KPlayerSettingsProgressPage KPlayerSettingsProgressPage 0 0 648 480 Progress and Seek Control Settings NoFrame Plain 0 unnamed frame4 0 0 0 0 NoFrame Plain unnamed layout2 unnamed l_progress_seek 1 5 0 0 &Normal seek amount AlignVCenter|AlignLeft c_progress_seek Amount by which to move playback when using Forward/Backward commands Option to specify the amount by which playback will be moved forward or backward when using Forward/Backward commands on Player menu, either in seconds or in percents of time length of the file if it is known. c_progress_seek 0 0 0 0 60 32767 Amount by which to move playback when using Forward/Backward commands Option to specify the amount by which playback will be moved forward or backward when using Forward/Backward commands on Player menu, either in seconds or in percents of time length of the file if it is known. percent seconds c_progress_seek_units Amount by which to move playback when using Forward/Backward commands Option to specify the amount by which playback will be moved forward or backward when using Forward/Backward commands on Player menu, either in seconds or in percents of time length of the file if it is known. l_progress_fast 1 5 0 0 &Fast seek amount AlignVCenter|AlignLeft c_progress_fast Amount by which to move playback when using Fast Forward/Backward commands Option to specify the amount by which playback will be moved forward or backward when using Fast Forward/Backward commands on Player menu, either in seconds or in percents of time length of the file if it is known. c_progress_fast 0 0 0 0 60 32767 Amount by which to move playback when using Fast Forward/Backward commands Option to specify the amount by which playback will be moved forward or backward when using Fast Forward/Backward commands on Player menu, either in seconds or in percents of time length of the file if it is known. percent seconds c_progress_fast_units Amount by which to move playback when using Fast Forward/Backward commands Option to specify the amount by which playback will be moved forward or backward when using Fast Forward/Backward commands on Player menu, either in seconds or in percents of time length of the file if it is known.