You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

353 lines
10 KiB

ProgressDialog.cpp - description
begin : Die Mai 15 15:34:19 CEST 2001
copyright : (C) 2001 by Dominik Seichter
email :
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
// QT Includes
#include <tqlayout.h>
#include <tqprogressbar.h>
#include <tqtimer.h>
#include <tqtooltip.h>
// KDE includes
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <klistview.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kpopupmenu.h>
#include <kpushbutton.h>
#include <krun.h>
#include <tqfile.h>
// Own includes
#include "ProgressDialog.h"
#include "krenameimpl.h"
#include "undodialog.h"
#include "fileoperation.h"
#define MNU_ERROR_ID 33999
#define MNU_DONE_ID 33998
// update user interface every 1/2 second
#define TIMER_INTERVAL 500
ProgressDialog::ProgressDialog( TQWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags fl )
: TQWidget( parent, name, fl )
renamedFiles = NULL;
resize( 400, 380 );
setCaption( i18n("Progress") );
setIcon( BarIcon( "krename" ) );
ProgressDialogLayout = new TQVBoxLayout( this, 11, 6 );
Layout1 = new TQHBoxLayout( 0, 0, 6 );
TQHBoxLayout* Layout2 = new TQHBoxLayout( 0, 6, 6 );
bar = new TQProgressBar( this );
bar->setProgress( 0 );
buttonCancel = new KPushButton( i18n("&Cancel"), this );
display = new KListView( this );
display->addColumn( i18n("Messages") );
display->addColumn( "sort" );
display->setColumnWidthMode( 0, TQListView::Maximum );
display->setColumnWidthMode( 1, TQListView::Manual );
display->setColumnWidth( 1, 0 );
display->setSorting( -1 );
display->setUpdatesEnabled( false );
TQSpacerItem* spacer = new TQSpacerItem( 20, 20, TQSizePolicy::Minimum, TQSizePolicy::Minimum );
buttonUndo = new KPushButton( this );
buttonUndo->setText( i18n("&Undo") );
buttonUndo->setEnabled( false );
mnuButton = new KPopupMenu( this );
mnuButton->insertItem( i18n("Restart KRename..."), this, TQT_SLOT( restart() ));
mnuButton->insertItem( i18n("Rename Processed Files &Again..."), this, TQT_SLOT( again() ), 0, MNU_DONE_ID );
mnuButton->insertItem( i18n("Rename Unprocessed Files &Again..."), this, TQT_SLOT( unAgain() ), 0, MNU_ERROR_ID );
mnuButton->insertItem( i18n("Rename All Files &Again..."), this, TQT_SLOT( allAgain() ));
buttonRestart = new KPushButton( this );
buttonRestart->setText( i18n( "&Rename More..." ) );
buttonRestart->setPopup( mnuButton );
buttonRestart->setEnabled( false );
buttonOpenDest = new KPushButton( this );
buttonOpenDest->setText( i18n("&Open Destination...") );
buttonClose = new KPushButton( this );
buttonClose->setText( i18n( "&Close" ) );
buttonClose->setEnabled( false );
Layout1->addItem( spacer );
Layout1->addWidget( buttonUndo );
Layout1->addWidget( buttonRestart );
Layout1->addWidget( buttonOpenDest );
Layout1->addWidget( buttonClose );
Layout1->addItem( spacer );
Layout2->addWidget( bar );
Layout2->addWidget( buttonCancel );
Layout2->setStretchFactor( bar, 2 );
ProgressDialogLayout->addLayout( Layout2 );
ProgressDialogLayout->addWidget( display );
ProgressDialogLayout->addLayout( Layout1 );
connect( buttonClose, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(quitAll()));
connect( buttonOpenDest, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(openDest()));
connect( buttonCancel, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(canceled() ));
connect( buttonUndo, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, TQT_SLOT( undo() ) );
m_count = 0;
m_canceled = false;
m_timer = new TQTimer( this, "m_timer" );
connect( m_timer, TQT_SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotTimer() ) );
delete m_timer;
if( renamedFiles )
delete [] renamedFiles;
void ProgressDialog::print( TQString text, TQString pixmap )
if( !m_timer->isActive() )
TDEApplication::setOverrideCursor( TQt::waitCursor );
m_timer->start( TIMER_INTERVAL );
// set an icon if we have none yet
if( pixmap.isNull() )
pixmap = "ok";
KListViewItem* item = new KListViewItem( display, text, count() );
item->setPixmap( 0, SmallIcon(pixmap) );
display->insertItem( item );
void ProgressDialog::error( TQString text )
