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// Implementation of our JavaScript-Interpreter
// Author: Jonas B<>r (C) 2005
// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
#include "krjs.h"
#include "../krusader.h"
#include "../krusaderview.h"
#include "../panelmanager.h"
#include <kmessagebox.h>
KrJS::KrJS() : KJSEmbed::KJSEmbedPart() {
// make this object, the object Krusader, available for scripting as "Krusader":
addObject( krApp, "Krusader" );
// make this object available for scripting
addObject( ACTIVE_MNG, "PanelManager" );
bool KrJS::runFile(const QString & filename) {
KJS::ExecState *exec = globalExec();
// set up the variable scriptDir with the directory of the current script
putValue( "scriptDir", KJSEmbed::convertToValue(exec, KURL(filename).directory(false) ) );
bool ok = KJSEmbedPart::runFile(filename);
KJS::Completion jsres = completion();
// this is based on this example-code
if ( jsres.complType() != KJS::Normal) {
switch ( jsres.complType() ) {
case KJS::Break:
case KJS::Continue:
// TODO: find out what this means
krOut << "JavaScript: " << jsres.value().toString(exec).qstring() << endl;
case KJS::ReturnValue:
// that's only needed when a specific function is called
//someString = jsres.value().toString(exec).qstring();
case KJS::Throw:
This is the interesting part: If the JS throws an exception which is not handled inside the script,
we can catch it here and handle it with c++
#if KDE_IS_VERSION(3,4,0)
KJS::Object exception = jsres.value().toObject(exec);
int line = int( exception.get( exec, KJS::Identifier("line") ).toNumber(exec) );
QString type = exception.get( exec, KJS::Identifier("name") ).toString(exec).qstring();
QString message = exception.get( exec, KJS::Identifier("message") ).toString(exec).qstring();
krOut << "JavaScript: Uncaught " << type << " exception at line " << line << " in " << filename << endl;
krOut << message << endl;
KMessageBox::error ( 0, //parent
( line < 0 ?
QString( i18n("In %1:\nUncaught JavaScript exception '%2'\n%3") ).arg(filename).arg(type).arg(message) :
QString( i18n("In %1:\nUncaught JavaScript exception '%2' at line %3\n%4") ).arg(filename).arg(type).arg(line).arg(message)
), //text
i18n("JavaScript error"), //caption
KMessageBox::Dangerous) ;
KMessageBox::error ( 0, //parent
QString(i18n("In %1:\nThere is an error in the JavaScript")).arg(filename), //text
i18n("JavaScript error"), //caption
KMessageBox::Dangerous) ;
krOut << "JavaScript: Unknown error." << endl;
} // switch
} // if
krOut << "JS: done" << endl;
return ok;