Proprietà del file A partire da &kplayer; 0.5, ogni file e URL ha il proprio insieme di proprietà. Esse includono le informazioni che &kplayer; ottiene dal file, come durata, dimensioni del video, velocità dei fotogrammi, bitrate, e altro, e varie impostazioni personalizzabili, come nome, proporzioni del video, sottotitoli, e altro ancora. Most properties can be set through the File Properties dialog. The Properties dialog for the currently loaded file or URL can be opened from the File menu, or using the Properties button on the main toolbar, or from the right click popup menu. You can also open the Properties dialog for an entry on your playlist by right clicking it in the Playlist Editor and selecting Properties, or by using the Properties command on the Playlist menu. An easier way to set file properties is by holding the &Shift; key when changing a setting. For example, if you hold &Shift; and select Soft Frame Dropping from the Player menu, &kplayer; will remember that setting for the current URL, and use it the next time you play it. After it is done playing the current URL, it will revert the Frame drop setting to the default, the one that was in effect before you changed it with &Shift;. On the other hand, if you change the Frame drop setting without holding &Shift;, the new setting will become the default, and will be used for all URLs that do not have it set explicitly. Volume, contrasto, luminosità, tonalità e saturazione sono gestiti in un modo particolare quando For example, if you have a file that was recorded louder than your other files, when playing that file you can hold &Shift; and adjust the volume level to be the same as for other files. &kplayer; will remember this as something like lower the volume by 10 units when playing this file. If later you for example have a party and need to play your files louder than usual, you turn the volume up (without holding &Shift;), so all files play louder, then when the turn of that one file comes, &kplayer; will lower the volume by 10 units while playing it, so it again has the same volume level as the other files, and then turn the volume 10 units up when it moves to the next file. Another example, you find a video that is dark and so needs to be played with higher brightness than other videos. So you hold the &Shift; key and drag the brightness slider up. &kplayer; remembers the higher brightness for this file, and then goes back to playing at normal brightness when you play another file. Suppose you did that at night, and next time you play the videos during daylight, so you want to play all of them at higher brightness. Then you drag the brightness slider up, this time without holding &Shift;, so the setting is made the default and applied to all videos that do not have a brightness property set. When the turn of the dark video comes, &kplayer; sees that it needs to be played at an even higher brightness and turns it further up, but only for the duration of that one video, and then restores it back to the default you set. Choosing the Full Screen command or clicking the Maximize or Restore button in the title bar while holding &Shift; will set the Full screen property. Choosing an aspect command with &Shift; will set the Display size property to set aspect and the aspect you choose, and also will set the Maintain aspect property. A zooming command on the View menu when chosen with &Shift; will set the Display size property to set size and the fixed size, and so will resizing the window if you press &Shift; before you begin resizing the window. Questa funzione del tasto &Shift; può essere disattivata dalla Pagina dei controlli in &kplayer; Impostazioni. There are two special cases when you can also hold &Shift; to modify &kplayer; behavior. First, you can hold &Shift; when opening a file or URL or dropping files onto &kplayer; window. &kplayer; will then load the first file (if told to do so on the Playlist page in &kplayer; Settings) but will not start playing it. You can then open its File Properties and make your choices before starting to play it. This trick will not work when launching files from &konqueror; or somesuch. Second, if you hold &Shift; when choosing the Play command from the Player menu or clicking the Play button, &kplayer; will first stop the helper process that it runs once for each file to try and figure out the time length of the file. This is needed rarely if ever, only when the helper process causes any problems. &kplayer; will remember properties for every file or URL that it opens, even those that are removed from the playlist, until the total number reaches the limit set on the Playlist page in &kplayer; Settings under Cache size limit, by default 1000. After that it will start discarding the oldest entries. Playing an entry makes it the most recent entry in the cache. If you have very many files, you can set the Cache size limit higher, but as some point it may start affecting performance. Le seguenti sono le proprietà del file disponibili, elencate per pagine nella finestra Proprietà del file Proprietà <link linkend="properties-general" >Generale</link > Percorso dell'URL The file system path to the file or the URL of the file or stream. This property is read only. To use a different path or URL, open it with Open or Open URL on the File menu, or by dragging and dropping it onto &kplayer; window, or starting &kplayer; with URL argument(s), for example by launching files from &konqueror; File Manager or clicking a link in &konqueror; Web Browser. Nome This is the name that &kplayer; will display for this file or URL in the playlist and also in the title bar when the file is loaded. It will also be shown and can be changed on the Meta Info tab of the File Properties dialog in &konqueror;. Modifying it will not change the actual file system name of the file. Playlist &mplayer; currently is not smart enough to automatically detect and play a playlist file like pls or m3u, so &kplayer; has to explicitly tell it to parse a file as a playlist. The auto setting lets &kplayer; use the file extension to guess if it is a playlist file. The playlist extensions &kplayer; recognizes are ram, rpm, smi, smil, asx, m3u, pls and strm. If a file that is not a playlist has one of these extensions, or a playlist file has a different extension, you will need to correctly set this property in order to be able to play the file or stream. Durata La durata del file. &kplayer; cerca di rilevarla con una precisione di un decimo di secondo, e di solito è abbastanza vicina alla durata effettiva. Questa proprietà è di sola lettura. Dimensioni originali Le dimensioni originali del video, vuota