You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

231 lines
6.4 KiB

#ifndef LISTCAT_H
#define LISTCAT_H
/* listCat.h KPilot
** Copyright (C) 2000-2001 by Adriaan de Groot
** Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Reinhold Kainhofer <>
/** @file
** This is a specialization of KListView to allow the user to
** DnD a fixed set of objects into a fixed set of categories
** (categories set at construction time). @em Deprecated, do not use.
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program in a file called COPYING; if not, write to
** the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
** MA 02110-1301, USA.
** Bug reports and questions can be sent to
#include <klistview.h>
class TQStringList;
* This Widget extends KListView for a particular purpose:
* sorting some items into some bins. This can be useful
* for putting items in an enabled / disabled state, or
* into categories, or configuring toolbars (putting
* icons onto toolbars).
* You can use all of the standard KListView signals and
* slots. You may in particular want to change the names
* of the columns, for example:
* @code
* ListCategorizer *lc = new ListCategorizer(this,colors);
* lc->setColumnText(0,i18n("Color"));
* lc->setColumnText(1,i18n("HTML"));
* TQListViewItem *stdKDE = lc->addCategory(i18n("Standard KDE"));
* (void) new TQListViewItem(stdKDE,i18n("red"),"#FF0000");
* @endcode
* to set sensible column headers for a list of colors
* and their HTML equivalents (although why you would want
* to categorize colors is beyond me).
* @version $Id$
class ListCategorizer : public KListView
* Constructor.
* This creates a new empty ListCategorizer with
* startOpen set to false. The parameters
* @p parent and @p name are the usual TQt ones.
ListCategorizer(TQWidget *parent,
const char *name = 0);
* Constructor.
* This creates a ListCategorizer with the given @p categories
* already inserted. In addition, this constructor lets you
* specify whether or not startOpen is set.
ListCategorizer(const TQStringList& categories,
bool startOpen,
TQWidget *parent,
const char *name = 0);
* Add a list of categories to the ListCategorizer.
* All the categories are added without descriptions;
* use addCategory on a per-category basis for that.
void addCategories(const TQStringList&);
* Add a category with name @p name and optional
* @p description. This can be useful if you want
* either a description for the category or want to
* refer to this category in the future without
* using findCategory().
* @return the TQListViewItem created for the category
TQListViewItem *addCategory(const TQString& name,
const TQString& description = TQString());
* Returns the list of names of the categories in
* the ListCategorizer.
TQStringList categories() const
return listSiblings(firstChild());
} ;
* Add a single item to the category named @p category,
* with name @p name and description set to @p description.
* This might be a convenience function, but it's probably
* more convenient to just use TQListViewItem's
* constructor. That way you can also hide more data in
* the remaining columns.
TQListViewItem *addItem(const TQString& category,
const TQString& name,
const TQString& description = TQString());
* Returns the list of strings in column @p column under
* category @p category. You can do this to get, for example
* the names of all the items categorized under a given
* category, or, more usefully, set @p column to something
* other that 0 (name) or 1 (description) to return the
* TQStringList hidden in the non-visible columns.
TQStringList items(const TQString& category,int column=0) const
return listSiblings(findCategory(category),column);
* Given a category categoryName return the TQListViewItem
* that represents that category. Probably a useless function,
* since just remembering the pointer addCategory gives
* you is faster and uses hardly any memory.
TQListViewItem *findCategory(const TQString& categoryName) const;
* Return the list of strings in column @p column of all siblings
* of the given item @p p. If you remembered a pointer to a
* category, you can use
* @code
* TQStringList l = lc->listSiblings(stdKDE->firstChild(),2);
* @endcode
* to get the list of strings in hidden column 2 under
* the category you remembered.
TQStringList listSiblings(const TQListViewItem *p,int column=0) const;
* @return whether new categories are inserted in an
* open state or not.
* @see setStartOpen
bool startOpen() const { return fStartOpen; } ;
* Enable categories being inserted in an open state.
* It is disabled by default but may be set from the
* constructor.
void setStartOpen(bool b) { fStartOpen=b; } ;
* Reimplemented to prevent categories from being dragged.
virtual bool acceptDrag (TQDropEvent* event) const;
* Reimplemented to prevent categories from being dragged.
virtual void startDrag();
* Reimplemented to prevent categories from being dragged.
virtual void contentsDropEvent (TQDropEvent*);
* Call several KListView functions to set up useful
* behavior for this particular class.
void setupWidget();
bool fStartOpen:1;
} ;
class RichListViewItem : public TQListViewItem
RichListViewItem(TQListViewItem *parent,
virtual ~RichListViewItem();
virtual void paintCell(TQPainter *,
const TQColorGroup &,
int column,
int width,
int tqalignment);
virtual void setup();
bool isRich(int c) const { return fIsRich[c]; } ;
void setRich(int c,bool b) { fIsRich[c]=b; } ;
void computeHeight(int c);
bool *fIsRich;
TQRect *fRect;
int fColumns;
} ;