if( !m_timer->isActive() )
TDEApplication::setOverrideCursor( TQt::waitCursor );
m_timer->start( TIMER_INTERVAL );
//TODO: simplify this (breaks i18n)
KListViewItem* item = new KListViewItem( display, TQString( i18n("Error: %1") ).arg( TQString() ) + simplify( text ), count() );
item->setPixmap( 0, SmallIcon("cancel") );
display->insertItem( item );
void ProgressDialog::warning( TQString text )
if( !m_timer->isActive() )
TDEApplication::setOverrideCursor( TQt::waitCursor );
m_timer->start( TIMER_INTERVAL );
KListViewItem* item = new KListViewItem( display, TQString( i18n("Warning: %1") ).arg( TQString() ) + simplify( text ), count() );
item->setPixmap( 0, SmallIcon("idea") );
display->insertItem( item );
void ProgressDialog::quitAll()
void ProgressDialog::done( int errors, int successfull, bool allowundo )
display->setUpdatesEnabled( true );
display->setSorting( 1, true );
display->setSorting( -1 );
display->ensureItemVisible( display->lastItem() );
bar->setProgress( bar->totalSteps() );
mnuButton->setItemEnabled( MNU_ERROR_ID, errors );
mnuButton->setItemEnabled( MNU_DONE_ID, successfull );
buttonClose->setEnabled( true );
buttonRestart->setEnabled( true );
if( allowundo )
buttonUndo->setEnabled( true );
buttonCancel->setEnabled( false );
kapp->processEvents( 0 );
void ProgressDialog::show()
int w = kapp->desktop()->width();
int h = kapp->desktop()->height();
move( (w-width())/2,(h-height())/2 );
void ProgressDialog::restart()
TQWidget* krename = KRenameImpl::launch( TQRect( 0, 0, 0, 0 ), KURL::List() );
void ProgressDialog::again()
KURL::List list;
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_size; i++ )
if( !renamedFiles[i].error )
list.append( renamedFiles[i].dst );
TQWidget* krename = KRenameImpl::launch( TQRect( 0, 0, 0, 0 ), list );
void ProgressDialog::unAgain()
KURL::List list;
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_size; i++ )
if( renamedFiles[i].error )
list.append( renamedFiles[i].src );
TQWidget* krename = KRenameImpl::launch( TQRect( 0, 0, 0, 0 ), list );
void ProgressDialog::allAgain()
KURL::List list;
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_size; i++ )
list.append( renamedFiles[i].error ? renamedFiles[i].src : renamedFiles[i].dst );
TQWidget* krename = KRenameImpl::launch( TQRect( 0, 0, 0, 0 ), list );
void ProgressDialog::openDest()
new KRun( m_dest );
TQString ProgressDialog::count()
TQString s;
return s.sprintf( "%0*i", 7, ++m_count );
void ProgressDialog::setProgressTotalSteps( int t )
bar->setTotalSteps( t );
void ProgressDialog::setProgress( int p )
m_timer->start( TIMER_INTERVAL );
bar->setProgress( p );
void ProgressDialog::canceled()
warning( i18n("User pressed cancel!") );
warning( i18n("Aborting...") );
m_canceled = true;
const TQString ProgressDialog::simplify( const TQString & text )
// make error messages fit in one line!
TQString t( text );
t.remove( '\n' );
return t;
void ProgressDialog::undo()
KURL::List list;
FileOperation fop;
m_timer->start( TIMER_INTERVAL );
TDEApplication::setOverrideCursor( TQt::waitCursor );
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_size; i++ )
setProgress( i );
list.append( renamedFiles[i].src );
if( !renamedFiles[i].error )
if( renamedFiles[i].dir ) {
/** handle renamed directories and their contents
TQString ddir = renamedFiles[i].dst.path();
TQString sdir = renamedFiles[i].src.path();
for( unsigned int c = i+1; c < m_size; c++ ) {
TQString dpath = renamedFiles[c].dst.path();
TQString spath = renamedFiles[c].src.path();
if( spath.startsWith( ddir ) )
spath = sdir + spath.right( spath.length() - ddir.length() );
renamedFiles[c].src.setPath( spath );
if( dpath.startsWith( ddir ) )
dpath = sdir + dpath.right( dpath.length() - ddir.length() );
renamedFiles[c].dst.setPath( dpath );
if(!fop.start( renamedFiles[i].dst, renamedFiles[i].src, MOVE, false ))
error( i18n("Undo: ") + fop.error() );
print( i18n("Undoing the renaming operation has been completed."), "undo" );
TQWidget* krename = KRenameImpl::launch( TQRect( 0, 0, 0, 0 ), list );
void ProgressDialog::slotTimer()
kapp->processEvents( 0 );