per i file audio. Anche questa è di sola lettura, ma vedere la proprietà successiva. Dimensione dello schermo Here you can set the initial video size &kplayer; will use when it starts playing the file, unless you turned off the option to Resize main window automatically on the General page in &kplayer; Settings. The default setting will use the Minimum initial video width option from the General page in &kplayer; Settings. The set size setting will use the fixed initial size you specify. The set aspect setting will again use the Minimum initial video width option, but will apply the fixed initial aspect you specify. Schermo intero Normally you would leave this at the default setting, which will keep the full screen or maximized state of the previous file. The normal setting will force normal windowed mode for this file, the full screen setting will force full screen mode unless it is an audio only file, and the maximized setting will force maximized window mode. Mantenere le proporzioni Qui puoi impostare l'opzione Mantieni le proporzioni in modo specifico per questo file. L'impostazione predefinito conserverà l'opzione Mantieni le proporzioni che hai scelto globalmente. Proprietà <link linkend="properties-video" >Video</link > Contrasto, Luminosità, Tonalità e Saturazione The default option uses the same setting as for other files. The set to option sets the specified initial contrast, brightness, hue or saturation when loading the file. The add and substract options adjust the contrast, brightness, hue or saturation relative to the normal setting. See the introduction section of this HOWTO for more details and some examples of how this works. Codificatore Specifies the video codec to use when playing this file. Right below this option you can choose whether &mplayer; will fall back on other codecs if the one you choose fails. The default setting will use the codec chosen on the Video page in &kplayer; Settings, normally auto. The auto setting will tell &mplayer; to choose the codec it thinks is the best for playing this file. Bitrate e Velocità fotogrammi Il bitrate video e la velocità dei fotogrammi del file. Queste proprietà sono di solo lettura. Per i file a bitrate variabile, la proprietà bitrate mostrerà il bitrate iniziale. Proprietà <link linkend="properties-video" >Audio</link > Volume L'opzione predefinito utilizza lo stesso volume del suono degli altri file. L'opzione imposta a imposta il volume iniziale specificato durante il caricamento del file. Le opzioni aggiungi e sottrai regoleranno il volume rispetto al livello di volume normale. Vedi la sezione d'introduzione di questo HOWTO per ulteriori dettagli e alcuni esempi sul funzionamento. Ritardo Delay of the sound relative to video. By default this property is remembered automatically when you use Increase Delay and Decrease Delay commands from the Audio submenu of the Player menu. The default setting always resets audio delay to zero when a file is loaded. Codificatore This specifies the audio codec to use when playing this file. Right below this option you can choose whether &mplayer; will fall back on other codecs if the one you choose fails. The default setting will use the codec chosen on the Audio page in &kplayer; Settings, normally auto. The auto setting will tell &mplayer; to choose the codec it thinks is the best for playing this file. Bitrate Il bitrare audio del file. Questa proprietà è di sola lettura. Per i file a bitrate variabile mostrerà il bitrate iniziale. Proprietà <link linkend="properties-subtitles" >Sottotitoli</link > Caricamento automatico Tells &kplayer; whether to try to autoload subtitles for this file. The default setting uses the Autoload options from the Subtitles page in &kplayer; Settings. Setting this to no allows you to enter the path or URL of the subtitles you want to use in the next field. This property is only available for local files, for all other URLs it is set to no. Percorso dell'URL I sottotitoli da utilizzare per questo file. In modo predefinito questa proprietà è impostata automaticamente quando si usi i comandi Carica sottotitoli, Carica URL sottotitoli o Rimuovi sottotitoli dal menu File. Visibilità Visibilità dei sottotitoli. L'impostazione predefinito mostra sempre i sottotitoli quando viene caricato un file con sottotitoli. Posizione Posizione verticale dei sottotitoli, 0 significa nella parte alta dell'area del video, e 100 nella parte bassa. L'impostazione predefinito mantiene semplicemente l'ultima posizione utilizzata. Ritardo Delay of the subtitles relative to video. By default this property is remembered automatically when you use Increase Delay and Decrease Delay commands from the Subtitles submenu of the Player menu. The default setting always resets subtitle delay to zero when a file with subtitles is loaded. Proprietà <link linkend="properties-subtitles" >Avanzate</link > Argomenti aggiuntivi della riga di comando Permette di specificare argomenti aggiuntivi da passare a &mplayer;. Puoi sia aggiungere gli argomenti a quelli forniti nella pagina Avanzate nelle impostazioni di &kplayer; o scavalcarli. L'opzione predefinito utilizza gli argomenti forniti nelle impostazioni di &kplayer;. Scartare fotogrammi If your system is too slow to play the file properly, you can tell &mplayer; to drop some frames. The soft setting drops less frames than the hard one, so you should try it first. The default setting uses the Frame drop option from the Advanced page in &kplayer; Settings. You can also change this option while playing a file using commands on the Player menu. If you hold &Shift; when choosing them, &kplayer; by default will remember the property for the current file. Dimensioni cache Qui puoi impostare le dimensioni della cache che &mplayer; dovrebbe utilizzare per questo file. Vedi le sezioni Dimensioni cache nel micro-HOWTO Configurazione avanzata, micro-HOWTO Slave I/O di &kde; e micro-HOWTO Radio e TV in linea per i dettagli. Creare un indice Questa proprietà ti permette di scegliere se &mplayer; deve creare sempre un indice (forza), mai (no) o solo se il non ne è provvisto (). Usare KIOSlave Alcuni tipi di URL, come HTTP, FTP e Samba, possono essere riprodotti sia direttamente con &mplayer; o attraverso uno slave I/O di &kde;. Generalmente è possibile impostare questa opzione se &mplayer; non può riprodurre direttamente questi URL. Usare un file temporaneo Durante la riproduzione di un URL usando uno slave I/O di &kde;, i dati possono essere sia passati a &mplayer; attraverso una pipe con nome o salvati in un file temporaneo prima della riproduzione. Per gli URL passati direttamente a &mplayer; questa opzione non ha effetti.