Full screen and maximized window Full screen mode In the full screen mode the &kplayer; window has no border and no title bar. By default it will also hide all other windows so the video area will cover your entire screen. If you have any &kde; panels, they will also be hidden until you return to the normal mode. To watch a movie in full screen in &kplayer; select Full Screen from the View menu or just hit &Ctrl;F. To go back to normal display hit &Ctrl;F again or right click to open the popup menu and unselect the Full Screen option. Double clicking the video area also switches between full screen and normal size. Pressing &Esc; will stop playback and also return to normal display. The Settings submenu of the right click menu lets you show the menu bar, toolbars, multimedia library, message log and status bar in full screen mode. &kplayer; will remember your choices and show the same user interface next time you go to full screen mode. Maximized window A maximized window covers the entire screen area not used by &kde; panels, and has a title and borders, as well as all the same user interface as a normal window. &kplayer; will not try to resize a maximized window automatically. To maximize the &kplayer; window left click the Maximize button on the right side of the title bar or right click the middle portion of the title bar to get a popup menu and select the Maximize command from it. To go back to normal window size, click the Restore button or select the Maximize command again. Mouse wheel When the &kplayer; window is full screen or maximized, and the mouse pointer is in the video area, rolling the mouse wheel will seek, or move the playback point, forward when rolling the wheel up (away from you) or backward when rolling it down (towards you). If you hold down the &Ctrl; key on the keyboard, seeking will be faster.