command");
{ \
TQDomElement e = doc.createElement( TAGNAME ); \
for ( TQStringList::const_iterator it = LIST.constBegin(); it != LIST.constEnd(); ++it ) { \
TQDomElement show = doc.createElement( "show" ); \
show.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( *it ) ); \
e.appendChild( show ); \
} \
availabilityElement.appendChild( e ); \
if ( ! _showonlyProtocol.isEmpty() )
LIST_ELEMENT( "protocol", _showonlyProtocol )
if ( ! _showonlyPath.isEmpty() )
LIST_ELEMENT( "path", _showonlyPath )
if ( ! _showonlyMime.isEmpty() )
LIST_ELEMENT( "mimetype", _showonlyMime )
if ( ! _showonlyFile.isEmpty() )
LIST_ELEMENT( "filename", _showonlyFile )
return availabilityElement;
} //KrAction::dumpAvailability
#include "kraction.moc"